Germany - Occupation WW2 continued...
Lot |
Descrip |
Opening |
2121 |
Lithuania - Panevezys 1941 5 kopek Mi 1, rare very fine mint ** (Image)
Low Est. € 50
Closing..Mar-12, 02:00 AM |
2122 |
Lithuania - Panevezys 1941 15 kopek Mi 2, rare very fine mint ** (Image)
Low Est. € 50
Closing..Mar-12, 02:00 AM |
2123 |
Lithuania - Panevezys 1941 30 kopek Mi 3, rare very fine mint ** stamp, small round owner mark on reverse (Image)
Low Est. € 50
Closing..Mar-12, 02:00 AM |
2124 |
Lithuania - Panevezys 1941 5 kopek - 60 kopek Mi 4-9, all stamps with all overprinting colouts. Most are very fine mint ** and most
are signed. Total of 13 different stamps, not often for sale in this way! (Image)
Low Est. € 80
Closing..Mar-12, 02:00 AM |
2125 |
Lithuania - Raseiniai 1941 magnificent collection page including all 11 stamps of the area. 5 kopek - 60 kopek stamps from type I and
II in vertical very fine mint ** pairs, type III stamps are single mint **/* partly signed. Four high values 80 kopek - 1 rouble some are signed, the rare 80 kopek stamp has an old circular mark on reverse. This kind of set not often for sale -
opportunity! (Image)
Get Market Data for [Germany Collection] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Low Est. € 200
Closing..Mar-12, 02:00 AM |
2126 |
Lithuania - Rokiskis 1941 magnificent collection page with over 30 mint **/* stamps, all are different types. Including eg. three 50
kopek stamps with different overprint types: one with certificate, one is signed and one has pen marking (signature?) on reverse. 5 kopek - 30 kopek stamps includes all the varieties, 50 kopek missing only three variations and 60 kopek missing only
one. Black overprint type I with combined certificate: Bender (2008). Not often for sale! (Image)
Get Market Data for [Germany Collection] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Low Est. € 150
Closing..Mar-12, 02:00 AM |
2127 |
Lithuania - Rokiskis 1941 50 kopek Mi 6 a II, used stamp on a small fragment, with overprint error IV. The fragment has been cut
smaller after the certification. Certificate (kurzbefund): Nagler (2018) (Image)
Low Est. € 50
Closing..Mar-12, 02:00 AM |
2128 |
Lithuania - Rokiskis 1941 50 kopek Mi 6 a III, beautiful used stamp, signed: Krischke BPP (Image)
Low Est. € 50
Closing..Mar-12, 02:00 AM |
2129 |
Lithuania - Rokiskis 1941 50 kopek Mi 6 b, very fine mint ** (Image)
Low Est. € 80
Closing..Mar-12, 02:00 AM |
2130 |
Lithuania - Telsiai 1941 5 kopek - 60 kopek Mi 1-7, fine collection on page including almost all three types from all the seven
stamps, only 30 kopek type I is missing. Total of 20 different stamps! Mint * and very fine mint ** stamps, some are signed. A fine and rare collection! (Image)
Get Market Data for [Germany Collection] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Low Est. € 80
Closing..Mar-12, 02:00 AM |
2131 |
Lithuania - Telsiai 1941 80 kopek Mi 8 III, mint * stamp, signed: Rijxman (Image)
Low Est. € 20
Closing..Mar-12, 02:00 AM |
2132 |
Lithuania - Telsiai 1941 1 rouble Mi 10 I K, very fine mint ** (Image)
Low Est. € 80
Closing..Mar-12, 02:00 AM |
2133 |
Lithuania - Telsiai 1941 1 rouble Mi 10, two stamps: type II mint * and type III very fine mint ** (Image)
Low Est. € 40
Closing..Mar-12, 02:00 AM |
2134 |
Lithuania - Telsiai 1941 30 kopek Mi 18 II, rare very fine mint ** (Image)
Low Est. € 100
Closing..Mar-12, 02:00 AM |
2135 |
Lithuania - Ukmerge 1941 Mi 1-5, rare very fine mint ** (Image)
Low Est. € 200
Closing..Mar-12, 02:00 AM |
2136 |
Lithuania - Zarasai 1941 5 kopek Mi 1 b I K, mint * rare stamp with INVERTED brown-lilac overprint! Certificate: Krischke (2011) (Image)
Low Est. € 100
Closing..Mar-12, 02:00 AM |
2137 |
Lithuania - Zarasai 1941 5 kopek Mi 1b IIB K, mint * type II rare stamp with INVERTED brown-lilac overprint! A few short perfs.
Certificate: Huylmans (2016) (Image)
Low Est. € 100
Closing..Mar-12, 02:00 AM |
2138 |
Lithuania - Zarasai 1941 magnificent selection of various types and overprint colours on two collection pages. Over 40 different
mainly mint **/* stamps. Including four 50 kopek stamps and four 60 kopek stamps, better type II stamps etc. High catalogue value - this kind of selection very seldom for sale - opportunity! (Image)
Get Market Data for [Germany Collection] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Low Est. € 150
Closing..Mar-12, 02:00 AM |
2139 |
Lithuania - Zarasai 1941 50 kopek Mi 6a IIB, used rare stamp, signed: Krischke BPP (Image)
Low Est. € 100
Closing..Mar-12, 02:00 AM |
2140 |
Lithuania - Zarasai 1941 50 kopek Mi 6b II K, mint * type II, rare stamp with INVERTED brown-lilac overprint! signed: Keiler BPP,
certificate: Krischke (2005) (Image)
Low Est. € 80
Closing..Mar-12, 02:00 AM |