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Philatino - Guillermo Jalil Sale - 2507


Lot Catalog No. Descrip
1   imageJALIL Guillermo & GOTTIG José Luis: Specialized Catalogue of Postage Stamps and Postal History of Argentina (2018/2019 edition), 2 volumes, hardbound, 728 pages. Free downloadable updates will be available for later issues. It includes ALL the Argentina stamps issued up until late 2018, with errors, varieties in perforations, papers, watermarks, etc., with photographs of catalogued varieties, and explanations to help the readers identify the different papers, printings, shades, etc. It also includes complete chapters (with details and varieties) on: Official stamps, telegraph stamps, Ahorro Postal, variable value stamps etc. etc., POSTAL STATIONERIES (old and modern), PRE-STAMP MAIL (with details of each mark) and STAGECOACH MAIL (with good photos of all the existing marks). With fair prices in line with the current market. This is the most important work of its kind ever published on Argentina philately, an essential guide both for beginners and advanced collectors, and also for stamp dealers and investors. IMPORTANT: Heavy lot (3 kilos), shipping costs worldwide from Argentina will be approximately US$60, please bear this in mind before placing your bid. IMPORTANT: You can also purchase the catalogue DIRECTLY at our website www.JalilStamps.com, for a more immediate processing! (Image) (Image-02) (Image-03) (Image-04) (Image-05) (Image-06) (Image-07) (Image-08) (Image-09) (Image-10) (Image-11) (Image-12) (Image-13) (Image-14) (Image-15) (Image-16) (Image-17) (Image-18) (Image-19) (Image-20) (Image-21) (Image-22) (Image-23) (Image-24) (Image-25) (Image-26) (Image-27) (Image-28) (Image-29) (Image-30) (Image-31) (Image-32) (Image-33)

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Start Bid $50

Closing..Mar-06, 05:00 PM
2   image"Joyas Filatélicas de la República Argentina 1862-1867", 337 pages, fantastic book recently published, author Pablo Reim, editor Guillermo Jalil. Excellent work with illustrations in full color of the great pieces and letters of the "Escuditos" and "Rivadavias" issues. It also includes other very interesting chapters: Pre-stamp mail postal marks, cancels applied on classic issues, and a short but attractive introduction to Argentine stagecoach mail. It is a very special work that will become essential in any good library for permanent reference (Image) (Image-02) (Image-03) (Image-04) (Image-05) (Image-06) (Image-07) (Image-08) (Image-09) (Image-10) (Image-11) (Image-12) (Image-13) (Image-14) (Image-15) (Image-16) (Image-17) (Image-18) (Image-19) (Image-20) (Image-21) (Image-22) (Image-23) (Image-24)

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Start Bid $25

Closing..Mar-06, 05:00 PM
3   imageFantastic book on PEN CANCELS ON STAMPS OF THE PROVINCE OF CORRIENTES: DICK, Enrique: "Las plumas de Corrientes", study of the pen cancels of this province, its historial background and much more information! Important study of the different and varied pen cancels on Corrientes stamps, with their particular features, and inks applied at each post office. Using his own classification, the author seeks to unpack the characteristic strokes of each town of the province, between the years 1856 and 1880. Very small printing! Heavy lot, shipping costs worldwide from Argentina will be approximately US$50, please take this into account before placing your bid. (Image) (Image-02) (Image-03) (Image-04) (Image-05) (Image-06) (Image-07) (Image-08)

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Start Bid $45

Closing..Mar-06, 05:00 PM
Lot Catalog No. Descrip
4 1/4 imageGJ.1/4, 1857 Gauchito, the complete set of 4 values, mint with full original gum, very light hinge marks, impeccable, fresh, excellent quality! (Image)

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Start Bid $350

Closing..Mar-06, 05:00 PM
Lot Catalog No. Descrip
5 5 imageGJ.5, DOS Ps. blue, fantastic example with complete to very ample margins (rare!), with light ponchito cancel, signed on back by Pipan, superb quality! (Image)

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Start Bid $150

Closing..Mar-06, 05:00 PM
6 6 imageGJ.6, TRES Ps. green, fantastic example of large margins (stealing part of neighboring stamp at top), with "ponchito" cancel, very fresh, perfect, outstanding example! (Image)

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Start Bid $950

Closing..Mar-06, 05:00 PM
7 7 imageGJ.7, 4P. red, fantastic example of wide to huge margins, fresh, perfect, with 10x10 ponchito cancel in black, impeccable, signed by Juan Mautalén on back, absolutely superb! (Image)

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Start Bid $2,500

Closing..Mar-06, 05:00 PM
8 8 imageGJ.8, 5P. ocher, exceptionally wide margins (stealing borders of neighboring stamps at left and top), it is one of the best examples in existence and its quality is absolutely superb, extremely rare! Signed by Enzo Diena on back. (Image)

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Start Bid $3,000

Closing..Mar-06, 05:00 PM
9 9A+9 imageRARE PAIR: GJ.9a + 9, 4Rs. chestnut, vertical pair with 2 varieties: the top stamp with the error "CUATO Ps" (GJ.9a) and the lower stamp with very notable PARTIAL DOUBLE IMPRESSION on the word "FRANCO" (variety not catalogued for this value!), excellent quality, very rare. With signature of Juan Mautalén on back (Image)

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Start Bid $1,200

Closing..Mar-06, 05:00 PM
10 9A imageGJ.9A, 4Rs. chocolate, beautiful stamp with complete borders, very good color, fresh, very attractive, superb quality! (Image)

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Start Bid $280

Closing..Mar-06, 05:00 PM
11 10 imageGJ.10, IN Ps. yellowish dun, with complete 8x8 ponchito cancel, immense and incredible margins, so large that they do not seem genuine but they are, possibly the most handsome example in existence (this quality is only seen in 1% of Barquitos, if not less!), superb quality! (Image)

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Start Bid $400

Closing..Mar-06, 05:00 PM
12 11 imageGJ.11, IN Ps. blue, type 47, light ponchito cancel, margins between complete and very wide, superb example, signed by Victor Kneitschel on back. (Image)

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Start Bid $90

Closing..Mar-06, 05:00 PM
13 12 imageGJ.12, To Rs. blue, type 13, lightly cancelled, very good example, signed by Victor Kneitschel on back. (Image)

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Start Bid $250

Closing..Mar-06, 05:00 PM
Lot Catalog No. Descrip
14 16 imageGJ.16, 4R. green, worn impression, very nice vertical pair, the top stamp with VARIETY: large ink spot below the R of CORREOS, mute 7x7 dotted cancel, excellent quality! (Image)

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Start Bid $200

Closing..Mar-06, 05:00 PM
15 16 imageGJ.16, 4R. green, worn impression, with 4 very large and balanced margins, fresh, in beautiful very rich green color, superb quality! Signed by Victor Kneitschel on back. (Image)

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Start Bid $80

Closing..Mar-06, 05:00 PM
16 17 imageGJ.17, 1P. blue, semi-clear impression, fantastic mint stamp, wide margins, bright color, very fresh, superb quality! (Image)

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Start Bid $30

Closing..Mar-06, 05:00 PM
17 17 VAR. imageGJ.17, 1P. blue with "CCRREOS" variety, rare, excellent quality! (Image)

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Start Bid $50

Closing..Mar-06, 05:00 PM
18 17A imageGJ.17A, 1P. indigo blue, splendid example with huge margins and very good color, light mute "6x6 dotted" cancel of San Nicolás, superb quality! (Image)

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Start Bid $90

Closing..Mar-06, 05:00 PM
19 17A imageGJ.17A, 1P. milky blue, fantastic example of large margins and very defined color, with spectacuar datestamp applied in Buenos Aires on 22/NO/1861, superb quality! (Image)

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Start Bid $90

Closing..Mar-06, 05:00 PM
20 18 imageGJ.18, 2P. red, semi-clear impression, beautiful stamp of very wide margins, fresh, impeccable, superb quality! (Image)

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Start Bid $100

Closing..Mar-06, 05:00 PM

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