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British Empire and Foreign Countries continued...

India continued...
Lot Symbol Descrip Opening
1781 / c, entire, etc. / imageIndia: Postal History: Mutiny Period Mail: Selection of internal envelopes sent during the Murree Rebellion with 1857 (May and Aug.) envelopes to Kohat Castle at Murree each franked imperforate 1a tied by bar cancellations and manuscripted ‘Stamped’ with Goojranwala and Lahore datestamps plus defective 1857 (June) entire letter or 1858 (Feb.) mourning envelope franked imperforate 2a. pair or 1a. to Keith Young at Simla or Army Headquarters, the former datelined at Camp Alleepore, from which 3000 mutineers originated in their attack on Delhi just two days later. (4 covers) Photo. (Image1)

Est. £150-200

SOLD for £2,200.00
Closing..Mar-14, 03:30 AM EST.
1782 / c, entire, etc. / imageIndia: Postal History: 1857 (12-13 June) envelope “via Calcutta” to Aberdeen with both square and rectangular framed “INDIA/UNPAID” and “INDIA UNPAID” marks and rated ‘9’(d) single weight on arrival and with Calcutta transit and Aberdeen arrival datestamps. With content by Dr Aleander Gibbon of the 65th Bengal Light Infantry dated at Ghazeepore and composed over two days “The 17th Regiment of Native Infantry at Azamgarh broke out into mutiny last week, shot one of their officers.....On Saturday last we received unfavourable intelligence from Benares....an attempt had been made to disarm the 35th Regiment N.I......a great many men of the 37th were killed and by some mistake a Regiment which not mutinous were fired into (the Sikhs)....the daks are all stopped, but the mail arrives from Calcutta.......the 6th Regiment have mutinied and killed some officers...two ladies have also been killed, which must have been done by the townspeople...I expect Delhi will be destroyed and a puppet of a king hanged..... “ Early, important and highly detailed account. Photo. (Image1)

Est. £200-250

SOLD for £2,600.00
Closing..Mar-14, 03:30 AM EST.
1783 / c, entire, etc. / imageIndia: Postal History: Mail During the Bhurtpore Mutiny: 1857 (June 13) single page (both sides) letter (no cover and apparently hand-carried) datelined at ‘btpore’ and from Major R.Morrieson to Quartermaster General Colonel Arthur Becher “I have been very unfortunate in my cossids [secret-carriers], for I have written to you by five different messengers and now try a sixth.....pray mention what regts you have & your strength in Cavry and guns, for we don’t know here - that is publicly - I hope you won’t be too hasty in attacking, but proceed well with artillery first & clear a good path so as to make the assault safe, as you ought to be received with the fury of men in despair....” and 1857 (Sep. 15) entire letter headed ‘Telegraphic message’ also to Colonel Becher “We have taken 34 guns and mortars. The city people were coming in and asking for protection. They were employed in carrying out the dead bodies of the Sepoys”. Remarkable contemporary insight. (2) (Image1)

Est. £250-300

SOLD for £1,550.00
Closing..Mar-14, 03:30 AM EST.
1784 / c, entire, etc. / imageIndia: Postal History: Mail During the Bhurtpore Mutiny: 1857 (July 6) single page (both sides, small corner tear) letter (no cover and apparently hand-carried) datelined at ‘Bhurtpore’ and from Major R.Morrieson to Captain W. Eden “In case you may not have heard of the mutineers at Agra, I write that the Kotah Cavalry turned upon us at the critical moment....released the few prisoners left in the jail, joined the insurgents and attacked our batteries which after a severe contest, we had to withdraw. The Government House has been destroyed....my position at this place is very precarious. [he was apparently killed shortly after and mistakenly reported as two days prior to this letter] The common people and soldiery are delighted at the progress of sedition....”. Important contemporary reporting. (Image1)

Est. £150-200

SOLD for £520.00
Closing..Mar-14, 03:30 AM EST.
1785 / c, entire, etc. / imageIndia: Postal History: 1857 (July 15) entire letter to London franked 1/2a. tied by lozenge “17” bar cancellations with “ALLAHABAD” framed, Calcutta and London datestamps, the franking apparently only paid internally and with a framed “INDIA UNPAID” mark and ‘9’(d) single via Marseilles rate charge. Content by Lt Robert Packenham (who died during the relief of Lucknow) to his mother Lady Packenham “I am....joining Colonel Havelock’s column. They took eleven guns from the rebels some days ago. Sir Henry Lawrence was killed....he is a great loss but I trust our column will be able to reclaim Lucknow....” Important commentary. Photo. (Image1)

Est. £200-250

SOLD for £2,700.00
Closing..Mar-14, 03:30 AM EST.
1786 / c, entire, etc. / imageIndia: Postal History: 1857 (Aug.) Delhi/Camp at Delhi Cantonment mail from Keith Young incl. envelope to Mrs Keith Young (no content) at Simla franked 1a. pair, envelope to Mrs Keith Young at Simla (stamp removed) with rare double-ring “UNDER STAMPED/BEARING” mark on rear and with content “Delhi has not be taken, awaiting the arrival of Siege Train...” and another letter six days later (no cover) “...the siege train had got across the Markunda all right. Some five hundred hackeries came in here this morning with shot and shell....waiting on troops from below which were expected to advance on Lucknow....we still hear reports of Sir Henry Lawrence still being alive and of one hundred and fifty ladies etc. having escaped from Cawnpore to Calcutta......Hodson has gone out.....and reports that the mutineers have returned to Delhi; he has brought in a couple of ammunition wagons of the enemy’s.....” (4 covers or letters). Photo. (Image1)

Est. £150-200

SOLD for £3,000.00
Closing..Mar-14, 03:30 AM EST.
1787 / c, entire, etc. / imageIndia: Postal History: Further mail to Colonel Keith Young incl. 1857 (Aug. 21) hand-carried entire letter to Delhi from Captain Waters of the King’s Royal Rifle Corps which went on to win a total of nine Victoria Crosses during the Indian Mutiny period, 1857 (Dec. 23) hand-carried entire letter to Allygurh from Captain Hatch at Headquarters Camp, Cawnpore with content “We have had a glorious week. We expect to turn upwards shortly with a force of Artillery and European Infantry, we have taken all the Gwalior guns and utterly defeated the rebels. We have had hand-fighting at Lucknow...” and 1857 (Dec. 26) entire letter (stamps removed) ”via Marseilles & Bombay” from Colonel Young’s brother in London with content “When we knew you were at Delhi....you may suppose we felt intensely anxious....it appears that Lucknow has been relieved and a lot of the Delhi [ruling] family strung up....” (3 covers) (Image1)

Est. £150-200

SOLD for £2,100.00
Closing..Mar-14, 03:30 AM EST.
1788 / c, entire, etc. / imageIndia: Postal History: Mail from Headquarters Camp at Futtehgurgh: 1858 (Jan. or July) envelopes franked 1a. brown or defective 1a. imperforate (and another missing) to Mrs Keith Young at Simla, two with the frankings cancelled by a barred “H.Q.” (type 8) obliteration and tied by manuscript ‘Stamped’ plus another five loose stamps with this same “H.Q,” cancellation and the letters dealing with soldier conduct, distribution of mail and other military matters incl. “The troops are already crossing into Oude by the two bridges we have. There will be about 20’000 Europeans altogether when all are assembled and a sizeable amount of artillery & amongst the guns will six 68-pounders, such guns have never been used at all in India before.....” (3 covers, 5 stamps & 2 letters) Photo. (Image1)

Est. £250-300

SOLD for £2,500.00
Closing..Mar-14, 03:30 AM EST.
1789 / c, entire, etc. / imageIndia: Postal History: Mutiny operations mail with 1858 (Jan 3) envelope (with contents) and (Apr. 20) entire letter from Keith Young to his wife in Simla franked 1/2a. the first with manuscript ‘X’ cancellation and dateloned at ‘Camp Bewur’ (in preparation for the Lucknow attack) and other datelined at Poona with content “It is an unfortunate affair this of Walpole. He attacked a fortified village and was beaten off having about 30 men killed and 80 wounded...among those killed is Brigadier Adrian Hope, a very great loss. Walpole is very much blamed.....”, 1858 (July 21) letter (no cover) to Colonel Young from Deputy Judge-Advocate, Captain Frederick Charles Maisey (1825-92) with content “I can never forget that kind interference on my behalf in that most stirring and interesting passage of my life - the Siege of Delhi”. (5) Photo. (Image1)

Est. £200-250

SOLD for £2,100.00
Closing..Mar-14, 03:30 AM EST.
1790 / c, entire, etc. / imageIndia: Postal History: 1858 (Mar.) Mail from Headquarters Camp from or about the sitaution in Lucknow with small entire letter for telegraphic transmission from Colonel MacPherson reporting “Sir James Outram took all the Enemy’s positions on the left bank...Lt. Sanderson....killed. Capt. Peel....wounded....Capt. George wounded.....”, and letters (no covers) from Keith Young with content “Sir Colin’s [Campbell] attack on the City [Lucknow] will be on the side of the river towards the Kaiser Bagh where the enemy are said to be collecting.....they evidently expect that Sir Colin’s advance....will be over the canal near Le Martiniere....” and in another “The Post Office is not behaving too well....Norman [deputy judge-advocate] was telling me to send private messages since McPherson has assigned the dispatch of official messages to him.....it [Lucknow] is strongly entrenched all around......when they [the mutineers] saw the Highlanders advancing.....abandoning all the[ir] defences....gave up without a struggle and retreated further into the city and other strongholds.....”and entire letter to Simla from Keith Young franked 1a. with content “H.Q. remains here [Lucknow] regiments of the Highland Brigade, Sikhs etc. with the 9th Lancers, Artillery and Native Cavalry.....” Fine authentic insight. (4) (Image1)

Est. £350-400

SOLD for £4,200.00
Closing..Mar-14, 03:30 AM EST.
1791 / c, entire, etc. / imageIndia: Postal History: Mail From H.M.S Pearl: 1858 (Mar. 29) envelope to “Royal Naval Brigade/Colonel Rowcrofts Moveable Column, near Fyzabad’ with ‘H.M.S Pearl’ insignia on rear flap and franked 1a. tied by “B/1” (Calcutta) octagonal cancellation and with Calcutta datestamp and framed “INSUFFICIENT” mark but no evidence of additional charge and 1858 (July) folded entire letter with 1/2a. embossing with a “B/1” (Calcutta) also from H.M.S. Pearl and to the same address but redirected to Garuckpore Note: In late March a rebel force was caught near the small town of Kursi (about 25 miles from Lucknow) on the road to Fyzabad. Lord Elgin had diverted H.M.S Pearl to the Indian Mutiny from the China Wars as a result. Photo. (Image1)

Est. £250-300

SOLD for £780.00
Closing..Mar-14, 03:30 AM EST.
1792 / c, entire, etc. / imageIndia: Postal History: Mail from Futtehgurh: 1858 (Apr., May) entire letters, datelined at Futtehgurh from Keith Young to his wife in Simla franked 1/2a. blue single or pair with “92” or “32” bar cancellations, two with the rare double-ring “FUTTEGHUR” datestamp in red. Content with insightful contemporary reporting the first with “Shahjehanpore was reported to empty and so its said is Bareilly. The enemy formed, 5 miles from the city, an entrenched camp...they will not hold it very long” another with “Sir Colin [Campbell] has considered it advisable to send back a party to strengthen the garrison at Shahjehanpore....before it reached there the rebels had been repulsed with great slaughter, our guns having killed a lot of them.....We are to have a Court Martial here tomorrow...it is a couple of European soldiers that are to be tried only for shooting a native.....but in all probability they will be acquitted..,.the first intelligence of Sir Colin’s proceedings....will be via Meerut. I only hope he won’t meet the same fate as poor General [Nicholas] Penny [who was killed a week prior]” and lastly with “You are not likely to get smallpox....the goorkhas from Nepaul brought it down with them....the dak has come in with no private letters....the road from Shahjehanpore is open again....”. Fine group. (3) (Image1)

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Est. £300-350

SOLD for £2,100.00
Closing..Mar-14, 03:30 AM EST.
1793 / c, entire, etc. / imageIndia: 1858 (Apr. 6) envelope franked with 6d. lilac, tied by Torquay duplex, addressed to Lieutenant J.R. Oliver, Royal Artillery, in Brigadier General Grant’s Division of Sir Colin Campbell’s Field Force, via Calcutta (amended to Acra), with transit backstamps, soiled and with faults but a rare military cover. Campbell relieved Lucknow on Nov. 17 1857 which was then evacuated and recaptured on July 16th 1858. Photo. (Image1)

Est. £100-120

SOLD for £520.00
Closing..Mar-14, 03:30 AM EST.
1794 / c, entire, etc. / imageIndia: Postal History: Colonel Keith Young (at Allahabad) mail to his wife (Fanny) at Simla; group with 1858 (June 19) envelope franked 2a. tied by barred “17” lozenge cancellation and with framed “TOO LATE” and “PM” marks with content “We heard last night of the death of Mr Copeland....I fancy it was from exposure. He was doing duty with the Lahore Light Horse...”, 1858 (July 10) entire letter franked 1a. tied by barred “17” lozenge cancellation and manuscript ‘Stamped’ with Allahabad and Simla datestamps and a framed “AM” mark with content “Col. [C.A.F.H.] Berkeley’s little force [52nd Light Infantry] is not in camp, the Ganges they have had to cross in boats, the bridge having broken...I had a note from Mr [William de Rhe Philipe] Phillips....it was probable he would be an Assistant Judge-Advocate - [R.J.H] Birch [Military Secretary in Calcutta] is in favour....and Sir Colin [Campbell, Commander in Chief of the British Army in India], 1858 (July 16) entire letter franked 1/2a. tied by “17” lozenge cancellation with Allahabad and Simla datestamps and framed “PM” with content “Captain Mills says the rail road will not open to Cawnpore till the middle of September...George Smyth [3rd Light Cavalry]...has command of the new Cavalry European Regiment (the 1st) which remains here...” plus an 1858 (Apr. 8) entire letter no cover to Col. Young from the private Secretary of the Governor-Generals Camp concerning nomination of his brother to the post of Junior Deputy Commissioner. (5) (Image1)

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Est. £300-350

SOLD for £1,500.00
Closing..Mar-14, 03:30 AM EST.
1795 / c, entire, etc. / imageIndia: Postal History: Correspondence (no covers) to Brigadier William Parke (1822-97) who commanded the 2nd Brigade of the Rajputanna Field Force incl. the 72nd (Duke of Albany’s Own) Highlanders on camels with 1858 (Aug. 30) from Lt John Ballard “My general wishes you to look well out to the left - you see there are troops in the centre.......- but nothing North. So the rebels will very likely head that way...”, 1858 (Oct. 16) “Your column is to halt at Teysee for the purpose of moving rapidly to the south of the enemy...”, 1859 (Feb. 12) datelined at Ajmere and from Field Marshal Sir John Michel containing instructions “March with all speed on Nusserabad”, 1859 (Feb. 21) “Daily Report” from Brigadier Honner showing the position of the Nusserabad Flying Column with annotation by the receipent “Head that the Rebels intended making for this place....I therefore marched 28 miles in the hope of intercepting them.....”, 1859 (Feb. 27) from Captain Ballard “I have the honor by desire of Major General Michel to inform you that 300 Rebels have come to Sujait....” and 1859 (May 6) orders from Sarunpore “You will proceed with the Aden Troop to Sehore and assume command of all the troops....” Remarkable original source. (6) (Image1)

Est. £300-350

SOLD for £820.00
Closing..Mar-14, 03:30 AM EST.
1796 / c, entire, etc. / imageIndia: Postal History: Remarkable 1858 (Sept. 23) incoming envelope (consistent wear) to the 60th Rifles in Bengal from London “via Southampton” franked 6d. lilac tied by “14” barred numeral, endorsed for redirection and instructional attempts “Try 1st Batt, Benares”, “Try Rifle Brigade”, “Try 3rd Batt”, “Not Known 2nd Battalion”, “Not Known 1st Battalion”, “Try 3rd Batalion, Agra, Bengal”, “Camel Corps, Saugor” and finally “Sir John Kirkland, 17 Whitehall Gardens” with a London arrival datestamp and rated ‘6’(d) incoming charge, the reverse with 13 datestamps or instructional marks incl. framed “TOO LATE” (2, rectangular and ribbon types) and framed “P.M.”. Extraordinary redirected mail. Photo. (Image1)

Est. £150-200

SOLD for £750.00
Closing..Mar-14, 03:30 AM EST.
1797 / c, entire, etc. / imageIndia: Postal History: 1859 (May 1) “via Marseilles” envelope (flap faults) to the 97th Regiment in Banda franked strips of three 6d. lilac and 1d. red. and tied by several strikes of the “TAUNTON/776” duplex and with London, Bombay and “BANDA P.O” double-ring datestamps. Note: The 97th (Earl of Ulster’s) Regiment of Foot were included in the 3rd Madras European Regiment under General Whitlock and the previous year attacked the Nawab of Banda and took control of the town. (Image1)

Est. £150-200

SOLD for £120.00
Closing..Mar-14, 03:30 AM EST.
1798 / c, entire, etc. / imageIndia: Postal History: Late-Mutiny Mail Selection with 1859 (May 13) letter (no cover) to Mrs Young (at Simla) from the Assistant Adjutant General Henry Wylie Norman “Several telegrams were received yesterday evening from different places, all satisfactory, though ....a great number of men have respectfully asked for their discharge”, 1859 (May 28 and 29) entire letter or envelope (with contents) from Colonel Keith Young to his wife in Simla franked 1/2a. or 1a. both tied by lozenge “180” numerals and manuscript ‘Stamped’ and 1859 (Dec. 4 and 5) letters (no covers) from Keith Young with content incl. “A curious accident happened in camp yesterday. A sergeant of Colonel Becher’s....was shot through the heart and liver by a rifle bullet fired by no one knows.....probably it was a native....” (5) (Image1)

Est. £200-250

SOLD for £500.00
Closing..Mar-14, 03:30 AM EST.
1799 / c, entire, etc. / imageIndia: Postal History: 1859 (July 9) envelope to a soldier in the 75th Regiment in Meerut (or elsewhere) franked G.B. 1d. red tied by Liverpool “466” duplex for the 1d. concession rate. London and Bombay datestamps on rear. Note: the 75th (Stirlingshire) Regiment of Foot had been engaged in the Siege of Lucknow in November 1857. Very scarce rate with only a dozen examples of military concession mail to India from Great Britain in the 1840 to U.P.U. period believed to exist. Photo. (Image1)

Est. £100-120

SOLD for £130.00
Closing..Mar-14, 03:30 AM EST.
1800 / c, entire, etc. / imageIndia: Postal History: Camp P.O selection with 1859 (Dec. 4, 5, 16 and 30) and 1860 (Jan. 20) plain envelopes (stamps torn or cut away) or 1a. embossed envelopes, from Keith Young to his wife to Simla (three with content, datelined at ‘Bulundshur’, ’Delhie’ or ‘Umballah’; “One can hardly do anything with this continued marching....” or “We had whist [card game] after dinner, playing for half-anna stamps...”) and all but one (with double-ring “DELHI P.O.” datestamp) with scarce (30mm) circular “ARMY H.Q P.O” undated marking in green and a few also with framed “AM” marks plus several three pieces franked 1/2a. or 1a. tied by lozenge “H.Q.” bar marks. (11) (Image1)

Est. £200-250

SOLD for £1,550.00
Closing..Mar-14, 03:30 AM EST.

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