Lot |
Symbol |
Descrip |
1628 |
1923. 8 valori cpl. (1/8). (Image)
Cat Value €1500
Currently...€ 150.00
Closing..Feb-01, 02:00 AM |
Lot |
Symbol |
Descrip |
1629 |
O |
1905. Soprastampati a Zanzibar, 2 valori cpl. (8/9). Bella qualità. (A. Diena. Cert. G. Bolaffi)
Cat Value €2400
Currently...€ 300.00
Closing..Feb-01, 02:00 AM |
1630 |
O |
1905. soprastampati a Zanzibar, 2 valori cpl. (8/9). Il 40 c. con cenno di doppia soprastampa ("C" di "Centesimi"). Il 5 c. firmato Em. Diena. (Image)
Cat Value €2400
Currently...€ 240.00
Closing..Feb-01, 02:00 AM |
1631 |
1906-7. Elefante e leone, 7 valori cpl. (10/16) + (23), lotto di 3 serie. (Image)
Cat Value €1725
Currently...€ 75.00
Closing..Feb-01, 02:00 AM |
1632 |
1922. Elefante e leone, 6 valori cpl. (24/29) lotto di 3 serie. (Image)
Cat Value €1500
Currently...€ 110.00
Closing..Feb-01, 02:00 AM |
1633 |
1927. S. Francesco, 60 c. (83) 2 esemplari su busta da Mogadiscio per N. York, 9/5/27. (Image)
Currently...€ 75.00
Closing..Feb-01, 02:00 AM |
1634 |
1932. Pittorica I emissione dent.12, 18 valori cpl.(167/84), tutti i valori ben centrati. (Cert. R. Diena)
Cat Value €9000
Currently...€ 1,300.00
Closing..Feb-01, 02:00 AM |
1635 |
1932. Pittorica, 25 c. dent. 14x12 (172a). (Image)
Cat Value €480
Currently...€ 75.00
Closing..Feb-01, 02:00 AM |
1636 |
1932. Pittorica, 35 c. dent. 12x14 (174a). (Image)
Cat Value €330
Currently...€ 50.00
Closing..Feb-01, 02:00 AM |
1637 |
1932. Pittorica, 50 c. dent. 12x14 (175a). (Image)
Cat Value €270
Currently...€ 50.00
Closing..Feb-01, 02:00 AM |
1638 |
1932. Pittorica, 10 lire dent. 12x14 (182a). (Image)
Cat Value €360
Currently...€ 60.00
Closing..Feb-01, 02:00 AM |
1639 |
1932. Pittorica, 25 lire (184) quartina, bordo a destra. (Image)
Cat Value €2200
Currently...€ 150.00
Closing..Feb-01, 02:00 AM |
1640 |
1934. Onoranze al Duca degli Abruzzi, 8 valori cpl. (185/92). (Image)
Cat Value €1000
Currently...€ 80.00
Closing..Feb-01, 02:00 AM |
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