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U.S. Postal History

Stampless, Forwarders, Express and Misc.
LotNo. Symbol CatNo. Lot Description
81   imageStampless covers, 1831-50, a large and diverse group, approximately 75 covers, with a variety of manuscript cancels, handstamps, transit markings, etc. We have imaged about a third to give a flavor of the lot.
Estimate $300 - 400. (Image) (Image2) (Image3) (Image4)

image image image

Suggested Bid $300-400
Selling for...$200.00
Will close during Public Auction
82   imageForwarded covers, 1852-88, a group of 14, including "MISSENT", "HELD FOR POSTAGE" and "DUE". Especially noteworthy are a c. 1870 cover from Detroit MI to Nashotah, Wi. (a scarce DPO); an 1883 advertising cover returned to writer; and an 1887 underpaid cover to London. All generally Fine to Very Fine. Fully imaged on the web, in date order.
Estimate $200 - 300. (Image) (Image2) (Image3) (Image4) (Image5)

image image image image

Suggested Bid $200-300
Selling for...$130.00
Will close during Public Auction
83   imageAdams & Co., Marysville, Cal., 1854, red oval date stamp with matching "Paid" straightline on cover to San Francisco, endorsed "Please deliver Immediately, S.W.L.& Bro." applied by Langton agent, Very Fine, ex-Clifford. The lot also contains a Langtons' Pioneer Express cover from Marysville to San Francisco, without postage, ex Lichtenstein.
Estimate $150 - 200. (Image)

Suggested Bid $150-200
Selling for...$100.00
Will close during Public Auction
84   imageWells Fargo & Co., Hamilton Nev., c. 1864, blue oval date stamps on three 3¢ pink entires (U58/59) with type E printed franks, two to San Francisco, other to Sacramento, last docketed 1869, Very Fine.
Estimate $150 - 200. (Image)

Suggested Bid $150-200
Selling for...$100.00
Will close during Public Auction
85 68//285 image1861-98, a selection of 6 covers, mainly Banknote Era (Scott 68//285), including:
1861, 10¢ Washington, green (#68), tied on an 1862 cover from San Francisco to Massachusetts;
1870, 3¢ Washington, N.B.N.C. printing (#147), horizontal pair tied by New York Foreign Mail cancels on an 1872 folded letter sheet from San Francisco to Scotland;
1875, 2¢ Jackson, C.B.N.C. printing (#178), horizontal pair used with three 3¢ Washington (all pen canceled) on a registered cover from Porterbrook, Pa.;
1875, 2¢ Jackson, C.B.N.C. printing (#178), natural s.e. at left, used with 3¢ Washington (all stamps pen canceled) on a cover to Poughkeepsie, N.Y., with Asgord, N.Y. postmark at left (partly manuscript date);
1875, 5¢ Taylor, C.B.N.C. printing (#179), used on a 5¢ Plimpton entire from San Francisco to Amsterdam, Netherlands (backstamped); and
1898, 1¢ Trans-Miss. (#285), used on an 1898 Utica, N.Y drop cover.
A nice mix of attractive items, Fine to Very Fine.
Estimate $75 - 100. (Image) (Image2)


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Suggested Bid $75-100
Selling for...$50.00
Will close during Public Auction
First Day Covers
LotNo. Symbol CatNo. Lot Description
86 565 image1923, 14¢ American Indian, FDC (Scott 565), addressed to famous cachet maker Edward C. Worden, Very Fine. Scott $400.
Estimate $100 - 150. (Image)

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Scott $400
Suggested Bid $100-150

Selling for...$65.00
Will close during Public Auction
87 565 image1923, 14¢ American Indian, FDC (Scott 565), addressed to famous cachet maker Edward C. Worden, Very Fine. Scott $400.
Estimate $100 - 150. (Image)

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Scott $400
Suggested Bid $100-150

Selling for...$65.00
Will close during Public Auction
88 619 image1923-38, a group of 9 early FDC's (Scott 619), including 1923, 8¢ Grant (addressed to famous cachet maker Edward G. Worden); 1923, 12¢ Grover Cleveland; 1926, 7¢ McKinley, rotary press printing, perf. 10 (also addressed to famous cachet maker Edward G. Worden); 1925, 5¢ Lexington-Concord (to/from Edward G. Worden); 1925, Norse-American complete; 1925 Norse-American 2¢; 1928, Hawaii complete in blocks of 4 on each cover; and 1938, $5 Coolidge, a wonderful group of early First Day Covers, Very Fine. Scott $760.
Estimate $200 - 300. (Image) (Image2) (Image3) (Image4) (Image5)

image image image image

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Scott $760
Suggested Bid $200-300

Selling for...$130.00
Will close during Public Auction
89 620-621 image1925, Norse-American complete (Scott 620-621), set of 2, on E.J. Weschcke cachet First Day Cover from St. Paul, Minn; according to Planty only 200 of these were made, Very Fine.
Estimate $150 - 200. (Image)

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Suggested Bid $150-200
Selling for...$100.00
Will close during Public Auction
90 620-621 image1925, Norse-American complete (Scott 620-621), set of 2, centerline blocks on matching Worden First Day Covers, both from Algona, Iowa, Very Fine.
Estimate $100 - 150. (Image)

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Suggested Bid $100-150
Selling for...$65.00
Will close during Public Auction
91 620-621 image1925, Norse-American complete (Scott 620-621), set of 2, on a Roessler First Day Cover from Washington, DC, Very Fine. Scott $50.
Estimate $50 - 75. (Image)

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Scott $50
Suggested Bid $50-75

Selling for...$35.00
Will close during Public Auction
92 620-621 image1925, Norse-American complete (Scott 620-621), set of 2, on a Roessler First Day Cover from Algona, Iowa, Very Fine. Scott $50.
Estimate $50 - 75. (Image)

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Scott $50
Suggested Bid $50-75

Selling for...$35.00
Will close during Public Auction
93 620 image1925, 2¢ Norse-American (Scott 620), plate block of 8 used on the first day May 18, 1925; slightly wrinkled, Fine to Very Fine, a rare large multiple usage. Scott catalog value is $450 for unused off cover.
Estimate $150 - 200. (Image)

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Suggested Bid $150-200
Selling for...$100.00
Will close during Public Auction
94 620 image1925, 2¢ Norse-American (Scott 620), prepared for a June 6-9 flight aboard the USS Los Angeles; Luff #4280 listed as RARE, Fine to Very Fine.
Estimate $150 - 200

Many dealers and collectors wanted to send mail on this flight but were turned down. Joseph Steinmetz, a collector and a major, by rank, found a way to get his prepared envelope with a Norse American stamp on it on the flight. The scheduled flight lift off was for June 6th but a helium malfunction caused a delay. On June 7th at 1:30 p.m. it lifted off. One hour later it was forced to land because of mechanical problems. It never left again for this particular trip so likely this cover made its way by regular mail service. The Steinmetz cover arrived at the federal Reserve Bank on June 12, 1925.

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Suggested Bid $150-200
Selling for...$100.00
Will close during Public Auction
95 621 image1925, 5¢ Norse-American (Scott 621), centerline block of 4 on a First Day Cover from Benson, Minn., Fine to Very Fine.
Estimate $75 - 100. (Image)

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Suggested Bid $75-100
Selling for...$50.00
Will close during Public Auction
96   image1929-52, an attractive group of early First Day Covers with matching cachets, including Scott #657, 681, 682, 685, 688, 702, 705, 707, 709, 713, 714, 715, 716, 718, 724, 726, 727, 730a, 734 (x2), 735a (x2), 736, 737 (x2), 739, 752-771 (complete), 750a, 761, 772, 776, 777, 778 (x2), 783, 784, 785-794 (complete), 787, 794, 795 (x4), 796 (x7), 797, 798 (x4), 799 (x3), 800 (x4), 801 (x4), 802 (x2), 805, 811, 812, 819, 835, 836, 837 (x2), 838, 850, 853, 854 (x2), 855, 858 (x2), 868, 870, 894, 895, 896, 897, 903 (x2), 904, 908, 912, 914, 915, 916, 917, 919, 920, 922, 926, 930-933 on one cover, 932, 939, 940 (x2), 942 (x2), 943 (x3), 944 (x2), 945, 946, 948, 952, 953, 955, 956, 957, 959 (x2), 962 (x2), 965 (x2), 966, 971 (x2), 973, 974 (x3), 976, 979, 980, 981, 985, 989 (x2), 994 (x2), 999, 1000, 1003, 1004, 1007 plus about 20 FDC's from 1955-1960; a lovely lot where most range in catalog value from $5-$35, Very Fine. Scott $1,500.
Estimate $300 - 400. (Image) (Image2) (Image3) (Image4)

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Scott $1,500
Suggested Bid $300-400

Selling for...$200.00
Will close during Public Auction
97 859-893 image1940, Famous Americans complete (Scott 859-893), 35 unique covers, each with a block of 4 of the stamp and with matching cachets, Very Fine. Scott $147.
Estimate $50 - 75.
View a PDF of images for this lot (Image)

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Scott $147
Suggested Bid $50-75

Selling for...$35.00
Will close during Public Auction
98 2043 image1983, 20¢ Physical Fitness, on a beautiful hand painted Dorothy Knapp FDC (Scott 2043. Weisz 2043-2), immaculate and Very Fine.
Estimate $200 - 300. (Image)

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Suggested Bid $200-300
Selling for...$130.00
Will close during Public Auction
99 2141a image1985, 22¢ Duck Decoys, on a beautiful hand painted Dorothy Knapp FDC (Scott 2141a. Weisz 2141a-1), immaculate and Very Fine.
Estimate $200 - 300. (Image)

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Suggested Bid $200-300
Selling for...$130.00
Will close during Public Auction
LotNo. Symbol CatNo. Lot Description
100   imageAirmail, 1911, two vintage postcards featuring Calbraith Perry Rodgers and his "Vin Fiz" pioneer airplane. The first card features Rodgers with a cigar characteristically clenched in his jaw in a car provided for his family by Vin Fiz; the second card is of Rodgers leaving New York.
Estimate $75 - 100

Calbraith Perry Rodgers was the first man to fly across the United States. He undertook this flight in 1911 to win the $50,000 prize offered by William Randolph Hearst. Rodgers' effort was supported by the Armour Company and Rodgers named his plane after their new grape soda, Vin Fiz. Armour's support allowed for construction of a special Wright plane, mechanics, and spare parts transported on a special train that followed below the airplane. The spare parts were essential because Rodgers crashed repeatedly. He did complete the transcontinental flight on December 10, 1911, but not within the time limit set for the Hearst prize. Sadly, Rodgers' met his demise in a fatal crash in his backup plane in Long Beach Harbor on April 3, 1912.
(Image) (Image2)


Suggested Bid $75-100
Selling for...$50.00
Will close during Public Auction

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