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Lot Symbol CatNo. Lot Description CV or Estimate
3599 OGO   CANADA AND PROVINCES COLLECTION. mostly mint to 1970s on quadrille pages, better throughout incl 4 used (3), 4d used, 7-8 used, 19-20 used, useful group of used Large and Small Queens incl shade and paper varieties, 22a used, 23 used, 57 used (3), 58 used (2), 59 mint (2), 59 used (8 incl two with Ottawa crown cancel), 60 used (4 incl three with roller cancel), 62 roller cancel, 71 mint (5), 72 mint, 73 mint (3), 83 mint (2), 89-95 used, 96-103 mint (somewhat dist gum as often), strong mostly mint Admirals incl coils and imperfs, E3 block mint (two stamps NH), etc. plus some misc Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Isl, usual mixed condition but better than usually seen, mostly F-VF, view to appreciate. 


SOLD for $2,500.00
Will close during Public Auction before Nov-01, 05:58 PM
3600 OGO   CANADA AND PROVINCES COLLECTION TO 1940s. mostly mint on Scott pages and with many premium incl Br Columbia & Vancouver Isl 7 unused, 8 mint, New Brunswick 1 pen and oval grid cancel, 6-11 unused or dist og, Newfoundland 1 mint, 11A mint, 21-23 small part og, 26 unused, 32A mint, 40 unused, 87 "NFW" variety mint, 1932 "Wayzata" airmail mint (8 incl two NH), Nova Scotia 1 used, 3 pen cancel, 4 used, Prince Edward Isl 1-16 mint or unused incl 15-16 mint blocks of sixteen, Canada 1 used, 4-5 used, 4 on 1855 single franking cover, 8 used, 17 used (3 shades), 20 used, 21-22 unused, useful group of mint or unused small Queens, 50-60 mint, 69-72 mint, 82-83 mint, 89-93 mint, 94-95 unused, 96-103 mint, 116 mint, 120a mint, 135 mint block (bottom stamps NH), 249-62 mint, C4 mint block (bottom stamps NH), CL11a mint, CL48 pane of ten NH, etc., usual mixed condition but better than usual though some 19th century issues regummed, mostly F-VF (see online scans)


SOLD for $3,500.00
Will close during Public Auction before Nov-01, 05:59 PM
3601 OGO   CANADA AND PROVINCES COLLECTION TO 1988. mostly mint in a moderately well filled Scott album with many premium sets and singles as Canada 18 used, 21-23 used, 24 unused, 27-28 used, 46-47 used, 56-57 mint, 59 used, 68-73 used, 75-84 used, 92-95 used, 100-02 used, 158-59 mint, 176 mint, 261-62 mint, mostly complete mint after 1951, Newfoundland 233-43 mint, J1-6 mint, etc., usual mixed condiiton with most F-VF. 


SOLD for $650.00
Will close during Public Auction before Nov-01, 05:59 PM
3602 OGO   CANADA AND PROVINCES COLLECTION BALANCE. mostly mint on Scott pages and incl Canada Small Queens used, 74-84 used, 85-86 mint, 141-48 mint, 158-59 used, 178-83 mint, 205-07 mint, Newfoundland 61-74 mint, 104-14 used (9c mint), 233-43 NH and used, etc., usual mixed condition, mostly F-VF. 


SOLD for $475.00
Will close during Public Auction before Nov-01, 06:00 PM
Lot Symbol CatNo. Lot Description CV or Estimate
3603 OGO   CANADA ASSEMBLAGE. Classic to modern sets, singles and some errors in stock sheets and an album where better items show up on virtually every turn of the page, among the many notables 4 used, 19 used, 48-49 used (2), assortment of used Large and Small Queens, 72-73 mint, 50-61 medley of used, unused, regummed and mint, 96-103 (3 sets of mixed mint, unused and regummed), useful Admirals incl some booklet panes and coils mint and used, 136-38 singles and pairs mint, 144a mint, 150b NH, 150d NH, 151b mint, 154b NH, F1-3 unused, O241-45 mint, O249-62 mint (less 13c), O268-73 NH, etc., very mixed condition, VG-VF, a must-view. 


SOLD for $2,700.00
Will close during Public Auction before Nov-01, 06:01 PM
3604 OGO   CANADA ASSORTMENT. Cornucopia of mint and used singles plus some later plate blocks and mini-sheets (some duplication), highlights include 50-60 mint (15c unused), 61 roller cancel, 83 NH, 93 mint, 96-103 used (mixed condition), 148 blocks NH (2), 174 plate no. block NH, 217-27 NH, 262 NH, 272-73 plate no. blocks NH, E8 block NH, O9-11 NH, O27 NH, O32 plate no. block NH, etc., usual mixed condition, mostly F-VF. 


SOLD for $1,150.00
Will close during Public Auction before Nov-01, 06:01 PM
3605 OGO   CANADA ACCUMULATION. Conglomeration of stamps and covers noting 1980s/90s FDC, range of 20th century mint sets, singles, plate blocks, few sheets and postal stationery, etc. incl #50-61 mint and nice range of KG V / QE II coil pairs and strips incl precancels, classic to modern issues in a well-filled stock book, some postal stationery, starter collection in three Scott Master albums, album of covers addressed to FDR incl and E4 and E5 (2) franking, Canada Post "new issue" sendings, some old-time pages with mostly used incl some Small Queens incl 48-49, etc., usual mixed condition, VG-VF. 


SOLD for $1,250.00
Will close during Public Auction before Nov-01, 06:02 PM
3606 NHOGO   CANADA COLLECTION, 1868/1999. quality collection in two Davo hingeless albums and loaded with premium as 27 used, 34-37 mint (2c NH), 45 unused, 46 used, 47 unused, 50 mint, 51-52 NH, 80 mint, 95 used, 98 NH, 101 mint, 114 NH, 117a NH, 118 NH, 129-32 NH, 149-59 mint, 160-61 NH, 217-27 NH, mostly complete NH after 1947, C3-4 NH, E1-2 mint, O27 NH, etc., a few regums here and there but generally fresh and F-VF or better. 


SOLD for $625.00
Will close during Public Auction before Nov-01, 06:02 PM
3607 NHOGO   CANADA ASSORTMENT. mostly mint in stock sheets or on homemade pages, numerous highlights include 46-47 used, 56 mint, 57 used, 89-95 used, 96-103 used, 122 mint with lathework, 141-48 mint, 158-59 used, 162-77 mint, 195-201 mint, 203 NH, 209 NH, 217-27 NH, 241-45 NH, 249-62 NH, 268-73 NH, C1-4 mint, E5-9 NH, J9 NH (2), J10 NH, J12-14 NH (2), etc., generally F-VF, would make an excellent foundation collection once rearranged onto proper pages. 


SOLD for $625.00
Will close during Public Auction before Nov-01, 06:03 PM
3608 NH   CANADA MINT NH 20th CENTURY MINT COLLECTION. in mounts on Scott pages and incl 87, 107, 109-10, 113-14, 125 pair, 127 pair, 157, 202-04, 205-06 pairs, 209, 211-30, 228-30 pairs, 245, 258-62, 268-73, 302, C2-3, etc., generally fresh and F-VF with many VF or better. 


SOLD for $550.00
Will close during Public Auction before Nov-01, 06:03 PM
3609 NHOGO   PILE OF CANADA. mostly mint 1930s/50s mint singles, blocks, coils, plate blocks, etc. incl good number of officials mostly by issue in a stack of glassine envelopes, sifting through note better as 242 plate block NH (2), 245 NH (5), 261 NH (5), 271-73  plate blocks NH, 273 block NH, MR4 block mint (2 incl one NH), O32 plate block NH, O262 mint, etc. usual mixed condition with most F-VF. 


SOLD for $650.00
Will close during Public Auction before Nov-01, 06:04 PM
3610 OGO   CANADA COLLECTION, 1897/1976. highly complete on White Ace pages and incl (mint unless otherwise noted) 50, 55, 56 used, 57, 58 used, 59, 60 roller cancel, 62 oval "R" cancel, 70, 74-84 used, 89-95 used, 103 used, 149-59 used, 162-77 used, 178-83 (most NH), C1-9, etc., mostly F-VF. 


SOLD for $500.00
Will close during Public Auction before Nov-01, 06:04 PM
3611 NHOGO   CANADA 1910s/40s ISSUES ASSORTMENT. nearly all mint sets and singles on quadrille pages and incl some multiples, better as (mint unless otherwise noted) 149-59 (20c NH), 149-54 blocks of four (2 stamps each block NH), 171 block (2 stamps NH), 176-77, 195-201, 198 block (2 stamps NH), C1-3, E1-6, J6-14, Unitrade MR2B-2D, etc., generally F-VF 


SOLD for $375.00
Will close during Public Auction before Nov-01, 06:05 PM
3612 NH   CANADA 1980s/2000s ISSUES COLLECTION. setrs, singles, S/S and mini-sheets in mounts on pages, good deal of completion especially in later issues, NH or self adhesive, mostly VF (face value C$750+)


SOLD for $325.00
Will close during Public Auction before Nov-01, 06:05 PM
3613 OGO   CANADA COLLECTION, 1870/1991. in a Harris album and incl some later booklets and Provinces, note premium as 51-57 mint, 122 mint, 227 mint, 241-45 mint ($1 NH), 262 NH, 268-73 NH, 278-81 mint, mostly complte mint 1951/87 (majority NH), C1-9 mint, etc., mostly F-VF. 


SOLD for $350.00
Will close during Public Auction before Nov-01, 06:05 PM
3614 NHOG   CANADA BOOKLET PANES AND BOOKLET COLLECTION. Mix of panes and complete booklets from 1910s/80s period, better include Panes 105a NH, 106a NH, 153a, 163a (2), 163c with "NO. 4" in tab, 166a, 196a-b, 217a, 218a-b, Booklets (Unitrade nos.) BK3e, BK3c, BK5d, BK17, BK28b (French), BK29b (French), BK37e (French), etc., usual mixed condition with some of the earlier panes some lightly toned or dist. gum, some earlier booklets with typical light cover bends from opening or a light pencil notation on cover, mostly F-VF


SOLD for $270.00
Will close during Public Auction before Nov-01, 06:08 PM
3615 NH   CANADA 1978/2003 P.O. YEAR SETS COLLECTION. comprised of 1978, 1979-80 (3), 1981-82 (2), 1983, 1984-85 (2), 1986 (3 incl two hardcover), 1987 (3 incl two hardcover), 1988-91, 1993-94, 1995-98 (2), 1999-2000, special "Millennium Collection" set, 2001-03, many still in plastic shrink-wrap, mostly Very Fine (face value of stamps C$825+)


SOLD for $325.00
Will close during Public Auction before Nov-01, 06:06 PM
Lot Symbol CatNo. Lot Description CV or Estimate
3616 OGO   CAPE OF GOOD HOPE COLLECTION, 1864/1910. attractive collection balance of the "Hope Seated" on exhibit pages and incl assorted KE VIII issues, covers, postal stationery, post cards, etc., mostly F-VF, nice group of these under-appreciated issues. 


SOLD for $675.00
Will close during Public Auction before Nov-01, 06:07 PM
Lot Symbol CatNo. Lot Description CV or Estimate
3617 OGO   FALKLAND ISLANDS VICTORIA/ KG V GROUP. mostly mint and arranged by Heijtz catalog number in two stock books with some duplication (incl shade varieties) and numerous better as 1878 1sh mint (4), 1885/91 1d (5 mint with shades), 4d (20 mint or unused incl o.g. block of four), 1891/1902 ½d (20 mint or unused with variety of shades), 1d (38 mint or unused with shades), 2d (12 mint or unused with shades), 2½d (13 mint or unused with shades), 6d (8 mint with shades), 9d (12 mint with shades), 1sh (10 mint with shades), KE VII 2½d mint (6), 1sh mint (5), KG V 1912-14 2d mint (16 incl shades), 2½d mint (13 mint incl shades), 6d (12 mint incl shades), 1sh mint (19 incl shades), KG V 1921-28 6d NH block, 1sh mint (4) plus single with partial South Georgia cancel, 3sh mint (3), etc. plus extensive "War Tax" ovpts incl shades and multiples, varieties, ½d & 1d full sheets of 60, 1sh used block (3), etc., usual mixed condition but better than usually seen, mostly F-VF, wonderful stock with huge catalog value. 


SOLD for $1,900.00
Will close during Public Auction before Nov-01, 06:09 PM
3618   FALKLAND ISLANDS 1990s/2000s COVERS.

 Many 100s of covers to 2011 with nothing in excessive quantity, inc a good representation of QEII with a few of each FDC including S/S, defins to £5 inc birds, se-tenants, numismatic/ philatelic combination mail, etc., also a good selection of commercially used incl high values used on reg. Philatelic Bureau mail from Port Stanley (mostly to Europe) add'l maiden voyage/ Antarctica, a good lot generally Very Fine.


SOLD for $600.00
Will close during Public Auction before Nov-01, 06:09 PM

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