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British Empire and Foreign Countries continued...

Canada: Nova Scotia
Lot Symbol Descrip Opening
461 Used imageCanada: Nova Scotia: 1851-60 3d. deep blue with small to large margins, fine. S.G. 2. Photo. (Image1)

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Est. £80-100

Closing..Mar-12, 02:00 AM EST.
462 c, entire, etc. Canada: Nova Scotia: 1851-60 3d. bright blue used on 1860 cover to Annapolis, four good to large margins, fine. S.G. 3.

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Est. £100-120

Closing..Mar-12, 02:00 AM EST.
463 imageCanada: Nova Scotia: 1860-63 1c. die proof in black on card (32 x 39mm), minor stain at top. otherwise fine. Photo. (Image1)

Est. £120-150

Closing..Mar-12, 02:00 AM EST.
Canada: Prince Edward Island
Lot Symbol Descrip Opening
464 c, entire, etc. imageCanada: Prince Edward Island: 1842 entire to England with a strike of the scarce unframed “PRINCE EDWARDS ISLAND” (HS 3) showing ms. date “Jany 24 1842”, with manuscript “1/2” rate mark deleted and “2/4” added, with one enclosed letter from Government House. Photo. (Image1)

Est. £100-120

Closing..Mar-12, 02:00 AM EST.
465 Unused imageCanada: Prince Edward Island: 1861 perf. 9 2d. unused with part original gum, one repaired perf., otherwise fine. S.G. 1, cat. £650. Photo. (Image1)

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Est. £70-90

Closing..Mar-12, 02:00 AM EST.
466 c, entire, etc. imageCanada: Prince Edward Island: 1861 perf. 9 2d. used on 1867 printed cover for the “BRITISH ORDER OF GOOD TEMPLARS”, addressed to East Point, tied by barred oval, a few imperfection. S.G. 1. Photo. (Image1)

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Est. £80-100

Closing..Mar-12, 02:00 AM EST.
467 c, entire, etc. imageCanada: Prince Edward Island: 1862-69 perf. 111/2 - 12 1d. yellow-orange pair, used on 1868 cover, tied by barred ovals, a few minor imperfections. S.G. 9. Photo. (Image1)

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Est. £120-150

Closing..Mar-12, 02:00 AM EST.
468 nh bl imageCanada: Prince Edward Island: 1862-69 3d. blue, mint block of nine, top row creased, otherwise fine. S.G. 14, cat. £450. Photo. (Image1)

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Est. £100-120

Closing..Mar-12, 02:00 AM EST.
469 c, entire, etc. imageCanada: Prince Edward Island: 1862-69 perf. 111/2 - 12 4d. black, used on cover from Summerside to Maine, tied by barred oval, fine. Photo. (Image1)

Est. £100-120

Closing..Mar-12, 02:00 AM EST.
Lot Symbol Descrip Opening
470 Used imageCanada: 1851 3d. orange-vermilion, good to large margins, light target cancellation, fine. S.G. 1a, cat. £1,100. Photo. (Image1)

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Est. £200-220

Closing..Mar-12, 02:00 AM EST.
471 Used imageCanada: 1852-57 3d. red, good to very large margins, used, also 1859 17c. deep blue pair used, both fine. Photo. (Image1)

Est. £100-120

Closing..Mar-12, 02:00 AM EST.
472 imageCanada: 1852-57 71/2d. imperforate plate proof pair in green on India paper mounted on card, fine. Photo. (Image1)

Est. £100-120

Closing..Mar-12, 02:00 AM EST.
473 Used imageCanada: 1852-57 10d. blue, used, good to large margins, fine. S.G. 15, cat. £2,000. Photo. (Image1)

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Est. £400-500

Closing..Mar-12, 02:00 AM EST.
474 Used imageCanada: 1858-59 perf. 113/4 3d. red on wove paper, fine used. S.G. 26, cat. £650. Photo. (Image1)

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Est. £100-120

Closing..Mar-12, 02:00 AM EST.
475 imageCanada: 1859 10c. black-brown, imperforate plate proof on thin paper with “SPECIMEN” vertically in red, fine. S.G. 33P. Photo. (Image1)

Get Market Data for [Canada 33P] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census

Est. £80-100

Closing..Mar-12, 02:00 AM EST.
476 Unused imageCanada: 1859 17c. deep blue, unused (no gum), otherwise fine. S.G. 42. Photo. (Image1)

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Est. £120-150

Closing..Mar-12, 02:00 AM EST.
477 Used Canada: 1859 17c. slate-blue fine used, very lightly cancelled. S.G. 43.

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Est. £50-60

Closing..Mar-12, 02:00 AM EST.
478 Canada: Collection in three binders incl. 1868-90 to 15c. used, 1870-97 to 10c. used, group of cork, squared circle, flag, registration, datestamp, railway and bar cancellations on Q.V. low values, 1893 20c. and 50c. used, 1897 Jubilee set used ($3, $4 and $5 with bar cancellations), 1897-98, 1898-1902, 1903-12, 1928-29, 1930-31 sets used and largely complete used to 2004, 1951-2000 largely complete mint, a few officials, special delivery also Newfoundland 1919 set used, 1921 Air Mail overprint on 35c. tied to a piece, 1931 air no watermark set used, 1933 airmail and Anniversary sets used etc., mostly fine. (many 100s)

Est. £600-650

Closing..Mar-12, 02:00 AM EST.
479 Canada: A collection in six binders incl. 1903-12 set used, 1908 set used, 1927 mint and used sets, 1928-29 used set and mint to 20c., 1930-31 used set, 1942 mint and used sets, 1946-47 set mint and mostly mint and largely complete to 2013 with a considerable face value plus a few booklets/panes and presentation packs. (few 1,000s)

Est. £500-550

Closing..Mar-12, 02:00 AM EST.
480 Canada: Accumulation on leaves, in packets, bundleware and loose, heavily duplicated in places incl. 1870-90 small Queens to 6c., large Queens to 15c., 1897-98 1c., 2c. and 3c. etc. also Newfoundland 1932 (Jan. and Aug.) 10c., 20c. 24c., 25c. and 48c. in unmounted mint large-part sheets, 1937 Coronation 8c. and 14c. in blocks of twenty and 1c. and 7c. in smaller blocks unmounted mint, the latter showing fish hook flaws or re-entries and set on commemorative covers (2) etc. (many 100s)

Est. £200-250

Closing..Mar-12, 02:00 AM EST.

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