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Worldwide Lots and Collections Online Auction continued...

Italia continued...
Lot Symbol Descrip Start Bid
371 image|*|Yvert 146/51. 1923. Complete series. BEAUTIFUL AND RARE. Yvert 2024: 650 Euros (Image)


Closing..Feb-20, 09:30 AM
372 image|SOBRE|Yvert 219, Airmail 7. 1928. 1.25 l blue and black and 1.20 l brown. Airmail from ROME to BAGoodELONA. Transported on the 1st Rome-Barcelona Flight, arrival on the back. MAGNIFICENT AND VERY RARE, ONLY FIFTEEN LETTERS WERE TRANSPORTED. (Image) (Image 2) image


Closing..Feb-20, 09:30 AM
373 image|SOBRE|Yvert 219, Airmail 4(2). 1928. 1´25 blue and black and 60 cts grey, two stamps. Airmail from ROME to SEVILLE, reshipped to FREGENAL DE LA SIERRA (BADAJOZ). On the front marked I.VOLO POSTA AEREA / ROME-BAGoodELONA, on the back arrival. MAGNIFICENT AND VERY RARE, ONLY FIFTEEN LETTERS WERE TRANSPORTED. (Image) (Image 2) image


Closing..Feb-20, 09:30 AM
374 image|SOBRE|1944. 20 cts rose red of taxes and 10 cts of Recapito Autorizzato. Postcard from CAGLIO to MILAN. Handwritten annotation "Zona sprovista di francobollo" and on the front the date of the Italian Alpine Club, in violet. MAGNIFICENT AND UNUSUAL COMBINATION OF EMERGENCY MAIL POSTAGE. (Image) (Image 2) image


Closing..Feb-20, 09:30 AM
375 image|SOBRE|1944. Two certified letters, franked with stamps from Italy and the Inter-Allied Occupation (Governo Militare Alleato overprint) originating in Naples and Bari. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE MIXED POSTAGES. (Image) (Image 2) image


Closing..Feb-20, 09:30 AM
376 image|**|Yvert 481/03. 1945. Complete series. BEAUTIFUL. Yvert 2019: 1,000 Euros (Image)


Closing..Feb-20, 09:30 AM
Italia. Bibliografía
Lot Symbol Descrip Start Bid
328 image1946. A PHILATELIC CURIOUSITY. THE FAKE STAMPS OF GUSTAVO WAIBL. E.Lazzareschi. Pescia Artidoro Benedetti, 1946 (including a 1950 monograph with seventy-three fake stamps of Victor Emmanuel II). (Image) (Image 2) image


Closing..Feb-20, 09:30 AM
329 image1964. STAMPS OF ITALY USED ABROAD. Three volumes (part two, part three and part six). SDTchilinghiriam and Rag.R.Bernardelli. Harris Publication Limited, 1964. (Image)


Closing..Feb-20, 09:30 AM
330 image2015. LE ARMATE FRANCESI IN ITALIA (1792-1814) STORIA POSTALE E CATAZIONE, two volumes. Pietro Giribone and Paolo Vollmeier. Paolo Vollmeier. Editore, 2015. (Image) (Image 2) image


Closing..Feb-20, 09:30 AM
331 image2017. STORIA DELLA NAVIGAZIONE A VAPORE E DEI SERVIZI POSTALE SUL MEDITERRANEO, Volume III 1840-1850 (Sardegna, France, Spain, Line Inglesi). Alessandro Arseni. The Postal Gazette, 2017. (Image)


Closing..Feb-20, 09:30 AM
Italia. Campo de Concentración
Lot Symbol Descrip Start Bid
383 image|SOBRE|1944. Receipt of a Postal Package shipment from SIUncirculatedA to DEBLIN (POLAND), addressed to an Italian prisoner interned in the OFLAG Nº77, established in this Polish town during the German Occupation, after the signing of the armistice of the Italians in September 1943, these become enemies of Germany so many are taken prisoner by the German army and interned in concentration camps, the envelope-form is added a list of the contents of the package and a paper with number 540 and name with date stamp SIUncirculatedA / PARMA. MAGNIFICENT AND VERY RARE. (Image)


Closing..Feb-20, 09:30 AM
Italia. Correo de Campaña / Militar
Lot Symbol Descrip Start Bid
380 image|SOBRE|Yvert 76/77. 1912. 5 cts green and 10 cts red-pink. Illustrated postcard BATTESIMO DEL FUOCO / BU-KEMEZ Certified to PREMENO, reissued to INTRA. Postmark POSTA MILITARE / 5º DIVISIONE SPECIALE and on the front the regimental mark and arrivals. MAGNIFICENT AND VERY RARE. (Image) (Image 2) image


Closing..Feb-20, 09:30 AM


Closing..Feb-20, 09:30 AM
382 image|SOBRE|(1940ca). Set of five illustrated postcards with military motifs, three Italian with military franchise (circulated) and two German (one of them uncirculated). MAGNIFICENT. (Image) (Image 2) image


Closing..Feb-20, 09:30 AM
Italia. Entero Postal
Lot Symbol Descrip Start Bid
377 image|SOBRE|Yvert 5(2). 1921. Set of two Postal Advertising Envelopes NAVIGACIONE GENERALE ITALIANA and LE CARAMELLE DE GIUSTI (without side risers), both circulated with the 40 cts brown, BLP surcharge BEAUTIFUL AND RARE. (Image) (Image 2) image


Closing..Feb-20, 09:30 AM
Italia. Lotes y Colecciones.Extranjero
Lot Symbol Descrip Start Bid
384 image|*/º|(1860ca). Interesting set of loose stamps from Italy, Former States and Italian Occupations in Europe and Africa in mint condition (some used), most of them related to military themes, including numerous varieties of perforations and surcharges, some of them unusual, as well as some special postmarks. HIGH CATALOG VALUE. WORTH EXAMINING. (Image) (Image 2) image


Closing..Feb-20, 09:30 AM
Italia. Prefilatelia
Lot Symbol Descrip Start Bid
356 image|SOBRE|(1848ca). Interesting set of four envelopes and a complete letter circulated during the period of Italian Unification (Risorgimento), three from the Republic of San Marco and two from the Roman Republic, all with franchise marks from different organizations. MAGNIFICENT. (Image) (Image 2) image


Closing..Feb-20, 09:30 AM
357 image|SOBRE|1849. Two letters circulated during the period of the Roman Republic (February to July 1849) from ANCONA to BELVEDERE and STAFFOLO, with the franchise marks PRESIDE DI ANCONA / REPUBLICA / ROMANA, in black and blue, respectively. MAGNIFICENT. (Image) (Image 2) image


Closing..Feb-20, 09:30 AM
Italia. Propaganda de Guerra
Lot Symbol Descrip Start Bid
379 image|**|1942. Complete series. NOT ISSUED. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE WITHOUT STAMPS. (Sassone 12A/C) (Image)


Closing..Feb-20, 09:30 AM
Italia-República Social
Lot Symbol Descrip Start Bid
378 image1944. 30 cts brown and 1´25 l blue INVERTED overprint (traced on the 30 cts) and 1´25 l blue, block of four, overprint RECTO-VERSO. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE. (Sassone 492a, 495a, 495k). Signed FIECCHI. (Image)


Closing..Feb-20, 09:30 AM

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