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Worldwide Lots and Collections Online Auction continued...

Uruguay continued...
Lot Symbol Descrip Start Bid
662 image|SOBRE|1865. Set of three letters originating in MONTEVIDEO circulated between 1855 and 1865, one addressed to New York via London with a double transatlantic crossing and the others to Paris and Bordeaux via England. MAGNIFICENT. (Image) (Image 2) image


Closing..Feb-20, 09:30 AM
663 image|SOBRE|Yvert 13(4). (1860ca). Interesting set of four letters franked with the 60 cents of Uruguay from 1860, two from PAYSANDU and two from SALTO. TO BE EXAMINED. (Image) (Image 2) image


Closing..Feb-20, 09:30 AM
664 image|*/º|(1860ca). Interesting set of classic stamps from Uruguay between 1860 and 1866, in new and used condition, including two pairs of the 6 cts from 1864 and some different color shades from the type. HIGH CATALOG VALUE. WORTH EXAMINING. (Image)


Closing..Feb-20, 09:30 AM
665 image|º|1859. Spectacular remainder of a collection-study on the 120 centesims of 1861 from Uruguay with more than one hundred and eighty used stamps (different types, shades and postmarks), seven new stamps, four postmarked pairs and twenty stamps on fragments. TO BE EXAMINED. (Image) (Image 2) (Image 3) (Image 4) (Image 5) (Image 6) (Image 7) (Image 8) (Image 9) (Image 10) (Image 11) (Image 12) (Image 13) (Image 14) (Image 15) (Image 16) (Image 17) (Image 18) (Image 19) (Image 20) (Image 21) (Image 22) (Image 23) (Image 24) (Image 25) (Image 26) (Image 27) (Image 28) (Image 29) (Image 30) (Image 31) (Image 32) (Image 33) (Image 34) (Image 35) (Image 36) (Image 37) (Image 38) (Image 39) (Image 40) (Image 41) (Image 42) (Image 43) (Image 44) (Image 45) (Image 46) (Image 47) (Image 48) (Image 49) (Image 50) (Image 51) (Image 52) (Image 53) (Image 54) (Image 55) (Image 56) (Image 57) (Image 58) (Image 59) (Image 60) imageimage

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Closing..Feb-20, 09:30 AM
666 image|SOBRE|Yvert 36. 1872. 10 cts green. MONTEVIDEO to BORDEAUX (FRANCE). On the front, date stamp LIGNE J / PAQ.FR.Nº1, in red and handwritten "Pr Rio Grande". MAGNIFICENT AND RARE USE OF THE RED DATE STAMP IN THIS PERIOD FOR THE J LINE. (Image) (Image 2) image


Closing..Feb-20, 09:30 AM
667 image|SOBRE|Yvert 36. 1873. 10 cts green. MONTEVIDEO to CALDAS DE REIS (rear flap missing). On the front, date stamp CORREO / MONTEVIDEO and mark ADMON DE CAMBIO / 4 RS / TUY, in blue. NICE AND RARE. (Image)


Closing..Feb-20, 09:30 AM
668 image|SOBRE|Yvert 41. 1881. 10 cts vermilion, leaf edge with legend. MONTEVIDEO to BORDEAUX (FRANCE). Octagonal postmark SUCURSAL MARITIMA / MONTEVIDEO and on the front octagonal French date stamp MONTEVIDEO / PAQ.FR.J.Nº2. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE. (Image) (Image 2) image


Closing..Feb-20, 09:30 AM
669 image|SOBRE|Yvert 42. 1886. 20 cts yellow chestnut, BISECTED diagonally to serve as 10 cts. MONTEVIDEO to ROME (ITALY). Postmark CORREOS / MONTEVIDEO. MAGNIFICENT. (Image) (Image 2) image


Closing..Feb-20, 09:30 AM
670 image|(*)|Yvert 45(36). 1880. 1 cent brown, block of thirty-six stamps (reinforced perforation and some wrinkles). WITHOUT VERTICAL PERFORATION. NICE AND RARE. (Image)


Closing..Feb-20, 09:30 AM
671 image|*/(*)|Yvert 50, 51, 56, 56A. 1883ca). Set of complete sheets of Uruguay corresponding to the 2 cent red of 1883 imperforate (one hundred stamps, some with defect), 5 cent blue of 1883 (one hundred fifty-three stamps, folded) without vertical perforation, 5 cent blue of 1884 (one hundred stamps) and 5 cent ultramar of 1884. TO BE EXAMINED. (Image) (Image 2) (Image 3) imageimage


Closing..Feb-20, 09:30 AM
672 image|SOBRE|Yvert 152, 153. 1903. 1 green cent and 2 red cents. Illustrated postcard with scenes from MONTEVIDEO addressed to CHICAGO (USA). On the front, handwritten annotation "Pr Danube" and arrival. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE. ("Gruss Aus´" chromolithographic card) (Image) (Image 2) image


Closing..Feb-20, 09:30 AM
673 image|SOBRE|Yvert 348, 350/51, Airmail 14. 1929. 3 cents olive, 8 cents blue, 10 cents orange and 10 cents green airmail. Airmail from MONTEVIDEO to BUENOS AIRES (ARGENTINA). On the front, handwritten note "By plane Jesús del Gran Poder, courtesy of the aviator Francisco Iglesias" and signature of the pilot. MAGNIFICENT AND VERY RARE, VERY FEW KNOWN. (Image) (Image 2) image


Closing..Feb-20, 09:30 AM
674 image|**|(1979ca). Spectacular set of COLOR ESSAYS and various varieties from Uruguay between 1979 and 1989, highlighting a complete sheet of 10 p multicolor from 1987 (International Year of Peace) IMPERFORATED and WITHOUT BROWN and BLACK COLORS and a large block of 10 cts carmine from 1986 (General Artigas) COLOR ESSAY and IMPERFORATED, includes some test stamps from Brazil de Barcos. ESSENTIAL TO EXAMINE. (Image)


Closing..Feb-20, 09:30 AM
675 image|SOBRE| 302, Airmail 5. 1926. 10 cts red and 12 cts blue and black. Certified Airmail from MONTEVIDEO to BUENOS AIRES (ARGENTINA). Roller postmark MONTEVIDEO / URUGUAY, on the front handwritten notes "By Hydroplane Plus Ultra", "Courtesy of the heroic aviator Commander Franco" and signature of Ramón Franco (receipt of certificate imposition included). MAGNIFICENT AND EXTRAORDINARILY RARE, ONLY FOURTEEN LETTERS CIGoodULATED ON THIS PLUS ULTRA FLIGHT. (Image) (Image 2) image


Closing..Feb-20, 09:30 AM
Uruguay. Aéreo
Lot Symbol Descrip Start Bid
677 image|SOBRE| 10/12. 1928. 6 cts blue, 10 cts red, 20 cts green and 8 cts pink. Certified Aeropostal Service Postcard from MONTEVIDEO to MADRID, transported at the inauguration of the Atlantic Ocean crossing line by the Generale Aeropostale Company. AIR POSTAL SERVICE postmark, in pink and arrival on the back. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE. (Image) (Image 2) image


Closing..Feb-20, 09:30 AM
Uruguay. Agencia Postal Francesa
Lot Symbol Descrip Start Bid
678 image|SOBRE|1869. MONTEVIDEO to GENOVA (ITALY) (slight erosion). Maritime date stamp MONTEVIDEO / PAQ.FR.Nº1 and mark * / F.56, applied in transit through Paris. NICE AND RARE LETTER FORMAT FROM URUGUAY. (Image) (Image 2) image


Closing..Feb-20, 09:30 AM
679 image|SOBRE|1870. 80 cts carmine from France. MONTEVIDEO to MARSEILLE. ANCLA postmark and on the front octagonal date stamp MONTEVIDEO and handwritten annotation "By French Steamer Amazone". MAGNIFICENT. (Image) (Image 2) image


Closing..Feb-20, 09:30 AM
Uruguay. Bibliografía
Lot Symbol Descrip Start Bid
654 image1887. STAMPS OF THE EASTERN REPUBLIC OF URUGUAY. Dr. Wonner (Consul of Uruguay in Milan). Typographical printing by L. Bouzin, 1887 (spots of time). (Image) (Image 2) image


Closing..Feb-20, 09:30 AM
655 image1905. THE URUGUAYAN MAIL, NOTES FOR ITS HISTORY: VOLUME I 1825-1865, VOLUME II 1866-1877 and VOLUME III 1878-1890. Montevideo, 1905. (Image) (Image 2) image


Closing..Feb-20, 09:30 AM
656 image1941. URUGUAY. STAMPS 10, 15 and 20 CTS ISSUE OF JANUARY 10, 1866 (TYPES AND SUBTYPES). José Ramón Seijo. Philatelic Club of Uruguay, 1941-46. (Image)


Closing..Feb-20, 09:30 AM

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