137 : (10x2; the 1d. and 2d. with sheet numbers), 4d. block of four, 4½d. blocks of four, eight and twelve, 1/3d. and £1 in marginal blocks of twelve (1/3d. block with sheet number '153' at upper right) and 10/- block of six; all with gum and double
138 : train lines obliterating each stamp, rareSubject to 5% tax on Hammer Price in addition to 20% VAT on Buyer’s Premium.<A HREF="https://d3ums4016ncdkp.cloudfront.net/auction/main/22025/22025_418_1.jpg" target="_blank"> <b>(Image1)</b></a>
139 : <cfset mCountry = sCountry22025418 >
140 : <cfset mOrder = Order22025418 >
141 : <cfset mSANNumber = SAN_Number22025418 >