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British Empire and Foreign Countries continued...

Gibraltar continued...
Lot Symbol Descrip Opening
801 nh imageGibraltar: 1906-11 Watermark Mult. Crown CA 2s., 4s. and 8s. mint, fine. S.G. 72-74, cat. £550. Photo. (Image1)

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Est. £120-150

Closing..Mar-12, 02:00 AM EST.
802 imageGibraltar: 1912 Master die proof for lower denominations in black on glazed card endorsed “BEFORE/HARDENING” and dated “5 MAR. 12”. Photo. (Image1)

Est. £650-700

Closing..Mar-12, 02:00 AM EST.
803 imageGibraltar: 1912 Stamp-size master die proof ex De La Rue archives, in black on glazed card, minor abrasion at left, affixed to a trimmed buff card headed in manuscript “Sept 12. 19/120 Leads”. Ex De La Rue Archives. Photo. (Image1)

Est. £600-650

Closing..Mar-12, 02:00 AM EST.
804 Unmounted imageGibraltar: 1918 (Apr.) “WAR TAX” 1/2d. green, with variety watermark inverted, fresh unmounted mint with interval margin at right, fine and rare unmounted. Hamilton-Bowen certificate (2024). S.G. 86w, cat £500+. Photo. (Image1)

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Est. £250-300

Closing..Mar-12, 02:00 AM EST.
805 imageGibraltar: 1930 “THREE PENCE” die proof of duty plate in black on glazed card (92 x 60mm), endorsed “BEFORE/STRIKING” and dated “9/12/29”, rare. Ex Kayfetz. Photo. (Image1)

Est. £800-1,000

Closing..Mar-12, 02:00 AM EST.
806 nh imageGibraltar: 1935 Silver Jubilee, selection of varieties comprising 3d. variety ‘lightning conductor’ mint (2), 2d. ‘extra flagstaff’ mint in corner block of four, single used, ‘lightning conductor’ mint and 1s. ‘extra flagstaff’ in a mint (stamps unmounted) corner block of four, mainly fine. Photo. (Image1)

Est. £180-200

Closing..Mar-12, 02:00 AM EST.
807 nh bl imageGibraltar: 1938-51 1s. perf. 131/2 mint lower right corner plate no. block of four, three unmounted. S.G. 127a, cat. £300+. Photo. (Image1)

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Est. £70-80

Closing..Mar-12, 02:00 AM EST.
808 Used imageGibraltar: 1938-52 2s. variety ‘bird on memorial’, used, corner perf. crease, otherwise fine. S.G. 128bb, cat. £600. Photo. (Image1)

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Est. £120-150

Closing..Mar-12, 02:00 AM EST.
809 imageGibraltar: 1970 Military Uniforms 2d. in an unmounted mint block of six plus marginal single, showing major perforation shift 1/2 inch to the right, resulting in a vertical row of half stamps in the first vertical row, others showing soldier to the right and the Queen’s head, badge and value to the left, also a normal block of four for comparison. S.G. 248 var. Photo. (Image1)

Get Market Data for [Gibraltar 248 var] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census

Est. £200-250

Closing..Mar-12, 02:00 AM EST.
810 imageGibraltar: 1973 Military Uniforms, Artist’s painted essays for the four values, all signed by the designer A.G. Ryan. Photo. (Image1)

Est. £200-250

Closing..Mar-12, 02:00 AM EST.
811 imageGibraltar: 1985 Naval Crests, Artist’s painted essays for the four values, all signed by the designer A.G. Ryan. Photo. (Image1)

Est. £200-250

Closing..Mar-12, 02:00 AM EST.
812 imageGibraltar: 1991 Naval Crests, Artist’s painted essays for the four values, all signed by the designer A.G. Ryan. Photo. (Image1)

Est. £200-250

Closing..Mar-12, 02:00 AM EST.
813 Unmounted bl imageGibraltar: 2000 Wings of Prey 2 miniature sheet with lower 42p. female merlin variety imperforate on three side, fine unmounted mint. S.G. MS949ba. Photo. (Image1)

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Est. £450-500

Closing..Mar-12, 02:00 AM EST.
814 Unmounted Gibraltar: 2007 Princess Diana commemorative miniature sheet unmounted mint imperforate. S.G. 1206 variety (unlisted) also some mainly Q.V. issues used. (approx. 100)

Est. £100-120

Closing..Mar-12, 02:00 AM EST.
815 Gibraltar: A collection in four binders and stockbook in a carton incl. 1886 overprint mint or unused to 6d., 1886-87 mint to 21/2d., used to 1s., 1889 surcharges mint and used, 1889-96 mint and used sets, 1898 mint and used sets, 1904-08 mint to 4s. and used to 2s., 1906-11 mint and used to 2s., 1912-24 used to 8s., 1925-32 2s., 10s. and £1 mint and used to 5s., 1931-33 mint and used sets (both perfs.), 1938-51 set mint (incl. most listed perfs.) and used to 10s., 1948 Silver Wedding set mint and used, 1953-59 set mint and used, 1960 set mint and used and near complete (mostly mint) to 2023 plus miniature sheets, booklets, f.d.c’s, etc. (few 1,000s)

Est. £850-900

Closing..Mar-12, 02:00 AM EST.
816 imageGibraltar: A selection of “SPECIMEN” overprints also handstamped “ULTRAMAR” or “COLONIAS”, all stuck down on a page from an archive, incl. 1903 set, 1912 set, 1925 £5 (closed tear), also Morocco Agencies 1899 set, 1905 set, etc., some faded, otherwise fine. Photo. (Image1)

Est. £400-500

Closing..Mar-12, 02:00 AM EST.
817 nh Gibraltar: A mint K.G.V to K.G.VI range, incl. 1912-24 £1 dull purple and black, 1921-37 1s. block of four, 1925-32 £1 red-orange and black, 1931-33 Rock of Gibraltar set in blocks of four, 1938-51 values to 10s. unmounted mint with a range of perfs., 11/2d. carmine corner plate B1 block of four unmounted, etc., mainly fine.

Est. £200-250

Closing..Mar-12, 02:00 AM EST.
818 c, entire, etc. Gibraltar: Postal Stationery: A Q.V. to Q.E.II selection, incl. registered envelopes, some Specimen overprints, duplication, majority unused, etc. (few 100s)

Est. £150-200

Closing..Mar-12, 02:00 AM EST.
819 c, entire, etc. imageGibraltar: Postal Stationery: 1910 2d. registered envelope (size K) addressed to Belgium, additionally franked 21/2d., all cancelled by registered oval datestamp. Photo. (Image1)

Est. £80-100

Closing..Mar-12, 02:00 AM EST.
Gilbert and Ellice Islands
Lot Symbol Descrip Opening
820 Gilbert and Ellice Islands: Mint selection with 1935 Silver Jubilee 11/2d. variety ‘flagstaff on right-hand turret’ mint, 1s. slate and purple variety ‘flagstaff on right-hand turret’ mint, 1939-55 set mint plus a few duplicates some with imprints and complete sheets of the 3d. (17, one perf. 12), 1946 Victory 1d. complete sheet (12) and 3d. complete sheet (3), 1956-62 Q.E.II 2d. complete sheet mint etc. (many 100s)

Est. £200-250

Closing..Mar-12, 02:00 AM EST.

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