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British Commonwealth continued...

Ceylon continued...
LotNo. Symbol Cat No. Lot Description
781 ng 10 image1857 10d Vermilion Queen Victoria Imperforate, unused (no gum) with bright colour and margins well clear to just touching at top right, fine-very fine. Scott $ 950

SOLD for C$200.00
Will close during Public Auction
782 og 12 image1859 1sh Green Queen Victoria Imperforate, mint, with deep rich colour and three clear margins, just touching at left, with a very light vertical bend, fine-very fine. Scott $ 1,000

SOLD for C$300.00
Will close during Public Auction
783 og 42 image1862 9d Brown Queen Victoria, Perforated 13, mint lightly hinged, with rich colour, centered to bottom, still fine. Scott $ 1,400

SOLD for C$500.00
Will close during Public Auction
784 O/og 45/58a image1863-67 Group of 22 Different Queen Victoria Issues with Both Watermarks, with watermark Crown and Large CC: Scott #s 45, 46 (reversed), 47 (reversed), 49 (used), 50, 51 (reversed, used), 52, 53, 54, 55, 56 (used), 58. Crown and Small CC: 46d, 49d, 50b, 52b, 53e, 54a, 55a, 56b (reversed, used and signed by Aimé Brun), 57 and 58a. Mint hinged unless noted otherwise, and overall fine, listed here as per owner's descriptions, but we cannot attest as to the accuracy of small or large watermark on a few stamps. The reversed watermarks are not listed in Scott so were counted as regular. (Scan 1) (Scan 2) (All Scans)


Scott $ 5,763

SOLD for C$1,450.00
Will close during Public Auction
785 og 59/73 image1866-80 Selection of 14 Different Queen Victoria Issues, all mint lightly hinged, with Scott #s 59, 61-65, 66a, 67-73. Most have bright colours and are fresh and fine or better. (Scan 1) (Scan 2) (All Scans)


Scott $ 1,887

SOLD for C$500.00
Will close during Public Auction
786 O 74-79 image1872-79 Both Queen Victoria Sets, all used with barred numeral cancels, with Scott #s 74-75 (perf 12½) and 77-79 (perf 14 x 12½), fine to very fine. (Scan 1) (Scan 2) (All Scans)


Scott $ 757

SOLD for C$300.00
Will close during Public Auction
787 og 82 image1879 2r50c Claret Queen Victoria, mint hinged and very fine. Scott $ 800

SOLD for C$325.00
Will close during Public Auction
788 O/og 95/115 imageMint and Used Group of 1885 Queen Victoria Surcharges, with used #s 95 and 97, plus mint #s 96, 98-100, 102-110, 114 and 115. Overall fine or better. (Scan 1) (Scan 2) (All Scans)


Scott $ 3,003

SOLD for C$800.00
Will close during Public Auction
789 og 111 image1885 1r12c on 2r50c Claret Queen Victoria Surcharge, mint lightly hinged, very fine. Scott $ 700

SOLD for C$325.00
Will close during Public Auction
790 og 112 image1885 5c on 32c Slate Blue Queen Victoria Surcharge, Perforated 14 x 12½, mint lightly hinged, fresh and fine. Scott $ 800

SOLD for C$300.00
Will close during Public Auction
791 og 113 image1885 5c on 64c Red Brown Queen Victoria Surcharge, Perforated 14 x 12½, mint lightly hinged, two short perfs at bottom, still fine. Scott $ 900

SOLD for C$170.00
Will close during Public Auction
792 og 215 image1912 50r Dull Violet King George VI, Watermark Multiple Crown and CA, mint lightly hinged, fresh and very fine. Scott $ 750

SOLD for C$300.00
Will close during Public Auction
793 og 245 image1921 50r Dull Violet King George VI, Watermark Multiple Crown and Script CA, mint lightly hinged, fresh and very fine. Scott $ 825

SOLD for C$400.00
Will close during Public Auction
794 og/nh 278a/286c imageGroup of Six Better King George VI Perforation Varieties, with #s 278a, 279a, 279b, 286a, 286b, 286c all either never hinged or lightly hinged, fine to very fine. (Scan 1) (Scan 2) (All Scans)


Scott $ 965

SOLD for C$375.00
Will close during Public Auction
795 og/nh 83/399 imageMint Collection on Black Stock Pages, 1882-1966, a nice selection of sets and singles, including better such as #s 117-19, 122-23, 124-30, 132-42, 143-57, 158, 160-61, 162-63, 166-77, 178-96, 200-14, 225-44 (244 has some light coloured marks on front), 254-58, 264-74, 278-89A, etc. We noted one used stamp, a very lightly cancelled #93. Overall fine to very fine, all pages scanned online. (Scan 1) (Scan 2) (Scan 3) (Scan 4) (Scan 5) (Scan 6) (Scan 7) (Scan 8) (Scan 9) (Scan 10) (All Scans)

image image image

Scott $ 4,126

SOLD for C$1,450.00
Will close during Public Auction
Cook Islands
LotNo. Symbol Cat No. Lot Description
796 nh 107, 108 image1932 £3 and £5 High Values Overprinted in Red, both mint never hinged, fresh with bright colours, fine-very fine. Catalogue value is for hinged. Scott $ 750

SOLD for C$450.00
Will close during Public Auction
797 O/og/nh 5/169 imageMint Collection on Black Stock Pages, 1892-1996, all mint except for one used set #5-8. Includes many better sets such as #s 9-14, 15-24, 25-26, 30-38, 39-44, 67-71, 74-75, 80-83, 84-90, 116-24 (NH), and more. Overall fine to very fine, all pages scanned online. (Scan 1) (Scan 2) (Scan 3) (Scan 4) (Scan 5) (All Scans)

image image image

Scott $ 2,450

SOLD for C$750.00
Will close during Public Auction
LotNo. Symbol Cat No. Lot Description
798 og 1-6 image1880 ½d to 1sh Queen Victoria First Overprinted Issues, all mint lightly hinged, #1 is plate 15, #2 is plate 205, #3 is plate 14, fresh and mostly fine. The 1sh value is accompanied by a 1999 Raybaudi (Rome) certificate. (Scan 1) (Scan 2) (Scan 3) (All Scans)

image image

Scott $ 1,844

SOLD for C$600.00
Will close during Public Auction
799 O/og 16-18 image1882-84 Three Queen Victoria Surcharged Issues, #s 16 and 18 are mint lightly hinged, #17 is used with light red c.d.s. cancels, all are fresh and very fine. Scott $ 1,080

SOLD for C$350.00
Will close during Public Auction
800 og 19-23, 24a, 25a image1882-94 Watermark Crown and CA, Die B, all mint lightly hinged, with bright colours, fresh and fine to very fine. (Scan 1) (Scan 2) (All Scans)


Scott $ 544

SOLD for C$190.00
Will close during Public Auction

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