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Worldwide Lots and Collections Online Auction continued...

Estados Unidos continued...
Lot Symbol Descrip Start Bid
615 image|SOBRE|1942. 1 cent green on Postal Stationery Card from ELIZABETH to GREAT BRITAIN, addressed to Fritz Meibohm, surviving sailor of the German ship "Elbe" and prisoner in a Canadian camp and forwarded to the Ottawa Internment Commission in Canada which transferred the letter to the Canadian mail to forward it to the recipient, the complementary stamp was torn off by the censor. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE. (the "Elbe" was the supply ship of the "Graf Spee", cornered and self-sunk in the Río de la Plata, the sinking of the "Graf Spee" and the "Bismarck" were the two great sinkings of German ships in World War II). (Image) (Image 2) image


Closing..Feb-20, 09:30 AM
616 image|SOBRE|1944. Special print from Prisoners of War from NEW YORK to KREIENSEN (GERMANY), sent by a German prisoner interned in Camp Pickett (Virginia) where nearly two thousand seven hundred German prisoners of war were interned. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE. (Image) (Image 2) image


Closing..Feb-20, 09:30 AM
617 image|SOBRE|1944. Two postcards from Prisoners of War from NEW YORK to KREIENSEN (GERMANY). Sent by a German prisoner interned in Camp Gruber (Oklahoma), where an area was set up to hold about three thousand German prisoners. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE. (Image) (Image 2) image


Closing..Feb-20, 09:30 AM
Estados Unidos. Aéreo
Lot Symbol Descrip Start Bid
605 image|SOBRE|1928. 5 cts blue envelope Postal Stationery from OLD OGoodHARD (MAINE) to FRANCE. Yellow Bird flight across the Atlantic Ocean which had to land in Comillas (Spain) due to lack of fuel. On the front marks FIRST FRENCH TRANSATLANTIC FLIGHT / ASSOLANT-LEFEVRE-LOTTI / OLD OLCHARD-PARIS, signatures of the three pilots and dates COMILLAS / (SANTANDER) and BOURGET-AVIATION / SEINE (a brief history of the flight is included which, apart from having made the greatest distance over open sea, is the first flight to cross the Atlantic Ocean with a stowaway on board). MAGNIFICENT AND VERY RARE. (Image) (Image 2) image


Closing..Feb-20, 09:30 AM
607 image|SOBRE|1929. Unpaid cover from SYRACUSE to ROME (ITALY). Handwritten annotation "Carried on the Pathfinder New York-Rome-Italy" and signed by the pilot Lewis Alonzo Yancey and dated ROMA / AEROPORTO LITTORIO-POSTA AEREA. MAGNIFICENT AND VERY RARE, ONLY NINETEEN LETTERS WERE TRANSPORTED ON THIS TRANSATLANTIC FLIGHT. (Image) (Image 2) image


Closing..Feb-20, 09:30 AM
608 image|SOBRE|Yvert 13. 1930. 65 cts green. Postcard by Graf Zeppelin from LAKEHURST to BRONXVILLE. Roller postmark LAKEHURST NJ and on the front mark FIRST / EUROPE PANAMERICA / ROUND FLIGHT, in violet and on the back SEVILLA transit and special Graf Zeppelin NEW YORK roller, in green. MAGNIFICENT. (Image) (Image 2) image


Closing..Feb-20, 09:30 AM
609 image|SOBRE|Yvert 14. 1930. 1´30 d chestnut. Graf Zeppelin from LAKEHURST to BAGoodELONA. On the front "Via Graf Zeppelin Lakehurst to Seville" and marking FIRST / EUROPE PAN-AMERICA / ROUND FLIGHT, in violet and on the back SEVILLE transit and arrival. MAGNIFICENT. (Image) (Image 2) image


Closing..Feb-20, 09:30 AM
610 image|SOBRE| 14, 15. 1930. 1´30 d brown and 2´60 d blue. NEW YORK to NEW HAVEN. On the front marks LUFUncirculatedHIFF GRAF ZEPPELIN / SUDAMERIKA FAHRT 1930, in red and FIRST / EUROPE PAN-AMERICA / ROUND FLIGHT, in violet, on the back FRIEDRICHSHAFEN transit and special roller of the Graf Zeppelin NEW YORK NY, in green. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE. (Image) (Image 2) image


Closing..Feb-20, 09:30 AM
612 image|SOBRE|Yvert 73. 1969. 10 cents multicolour. First Day Cover. On the front, dated MOON LANDING / 20 / JUL / 1969 / USA and signature of the three Apollo XII astronauts, the second mission achieved by Alan L. Bean, Richard Gordon and Charles Conrad. MAGNIFICENT AND VERY RARE. (Image) (Image 2) image


Closing..Feb-20, 09:30 AM
Estados Unidos. Bibliografía
Lot Symbol Descrip Start Bid
594 image(1952ca). Collection of several auction catalogues of stamps and postal history of the United States held between 1952 and 2010 with some of the most important collections such as The Floyd E. Risuold Collection by Spink-Shreves, The David Golden collection by Siegel as well as others by Robson Lowe and Siegel. TO BE EXAMINED. (Image) (Image 2) (Image 3) (Image 4) (Image 5) (Image 6) (Image 7) imageimage


Closing..Feb-20, 09:30 AM
595 image1958. UNITED STATES RAILROAD POSTMARKS 1837 TO 1861. CWRemele. American Philatelic Society, 1958. (Image)


Closing..Feb-20, 09:30 AM
596 image1968. RAILROAD POSTMARKS OF THE UNITED STATES 1861 TO 1886. Charles L.Towle an Henry A.Meyer. The US Philatelic Classics Society Inc, 1968. (Image)


Closing..Feb-20, 09:30 AM
597 image1976. GOLD RUSH STEAMERS OF THE PACIFIC. Ernest A. Wiltsee. Quarterman Publications. Massachusetts, 1976. (Image)


Closing..Feb-20, 09:30 AM
598 image(1977ca). Collection of various U.S. publications, including the 1995 Harris Catalog, the 1977 World Stamp Almanac, and Stamps for Investment. PLEASE NOTE. (Image) (Image 2) image


Closing..Feb-20, 09:30 AM
599 image1983. UNITED STATES INCOMING STEAM-SHIP MAIL 1847-1875. Theron Wierenga. Michigan, 1983. (Image)


Closing..Feb-20, 09:30 AM
600 image1998. UNITED STATES REGISTERED MAIL 1845-1870. James W. Milgram and MDDavid G. Phillips Publishing Company Inc, 1998. (Image)


Closing..Feb-20, 09:30 AM
601 image2008. THE WILLIAM H. GROSS COLLECTION UNITED STATES CLASSICS 1847-1869. Spink Shreves Galleries, 2008. (Image)


Closing..Feb-20, 09:30 AM
Estados Unidos. Entero Postal
Lot Symbol Descrip Start Bid
614 image|SOBRE|1888. 2 cents chestnut envelope Wells Fargo Postal Stationery from MARFA to FORT DAVIS (TEXAS). Duplex date stamp MARFA / TEX and on the front mark WFAND COS EXPRESS / 193 MESSENGER, in violet and on the back arrival. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE. (Image) (Image 2) image


Closing..Feb-20, 09:30 AM
Estados Unidos. Periódicos
Lot Symbol Descrip Start Bid
613 image|(*)|Yvert 3. 1865. 25 cents red (Lincoln). MAGNIFICENT. (Image)


Closing..Feb-20, 09:30 AM
Lot Symbol Descrip Start Bid
710 image|(*)|Yvert 1159/62. 1986. Complete series. Ten PROGRESSIVE COLOR ESSAYS, in violet. MAGNIFICENT AND VERY RARE. (Image)


Closing..Feb-20, 09:30 AM

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