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Miscellaneous and Mixed Lots continued...

Miscellaneous and Mixed Lots continued...
Lot Symbol Descrip Opening
281 / c, entire, etc. / imagePostal History and Covers: Crash and Wreck Mail: A selection with 1930 (Apr. 11) envelope to Berlin franked Argentina 72c., 1p.80c. and 20c. from a flight forced down the next day near Porto Alegre, 1930 (May 10) crash envelope to Germany franked Uruguay 30c. and 8c. recovered after crash into the River Plate near Montevideo, 1930 (June 16) crash envelopes to Bremen or Graz franked Argentina 1p.26c., 12c. and 4c. or 1p.8c., 1c. 12c. and 4c. crashed in separate flights at Porto Alegre or Bahia with mail recovered intact and 1930 (July 8/9) crash envelopes (2) to Madrid franked Argentina 30c., 24c. and 5c. or 54c. and 5c. carried by the ‘Comte de la Vaulx’ forced doiwn 500 miles from the African coast, crew and mail rescued by the S.S Phocee and with framed late mark on each to explain delay. (6) Photo. (Image1)

Est. £200-250

SOLD for £200.00
Closing..Mar-13, 03:30 AM EST.
282 / c, entire, etc. / imagePostal History and Covers: Crash and Wreck Mail: Selection comprising 1930 (Nov. 29) Dornier DO-X flight to S America caught fire at Lisbon, special postcard to U.S.A.franked Germany 3m. and 1m., 1936 (Sep. 24) Ethiopia-Italy crashed Benghazi, Libya with two-line cachet in red, 1958 (Aug. 3) USN Helicopter crashed in fjord in Greenland; one of three envelopes with an explanation using a typewriter (directly on the front) and signed by the purser and 2003 (Dec. 20) Special helicopter flight from South Pole to Chile; two-line red cachet “Helicopter on return trip crashed 193km north of Patriot Hills/Injuries to both explorers required medivac to Punta Arenas”. (4) (Image1)

Est. £150-200

SOLD for £110.00
Closing..Mar-13, 03:30 AM EST.
283 / c, entire, etc. / imagePostal History and Covers: Crash and Wreck Mail: South Africa: 1931 airmail envelope to Grootfontein franked S.W.A. 3d. from the S.W.A. flight from Windhoek that was forced down near Tsumb (Nierinck 310801), 1939 airmail envelope to Cape Town from England (stamps missing) carried on the “Challenger” which struck a boat while landing at Lumbo Bay (Mozambique) with framed bilingual (English/Afrikaans) cachet (Nierinck 390501), 1951 letter (no cover) to Durban with “SALVAGED CRASHED PLANE 15/10/51” cachet on front carried on the S.A. Airways DC3 that crashed at Koekstad; very few recorded and 1968 charred airmail envelope to Germany (Nierinck 680420) flown on a Boeing 707 flight Windhoek-London that crashed at Windhoek and with typed explanatory slip. (4) (Image1)

Est. £200-250

SOLD for £220.00
Closing..Mar-13, 03:30 AM EST.
284 / c, entire, etc. / imagePostal History and Covers: Crash and Wreck Mail: Egypt, selection with 1931 (May 24) Imperial Airways Egypt-Crete by Scipio damaged on landing, envelope to Candia with Egypt 4m., 3m. and 2m. franking, 1933 (Mar. 4) Imperial Airways Egypt-Greece by Satyrus forced landing near Greece, envelope to Athens franked Egypt 20m. and 9m. and 1958 (Mar. 7) Misrair Airlines Athens-Cairo that crashed at Port Said Egypt, envelope from Pittsburgh, U.S.A. (see Nierinck p338) with explanatory repair tape in Arabic on reverse (3). Photo. (Image1)

Est. £250-300

SOLD for £190.00
Closing..Mar-13, 03:30 AM EST.
285 / c, entire, etc. / imagePostal History and Covers: Crash and Wreck Mail: 1932 (Feb. 26) large printed envelope (consistent peripheral faults) to London franked Argentina 1p, 30c., 10c. and 5c. (another missing) carried on the Latecoere 28 aeroplane which was struck by lightning and crashed on Feb. 27 near Setiba in Mexico. A “DAMAGED BY SEA WATER” cachet applied on arrival following recovery of the mail. Nierinck 320227e. Photo. (Image1)

Est. £150-200

Closing..Mar-13, 03:30 AM EST.
286 / c, entire, etc. / imagePostal History and Covers: Crash and Wreck Mail: 1934 (Oct.) defective envelope (with contents) from Korumburra (Victoria) to Hobart, the plane “Loina” crashed in the sea near Whitemark on Flinders Island, with typewritten slip “RECOVERED FROM AIR-LINER/”LOINA” IN A SATURATED/CONDITION”. Nierinck. 351002b. Ex Crowe (2019) Photo. (Image1)

Est. £150-200

SOLD for £180.00
Closing..Mar-13, 03:30 AM EST.
287 / c, entire, etc. / imagePostal History and Covers: Selection of covers comprising 1934 (Dec. 20) “Uiver”, 1936 (Aug. 22) “Scipio”, 1953 (May 2) “Comet” (5), and 1954 (Jan. 10) “Comet” (5). (12) (Image1)

Est. £200-250

SOLD for £190.00
Closing..Mar-13, 03:30 AM EST.
288 / c, entire, etc. / imagePostal History and Covers: Crash and Wreck Mail: Netherlands, selection with 1934 (Dec. 20) KLM DC2 Uiver crashed Rutbah Wells (Syria), envelope to Batavia franked Netherlands 30c. and 6c., 1935 (July 17) KLM DC2 Maraboe Batavia-Netherlands crashed Bushire, Iran, a Netherlands Indies 5c. postcard to Amsterdam uprated 10c. severely heat damaged with matching P.O. ambulance cover and 1951 (Dec. 14) Swissair Basle to Amsterdam flight that crashed at Amsterdam, a severely charred envelope (and contents) to Amsterdam (from Italy) with typed and signed P.O. explanatory label. (3) (Image1)

Est. £80-100

SOLD for £80.00
Closing..Mar-13, 03:30 AM EST.
289 / c, entire, etc. / imagePostal History and Covers: Crash and Wreck Mail:Selection comprising 1935 (Dec. 31) Imperial Airways UK to NZ City of Khartoum, envelope with slight water damage, Dumfries registration label intact and manuscript endorsed ‘RECOVERED FROM/”CITY OF KHARTOUM””, 1947 (Oct. 7) Bone-Paris crash at Bone airport, envelope with part-framed three-line cachet on rear, 1950 (June 12) Air France Saigon-Paris, water-damaged envelope Saigon to Paris with “COURRIER ACCIDENTE” cachet and 1976 (Sep. 10) Trident/Inex Air DC 9 collision, envelope to Istanbul from England with “RECOVERED FROM AIRCRASH/ZAGREB 10-9-76/FORWARDED TO/DESTINATION” and rubber “LONDON/F.S.” datestamp in matching red ink. (4) (Image1)

Est. £100-120

SOLD for £80.00
Closing..Mar-13, 03:30 AM EST.
290 / c, entire, etc. / imagePostal History and Covers: Crash and Wreck Mail: 1936 (Aug. 22) crash of the “Scipio” at Crete, incl. airmail envelope to Liverpool (possibly from New Zealand) with “DAMAGED-BY/SEA WATER” mark on rear, airmail envelope to England from India with London G.P.O. reseal label on rear and framed “DAMAGED BY SEA/WATER” mark on front, airmail envelope to London franked India 1a., 1/2a. and 3a. (another missing) with registration label intact and “DAMAGED BY/WATER” (Hoggarth type ‘y’ - in red and only recorded in violet), airmail envelope to Wales from India with “DAMAGED-BY-SEA WATER” mark and London G.P.O. reseal label on rear, airmail envelope to England from Bombay franked 4a. and 3a.6p. with “DAMAGED BY SEA WATER” mark, envelope to London from Bombay (staps missing) withj framed “DAMAGED BY SEA/WATER” mark and an airmail envelope to England from Bangalore with framed “DAMAGED BY IMMERSION/IN SEA WATER” - I.S.” cachet on rear. (7 covers) Photo. (Image1)

Est. £150-180

SOLD for £230.00
Closing..Mar-13, 03:30 AM EST.
291 / c, entire, etc. / imagePostal History and Covers: Crash and Wreck Mail: 1936 (Sept. 29) “Athena” crash three examples all dated 1936 (Sept. 22) to Australia or India franked K.G.V 6d. or 10d. and 5d. or 9d. and 6d. tied by London or Kingston machine cancellations, without explanatory cachets but with consistent burn, stain and oxidisation marks. Uncommon. (3) (Image1)

Est. £100-120

SOLD for £110.00
Closing..Mar-13, 03:30 AM EST.
292 / c, entire, etc. / imagePostal History and Covers: Crash and Wreck Mail: South Africa Schlesinger Air Race, 1936 (Oct.) envelopes with Portsmouth to Johannesburg flight franked 1/2d., flown by A.E. Clouston and signed, endorsed “Crashed engine failure.....Southern Rhodesia” (Nierinck 360929C), franked G.B. 1/2d. and South Africa 6d., flown by V. Smith with forced landings at Belgrade and Salonika, race abandoned at Cairo (Nierinck 360930Ab) and another franked G.B. 1d. and 1/2d. and Egypt 20m. and 8m., flown by Rose and Bagshaw, crashed at Cairo pilot signed on rear. (Nierinck 360930C) (3) (Image1)

Est. £300-350

SOLD for £320.00
Closing..Mar-13, 03:30 AM EST.
293 / c, entire, etc. / imagePostal History and Covers: Crash and Wreck Mail: 1937 (Mar.) airmail envelope to Pernambuco from the Hague (stamps missing), carried by Lufthansa which crashed in Gambia, red cachet, (Nierinck 370312A), and 1952 legal-size envelope to Copenhagen franked Brazil $5 and 40c. (2) carried on the K.L.M. Johannesburg-Amsterdam flight that crashed in Frankfurt with Danish explanatory slip and glassine ambulance envelope. (Nierinck 520322). (2 items) Photo. (Image1)

Est. £200-250

Closing..Mar-13, 03:30 AM EST.
294 / c, entire, etc. / imagePostal History and Covers: Crash and Wreck Mail: 1937 (Oct. 1) “Courtier” crash in Greece with envelope of unknown origin to England with fine framed “DAMAGED BY/SEA WATER/IN AIRPLANE/ACCIDENT” and two further envelopes to England from Egypt, one with intact 8m. and 20m. franking and both with framed “DAMAGED BY SEA-WATER” cachet on front. (3 covers) Photo. (Image1)

Est. £100-120

SOLD for £80.00
Closing..Mar-13, 03:30 AM EST.
295 / c, entire, etc. / imagePostal History and Covers: Crash and Wreck Mail: 1937 (Dec. 4) Imperial Airways “Cygnus” crash with envelope to London (redirected locally) franked India K.G.V 1a. block of four with London G.P.O. reseal tape and framed “DAMAGED BY SEA/WATER” mark, envelope to London from Jerusalem franked Palestine 8m. and 5m. with two strikes of the framed “DAMAGED BY SEA/WATER” (on front and rear), envelope to Portsmouth franked New Zealand 1d. with two strikes of the framed “DAMAGED BY SEA-WATER” cachet, taxed airmail envelope to Birmingham from Gaza franked Palestine 13m. with framed “DAMAGED BY SEA-WATER” cachet, India 3a. + 11/2a. registration envelope top London with framed “DAMAGED BY SEA WATER” mark and airmail envelope to London from Colombo with framed “DAMAGED BY WATER” cachet. (6 covers) Photo. (Image1)

Est. £100-120

SOLD for £170.00
Closing..Mar-13, 03:30 AM EST.
296 / c, entire, etc. / imagePostal History and Covers: Crash and Wreck Mail: 1938 (Sept.) damaged typed letter on Amsterdam letterhead (no cover) to Italy carried by Lufthansa from Germany to Milan that crashed on glacier near to Cengalo (Switzerland) with some mail recovered in July 1952 (copy of the Netherlands P.O. explanatory note included). (Nierinck 381001) Photo. (Image1)

Est. £200-250

Closing..Mar-13, 03:30 AM EST.
297 / c, entire, etc. / imagePostal History and Covers: Crash and Wreck Mail: 1938 (Nov. 27) crash of the “Calpurnia” near Baghdad with envelopes from Wales (franked K.G.VI 11/2d.) or London with “RECEIVED AT/WELLINGTON/IN DAMAGED CONDITION” mark, taxed envelopes to Christchurch from London or Manchester franked K.G.VI 11/2d. with very fine “RECEIVED IN DAMAGED CONDITION/EX FLYING BOAT CALPURNIA.” cachet, K.G.V 3d. embossed envelope (stamp missing, with contents) to Hobart with three strikes of “SALVAGED/EX “CALPURNIA” cachet on front or rear, envelope to Brisbane from London (and redirected to London and again locally) with framed “DAMAGED BY WATER/THROUGH ACCIDENT/TO FLYING BOAT” mark and envelope to Auckland from London with “RECEIVED IN DAMAGED CONDITION/EX FLYING BOAT CALPURNIA” cachet. (7 covers) Photo. (Image1)

Est. £200-250

SOLD for £150.00
Closing..Mar-13, 03:30 AM EST.
298 / c, entire, etc. / imagePostal History and Covers: Crash and Wreck Mail: 1939 (Apr. 24) “Challenger” crash mail with two envelopes to Durban from England (London or Derby machine cancellations) stamps missing and both with framed bilingual (English/Afrikaans) “FLYING BOAT CORRESPONDENCE DAMAGED BY SEAWATER” cachets on front. (2 covers) (Image1)

Est. £100-120

Closing..Mar-13, 03:30 AM EST.
299 / c, entire, etc. / imagePostal History and Covers: Crash and Wreck Mail: 1939 (June 12) crash of the “Centurion”, pair with resealed and repaired envelope to London from India (stamp missing) with “SALVAGED MAIL/EX. CENTURION” and framed “DAMAGED BY SEA/WATER” marks, airmail envelopes to England or Isle of Man (from Western Australia and possibly New Zealand) with “SALVAGED MAIL/EX.CENTURIA” (spelling error) and London G.P.O. official seal on rear flap, one with intact Australia K.G.VI 2d. (2) and Queen Elizabeth 1d. franking, envelope to England from Sydney (stamps missing and official postcard to Edinburgh franked “BURMA/SERVICE” overprint on India K.G.V 1/2a. strip of four both with “SALVAGED MAIL/EX.CENTURION” mark, latter with London G.P.O. reseal label on rear. (6 covers) Photo. (Image1)

Est. £150-200

SOLD for £190.00
Closing..Mar-13, 03:30 AM EST.
300 / c, entire, etc. / imagePostal History and Covers: Crash and Wreck Mail: Palestine, 1941 (Jan.) 1d. (3) London meter-franked envelope to Haifa with “SALVED FROM/THE SEA” cachet in black (unlisted) on front following Air France Marseilles-Beirut flight crash landing and Beirut and 1948 (Dec.) envelope to Haifa franked Romania 15l. (4), 10l. and 1l. (2) carried by Czech Airlines Prague-Lydda which crashed in Greece and with printed (in French) crash label tied to rear by a Prague c.d.s., rather scarce pair. (2) Photo. (Image1)

Est. £500-600

SOLD for £400.00
Closing..Mar-13, 03:30 AM EST.

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