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Canada & Provinces continued...

New Brunswick Pence continued...
LotNo. Symbol Cat No. Lot Description
221 O 4 image1851 1sh Dull Violet Heraldic Imperforate, used with light oval grid cancel, four large and even margins but with a small closed tear near the W of NEW, as well as a light corner crease, still a lovely and very fine appearing stamp. With expert handstamp on back and accompanied by a 2020 Greene Foundation certificate. (Scan 1) (Scan 2) (All Scans)


Unitrade $ 10,000

SOLD for C$1,600.00
Will close during Public Auction
New Brunswick Cents
LotNo. Symbol Cat No. Lot Description
222 og 5P-11 image1860 1c to 17c Cents Issue Extended Set, with three shades each of the 1c, 2c and 5c, and also includes a plate proof (on card-mounted India paper) of the 5c Connell. Most stamps are mint hinged, a few have no gum and a few are never hinged (all catalogued as hinged), overall very fine. (Scan 1) (Scan 2) (All Scans)


Unitrade $ 1,015

SOLD for C$375.00
Will close during Public Auction
223 O/og/ng 6-11 imageRemainder Lot of Mint and Used New Brunswick Cents Issues, a 7 row black stock page is filled with mostly unused (no gum) or mint hinged Cents issues (with many shades), including a few blocks, plus a smaller selection of used including a #1 Heraldic imperforate which is quite faulty but shows a #34 in grid from Woodstock (RF 7, rare). Overall fine and all scanned online. (Scan 1) (Scan 2) (Scan 3) (All Scans)

image image

Est $ 200

SOLD for C$275.00
Will close during Public Auction
Nova Scotia Pence
LotNo. Symbol Cat No. Lot Description
224 og 1 image1853 1d Red Brown Queen Victoria Imperforate, mint with part original gum, four large and even margins, quite fresh with bright colour, extremely fine. Accompanied by a 1954 R.P.S.L. certificate issued to Nicholas Argenti, and a 2020 Greene Foundation certificate. (Scan 1) (Scan 2) (All Scans)


Unitrade $ 6,000

SOLD for C$1,800.00
Will close during Public Auction
225 O 1-5 image1851-57 1d to 6d Heraldic Imperforate Group, with #s 1 (very fine lightly cancelled), 2 (very fine, very lightly cancelled), 2b (fine lightly cancelled), 3 (very fine, smudgy cancel), 4 (very fine, light oval grid cancel) and 5 (fine appearance but rebacked and added margin and not counted in cv). (Scan 1) (Scan 2) (All Scans)


Unitrade $ 2,775

SOLD for C$525.00
Will close during Public Auction
226 ng 3 image1851 3d Dark Blue Heraldic Imperforate, unused (no gum) with four clear to well clear margins and fresh colour, fine-very fine. Accompanied by a 1996 Greene Foundation certificate. (Scan 1) (Scan 2) (All Scans)


Unitrade $ 1,650

SOLD for C$525.00
Will close during Public Auction
227 O 6 image1857 1sh Reddish Violet Heraldic Imperforate, used with light cancel and bright colour, a fresh stamp with four clear margins, very fine. Accompanied by a 2020 Greene Foundation certificate. (Scan 1) (Scan 2) (All Scans)


Unitrade $ 7,000

SOLD for C$1,500.00
Will close during Public Auction
228 O 7 image1857 1sh Dull Violet Heraldic Imperforate, used with light and unobtrusive oval grid cancel, four well clear to large margins, very fine. Accompanied by a 2015 Greene Foundation certificate. (Scan 1) (Scan 2) (All Scans)


Unitrade $ 9,000

SOLD for C$3,000.00
Will close during Public Auction
Nova Scotia Cents
LotNo. Symbol Cat No. Lot Description
229 og 10 image1863 5c Blue Queen Victoria on White Paper, mint with full hand-applied original gum, lightly hinged, with bright colour, centered upper left amidst large margins, quite fresh and fine. A seldom offered stamp, especially so fresh. Unitrade $ 600

SOLD for C$225.00
Will close during Public Auction
230 og 10a image1860 5c Queen Victoria on Yellowish Paper, mint with full original gum, lightly hinged. A well centered stamp with deep blue colour, with a small corner crease bottom right (not mentioned in cert.), else very fine. Accompanied by a 2017 Greene Foundation certificate. (Scan 1) (Scan 2) (All Scans)


Unitrade $ 600

SOLD for C$450.00
Will close during Public Auction
231 og/nh 8-13 image1860-63 1c to 12½c Queen Victoria Set, with 23 mint stamps on a stock sheet, all are fresh with bright colours, with many never hinged (the 5c is hinged), and includes shades and paper types, overall fine to very fine. (Scan 1) (Scan 2) (All Scans)


Est $ 250

SOLD for C$350.00
Will close during Public Auction
232 O/og/nh 8-13 image1860-63 1c to 12½c Queen Victoria Set, with 34 mint stamps on a stock sheet, all are fresh with bright colours, mostly mint hinged but also several never hinged (the 5c has heavy hinge remnants), and a few without gum, and includes shades and paper types, etc. Also includes 7 used 5c values, again with different shades, etc., overall fine to very fine. (Scan 1) (Scan 2) (All Scans)


Est $ 300

SOLD for C$350.00
Will close during Public Auction
Prince Edward Island
LotNo. Symbol Cat No. Lot Description
233 og 1a image1851 2d Deep Rose Queen Victoria, Perforated 9, mint block of four with full original matte gum, hinged to re-attach / reinforce, fresh and fine. Accompanied by a 2013 Greene Foundation certificate. (Scan 1) (Scan 2) (All Scans)


Unitrade $ 3,200

SOLD for C$950.00
Will close during Public Auction
234 og 1a image1851 2d Deep Rose Queen Victoria, Perforated 9, mint with full original gum, lightly hinged. A very well centered stamp with good colour, but with a small stain and two very light creases, still very fine appearance. Unitrade $ 2,400

SOLD for C$675.00
Will close during Public Auction
235 og 2 image1851 3d Blue Queen Victoria, Perforated 9, mint with full original matte gum, very lightly hinged and fresh. A gorgeous and very fine stamp. Accompanied by a 2006 Philatelic Foundation certificate. Ex Leonard Beck. (Scan 1) (Scan 2) (All Scans)


Unitrade $ 4,000

SOLD for C$1,600.00
Will close during Public Auction
236 og 3 image1861 6d Yellow Green Queen Victoria, Perforated 9, mint with full original gum, a fresh stamp with crisp impression and bright colour, fine-very fine. Accompanied by a 2020 Greene Foundation certificate. (Scan 1) (Scan 2) (All Scans)


Unitrade $ 4,000

SOLD for C$2,600.00
Will close during Public Auction
237 og 7a image1862 6d Blue Green Queen Victoria, mint with original hinged gum, remarkably fresh and well centered, slightly shorter perf lower right, still very fine. A nice example of this less frequently offered shade. Unitrade $ 160

SOLD for C$130.00
Will close during Public Auction
238 nh 8 image1862 9d Violet Queen Victoria, mint with full original gum, never hinged, well centered and fresh, very fine. Unitrade $ 300

SOLD for C$400.00
Will close during Public Auction
239 nh 10 image1870 4½d Brown Queen Victoria, mint with full original gum, never hinged, fresh and very fine. Unitrade $ 300

SOLD for C$400.00
Will close during Public Auction
240 nh 12 image1872 2c Ultramarine Queen Victoria, mint with full original gum, never hinged, a fresh stamp with large margins, very fine. Unitrade $ 180

SOLD for C$350.00
Will close during Public Auction

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