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United States continued...

United States continued...
LotNo. Symbol Cat No. Lot Description
661 O O113 image1879 90c Brown Treasury Official, used with trace of a cancel, but regummed to appear mint, plus repaired faults. Still a rare stamp, but sold as is. Est $ 100

SOLD for C$250.00
Will close during Public Auction
662 og/nh   imageRemainder Lot of Mint Officials, with O25, 28, 49, 54, 59, 60, 66, 75, 96/102, 106, 107, 109, 114-120, 121-126, 126 (second copy), plus a good selection of 1983 to 1988 issues. Mix of never hinged, hinged (two have hinge remnants), lightly hinged, a few have no gum (and were counted as such), and overall fine to very fine. Comes with a 2008 PF cert for O115 (graded XF 90 NH) and a 2001 APS cert for O121. (Scan 1) (Scan 2) (Scan 3) (Scan 4) (Scan 5) (All Scans)

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Scott $ 4,274

SOLD for C$1,700.00
Will close during Public Auction
663 og/nh Q1-Q12 image1913 1c to $1 Parcel Post Set, all mint never hinged except for the 4c (very lightly hinged), 25c (sweated gum) and 50c to $1 (very lightly hinged). A fresh set with bright colours and overall very fine. The 15c comes with a 1995 PF certificate. (Scan 1) (Scan 2) (Scan 3) (All Scans)

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Scott $ 1,241

SOLD for C$425.00
Will close during Public Auction
United States Groupings
LotNo. Symbol Cat No. Lot Description
664 O/og/nh   imageVarious back of the Book Issues, all mint unless noted, includes LO2, 3, 5, 6, PS1 (NH), PS6-15 (NH), S1-S5 (NH), WS1 (hinged), WS2 (no gum), WS7-11 (NH), WS12-13 (NH line pairs), E7 (NH), E12-E21 (NH) and Q1-Q11 (mint and used). Comes with a 2006 PSE certificate for PS6 ("VF-XF 85" grade). (Scan 1) (Scan 2) (Scan 3) (Scan 4) (All Scans)

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Scott $ 1,695

SOLD for C$650.00
Will close during Public Auction
665 nh   imageCollection of Mint Never Hinged Definitive Plate Blocks, all displayed on black stock pages, includes the following series: 632-642, 653 ($372), 692-701 ($725), 803-834 ($602), 1030-1053 ($289), 1278-1295, 1581/1612, 1844/1869 and 2168-2196. Mostly all in blocks of four, the set before last also includes some plate blocks of 20. Very fine, scans show a selection. (Scan 1) (Scan 2) (Scan 3) (Scan 4) (Scan 5) (Scan 6) (Scan 7) (Scan 8) (Scan 9) (Scan 10) (Scan 11) (Scan 12) (Scan 13) (All Scans)

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Est $ 300

SOLD for C$900.00
Will close during Public Auction
666 nh   imageCollection of Mint Never Hinged Commemorative Plate Blocks, 1919 to About 2001, with 680 different, all displayed on black stock pages, some better items include #s 537, 614-619, 647, 648, 704-15, and others. Mostly all plate blocks of 4, but also some of 6 or larger. We catalogued all blocks up to #796 only at $3,325 and there is probably a good catalogue and face value after that. Very fine, scans show a selection. (Scan 1) (Scan 2) (Scan 3) (Scan 4) (Scan 5) (Scan 6) (Scan 7) (Scan 8) (Scan 9) (Scan 10) (Scan 11) (Scan 12) (All Scans)

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Est $ 450

SOLD for C$1,150.00
Will close during Public Auction
667 nh   imageCollection of Mint Never Hinged Back of the Book Plate Blocks, all displayed on black stock pages, starts with Air Mail #s C7 to C12, 20-36, 38, 40 up to C143. Also includes CE1, CE2, E15-E23, FA1, S3, S4, PS9, PS12. Very fine, scans show a sampling. (Scan 1) (Scan 2) (Scan 3) (Scan 4) (Scan 5) (Scan 6) (Scan 7) (Scan 8) (Scan 9) (Scan 10) (Scan 11) (All Scans)

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Est $ 150

SOLD for C$275.00
Will close during Public Auction
668 nh   imageCollection of Mint Never Hinged Complete Sheets, Blocks, Plate Blocks, Booklets, etc., starts off with 100 complete sheets in a nice sheet album, mostly from 1930 to 1998, includes a number of Air Mail sheets, as well as one each of CE1 and CE2. 28 black stock sheets contain a variety of plate blocks (duplicates to the other two lots offered), blocks of four, about 75 booklets and booklet panes (mostly 29c era, these with face value of almost $300) plus other odds and ends including a few used blocks. Very fine, scans show a sampling. (Scan 1) (Scan 2) (Scan 3) (Scan 4) (Scan 5) (Scan 6) (Scan 7) (Scan 8) (Scan 9) (Scan 10) (Scan 11) (Scan 12) (Scan 13) (Scan 14) (Scan 15) (Scan 16) (All Scans)

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Est $ 200

SOLD for C$600.00
Will close during Public Auction
669 O/og/nh   imageMostly Mint Collection on Lighthouse Hingeless Pages, 1861-1985, starts off with a mix of mint and used, then quickly turns to mint only from 1903 to the end. The early issues include three plate proofs and a variety of issues in average condition, and from the mid-1920s-on the collection is close to complete, including coils usually in line pairs, souvenir sheets or sheetlets, imperforate varieties, and no back of the book. The mint stamps are scattered with a few hinged before the 1920s, then mostly never hinged to the end, and a few very early will have no gum, or doubtful gum. Overall nice quality, and although the pages themselves smell of tobacco, the stamps are probably intact. Also comes with Commemorative Stamp Collections for 1992, 1993 and 1995 (x2) plus "Music" (Elvis), "Wildflowers" and "Legends of the West" and a 1995 Commemorative Stamp Collection missing 4 items. These alone have a face value of $148. See scans for a small sampling. (Scan 1) (Scan 2) (Scan 3) (Scan 4) (Scan 5) (Scan 6) (Scan 7) (Scan 8) (Scan 9) (Scan 10) (Scan 11) (Scan 12) (Scan 13) (All Scans)

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Est $ 500

SOLD for C$1,200.00
Will close during Public Auction
670 O/og/nh   imageMostly Mint Collection on Davo Hingeless Pages, 1851-1997, starts off with used #s 9, 14 (2006 PSE cert graded VF-XF 85), 15, followed by 68 different used stamps and 37 mint up to 1915. From then on to the end the collection appears to be complete and the stamps are mostly all mint, with a mix of hinged and never hinged at first, becoming mostly never hinged from the late 1920s. We note coils, souvenir sheets, lots of postage up to the 32c era, and more, but does not contain back of the book. The quality is overall nice, and even though the pages themselves smell of tobacco, the stamps appear intact when removed. The collection is accompanied by 15 PSE and PF certificates dated between 1985 and 2007, for stamp #s 14, 135, 160, 166, 190, 276, 348, 374, 381, 395, 407, 432, 458 and 587, many are graded mostly VF-XF 85. See online scans for a glimpse of this nice collection. (Scan 1) (Scan 2) (Scan 3) (Scan 4) (Scan 5) (Scan 6) (Scan 7) (Scan 8) (Scan 9) (Scan 10) (Scan 11) (Scan 12) (Scan 13) (Scan 14) (Scan 15) (Scan 16) (Scan 17) (Scan 18) (Scan 19) (Scan 20) (Scan 21) (Scan 22) (Scan 23) (Scan 24) (Scan 25) (Scan 26) (Scan 27) (Scan 28) (Scan 29) (Scan 30) (Scan 31) (Scan 32) (Scan 33) (Scan 34) (Scan 35) (Scan 36) (Scan 37) (Scan 38) (Scan 39) (Scan 40) (Scan 41) (Scan 42) (All Scans)

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Est $ 2,000

SOLD for C$4,000.00
Will close during Public Auction
671 O/og/nh   imageMint and Used Collector's Duplicates in Four Stockbooks, first contains regular issues, starting with mostly used classics, with mint issues starting to show up around Scott 344, with a mix of mint and used from the Washington-Franklins to the end, including much usable postage in the latter part. Second stockbook contains commemoratives, starting with a good selection of Columbian Exposition issues (to the $1), with a mix of mint and used to the 41c era. Third has back of the book with mostly used Airmails, special delivery, good selection of early postage dues, and ends with officials. The fourth and last contains possessions, with good Canal Zone, Panama, Cuba, Hawaii. Overall fine or better, with thousands in all, including decent duplication of some, and high catalogue value, see scans for a glimpse. (Scan 1) (Scan 2) (Scan 3) (Scan 4) (Scan 5) (Scan 6) (Scan 7) (Scan 8) (Scan 9) (Scan 10) (Scan 11) (Scan 12) (Scan 13) (Scan 14) (Scan 15) (Scan 16) (Scan 17) (Scan 18) (Scan 19) (Scan 20) (Scan 21) (Scan 22) (Scan 23) (Scan 24) (Scan 25) (Scan 26) (Scan 27) (Scan 28) (All Scans)

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Est $ 2,000

SOLD for C$3,200.00
Will close during Public Auction
672 CVR   imageUnited States Collection of 270 First Day Covers, 1938-1988, all neatly displayed in 70 "Vario" style cover pages. Nice selection of various Presidential Issues to the $1 (both the 1938 and the 1954 reissue, the latter uncacheted), followed by various singles and blocks, all on cacheted covers. Overall very fine. (Scan 1) (Scan 2) (Scan 3) (Scan 4) (Scan 5) (Scan 6) (Scan 7) (All Scans)

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Est $ 100

SOLD for C$130.00
Will close during Public Auction
USA Territories & Possessions -- Canal Zone
LotNo. Symbol Cat No. Lot Description
673 og 1-3 image1904 2c, 5c and 10c Map of Panama Overprinted, all three are mint hinged, the 5c has a pencil signature and the 10c has a large pen signature on back, fine-very fine. The 2c is accompanied by a 2008 APS certificate. (Scan 1) (Scan 2) (All Scans)


Scott $ 1,350

SOLD for C$525.00
Will close during Public Auction
674 og 15 image1904 8c on 50c Surcharge with PANAMA Reading Up, mint lightly hinged, well centered and fresh, with a small pen note on back (not mentioned in cert.), extremely fine. Accompanied by a 2010 PSAG certificate giving it a "90 DOG" grade. (Scan 1) (Scan 2) (All Scans)


Scott $ 2,000

SOLD for C$1,900.00
Will close during Public Auction
675 og/nh   imageMint Collection on Black Stock Pages, 1904 to 1978, includes every stamp listed by Scott including back of the book, except for #s 1-3 and 15 (lotted separately). #48 is accompanied by a 2001 Philatelic Foundation certificate. Mix of hinged and never hinged, quite fresh with bright colours and fine to very fine throughout. A lovely collection which is scanned online in its entirety. (Scan 1) (Scan 2) (Scan 3) (Scan 4) (Scan 5) (Scan 6) (Scan 7) (Scan 8) (Scan 9) (Scan 10) (All Scans)

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Scott $ 8,030

SOLD for C$2,300.00
Will close during Public Auction
USA Territories & Possessions -- Guam
LotNo. Symbol Cat No. Lot Description
676 og/nh 1/12, E1 imageMint Collection on a Black Stock Page, 1899, complete mint hinged (the 8c is NH), except for two missing stamps (Scott 9 and 13) and includes the Special Delivery. (Scan 1) (Scan 2) (All Scans)


Scott $ 1,780

SOLD for C$700.00
Will close during Public Auction
USA Territories & Possessions -- Hawaii
LotNo. Symbol Cat No. Lot Description
677 og/nh 30-82, O1-6 imageMint Collection on a Black Stock Page, 1864-1899, complete in period except for one missing stamp #61B. All mint hinged except for #s 57, 58, 74, 76-81, O2, O6 which are NH. We also note that about 6 stamps have no gum, and that #50 has creases, else an overall fine or better collection. The Officials have light "SENF" expert handstamps on back. (Scan 1) (Scan 2) (Scan 3) (All Scans)

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Scott $ 3,625

SOLD for C$1,250.00
Will close during Public Auction
USA Territories & Possessions -- Philippines
LotNo. Symbol Cat No. Lot Description
678 og 223A image1901 $1 Black Perry with Overprint in Red, Type II, mint lightly hinged, fresh and very fine. Accompanied by a 1998 Philatelic Foundation certificate. (Scan 1) (Scan 2) (All Scans)


Scott $ 1,500

SOLD for C$900.00
Will close during Public Auction
679 og 237-239 image1903-04 $1, $2 and $5 Issues with Red Overprints, each is mint lightly hinged, fresh and fine to very fine. Accompanied by 2 Philatelic Foundation certificates: #237 (1980) and #238 (1978). (Scan 1) (Scan 2) (Scan 3) (All Scans)

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Scott $ 1,650

SOLD for C$1,250.00
Will close during Public Auction
680 og C13-C14 image1926 2p and 4p Madrid-Manila Flight Overprints, both mint hinged, fresh and fine. Scott $ 1,300

SOLD for C$675.00
Will close during Public Auction

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