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Postal History, Canada continued...

Canada Postmarks continued...
LotNo. Symbol Cat No. Lot Description
612 CVR Flag imageCollection of About 87 Different Flag Cancels on Small Covers or Cards, 1896 to 1953, some of the better noted are 1-9, a full 4-1 (cover trimmed at bottom), 11-1, 11-2, 23-1, 35-3, 46-1, 61-1, etc. There are 28 flag cancels still in dealers sleeves that were priced at $458 with the balance of 59 covers having a Coutts or Thorne catalogue value (if not in Coutts) of $581, for a combined retail/catalogue value of $1,039. Many of the cancels are clear very fine strikes and although there are a few faults, mostly minor, the overall condition of the collection is fine to very fine. A useful lot for anyone wishing to starting collecting these attractive cancels or to upgrade items in their collections. (Scan a) (Scan b) (Scan c) (Scan d) (All Scans)

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Est $ 275

SOLD for C$210.00
Will close during Public Auction
613 CVR Flag imageLight but Complete Impression of JAN.26.1897 Montreal Imperial 1-6 'E' Ensign Flag Cancel, tying 3c Small Queen to La Presse corner card cover addressed to USA, with a Southbridge Mass. Jan 26th backstamp receiver. This is the rare use of the 'E' obliterator with the Montreal 'WY' dater hub showing the wide '1897' and smaller top in the 'A' of Montreal, that were only used together from January 23-28. Now considered to be one of Canada's flag cancel hidden rarities due to this short 6 day use, it has a 2008 Langford catalogue value of U$400 on cover. Lot has photocopies of the 1-6 flag cancel used on January 22 & 29 with the 'UZ' dater hub, thus confirming the short January 23-28 period of use for the "WY' dater hub. Cover reduced about 9 mm at right from opening, but not into stamp or cancel and is otherwise fine to very fine. (Scan a) Est $ 250

SOLD for C$190.00
Will close during Public Auction
614 CVR Flag imageMontreal 9-2 Bickerdike Flag Cancel dated APR.14.1898, tieing 3c Leaf to a skillfully rebacked Lyman, Sons & Co. corner card cover. In the March-June 1995 Flag Pole, David Sessions noted that this flag cancel was used at Montreal for only 4 days in 1898, from April 13-15 and with a single reported use on April 18, thus making one of Canada's most elusive flag cancels. A very fine and almost complete impression of this rare flag cancel. Throne's revised catalogue value is $500. (Scan a) (Scan b) (All Scans)


Est $ 275

SOLD for C$350.00
Will close during Public Auction
615 CVR/PC Flag imageGroup of 30 Flag Cancels, on covers and cards, with a variety of types and towns, mostly QV era, overall fine but includes 6 fronts. (Scan a) (Scan b) (Scan c) (Scan d) (All Scans)

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Est $ 75

SOLD for C$35.00
Will close during Public Auction
616 O/CVR/PC Orbs1 image2-O1 OTTAWA/CANADA 2-Ring Orb Collection, consisting of 39 stamps and 12 covers/cards, 23/MR 27/24 to 14/DE 13/30. A moderately scarce hammer used mostly for special purposes such as philatelic use, special delivery, forward mail, etc. Includes a 2¢ local drop letter cover with special delivery franking #E2 (in proper time period). Lot includes a data sheet for 2-O2 of which there is only one known example (photocopy). (Scan a) (Scan b) (Scan c) (All Scans)

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Est $ 200

SOLD for C$75.00
Will close during Public Auction
617 CVR Orbs 2 image2-DLO1 DEAD LETTER BRANCH/OTTAWA CANADA 2-Ring Orb Collection, consisting of 21 covers with 2-DLO1 as back stamps, AM/MY 31/15 to AM/AP 12/19. Moderately scarce, but being that many are addressed to WWI soldiers overseas, there are lots of other, perhaps more scarce markings. 7 are 'Killed in Action' covers. Absolutely a spectacular collection! (Scan a) (Scan b) (Scan c) (Scan d) (Scan e) (All Scans)

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Est $ 1,000

SOLD for C$850.00
Will close during Public Auction
618 CVR Orbs 3 image2-DLO2 DEAD LETTER BRANCH/OTTAWA CANADA 2-Ring Orb Collection, consisting of 11 covers with 2/DLO2 as back stamps, AM/OC 22/13 to AM/FE 20/19. Scarcer than 2-DLO1, 5 are WWI soldier's covers, and note a nice cover to Holland with postage due stamp, "returned refused". (Scan a) (Scan b) (All Scans)


Est $ 500

SOLD for C$575.00
Will close during Public Auction
619 O/CVR Orbs 4 image2-SJ1 HARVEY ROAD P.O./ST. JOHN'S NFLD. 2-Ring Orb Collection, consisting of 6 covers and 8 stamps, AM/4 AP/44 to 14/21 IX/76. A long period of usage, but a very small P.O. After many years of collecting, this is all Jim could find, thus 'Very Scarce' ranking. (Scan a) (Scan b) (All Scans)


Est $ 100

SOLD for C$95.00
Will close during Public Auction
620 O/CVR Orbs 5 image2-T1 TORONTO/CANADA. 2-Ring Orb Collection, consisting of 815 strikes on stamps in calendar date order in a stock book and 427 covers/cards in date order in a cover box. 2-T1 has a dot after CANADA. Dates range 6 PM/FEB 21/91 to DEC 14/11 PM/97. A very common orb but a very large holding and excellent study group. Jubilee issues have been removed and placed in a separate lot. (Scan a) (Scan b) (Scan c) (All Scans)

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Est $ 500

SOLD for C$425.00
Will close during Public Auction
621 O/CVR Orbs 6 image2-T2 TORONTO/CANADA 2-Ring Orb Collection, consisting of 667 strikes on stamps in calendar order in a stock book and 206 covers/post cards in date order in a box. The 2-T2 orb has side dots. Dates range JUL 29/8 PM/92 to AP 3/7AM/01. A very common orb but a large holding and excellent study group. Jubilees and Map stamps have been removed and placed in a separate lot. (Scan a) (Scan b) (Scan c) (Scan d) (All Scans)

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Est $ 350

SOLD for C$230.00
Will close during Public Auction
622 O/CVR/PC Orbs 7 image2-T1 and 2-T2 TORONTO/CANADA Orb Collection on 1897 JUBILEE ISSUE ONLY, includes 2-T1 x 53 stamps and 5 covers/post cards and 2-T2 x 52 stamps and 15 covers/post cards. Mostly nice socked-on-the-nose strikes. (Scan a) (Scan b) (All Scans)


Est $ 150

SOLD for C$100.00
Will close during Public Auction
623 O Orbs 8 image2-T2 TORONTO/CANADA 31 Strikes all on 2¢ MAP STAMPS. Includes 5 1898 dates: DEC 9/7PM/98, DEC 16/5 PM/98, DEC 19/5 PM/98, DEC 23/7 PM/98, and DEC 31/5 PM/98. Many are sheet position identified. (Scan a) (Scan b) (All Scans)


Est $ 100

SOLD for C$130.00
Will close during Public Auction
624 O/CVR/PC Orbs 9 image2-T3 TORONTO/CANADA 2-Ring Orb Collection, consisting of 147 strikes on stamps (many multiples) and 13 covers/post cards. This is the only orb post mark that is 'unofficial', having been made by altering a former duplex Lee #DUN-148 or Cloutier #DUN-148. 30 examples of the unofficial duplex on stamps are also included with this collection. Orb dates range 15/JAN 16/02 to 13/DEC 18/03. This hammer was used primarily for nonstandard mail, such as oversize covers and parcels. While the collection includes a fair number of stamps, the cover collection is sparse, and this post mark should be in the 'scarce' category. (Scan a) (Scan b) (Scan c) (All Scans)

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Est $ 350

SOLD for C$575.00
Will close during Public Auction
625 O/CVR/PC Orbs 10 image2-TF1 to 2-TF5 TORONTO CANADA/STATION F Collection, 5 different hammers are identified, with 2-TF2 and 2-TF3 known as proof strikes only. Includes 2-TF1 on 40 stamps (includes 1 map stamp and 17 on 1908 Quebec Tercentenary issue), and 25 covers/post cards. Dates range 18/JUL 15/07 to 17/OC 7/15. Moderately scarce postmark. 2-TF4 includes 14 stamps and 35 covers/post cards. Dates range 19/DEC 22/09 to 3/FE 28/15. Moderately scarce postmark. 2-TF5 includes 2 stamps and 5 covers Dates range 18/MY 17/15 to 12/FE 26 29. With so few reported, this would have to fit into the rare category. A comprehensive study of Toronto Station F and its 5 hammers. (Scan a) (Scan b) (Scan c) (Scan d) (Scan e) (Scan f) (All Scans)

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Est $ 400

SOLD for C$55.00
Will close during Public Auction
626 O/CVR/PC Orbs 11 image3-H1 HAMILTON/CANADA 3-Ring Orb Collection, consisting of 607 strikes on stamps in calendar dated order, in a stock book and 111 covers/post cards. Dates range 16/AP 13/96 to 11/NO 3/00. Included is a late date squared circle 11/AP 13/96 (period 1) which is just five hours earlier than the ERD for this orb hammer. Many 2, 3, & 4 same dates but different time marks. A common orb, but one of the most attractive as the user took pride in making nice strikes. Jubilee stamps and covers have been removed and placed in a separate lot. (Scan a) (Scan b) (Scan c) (Scan d) (Scan e) (All Scans)

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Est $ 400

SOLD for C$350.00
Will close during Public Auction
627 O/CVR/PC Orbs 12 image3-H1 HAMILTON/CANADA 3 Ring Orb Collection all on JUBILEE ISSUE ONLY, stamps and covers/post cards. Consists of 243 stamps and 58 covers/post cards. Dates range 11/JU 21/97 to 15/JA 1/98 (New Year's date). Many 3, 4, & 5 same dates but different timemarks. Mostly nice strikes and a fabulous collection of Jubilees but remember these were collected for the dated cancels, not stamp condition so some faults are to be expected. (Scan a) (Scan b) (Scan c) (All Scans)

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Est $ 300

SOLD for C$90.00
Will close during Public Auction
628 CVR Orbs 12.5 image3-H1 HAMILTON/CANADA 3 Ring Orb Used in 1922, a 2c Admiral pays the local drop letter rate and is tied by an Orb dated AUG.29.1922 at 10pm, being a full 22 years later than the latest recorded use of this datestamp in Hamilton. Study of other covers dated the same day reveals that it was probably used because the machine impressions on that evening were getting dirty and unreadable. This cover was written-up in the Spring 2011 PHSC Journal. Tear at bottom right, still a rare usage of this postmark (an undated strike is known on a 1c Admiral stamp). (Scan a) (Scan b) (All Scans)


Est $ 100

SOLD for C$35.00
Will close during Public Auction
629 O Orbs 13 image3-L1 LONDON/CANADA 3 Ring Orb Collection, consisting of 2755 diff. dates/time marks on stamps. A massive collection of all different dates and time marks, some with 4, 5, and 6 diff. time marks of a common date. Jubilees and Map stamps have been lotted separately. Many scarce time marks and indicia errors. Dates range 16/JY 11/96 to 1/MR 27/06. (Scan a) (Scan b) (Scan c) (All Scans)

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Est $ 1,000

SOLD for C$400.00
Will close during Public Auction
630 O/CVR Orbs 14 image3-L1 LONDON/CANADA 3-Ring Orb Collection all on MAP Stamps, includes 95 stamps of diff. dates/time marks and 3 covers. Note 24/DE 12/98 date. (Scan a) (Scan b) (Scan c) (Scan d) (All Scans)

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Est $ 300

SOLD for C$160.00
Will close during Public Auction
631 O/CVR/PC Orbs 15 image3-L1 LONDON/CANADA 3-Ring Orb Collection all on JUBILEE ISSUE ONLY, stamps and covers/post cards. Consists of 216 stamps and 19 covers/post cards. Dates range 15/JU 19/97 (First day of issue on 3¢ Jubilee) to 18/JY 6/99. Includes a FDC Jubilee post card 18/JU 19/97 (small faults). Includes multiples of diff. time marks on same day date. These were collected for the post mark, so some stamp faults are to be expected. (Scan a) (Scan b) (All Scans)


Est $ 250

SOLD for C$300.00
Will close during Public Auction
632 CVR/PC Orbs 16 image3-L1 LONDON/CANADA 3 Ring Orb Collection of 364 covers/post cards, dates range 14/JY 21/96 to 20/SP 5/01 and each is a diff. date and/or time mark. Jubilee and Map stamp covers have been lotted separately. These were collected for dated orb cancels, so expect faults. Well worth the estimate @ less than 1.00 per cover. (Scan a) (Scan b) (Scan c) (Scan d) (All Scans)

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Est $ 350

SOLD for C$150.00
Will close during Public Auction
633 O/CVR Orbs 17 image3-L2 LONDON/CANADA 3 Ring 2nd Hammer Collection, consisting of 52 stamps and 31 covers. Dates range 19/MR 31/22 to 11/NO 4/52. A moderately scarce hammer and it has a similar use pattern like the late use of the London Type 2 squared circle, often on air mail, special delivery items, postage due, oversize mail, overseas use, etc. (Scan a) (Scan b) (All Scans)


Est $ 200

SOLD for C$55.00
Will close during Public Auction
634 PC Orbs 18 image3-MB1 MONTREAL CANADA/STATION B 3 Ring Orb, 10/APL 24/06 ties #89 to view post card to Lotbiniere, PQ. A very rare post mark, with only 7 reported examples, all but this item are forwarding marks, making this possibly unique as a dispatching postmark. Known only for 1905 - 1908. Indicia are light but easily ID'ed under magnification. (Scan a) Est $ 150

SOLD for C$110.00
Will close during Public Auction
635 PC Orbs 19 image3-MB1 MONTREAL CANADA/STATION B 3 Ring Orb, 08/APL 17/10 as a nice clear free strike on address side of greeting post card from COE HILL/ONT. AP 16/08 split ring ties #89 addressed to Montreal, fwd. to McKeller, Ont. Note 08 is the year date and 10 is the time mark. Rare orb as only 7 reported examples. (Scan a) Est $ 150

SOLD for C$65.00
Will close during Public Auction
636 CVR Orbs 20 image3-MB1 MONTREAL CANADA/STATION B 3 Ring Orb, as forwarding postmark 10/FEB 28/05 on back of cover from MONTREAL CANADA/1905 FEB 22/10AM machine cancel ties #90 to local address, forwarded locally once, has "No such person at" manuscript along with 3 other Montreal postmarks, and finally ends up at D.L.O. CANADA/MONTREAL BRANCH MR 21/05 cds cancel on back. This is the ERD for this rare orb. (Scan a) (Scan b) (All Scans)


Est $ 150

SOLD for C$65.00
Will close during Public Auction
637 CVR/PC Orbs 21 image3-MB1 MONTREAL CANADA/STATION B 3 Ring Orb, lot of two 1908 items as forwarding back stamps including 08/APL 6/9 on back of cover from USA forwarded locally, and 08/APL 20/7 on back of view postcard forwarded to McKellar Ont. Note 08 is the year date and 9 and 7 are time marks. Rare orb postmark. (Scan a) (Scan b) (All Scans)


Est $ 125

SOLD for C$55.00
Will close during Public Auction
638 O/CVR Orbs 22 image3-MC1 MONTREAL CANADA/(STATION C) 3 Ring Orb, lot of one cover and 4 stamps with this rare orb postmark. Cover is Registered with 7¢ Edward #92 tied by 3-ring orb dated -/NO 19/10 (LRD) and two more strikes on back, to USA. Stamps include -/SEP 12/08 on #90, -/OCT 26/08 on #92, -/DEC 11/08 on #92, and -/JAN 28/10 on #89. A rare orb postmark, known only 1908 - 1910, ten examples reported. (Scan a) (Scan b) (Scan c) (All Scans)

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Est $ 200

SOLD for C$110.00
Will close during Public Auction
639 O Orbs 23 image3-O1 OTTAWA/CANADA 3 Ring Orb 1st Hammer Collection, consisting of 555 stamps, dates range 1/DE 18/05 (ERD) to 17/OC 17/12. Includes two reported on 3¢ Jubilees 19/AP 4/07 and 22/MR 27/08 and only reported strike on a Map stamp 22/NO 2/10. Also includes 93 strikes on Quebec Tercentenary issues, including first day of issue 20/JUL 16/08. Includes lots of sets of same day with different time marks. Nice lot. (Scan a) (Scan b) (Scan c) (All Scans)

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Est $ 300

SOLD for C$210.00
Will close during Public Auction
640 CVR/PC Orbs 24 image3-O1 OTTAWA/CANADA 3 Ring Orb 1st Hammer Collection, consisting of 325 covers and post cards, dates range 16/DE 26/05 to 16/MR 16/12. Includes 6 Quebec Tercentenary issue covers/post cards. Well worthwhile at less than 1.00 each! (Scan a) (Scan b) (Scan c) (Scan d) (Scan e) (All Scans)

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Est $ 250

SOLD for C$90.00
Will close during Public Auction
641 CVR Orbs 25 image3-O1 OTTAWA/CANADA 3 Ring Orb NUDE Strike ties #104 to unsealed cover to GREEN FIELD CENTER/N.Y. OCT 22 1914 USA duplex receiver on back. Very rare, the only NUDE strike in the entire orb collection. (Scan a) (Scan b) (All Scans)


Est $ 100

SOLD for C$40.00
Will close during Public Auction
642 O/CVR/PC Orbs 26 image3-O2 OTTAWA/CANADA 3 Ring Orb 2nd Hammer Collection, consisting of 408 strikes on stamps, each a diff. date and/or time mark, and 146 covers/post cards. Dates range 15/DE 20/07 (ERD) to 24/DE 31/18 (LRD). Note 166 are on Quebec Tercentenary stamps and 31 on covers/post cards. The Quebec Tercentenary stamps are particularly attractive! (Scan a) (Scan b) (Scan c) (Scan d) (All Scans)

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Est $ 400

SOLD for C$180.00
Will close during Public Auction
643 O/CVR Orbs 27 image3-O3 OTTAWA/CANADA 3 Ring Orb 3rd Hammer Collection, consisting of 217 stamps and 73 covers, dates range 23/MY 2/10 to 15/MR 28/15 (LRD). (Scan a) (Scan b) (Scan c) (Scan d) (Scan e) (All Scans)

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Est $ 250

SOLD for C$60.00
Will close during Public Auction
644 O/CVR/PC Orbs 28 image3-O4 OTTAWA/CANADA 3 Ring Orb 4th Hammer Collection, consisting of 175 stamps and 35 covers/post cards, dates range 14/DE 29/13 to 20/NO 21/18 (LRD). Note 3¢ Jubilee 15/MY 18/15 and 3 special deliveries E1. (Scan a) (Scan b) (Scan c) (Scan d) (All Scans)

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Est $ 200

SOLD for C$60.00
Will close during Public Auction
645 O/CVR/PC Orbs 29 image3-O5 OTTAWA/CANADA 3 Ring Orb 5th Hammer Collection, consisting of 151 stamps and 23 covers/post cards, dates range 22/AP 15/15 to 18/AU 3/19 (LRD). Includes a 1¢ war tax revenue stamp #FWT7 with a nice SON strike 14/AP 16/15. (Scan a) (Scan b) (Scan c) (All Scans)

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Est $ 150

SOLD for C$60.00
Will close during Public Auction
646 O/CVR/PC Orbs 30 image3-O6 OTTAWA/CANADA 3 Ring Orb 6th Hammer Collection, consisting of 14 stamps and 8 covers/post cards. Dates range 3/DE 10/17 to 23/JUN 2/22. With so few examples, this orb fits into a very scarce category. (Scan a) (Scan b) (Scan c) (All Scans)

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Est $ 150

SOLD for C$70.00
Will close during Public Auction
647 O/CVR/PC Orbs 31 image3-O7 OTTAWA/CANADA 3 Ring Orb 7th Hammer Collection, consisting of 34 stamps and 10 covers/post cards. Dates range 12/OC 27/10 (ERD) to 8/AU 24/28 (LRD). Includes a pair of E1, single E2, and two different dates on two E3. Certainly not a common orb cancel. (Scan a) (Scan b) (All Scans)


Est $ 100

SOLD for C$70.00
Will close during Public Auction
648 O/CVR/PC Orbs 32 image3-08 OTTAWA/CANADA 3 Ring Orb 8th Hammer Collection, consisting of 20 stamps and 10 covers/post cards, dates range 10/JAN 1/20 (ERD and New Year's day) to 19/JAN 8/25 (LRD). Note a strip of 3 1¢ Jubilees 22/NO 14/21. (Scan a) (Scan b) (All Scans)


Est $ 125

SOLD for C$70.00
Will close during Public Auction
649 O/CVR/PC Orbs 33 image3-O9 OTTAWA/CANADA 3 Ring Orb 9th Hammer Collection, consisting of 40 stamps and 19 covers/post cards, dates range 10/OC 8/28 (ERD) to 22/SP 25/33 (LRD). Not a common orb. (Scan a) (Scan b) (All Scans)


Est $ 100

SOLD for C$55.00
Will close during Public Auction
650 O/CVR/PC Orbs 34 image3-O10 OTTAWA/CANADA 3 Ring Orb 10th Hammer Collection, consisting of 17 stamps and 10 covers/post cards, dates range 19/JUN 9/30 to 18/JUN 27/32. Scarce orb with not many examples reported. (Scan a) (Scan b) (Scan c) (All Scans)

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Est $ 150

SOLD for C$55.00
Will close during Public Auction
651 O/CVR/PC Orbs 35 image3-O11 OTTAWA/CANADA 3 Ring Orb 11th Hammer Collection, consisting of 27 stamps and 10 covers/post cards, dates range 21/FE 26/31 to ?/MR 3/39. Scarce orb postmark, reserved for special usages like air mail, receiving postmark, philatelic use, etc. Strikes often not the clearest. (Scan a) (Scan b) (Scan c) (All Scans)

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Est $ 150

SOLD for C$70.00
Will close during Public Auction
652 O Orbs 36 image3-T1 TORONTO/CANADA 3 Ring Orb 1st Hammer Collection, consisting of 728 stamps dates range 12 AM/FEB 21/91 (ERD) to SEP 24/7 PM/96 (LRD). Note the ERD for this hammer is the earliest of all known orbs. Calendar dated in a stockbook with many multiple different time marks for the same date. All on small queens, mostly 3¢. Very common orb, but remember these are calendar dated! (Scan a) (Scan b) (Scan c) (All Scans)

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Est $ 400

SOLD for C$275.00
Will close during Public Auction
653 CVR/PC Orbs 37 image3-T1 TORONTO/CANADA 3 Ring Orb 1st Hammer Collection, consisting of 255 covers/post cards, dates range 2 PM/FEB 21/91 (very early) to SEP 21/7 PM/96. Common orb, but these are calendar dated. (Scan a) (Scan b) (Scan c) (Scan d) (All Scans)

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Est $ 200

SOLD for C$110.00
Will close during Public Auction
654 O/CVR/PC Orbs 38 image3-T2 TORONTO/CANADA 3 Ring Orb 2nd Hammer Collection, consisting of 398 stamps and 86 covers/post cards, dates range MAY 6/2 PM/93 (ERD, one day after proof date) to DEC 3/11 PM/03 (LRD). Jubilee covers placed in a separate lot. (Scan a) (Scan b) (Scan c) (All Scans)

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Est $ 200

SOLD for C$275.00
Will close during Public Auction
655 O/CVR/PC Orbs 39 image3-T2 TORONTO/CANADA 3 Ring Orb 2nd Hammer Collection, consisting of 63 Jubilee stamps, 2 Map stamps, and 9 Jubilee covers/post cards. (Scan a) (Scan b) (All Scans)


Est $ 100

SOLD for C$120.00
Will close during Public Auction
656 O/CVR/PC Orbs 40 image3-T3 TORONTO/CANADA 3 Ring Orb 3rd Hammer Collection, consisting of 182 stamps and 39 covers/post cards. Dates range OCT 5/12 AM/96 to OCT 30/7 ?M/99. Note a reasonable strike on 20¢ Widow Weeds MAY 3/1 PM/98. Jubilees and Map stamps are lotted in a separate lot. (Scan a) (Scan b) (Scan c) (Scan d) (All Scans)

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Est $ 150

SOLD for C$110.00
Will close during Public Auction
657 O/CVR/PC Orbs 41 image3-T3 TORONTO/CANADA 3 Ring Orb 3rd Hammer Collection, consisting of 73 Jubilee stamps and 9 Map stamps, and 7 Jubilee cover/post cards. (Scan a) (Scan b) (Scan c) (All Scans)

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Est $ 125

SOLD for C$100.00
Will close during Public Auction
658 O/CVR/PC Orbs 42 image3-T4 TORONTO/CANADA 3 Ring Orb 4th Hammer Collection, consisting of 165 stamps and 11 covers/post cards, dates range DEC 22/1 PM/99 to OC 20/9 PM/01. Includes 2 Map stamps. Also includes info on 3-T5, but this hammer has no reported examples. (Scan a) (Scan b) (Scan c) (All Scans)

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Est $ 125

SOLD for C$130.00
Will close during Public Auction
659 O/CVR/PC Orbs 43 image3-TA1 TORONTO CANADA/STATION A 3 Ring Orb Collection, consisting of 19 stamps and 7 covers/post cards. Dates range 23/OCT 21/05 (ERD) to 13/APL 3/17 (LRD). 12 year period of use, but quite scarce, often used in connection with 'WAY LETTER' mail. (Scan a) (Scan b) (All Scans)


Est $ 150

SOLD for C$75.00
Will close during Public Auction
660 O/CVR/PC Orbs 44 image3-TB1 TORONTO CANADA/STATION B 3 Ring Orb Collection, consisting of 936 stamps and 124 covers/post cards, dates range 18/NOV 1/00 (ERD) to 20/JUN 25/08 (LRD). Note two MAP stamps and one Jubilee post card. A fabulous calendar date collection, and where duplicate dates, the time marks are different. (Scan a) (Scan b) (Scan c) (Scan d) (Scan e) (All Scans)

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Est $ 700

SOLD for C$160.00
Will close during Public Auction
661 O/CVR/PC Orbs 45 image3-TC1 TORONTO CANADA/STATION-C 3 Ring Orb 1st Hammer Collection, consisting of 172 stamps and 32 covers/post cards, dates range 20/JUN 24/03 (ERD) to 14/DEC 12/08 (LRD). Note one Map stamp and seven 2¢ Quebec Tercentenary stamps and three Tercentenary covers. (Scan a) (Scan b) (All Scans)


Est $ 150

SOLD for C$130.00
Will close during Public Auction
662 O/CVR/PC Orbs 46 image3-TC2 TORONTO, CANADA/+ STATION C. + 3 Ring Orb 2nd Hammer Collection of 114 stamps and 37 covers/post cards, dates range 15/OCT 24/04 (ERD) to 9/MAY 11/37 (LRD). A moderately scarce orb, especially from 1906 to 1937. (Scan a) (Scan b) (All Scans)


Est $ 150

SOLD for C$130.00
Will close during Public Auction
663 O/CVR/PC Orbs 47 image3-TC3 TORONTO CANADA/STATION C. 3 Ring Orb 3rd Hammer Collection of 9 stamps and 40 covers/post cards, dates range 1/SEP 1/05 (ERD) to 17/SEP 6/06. In use for only one year, hence so few examples reported. Scarce orb. (Scan a) (Scan b) (All Scans)


Est $ 150

SOLD for C$100.00
Will close during Public Auction
664 O/CVR/PC Orbs 48 image3-TC4 TORONTO CANADA/STATION C. 3 Ring Orb 4th Hammer Collection, consisting of 139 stamps & 154 covers/post cards, dates range 20/SEP 7/06 (ERD) to 19/JUN 7/10. Includes 51 Quebec Tercentenary stamps (mostly 2¢) and 9 Tercentenary covers/post cards. A common orb but pretty with its large rings. (Scan a) (Scan b) (Scan c) (Scan d) (All Scans)

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Est $ 175

SOLD for C$150.00
Will close during Public Auction
665 O/CVR/PC Orbs 49 image3-TC5 TORONTO-CANADA/STATION-C. 3 Ring Orb 5th Hammer Collection, consisting of 62 stamps and 87 covers/post cards, dates range 20/FEB 20/09 (ERD) to 21/JA 29/12 (LRD). (Scan a) (Scan b) (Scan c) (Scan d) (All Scans)

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Est $ 150

SOLD for C$190.00
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666 O/CVR/PC Orbs 50 image3-TC6 TORONTO-CANADA/STATION-C. 3 Ring Orb 6th Hammer Collection, consisting of 8 stamps and 16 covers/post cards, dates range 13/JUL 3/12 (ERD) to 7/SEP 13/19 (LRD). A very scarce orb postmark. (Scan a) (Scan b) (All Scans)


Est $ 125

SOLD for C$110.00
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667 O/CVR/PC Orbs 51 image3-TC7 TORONTO-CANADA/STATION-C. 3 Ring Orb 7th Hammer Collection, consisting of 4 stamps and 15 covers/post cards, dates range 14/MAY 3/20 (ERD) to 8/SEP 5/36 (LRD). A very scarce orb. (Scan a) (Scan b) (Scan c) (All Scans)

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Est $ 125

SOLD for C$90.00
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668 O/CVR/PC Orbs 52 image3-TE1 TORONTO-CANADA/STATION-E 3 Ring Orb Collection, consisting of one stamp and 14 covers/post cards, dates range 8/AUG 30/06 (ERD) to 20/AP 24/15 (LRD). A rare orb with an unusual history, where the hammer became quite damaged and was sent back to be retooled into a 2-ring orb. (Scan a) (Scan b) (All Scans)


Est $ 200

SOLD for C$55.00
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669 O/CVR/PC Orbs 53 image3-W1 TO 3-W14 WINNIPEG 3 ring orb collection, consisting of 290 stamps, 104 covers, 97 registered covers, and 201 registered A-R cards somewhat sorted. Winnipeg orbs need considerably more research work to sort them out, which Jim never quite completed. He has identified 14 different hammers ranging from 1909 to 1972, and has considerably sorted them out, but they need more work. Note 3-W5 AM/OC 27/20 as a receiving back stamp on an OHMS cover. This is the only reported example of this very rare orb. Also note other scarce to rare hammers. Since some examples are unsorted, we offer the entire collection as one lot, leaving it to the successful buyer to continue this work. All sorts of interesting material in this lot. (Scan a) (Scan b) (Scan c) (Scan d) (Scan e) (All Scans)

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Est $ 1,000

SOLD for C$725.00
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670 CVR Royal Train image1939 United States #10 Size Royal Train Registered Airmail Cover to Halifax, with purple ink Royal Train R.P.O. /USA /June/8/1939 duplex cancel and Royal Train boxed Registered handstamp with manuscript #26. With a Washington June 8 transit and Halifax June 10 receiver on reverse. Typical philatelic franking but including photocopy of a newspaper article where john hardy, Superintendent of the U.S. Railway Mail Service, states only 118 Royal Train covers were registered in the USA (compared to 3,300+ in Canada). Also includes page from Lingard's collection where he wrote only 8-10 covers are known today with U.S. Royal Train registered handstamps and an eBay listing where a small size U.S. registered cover sold for $116 US. A rare combination of a very scarce purple ink U.S. Royal Train duplex cancel and a rare U.S. Royal Train purple ink registration handstamp on a very fine cover. (Scan a) Est $ 200

SOLD for C$160.00
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671 CVR Royal Train imageCollection of 48 Different 1939 Canada, USA and Newfoundland Royal Visit Covers, of which 45 have Royal Train cancels, one has a Toronto Star Royal Visit meter and 2 are Newfoundland covers. The only duplication being a different type of cancel from the same day. There are also 13 different Royal Visit postcards and 14 different 1951 Royal Train covers. Material is generally clean and fine to very fine with some choice cancels and better items/scarcer dates including May 17, 18 (a Leslie Hobbs mail out advertising card), 20, 22, 23 (White River), 28 (en route cover), 29, 30 (inbound cover), 31, June 2 (from jasper), 3 (en route cover), 4 (Portage La Prairie), 5 (scarcer flag cancel), 11, 12 (4 different cancels from 3 places), 13 (incl. Sackville), and 14 (Cape Tormentine, NB). Other better items noted were 2 registered, including a long cover with French RV-10 registration handstamp (RF G) and oval RV-16 purple ink back stamp (RF F) that has a Lingard CV of $75 and $150), a June 15 cover with the 'The Royal Train/Canada' embossed on cover as used by those on the Royal Trains, the Royal Train postmaster's autograph of a May 15 FDC from a Montreal post office official, a MP's mail out cover with enclosure, plus about 15 attractive cachets, including a W.R. Smith, etc. The 1951 covers include 4 French ones and original of a post office memo stating Royal Train PO would not service philatelic mail. Lot also has a copy of Lingard's privately published 23-page 1997 monograph that prices 1939 Royal Train cancels by date/time mark and a copy of Stamps, magazine from May 2, 1953 with an article by Barna. There is also a thick file folder of photocopied documentation on the Royal trains including the 84 page 1939 official arrangements publication listing members of the Royal Party and all the events at the stops across Canada; 31 pages of post office archival material showing proof strikes, Ross's operating instruction, purple ink and canceling machine issues, the Wilmore report on the Perfect canceling machine's use at Washington, etc.; 60+pages of articles on the 1939 and 1951 Royal Train post offices by Jamieson, Fortin, Tucker, Sessions, Hill, Rankin, Wilkins (PM on 1951 Royal Train), Copeland (Asst. PM on 1951 Royal Train), etc.; 48 pages of material including CNR operating instructions of the 1939 Royal and Pilot Trains, passenger lists for both trains, the expensive long distance telephone charges to call from the Pilot Train, etc; and photocopies of 65+ pages of better covers. This collection has some scarce Royal Train cancels and would be most useful to any Royal Train collector or exhibitor. A somewhat similar collection of 19 1939 and 9 1951 Royal Train covers but of an overall lesser quality, sold for $900 in our October 2016 sale (lot 1092) and this one should be worth at least as much. (Scan a) (Scan b) (Scan c) (Scan d) (Scan e) (Scan f) (Scan g) (All Scans)

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Est $ 900

SOLD for C$850.00
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672 CVR Royal Train image1939 United States Royal Train Cover, with purple ink Royal Train R.P.O./USA/June 9/1939 duplex cancel and a purple ink Royal Train 8 bar obliterator canceling stamps. Some non-detracting scuff marks at left from tap removal, otherwise fine to very fine. A very scarce duplex cancel in purple ink of which only about 20 examples in purple are thought to exist. (Scan a) Est $ 150

SOLD for C$140.00
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First Day Covers
LotNo. Symbol Cat No. Lot Description
673 CVR   image1946 Peace Issue Group of First Day Covers, with ten different covers, including four with cachets, three registered. All are postmarked Montreal, SEP.16.1946. All issued denominations (8c to $1) are included, in various configurations, including the 7c Air Mail, 10c Special Delivery and the 17c Special Delivery Express. Very fine. (Scan a) Unitrade $ 295

SOLD for C$170.00
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674 CVR   Carton of Modern FDC with about 1,400 covers in all, from about the mid-1960s to the mid-2000s, appears to be all different and in very fine condition. Est $ 100

SOLD for C$55.00
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675 CVR   First Day Cover Collection, 1960s to 1990s, in two small FDC albums plus some loose. About 50% are Canada Post covers but note cachets from Jackson, N.R., Capital and more. Overall very fine lot. Est $ 100

SOLD for C$35.00
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676 CVR   Accumulation of Mostly First Day Covers, 1940s to 1981, with over 175 Canada cacheted FDC from private cachet makers, plus about the same amount in USA/UN first days. The Canadian cachet makers include Regal, H & E, Rosecraft, Capital City, NR Covers and more. Also includes about 40 Canadian first flight covers and some other odds and ends. Mostly very fine. Est $ 100

SOLD for C$65.00
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677 CVR   Group of Modern First Day Covers, with many unopened quarterly "Prestige Prepack F.D.C." items from Canada Post, mostly from the 1990s and 2000s, we note an Official FDC Collection for 1999 (cost $45) and several other interesting items including unused stationery, etc. High original purchase price and about 300 items in all, with light duplication and all very fine. Est $ 100

SOLD for C$65.00
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678 CVR   imageGroup of First Day Covers from 1937, with 82 in all, majority being either April 1, 1937 or May 10, 1937 dates, with many different frankings, combinations, blocks and singles, rates (incl. registered) and cachets. We note the 13c Halifax Harbour with two singles on covers (these with Peace Tower cachets), a pair and a block of four, a cover with a cachet that may have been made by Arthur Y. Smith from Ottawa (handstamp on backflap and card inside "with compliments" from his wife), We note many having International Fibre Board Limited (Ottawa) or Brunswick Hotel (Moncton) corner cards. A very fine group, all but 18 are #8 size. (Scan a) (Scan b) (Scan c) (All Scans)

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Est $ 150

SOLD for C$210.00
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679 CVR   Collection of FDC, 1955 to 1971, plus a few more modern. We counted about 150 Canadian covers, plus a few dozen US and other countries. The Canadian covers have different cachet makers, including cachets not often seen. Some duplication, but often with different cancels, dates, or franking combinations. Very fine. Est $ 150

SOLD for C$140.00
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680 CVR   Lot of About 3,500 First Day Covers, mostly from the 1960s to 2000s, but some go back to 1940s. We note a great variety of material, with frankings, cachets, cachet makers, some are sorted by issue, some are priced for sale, etc. All smaller size, except for about 50 covers which are #10. Some are duplicated by the dozens, others not so many. Very fine lot. Est $ 500

SOLD for C$210.00
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681 CVR   Collection of First Day Covers in Seven Volumes, 1988 to 2013 with three cover albums and four thick binders containing black stock sheets. Also includes some never hinged souvenir sheets, etc. A nice clean and probably complete in period collection with a high original purchase price. Est $ 300

SOLD for C$210.00
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682 CVR   Small Collection in Four Cover Binders, two binder contain 160 covers from 1938 to 1971, with different cachet makers, a Royal Train and a few Maxima Cards from the 1950s. Another binder contains 58 large size House of Commons fancy FDC from the 1970s and the last one contains 46 covers from 1973 to 1979, most of which are non-Canada Post items. A very fine lot. Est $ 100

SOLD for C$160.00
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683 CVR   Lovely Collection in Nine Deluxe Albums, 1973 to 2010, with each album containing between 110 and 130 covers, with no apparent duplication and all very fine. Est $ 350

SOLD for C$100.00
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684 CVR   Collection in 24 FDC Albums, 1948 to 2007, overall very fine, with no duplication noted. Est $ 250

SOLD for C$200.00
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685 CVR   imageLot of Early First Day Covers, with Unitrade #194 (13c Britannia) eleven covers, all with different postmarks, #200 (8c Medallion) 14 covers, all with different town postmarks, #201 (13c Citadel) 11 covers all with different town postmarks. Also a group of #C3 and C4 Air Mails, 11 covers of each, each with different town postmarks. A very fine group. (Scan a) (Scan b) (Scan c) (Scan d) (Scan e) (All Scans)

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Unitrade $ 1,945

SOLD for C$200.00
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New Brunswick
LotNo. Symbol Cat No. Lot Description
686 O   Shoebox Full of New Brunswick Town Cancels, probably several hundreds in all, mostly on piece, ranging from Small Queens to about Mufti eras. We note many very small towns throughout, with broken circles, c.d.s., duplex, etc. Some are on cards with a history of the town and other information. This must have taken many years to assemble. Est $ 150

SOLD for C$120.00
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687 CVR   image1895 New Brunswick Small Queen Cover, mailed from Cambridge NB on DEC.1.1895 (broken circle free strike on front) to Gagetown NB (very late DEC.26.1895 receiver on back) and franked with a lovely and very fine strip of three 1c Small Queens, tied by two ideal strikes of the oval grid cancel. Tear at top and opening faults at right, else very fine appearance. (Scan a) Est $ 75

SOLD for C$40.00
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688 CVR   imageGroup of Covers, cards, etc. 1859 to Modern, with 16 registration receipts (1859 to 1890s) plus about 30 other covers and cards with a variety of rates and postmarks, some from small towns. We note Dupuis Corners, Elmsville, Aldouane, Sable River, Lower Cape, Upper Loch Lomond (on piece), Jeffry (on piece), Trout Stream, Juniper Station, Fairville, etc. A few faults, else overall fine. (Scan a) Est $ 150

SOLD for C$120.00
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689 CVR   image1842 Stampless Folded Letter from Hampton New Brunswick, datelined Hampton 20 SEPT 1842 and addressed to William H. Odell in Fredericton. Front has an ideal red ST JOHN NB / PAID dateless datestamp and back shows a decent strike of the St John NB c.d.s. dated "OC 1842" in black. Manuscript rated 1/2 in red ink and endorsed "post paid". Long letter inside (which we have scanned) refers to the writer's involvement in the War of 812, and many other interesting subjects. File folds and tears, still an early letter from New Brunswick. (Scan a) (Scan b) (All Scans)


Est $ 100

SOLD for C$35.00
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690 CVR   image1852 Stampless Folded Cover from St John New Brunswick, mailed at the Way Office Carleton St John NB (OCT.5 broken circle in red on back) and addressed to Fredericton (OCT.6 c.d.s receiver on back). There is a PAID St John broken circle on front (OCT.6) as well as a different St John broken circle on back (OCT.6). Rated "Paid 3" in manuscript. Light vertical file folds, still very fine, outer cover only. (Scan a) (Scan b) (All Scans)


Est $ 100

SOLD for C$45.00
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691 CVR   imageGroup of 17 Stampless New Brunswick Covers, 1825 to 1866, with a variety of town cancels, either as dispatch or receivers, with St John fleuron (DEC.23.1825, light strike), St John (various types), Fredericton, St George, etc. Some rate handstamps, etc. Many covers are scruffy, some of the postmarks are light or incomplete, overall vg-fine. (Scan a) (Scan b) (All Scans)


Est $ 150

SOLD for C$85.00
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692 CVR   imageTwo New Brunswick Stampless Letters, with 1843 Fredericton to Halifax NS (inter-provincial) with two different Fredericton datestamps, file fold in middle, else very fine. Also 1847 St John NB to London England, endorsed "per Royal mail Steamer" mailed on MAY.15.1847 and arrived on MAY.30.1847, carried on the Caledonia, very fine. (Scan a) (Scan b) (All Scans)


Est $ 150

SOLD for C$45.00
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693 CVR   imageGroup of Six New Brunswick Stampless Covers, 1843 to 1855, with many postmarks on front or back, in black, red and green, with Woodstock, Fredericton, St Stephen, St John, St Andrews, Newcastle, Kingston and Grand Falls. Most postmarks are very fine and well struck, covers have the usual file folds. A nice lot for the specialist. (Scan a) (Scan b) (Scan c) (All Scans)

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Est $ 150

SOLD for C$85.00
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694 CVR/PC   imageCollection of About 1,000 Small Town New Brunswick Postmarks on Covers and Cards, with mostly fine to very fine strikes from the 1920s to the 1940s, including many rare post offices such as Haut St Antoine and Hazen Settlement, just to name a few. Most have opening and closing dates in pencil, all are small #8 size, majority of the offices here were closed by 1970. Minor duplication, still probably the finest offering of depression era New Brunswick ever offered. (Scan a) Est $ 1,000

SOLD for C$850.00
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695 CVR/PC   imageCollection of About 1,000 Small Town New Brunswick Postmarks on Covers and Cards, with mostly fine to very fine strikes from the 1860s to the 1920s, including many rare post offices such as Green River, Mace's Bay, Steeves Mills, McPhee, McGinley, Canadian Road and Black River Bridge just to name a few. Most have opening and closing dates in pencil, all are small #8 size, a large number of these post offices are now closed. Minor duplication, still probably the finest recent offering of turn of the century era New Brunswick. (Scan a) Est $ 2,000

SOLD for C$2,000.00
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696 CVR/PC   Collection of About 340 Small Town New Brunswick Postmarks on Covers and Cards, with mostly fine to very fine strikes from Edwards to QEII (mostly 1930s and 40s). Some have opening and/or closing dates in pencil, all are small #8 size, a large number of these post offices have closed long ago. Minor duplication, overall fine or better. Est $ 400

SOLD for C$170.00
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697 CVR/PC   imageCollection of About 200 St John New Brunswick Advertizing Covers and Cards, 1880s to 1950s, with illustrated, corner cards, some in colour, postmark interest including suburbs, slogans, etc. All but six are smaller $8 size and overall fine or better condition. (Scan a) (Scan b) (Scan c) (All Scans)

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Est $ 250

SOLD for C$375.00
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698 CVR/PC   imageGroup of New Brunswick Squared Circles on 9 Covers and Cards with Fredericton (1897 on front of an incoming US post card), Indiantown (on three post cards, fair strikes from 1905 and 1906), River Louison (partial 1909 strike on a scruffy post card), Rothsay (partial 1906 backstamp on a cover), Shediac (tying an 8c Leaf issue on an 1898 registered cover), Woodstock (backstamp on an 1894 cover), St John (precursor dispatch on a post card). (Scan a) Est $ 100

SOLD for C$120.00
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699 CVR/PC   imageGroup of Ten Small Queen Era New Brunswick Covers and Cards, all with double broken circle datestamps. 3c SQ covers with Gage-Town (1875), Apohaqui (1871), Ossekeag (on back of Apohaqui cover), Canterbury Fredericton, Canterbury Station (all on back of an 1875 cover from St John), 1c SQ cover with P.O. Chatham (faulty oversize 1884 cover). The rest are on QV post Cards: P.O. Caraquet, Carleton St John, Campbelleton, W.O. Victoria (P.O Lepreau on back), P.O. Lepreau and Grand Falls. A few small faults, still a good lot for the specialist. (Scan a) Est $ 200

SOLD for C$50.00
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Nova Scotia
LotNo. Symbol Cat No. Lot Description
700 CVR/PC   Group of Nova Scotia Covers and Picture Postcards, with about 58 items, including many picture postcards (Edward VII to KGV era) plus a number of covers from the 1930s with postmark interest, rates, etc. Overall fine lot. Est $ 100

SOLD for C$20.00
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701 CVR/PC   Group of 1,200 Covers and Cards from Nova Scotia, mostly all from 1970s to 1990s with dozens being dated before that, back to the QV era (including Small Queen covers). A great lot for the postmark collector as it includes many different towns (many small) plus different types of postmarks throughout. We note a good variety of frankings, rates and several registered, etc. About one quarter are #10 or similar, rest are #8 size. Some faults else overall fine or better. Est $ 300

SOLD for C$60.00
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LotNo. Symbol Cat No. Lot Description
702 CVR 28 image12c pale red brown Queen Victoria on Two 1871 Covers, and both addressed to the same person in Poole, England. One went Fogo to Twillingate to Poole and the other went Fogo to Twilingate to St John's to Halifax to Queenstown to Liverpool to Poole. Both covers have a London c.d.s. of July 1st 1871 on back. Both covers are presented on a written-up page and are accompanied by 2002 APS certificates. Minor faults, still very fine and interesting. (Scan a) (Scan b) (Scan c) (Scan d) (All Scans)

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Unitrade $ 400

SOLD for C$425.00
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703 CVR 28 imageGroup of Four Covers Franked with the 12c pale red brown Queen Victoria, all part of the Waterman correspondence. These were mailed from St Johns, Twillingate, Fogo and Greenspond and addressed to Poole England. All four have a red Paid Liverpool receiver c.d.s. on front (Jul to Nov 1871). Presented on two written-up pages explaining that these would have travelled via St John's, Halifax, Queenstown and Liverpool. A few small faults, still overall fine or better. The Fogo cover is accompanied by a 2001 APS certificate. (Scan a) (Scan b) (Scan c) (Scan d) (All Scans)

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Unitrade $ 800

SOLD for C$400.00
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704 CVR 28 image12c pale red brown Queen Victoria on Two 1872 Covers, both mailed in St John's on June 8 and June 19, 1872, and both addressed to the same person in London, England. Both were received in London on June 28, 1872 (red c.d.s on backs). Both were carried aboard the Moravian. Opening tears at top, and the June 19th cover is accompanied by a 2002 APS certificate. (Scan a) (Scan b) (Scan c) (All Scans)

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Unitrade $ 400

SOLD for C$190.00
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705 CVR 28a image12c pale red brown Queen Victoria on Thin Paper on an 1870 Cover, mailed in Twillingate on NOV.5.1870 with red Liverpool Packet receiver on front. Sent via St John's, Halifax, Queenstown and Liverpool. Tear on backflap but complete and very fine. (Scan a) Unitrade $ 300

SOLD for C$160.00
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706 CVR 28a image12c pale red brown Queen Victoria on Thin Paper on an 1870 Cover, originated at Fogo, but only entered the postal system at St John's (faint c.d.s on front). Would have travelled through Halifax, Queenstown and Liverpool. There is an OCT.31.1870 receiver on back. Tear on backflap but complete and comes with a 2000 APS certificate. (Scan a) (Scan b) (All Scans)


Unitrade $ 300

SOLD for C$150.00
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707 CVR 28a image12c pale red brown Queen Victoria on Thin Paper on Three Covers, all addressed to Poole England and part of the Waterman correspondence. Mailed from Fogo or St John's and dated 1869 (x2) and 1870. All three have red Liverpool transit c.d.s. on front. A few edge faults, still an overall fine trio. (Scan a) (Scan b) (Scan c) (All Scans)

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Unitrade $ 900

SOLD for C$400.00
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708 CVR   imageGroup of 49 WWII Era Covers, mostly all censored and addressed to Canada, with different markings, note RCAF, CAPO postmarks, etc. All but 6 are small sized. Very mixed condition, inspect. (Scan a) (Scan b) (Scan c) (Scan d) (Scan e) (All Scans)

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Est $ 100

SOLD for C$60.00
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709 CVR   Lot of Nearly 500 Covers from the 1940s, about half of which have merchant corner cards, and we note many small town postmarks, many from the Winter correspondence, etc. Many are dealer priced (in pencil) at $4 to $7 each. Overall nice quality and fine or better. Est $ 200

SOLD for C$350.00
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Covers -- Collections & Accumulations
LotNo. Symbol Cat No. Lot Description
710   Group of Unused Postal Stationery, with just under 100 items, from QV to KGV, with wrappers, UPU cards, covers, letter cards, etc. Light duplication of up to 6 copies of some items. Overall very fine condition. Est $ 100

SOLD for C$35.00
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711   Lot of 65 Postage Due Cards, 1970 to 1974, all franked with red postage due stamps, with a good variety of different rates and frankings, all postmarked wit St Mary's (Ont) postmarks (note different ones). All have two file holes and some tobacco smell, still fine. Est $ 100

SOLD for C$50.00
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