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British Empire and Foreign Countries continued...

Canada: Newfoundland continued...
Lot Symbol Descrip Opening
401 Used bl imageCanada: Newfoundland: 1933 L. & S. Post 15c. block of four incl. two stamps with watermark and two without, the overprint misplaced to right, used, fine. Ex Labrador. S.G. 229a var. Photo. (Image1)

Get Market Data for [Canada (Newfoundland) 229a var] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census

Est. £80-100

Closing..Mar-12, 02:00 AM EST.
402 imageCanada: Newfoundland: 1938 2c. green, die proof on wove paper (67 x 89mm), also imperf. pair, mint pair with and without watermark, normal mint block of four and single. Photo. (Image1)

Est. £300-400

Closing..Mar-12, 02:00 AM EST.
403 imageCanada: Newfoundland: 1938 3c. carmine, die proof on wove paper (67 x 89mm), plate proof in black, also imperf. block of four, pair with and without watermark, normal block of four and single. S.G. 269. Photo. (Image1)

Get Market Data for [Canada (Newfoundland) 269] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census

Est. £350-400

Closing..Mar-12, 02:00 AM EST.
404 Canada: Newfoundland: 1938 4c. Princess Elizabeth, a range of imperf. proofs, comprising pair on pale blue moiré (zigzag) security paper, block of four printed on the reverse of pale green moiré (zigzag) security paper, pair in deep blue on wove paper, pair on Newfoundland Arms sideways watermark paper, and pair on wove paper. All ex Perkins Bacon archives.

Est. £400-500

Closing..Mar-12, 02:00 AM EST.
405 Canada: Newfoundland: 1938 4c. imperf. proof pair, imperforate pair, pair with and without watermark, normal single. S.G. 270.

Get Market Data for [Canada (Newfoundland) 270] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census

Est. £150-200

Closing..Mar-12, 02:00 AM EST.
406 bl imageCanada: Newfoundland: 1938 4c. imperf. proof block of four on Newfoundland Arms sideways watermark paper. Ex Perkins Bacon archives. S.G. 270 var, SC247 var. Photo. (Image1)

Get Market Data for [Canada (Newfoundland) 270 var] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census

Est. £120-150

Closing..Mar-12, 02:00 AM EST.
407 imageCanada: Newfoundland: 1938 7c. deep ultramarine, die proof on wove paper (67 x 89mm) and imperf. plate proof pair, fine. S.G. 271P. Photo. (Image1)

Get Market Data for [Canada (Newfoundland) 271P] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census

Est. £300-350

Closing..Mar-12, 02:00 AM EST.
408 nh imageCanada: Newfoundland: 1941-44 3c., 4c. and 7c. in mint pairs, with and without watermarks, fine. S.G. 278a, 279a, 281a. Photo. (Image1)

Get Market Data for [Canada (Newfoundland) 278a] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census

Est. £150-180

Closing..Mar-12, 02:00 AM EST.
409 Unmounted bl imageCanada: Newfoundland: 1941-44 8c. in an unmounted mint block of four from top of sheet, with and without watermarks. S.G. 282a, cat. £450. Photo. (Image1)

Get Market Data for [Canada (Newfoundland) 282a] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census

Est. £100-120

Closing..Mar-12, 02:00 AM EST.
410 Canada: Newfoundland: The balance of the collection written up on leaves, incl. 1868 1c. mint and used, 1868-73 1c. mint, 5c. used (2), 1876-79 rouletted 1c. to 5c. used, 1887 values to 10c. mint (2), 1/2c. marginal imprint strip of four, 2c. block of four mint, 1890 3c. mint (10 shades with two on pink paper), 1894 1/2c. to 12c. mint, 6c. block of four mint, 1896-98 1c. deep brown, 2c. green, both 3c mint, 1897-1918 set mint, 1908 Map 2c. block of four mint, 1911 Coronation set mint, 1919 Caribou sets mint and used, 1923-24 set mint, 1928-29 set mint, 1929-31 set mint, 1929 3c. on 6c. block of 25 mint, 1932 set mint, perf. 14 20c., 25c. mint, 1935 Silver Jubilee set perforated “SPECIMEN”, set on registered cover, 1937 Coronation issue with range of perfs. mint, also Prince Edward Island 1862-69 9d. mint, etc., mainly fine. (100s)

Est. £800-1,000

Closing..Mar-12, 02:00 AM EST.
411 Canada: Newfoundland: An accumulation in a stockbook, incl. 1868-73 3c. vermilion mint, 6c. rose block of four mint, 1876-79 rouletted 2c. green unused, 1890 3c. pair mint, 1896-98 3c. chocolate-brown used, 1897 values to 60c. mint, 1897-1918 to 5c. mint (2), 1933 Air sets mint (2), etc. (100s)

Est. £300-400

Closing..Mar-12, 02:00 AM EST.
412 Canada: Newfoundland: Postage Dues: 1939-49 selection incl. set used, perf. 10 set in blocks of four used, perf. 11 x 9 1c. and 4c. blocks of four used, etc. (18 items)

Est. £200-250

Closing..Mar-12, 02:00 AM EST.
413 c, entire, etc. imageCanada: Newfoundland: Postage Dues: 1939-49 issue, perf. 11 x 9 2c. used on 1940 Cunard advertising cover. S.G. D2. Photo. (Image1)

Get Market Data for [Canada (Newfoundland) D2] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census

Est. £100-120

Closing..Mar-12, 02:00 AM EST.
414 imageCanada: Newfoundland: Forgeries: 1857 4d. Sperati forgery ‘used’. Sismondo certificate (2007). Photo. (Image1)

Est. £80-100

Closing..Mar-12, 02:00 AM EST.
415 imageCanada: Newfoundland: Forgeries: 1857 Oneglia multi-value sheet of 36, fine. Photo. (Image1)

Est. £150-200

Closing..Mar-12, 02:00 AM EST.
416 imageCanada: Newfoundland: Forgeries: A selection of forgeries written up on leaves, incl. Spiro, Sperati etc. (12 items). Photo. (Image1)

Est. £200-300

Closing..Mar-12, 02:00 AM EST.
417 c, entire, etc. imageCanada: Newfoundland: 1843 (Sept. 2) entire from Liverpool bearing first official handstamp unframed circular “NEWFOUNDLAND/OCT 4/1843” in black on the reverse, scarce. Photo. (Image1)

Est. £100-120

Closing..Mar-12, 02:00 AM EST.
418 c, entire, etc. imageCanada: Newfoundland: 1846 cover to London bearing first official handstamp unframed circular “NEWFOUNDLAND/OCT 4/1843”, in red on the reverse, scarce. Photo. (Image1)

Est. £120-150

Closing..Mar-12, 02:00 AM EST.
419 c, entire, etc. imageCanada: Newfoundland: 1847 cover to Boston, bearing a fine clear stroke of the crowned circle “PAID/AT/ST. JOHNS/NEWFOUNDLAND” in red. Photo. (Image1)

Est. £500-600

Closing..Mar-12, 02:00 AM EST.
420 c, entire, etc. Canada: Newfoundland: 1847 to 1948 collection of covers and cards, well written up in an Oriel album, incl. 1858 entire letter to Harbour Grace datelined at Bahia (Brazil), 1863 cover front from St John’s to Fogo, franked by 1860 3d. (1963 Bolaffi certificate), 1897 cover registered to U.S.A., franked by 1887 set, tied by oval bars etc. (44 items)

Est. £200-250

Closing..Mar-12, 02:00 AM EST.

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