POSTAL HISTORY continued...
Lot |
Catalog No. |
Descrip |
921 |
(only 20 were edited) commemorating the inauguration of monument of Marie Curie, with autograph of the sculptor among other signatures, of 18/OC/1969 (Image)
Start Bid $20
Closing..Mar-13, 05:00 PM |
922 |
cover with attractive franking of $212, bearing several complete sets, sent from B.Aires to Córdoba on 16/FE/1970, filing holes (Image)
Start Bid $5
Closing..Mar-13, 05:00 PM |
923 |
PO box
subscription form of CALAFATE (Santa Cruz) of 1970, renewed until year 1971, for $2800, punch holes (Image)
Start Bid $10
Closing..Mar-13, 05:00 PM |
924 |
Covers/fronts of 1970s to 1990s, all with very attractive commemorative and thematic postages (ships, airplanes) (Image) (Image-02)
Start Bid $10
Closing..Mar-13, 05:00 PM |
925 |
with marks commemorating the inaguration of the airfield of Puerto Stanley and the beginning of regular flights to Puerto Stanley, sent from B.Aires on 15/NO/1972, with cancel "DECLARACION CONJUNTA", on back arrival mark + return to B.Aires, VF
quality (Image)
Start Bid $25
Closing..Mar-13, 05:00 PM |
926 |
sent from Mar del Plata to Buenos Aires on 28/JUL/1973 with mark commemorating "SKYLAB" (first American space station), VF (Image)
Start Bid $5
Closing..Mar-13, 05:00 PM |
927 |
Cover with
cachet and special postmark of the Centenary of Deán Funes (Córdoba) 1/MAR/1975, VF! (Image)
Start Bid $5
Closing..Mar-13, 05:00 PM |
928 |
POLITICS: Cover with special postmark commemorating the 44th Meeting of the General Assembly of INTERPOL, very nice! (Image)
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Start Bid $5
Closing..Mar-13, 05:00 PM |
929 |
PO box
subscription form of CALAFATE (Santa Cruz) of 1975, renewed until year 1976, for $116 (in 1975 mixed currency was used), punch holes (Image)
Start Bid $15
Closing..Mar-13, 05:00 PM |
930 |
Front of
a window envelope posted from San Pedro (Jujuy) on 27/AP/1976, with attractive franking of $27 (Image)
Start Bid $5
Closing..Mar-13, 05:00 PM |
931 |
FLIGHT cover: Buenos Aires - Zurich first flight by Swissair of 1/AP/1977 (Image)
Start Bid $5
Closing..Mar-13, 05:00 PM |
932 |
Covers used in 1970s, all with interesting inflation postages (Image)
Start Bid $15
Closing..Mar-13, 05:00 PM |
933 |
Cover with cachet and special postmark of TEMEX '80 (cancel topic FOOTBALL) 18/AP/1980, very fine! (Image) (Image-02)
Start Bid $5
Closing..Mar-13, 05:00 PM |
934 |
FIRST TRANS-ANTARCTIC FLIGHT of Aerolineas Argentinas from Buenos Aires to Hong Kong on 7/JUN/1980, with transit mark of Auckland, VF (Image) (Image-02)
Start Bid $10
Closing..Mar-13, 05:00 PM |
935 |
TRANS-POLAR FLIGHT of Aerolineas Argentinas from Buenos Aires to Auckland of 28/NO/1980 (Image)
Start Bid $10
Closing..Mar-13, 05:00 PM |
936 |
FLIGHT of Aerolineas Argentinas from Rosario to Roma of 24/AU/1981 (Image)
Start Bid $5
Closing..Mar-13, 05:00 PM |
937 |
FLIGHT of Aerolineas Argentinas from Rosario to New York of 25/AU/1981 (Image)
Start Bid $5
Closing..Mar-13, 05:00 PM |
938 |
INFLATION: Cover franked with GJ.1852 + other values, total postage $7500, sent from Buenos Aires to Bahia Blanca on 4/JA/1982 (Image)
Start Bid $2
Closing..Mar-13, 05:00 PM |
939 |
sent from Buenos Aires to the Falkland Islands on 10/MAY/1982, with red handstamp "VUELO CONMEMORATIVO - RECUPERACIÓN ISLAS MALVINAS", VF (Image)
Start Bid $10
Closing..Mar-13, 05:00 PM |
940 |
flown by balloon commemorating the centenary of La Plata on 7/AU/1982 (Image)
Start Bid $5
Closing..Mar-13, 05:00 PM |