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Worldwide Lots and Collections Online Auction continued...

Lotes y Colecciones.Extranjero continued...
Lot Symbol Descrip Start Bid
728 image|*/º|(1930ca). Complete series and individual stamps from various countries, mostly European, in new and used condition, including block sheets, booklets and some postcards. HIGH CATALOG VALUE. WRONG TO EXAMINE. (Image) (Image 2) (Image 3) (Image 4) (Image 5) (Image 6) (Image 7) (Image 8) (Image 9) (Image 10) (Image 11) (Image 12) (Image 13) (Image 14) imageimage


Closing..Feb-20, 09:30 AM
729 image|*/º|(1920ca). Interesting set of complete series, loose stamps and block sheets from various countries, mostly European, between 1920 and 1950, in new and used condition, with numerous series and stamps of medium-high value, including a set of stamps and series from Portugal and colonies in new and used condition and five circulated letters from various countries and periods. VERY HIGH CATALOG VALUE. WORTH EXAMINING. (Image) (Image 2) (Image 3) (Image 4) (Image 5) (Image 6) imageimage


Closing..Feb-20, 09:30 AM
730 image|SOBRE|(1942ca). Interesting set of single stamps and complete sets, plus a block sheet of Poland, Yugoslavia and Norway issued in exile during World War II in mint condition, including some variety and some used stamps from Poland and Yugoslavia. TO BE EXAMINED. (Image) (Image 2) image


Closing..Feb-20, 09:30 AM
Lotes y Colecciones.Extranjero. Historia Postal
Lot Symbol Descrip Start Bid
727 image|SOBRE|(1919ca). Interesting set of more than twenty-two letters, postcards and Postal Stationery circulated between 1919 and 1946, most of them Military Mail during World War II, among which two Airgraphs stand out, one sent by a Pole in Egypt during the Battle of El Alamein, several Feldpost, Prisoner of War Mail and several from Italian Military Mail, among others. TO BE EXAMINED. (Image) (Image 2) (Image 3) (Image 4) imageimage


Closing..Feb-20, 09:30 AM
Lotes y Colecciones.Varios
Lot Symbol Descrip Start Bid
731 image|(*)/º|(1895ca). Set of twelve illustrated or photographic postcards from various countries between 1895 and 1920, some circulated, including two from France from 1912 with images of airplanes, one from the United States of the Siberian Expeditionary Army from 1918 and one from Japan from 1904 (Control of the seas), among others, and includes a letter from Italy with the illustration FUORI I BARBARI from 1918. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE SET. (Image) (Image 2) image


Closing..Feb-20, 09:30 AM
Lot Symbol Descrip Start Bid
407 image|SOBRE|Yvert 1. 1858. 10 cts black grey. ETTELBRUCK to LUXEMBOURG (slight erosions on the front). On the front date stamp ETTELBRUCK / *. NICE AND RARE. (Image) (Image 2) image


Closing..Feb-20, 09:30 AM
Luxemburgo. Bibliografía
Lot Symbol Descrip Start Bid
405 image2014. LES TIMBRES-POSTE DU GRAND-DUCHE DE LUXEMBURG EMISSIONS 1852-1882 ESSAIS AND EPREUVES. Muller-Nosbaum. Editions Soluphil, 2014. (Image)


Closing..Feb-20, 09:30 AM
406 image2014. LES TIMBRES-POSTE DU GRAND-DUCHE DE LUXEMBURG. ISSUES 1852-1946. Rene Muller. Editions Soluphil, 2014. (Image)


Closing..Feb-20, 09:30 AM
Lot Symbol Descrip Start Bid
218 image|SOBRE| 317. 1926. 25 cts carmine. Postcard from Gran Canaria of the FRANCE-MADAGAUncirculatedAR air raid, on the LAS PALMAS-PORT ETIENNE stage. Flight mark VOYAGE AERIEN / FRANCE-MADAGAUncirculatedAR, in violet and linear NOTICE "LA SUIPPE" / COMMANDE PAR M VASSAL, CAPITAINE DE CORVETTE, in blue, of the ship that supported the Raid planes. MAGNIFICENT AND VERY RARE, NO MORE THAN TWO OR THREE KNOWN CARDS WITH THE MARK OF THE SHIP "LA SUIPPE". (Image) (Image 2) image


Closing..Feb-20, 09:30 AM
219 image|SOBRE|1926. 50 cts blue green from French Morocco. Casablanca Postcard of the FRANCE-MADAGAUncirculatedAR Air Raid, on the CASABLANCA-LAS PALMAS stage. VOYAGE AERIEN / FRANCE-MADAGAUncirculatedAR flight brand, in violet and MARINE A CASABLANCA. MAGNIFICENT AND VERY RARE, ACCORDING TO THE MULLER CATALOGUE ONLY FIFTEEN CARDS ARE KNOWN OF THIS FLIGHT. (Muller 13) (Image) (Image 2) image


Closing..Feb-20, 09:30 AM
Lot Symbol Descrip Start Bid
299 image|SOBRE|(1917ca). Interesting set of fourteen letters and a large certified fragment originating from different Malay states, most of them from Straits Settlements and Federated States, with various postages between 1917 and 1939. TO BE EXAMINED. (Image) (Image 2) (Image 3) (Image 4) imageimage


Closing..Feb-20, 09:30 AM
Malta. Lotes y Colecciones.Extranjero
Lot Symbol Descrip Start Bid
300 image|*|(1875ca). Interesting and very complete collection of Malta between 1875 and 1943, in new (most) and used condition, including the 1922 series with Self Government surcharge and the complete 1922-26 series. TO BE EXAMINED. Yvert 2022: 4,350 Euros (Image) (Image 2) (Image 3) (Image 4) (Image 5) (Image 6) (Image 7) (Image 8) (Image 9) (Image 10) imageimage

Get Market Data for [Malta Collection] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census


Closing..Feb-20, 09:30 AM
Marruecos Británico. Lotes y Colecciones.Extranjer
Lot Symbol Descrip Start Bid
301 image|*/º|(1898ca). Spectacular and very complete collection of British Morocco between 1898 and 1956, most of it new and very well represented, including postmarks from various towns, Postal Cards and Envelopes, circulated letters and varieties. VERY HIGH CATALOG VALUE. ESSENTIAL TO EXAMINE. (Image) (Image 2) (Image 3) (Image 4) (Image 5) (Image 6) (Image 7) (Image 8) (Image 9) (Image 10) (Image 11) (Image 12) (Image 13) (Image 14) (Image 15) (Image 16) (Image 17) (Image 18) (Image 19) (Image 20) (Image 21) (Image 22) (Image 23) (Image 24) (Image 25) (Image 26) (Image 27) (Image 28) (Image 29) (Image 30) (Image 31) (Image 32) (Image 33) (Image 34) (Image 35) (Image 36) (Image 37) (Image 38) (Image 39) (Image 40) (Image 41) (Image 42) (Image 43) (Image 44) (Image 45) (Image 46) (Image 47) (Image 48) (Image 49) (Image 50) (Image 51) (Image 52) (Image 53) (Image 54) (Image 55) (Image 56) (Image 57) (Image 58) (Image 59) (Image 60) imageimage


Closing..Feb-20, 09:30 AM
Marruecos Francés
Lot Symbol Descrip Start Bid
213 image|(*)|1917. 35 cts black VALUE NOT ISSUED. PROOF OF CONDITION, on bristol paper, faint printing, like the first states. NICE AND VERY RARE. (Image)


Closing..Feb-20, 09:30 AM
214 image|(*)|Yvert 78. 1917. 5 pts black, value in PH (Pesetas Hassanies), instead of francs. PROOF OF CONDITION, on bristol paper and imprint J.DE LA NEZZIERE-C.COPPIER. MAGNIFICENT AND VERY RARE. (Image)


Closing..Feb-20, 09:30 AM
215 image|**|Yvert 89/92. 1952. Complete set (8F + 10 F usual time spots). UNISSUED. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE. Yvert 2019: 920 Euros (Image)


Closing..Feb-20, 09:30 AM
216 image|SOBRE|Yvert 99/03,105/06,108, Air coins 2.5. 1932. Various values and air coins of 25 cts blue and 75 cts dark green (on obverse and reverse). Certificate from OUDJDA to BULLE (SWITZERLAND). MAGNIFICENT. (Image) (Image 2) image


Closing..Feb-20, 09:30 AM
Marruecos Francés. Aéreo
Lot Symbol Descrip Start Bid
217 image|SOBRE|1932. 80 cts lilac chestnut. Airmail from AGADIR to ANGOULEME (FRANCE). Postmark POSTE AUX ARMEES / AGADIR and on the front annotation FM and franchise mark REGIMEN D´AVIATION / LE CAPITAINE / COMMANDANT / 6ª EUncirculatedADRILLE, in blue and assessed on arrival at 30 cts for lack of postage, applying a red 30 cts French duty stamp, on the back arrival. MAGNIFICENT. (Image) (Image 2) image


Closing..Feb-20, 09:30 AM
Lot Symbol Descrip Start Bid
302 image|SOBRE|1856. Addressed to NANTES (FRANCE). Oval date stamp PACKET LETTER / MAURITIUS, applied at the origin and at the entry INDES OR. / MARSEILLE, both in red. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE. (Image) (Image 2) image


Closing..Feb-20, 09:30 AM
303 image|SOBRE|Yvert 32, 36. 1870. 2 blue p and 6 green p. PORT LOUIS to NANCY (FRANCE) (small, unimportant fault in the upper left corner). Postmark with the number "B53" and on the front the octagonal and handwritten date stamp "Par Messageries Imples". MAGNIFICENT. (SG59 and 64) (Image) (Image 2) image


Closing..Feb-20, 09:30 AM

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