POSTAL HISTORY continued...
Lot |
Catalog No. |
Descrip |
841 |
Attractive advertising cover (impressions on front and back), used in San Juan on 15/MAY/1911 (Image)
Start Bid $20
Closing..Mar-13, 05:00 PM |
842 |
Cover with postmark of "BONIFACIO" (Buenos Aires), sent to B.Aires (Image) (Image-02)
Start Bid $10
Closing..Mar-13, 05:00 PM |
843 |
Cover with corner card of "CLUB MAR DEL PLATA", sent by express mail from Mar del Plata to B.Aires on 1/FE/1912, franked with 30c. (GJ.282 strip of 3)
(Image) (Image-02)
Start Bid $10
Closing..Mar-13, 05:00 PM |
844 |
franked with 6c., with machine cancel of 22/NO/1912 (Image)
Start Bid $5
Closing..Mar-13, 05:00 PM |
845 |
Cover sent from Lavallol to Temperley on 1/DE/1913, arrival backstamp (Image) (Image-02)
Start Bid $10
Closing..Mar-13, 05:00 PM |
846 |
Registered cover sent from Tigre to La Plata on 14/OC/1915, forwarded to Buenos Aires, arrival mark of 26/OC, several marks and notes of the postman
Start Bid $25
Closing..Mar-13, 05:00 PM |
847 |
Registered cover used in B.Aires on 3/DE/1922, with mark "Porte Pago", on back cinderella "Centenary of Napoleon" (Image)
Start Bid $10
Closing..Mar-13, 05:00 PM |
848 |
Registered cover sent from La Plata to Lomas de Zamora on 10/AP/1923, with attrative multicolor postage of 16c. (Image)
Start Bid $1
Closing..Mar-13, 05:00 PM |
849 |
Registered cover sent from La Plata to Lomas de Zamora on 12/JUN/1923, franked with 20c. San Martín with period (GJ.570) alone! (Image) (Image-02)
Start Bid $10
Closing..Mar-13, 05:00 PM |
850 |
Postcard sent from Mendoza to B.Aires on 3/SE/1924, with traveling PO mark "BRIGADA 36", VF quality (Image) (Image-02)
Start Bid $25
Closing..Mar-13, 05:00 PM |
851 |
Wrapper uprated with 1c. (GJ.585), sent from B.Aires to Germany in JA/1927 (Image)
Start Bid $10
Closing..Mar-13, 05:00 PM |
852 |
with slogan cancel "Argentina exports 188,000 tons of leather per year", used in B.Aires on 21/JUN/1927 (Image)
Start Bid $10
Closing..Mar-13, 05:00 PM |
853 |
(view of Florida street, Buenos Aires) franked with 3c., sent to Romania in JA/1930, rare destination (Image)
Start Bid $10
Closing..Mar-13, 05:00 PM |
854 |
18/FE/1930 Buenos Aires - New York, cover sent on first flight by NYRBA, violet handstamp of the flight on front, and arrival backstamp, VF (Image)
Start Bid $10
Closing..Mar-13, 05:00 PM |
855 |
19/FE/1930 Buenos Aires - New York, cover flown by NYRBA on 19/FE/1930, with "PRIMER CORREO AÉREO" handstamp (Image)
Start Bid $10
Closing..Mar-13, 05:00 PM |
856 |
sent from B.Aires to Paris on 4/DE/1930, with attractive multicolor franked of 12c. with stamps of the "Revolution of 6 September 1930" issue (Image)
Start Bid $10
Closing..Mar-13, 05:00 PM |
857 |
Registered cover sent by steamship "Conte Rosso" from Buenos Aires to Germany on 3/FE/1931, attractive multicolor postage of 45½c. with stamps of the Revolution issue, arrival backstamp (Image)
Start Bid $20
Closing..Mar-13, 05:00 PM |
858 |
franked with 3c. (GJ.679), used on 8/AU/1932 (Image)
Start Bid $5
Closing..Mar-13, 05:00 PM |
859 |
Registered cover sent from Tandil to B.Aires on 27/FE/1934, franked with 25c., staple holes (Image)
Start Bid $1
Closing..Mar-13, 05:00 PM |
860 |
27/JUL/1935, Rio Colorado (Rio Negro) - Temperley, sent sent on 27/JUL/1935, with transit mark of "OF. POSTAL AMBULANTE - 126" 28/JUL/1935 + arrival mark, both on back, franked with 10c. San Martín (GJ.600) alone (Image)
Start Bid $20
Closing..Mar-13, 05:00 PM |