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Sparks Auctions Sale - 24
Sparks Auction #24 -
May 23-24, 2017
Welcome to our Auction 24; it has the best value we have offered so far,
with fewer lots and better overall variety.
Of note in this sale are the holdings of two retired dealers. One is
offered in its entirety with 120 lots and the other is the first of two
parts in 80 lots. We spent many hours sorting and lotting these
consignments and hope that their resulting organization will be useful to
our buyers. A nice Polar Region collection is offered by country in several
lots as well as a seldom offered Radio topical collection.
Our Canada and BNA sections are quite strong as usual, with many rare and
high quality stamps.
Our postal history section contains the second part of the Sammy Whaley
Newfoundland postal history collection, the late Colin Pomfret's Canadian
military (mostly World War I) postal history collections, a group of
numerals in Maltese Cross postmarks on cover, plus many more covers and
cards offered either in single lots or groupings.
In our lots and collections section you will find many country collections
including a lovely collection of China and surroundings in several lots,
strong Great Britain (including one cataloguing $18k), Italy, Belgium,
valuable Germany and more. Nearly $40,000 worth of face value postage in
several lots is also certain to attract many bidders.
We look forward to your participation!
Stéphane Cloutier
Director of Lotting & Consignments
Session 1, Canada & BNA (Lots 1-292) -- Tuesday, May 23rd, 2017 9:00am EDT
Session 2, British Commonwealth& Worldwide (Lots 301-402) -- Tuesday,
May 23rd, 2017 12:30pm EDT
Session 3, Postal History (Lots 501-850) -- Tuesday, May 23rd, 2017
1:30pm EDT
Session 4, Lots & Collections (Lots 1001-1496) -- Wednesday, May 24th,
2017 1:00pm EDT