POSTAL HISTORY continued...
Lot |
Catalog No. |
Descrip |
141 |
VERY RARE DESTINATION: Cover sent from Buenos Aires to PERSIA (Iran) on 4/MAY/1922 franked with 12c., on front and back it bears transit mark of TEHERAN (28/MAY) and arrival of KIRMAN 26/JUN, excellent and extremely rare! (Image) (Image-02)
Start Bid $100
Closing..Sep-05, 06:00 PM |
142 |
13/MAY/1922 ALTA GRACIA - Córdoba, registered cover franked with 20c. (San Martín 12c. without watermark, GJ.471 + block of 4 of 2c. with large sun wmk, GJ.551), very fine quality! (Image) (Image-02)
Start Bid $25
Closing..Sep-05, 06:00 PM |
143 |
29/MAY/1922 GOYA - Chavarría, registered cover franked with 20c. San Martín without watermark, with spectacular double circle datestamp. On back arrival marks, etc., very nice! (Image) (Image-02)
Start Bid $25
Closing..Sep-05, 06:00 PM |
144 |
Front of
a registered cover with AR sent from Buenos Aires to Córdoba on 16/JUN/1922 franked with 57c., corresponding to a weight of between 101 and 120 grams (6 single rates, 5c. x6) + 12c. registration fee + 3c. additional registration charge + 12c. notice
of receipt, VF quality! (Image)
Start Bid $25
Closing..Sep-05, 06:00 PM |
145 |
page of a PO box subscription franked with 9P. (5P. + 2 pairs of 1P. San Martín), cancelled by perforated date of 5/JUL/1922, VF quality! (Image)
Start Bid $25
Closing..Sep-05, 06:00 PM |
146 |
15/AU/1922 Buenos Aires to Córdoba, registered cover franked with 25c. cancelled "SUCURSAL Nº60 - CAPITAL FEDERAL", arrival backstamps. The postage of 25c. paid a double rate (2x 5c.) + registration fee (12c.) + additional charge for
registration (3c.), handsome! (Image) (Image-02)
Start Bid $25
Closing..Sep-05, 06:00 PM |
147 |
RARE DESTINATION and ERROR IN THE RATE: Registered cover sent from PILAR (Santa Fe) to POLOND on 28/NO/1922 franked with 27c., of which 3c. were overcharged by the postal clerk. The corresponding postage was 12c. for a single rate letter
(up to 20 grams) + 12c. registration (the additional 3c. were only charged to domestic registered letters). With several transit and arrival marks on back, excellent quality! (Image) (Image-02)
Start Bid $100
Closing..Sep-05, 06:00 PM |
148 |
8/MAR/1923 DUFAUR (B.Aires) to Australia, 12c. stationery envelope + very colorful additional postage (total 24c.) sent by registered mail, on back there is a transit mark of B.Aires and arrival, VF quality, very rare origin and
destination! (Image) (Image-02)
Start Bid $100
Closing..Sep-05, 06:00 PM |
149 |
DESTINATION and error in the rate: Registered cover sent from CORONEL SUÁREZ to PALESTINE on 27/AP/1923, franked on back with 27c., with transit mark of Buenos Aires and arrival of Jerusalem 4/JUN. The corresponding postage for a single-rate
registered letter to this destination was 24c., by mistake the postal clerk interpreted that the additional 3c. charged to domestic registered letters was also applied to letters sent overseas, resulting in an unnecessary expense for the sender. (Image)
Start Bid $100
Closing..Sep-05, 06:00 PM |
150 |
DESTINATION: Postcard sent from Buenos Aires to British India on 14/JUN/1923 franked with 3c. (rare of printed matter). On arrival in GRAN T ROAD (27/JUL) it was forwarded to Malabarth, very interesting! (Image)
Start Bid $50
Closing..Sep-05, 06:00 PM |
151 |
GOOD POSTAGE, INTERESTING ROUTE: 5c. Stationery envelope + 2c. San Martín with large sun watermark + 5c. San Martín with period, sent from Buenos Aires to Switzerland on 15/JUN/1923. The franking is cancelled by a slogan cancel: "Use the
service of Mensajeros Postales", on arrival in Zürich it received a "UNBEKANNT" label + "gefl. Strasse u. Hausnummer angeben" mark + datestamp of 20/JUL, and finally on back another arrival mark of Buenos Aires 15/AU, VF quality, very interesting! (Image) (Image-02)
Start Bid $50
Closing..Sep-05, 06:00 PM |