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Lot Symbol Catalog No. Descrip Opening
161 ★★ SG:NE197, Ya:NE91b image1947 North-East China 2nd print Mao $100 strip of 3 imperforated between variety. 1947 第二版毛像壹佰元三连,票间漏齿.ö (Image)

SG:NE197, Ya:NE91b

Currently...SEK 800
Closing..Feb-22, 03:30 AM
162 ★★ SG:NE162, Ya:NE44 image1947 North-East China 22nd Anniv. of Nanking Road Incident $2 vertical pair imperforated between. 1947 “五卅”22周年纪念贰圆直双连票间漏齿. (Image)

SG:NE162, Ya:NE44

Currently...SEK 1,000
Closing..Feb-22, 03:30 AM
163 SG:NE229a, Ya:NE124c image1948 North-East China 4th print Chairman Mao $1000 on buff paper imperforated with large margins. VF 1948 第四版毛主席像1000圆无齿宽边, 印于浅黄色纸张. (Image)

SG:NE229a, Ya:NE124c

Currently...SEK 800
Closing..Feb-22, 03:30 AM
164 ★★ SG:NE41, Ya:AD34 image1948 North-East China Japanese stamp without overprint, some toning 1948日本原票未加盖, 有黄. (Image)

SG:NE41, Ya:AD34

Currently...SEK 140
Closing..Feb-22, 03:30 AM
165 SG:NE57, Ya:AD50 image1949 North-East China $10 Transport. 1949 东北区10圆交通图. (Image)

SG:NE57, Ya:AD50

Currently...SEK 140
Closing..Feb-22, 03:30 AM
166 ★★ SG:NE256, Ya:NE154 image1949 North-East China Factory $1500 full sheet of 100, 4 positions with long chimney-stack varieties. Folded once, with perforation misplaced varieties at left half of sheet. 1949 工厂图1500圆100枚整版, 折版, 其中4枚长烟囱, 左半版大多齿孔移位变体. (Image) (image11) image

SG:NE256, Ya:NE154

Currently...SEK 800
Closing..Feb-22, 03:30 AM
167 ⊙/★★ SG:NE63-64, Ya:AD56-57 image1949 North-East China 4th Anniv. of Victory over Japan and Dalian opening of Industrial Fair $10 original print used and reprint unused. 1949 纪念抗战胜利4周年及大连工展开幕10圆原版旧及再版新各一枚. (Image)

SG:NE63-64, Ya:AD56-57

Currently...SEK 1,000
Closing..Feb-22, 03:30 AM
168 ★★ SG:NE59, Ya:AD53 image1949 North-East China Lüda May 1st International Labour Day $10 x 2, one printed on gummed paper which is never noticed in any catalogue. 1949 旅大发行纪念五一劳动节拾圆2枚, 其中一枚带背胶(未见目录著录) (Image) (image11) image

SG:NE59, Ya:AD53

Currently...SEK 500
Closing..Feb-22, 03:30 AM
169 ★★ SG:NE56,66,-67, Ya:AD49,60-61 image1949 North-East China Production and Communication $5, $5 and $10 with surcharge, optd with "50th Anniv. of Victory of war Against Japan" 1995. 1949 旅大区生产交通图及加盖票,邮政博物馆盖“抗日战争胜利50周年纪念”一组三枚。 (Image)

SG:NE56,66,-67, Ya:AD49,60-61

Currently...SEK 800
Closing..Feb-22, 03:30 AM
170 ★★ SG:NE275-85, Ya:NE162-71 image1950 North-East China 1st issue Tian An Men regular stamps set. 1950普东1第一版天安门图普票10枚全新. (Image)

SG:NE275-85, Ya:NE162-71

Currently...SEK 500
Closing..Feb-22, 03:30 AM
171 ★★ SG:NW27, Ya:NW16 image1948 North-West China 2nd Yanan Pagoda Hill issue $300 block of 4 with bottom margin.` 1948 二版延安宝塔山三百圆4方连带下边纸新. (Image)

SG:NW27, Ya:NW16

Currently...SEK 500
Closing..Feb-22, 03:30 AM
172 ★★ SG:NW11, Ya:NW103 image1949 North-West China Sinkiang Yili-Tacheng-Artai area Telegraph Operator design $50 in sheetlet of 20. 1949 新疆伊塔阿区电报员图50圆20枚版张. (Image) (image11) image

SG:NW11, Ya:NW103

Currently...SEK 2,000
Closing..Feb-22, 03:30 AM
173 ★★ SG:NW97a, Mi:83I image1949 North-West China People's Post $50 Mao with error print $200 instead. 1949西北人民邮政50圆毛像, 错印为200圆. (Image)

SG:NW97a, Mi:83I

Currently...SEK 2,500
Closing..Feb-22, 03:30 AM
174 ★★ SG:SWP6-8, Ya:PSW9-11 image1950 South-West China Guiyang Parcels Post opt on East China Postal Runner stamps set, two in pairs with 4mm high "Yuan" characters. 1950贵阳加盖改作包裹印纸于华东邮运图3枚全, 其中2枚为双连含大圆字. (Image)

SG:SWP6-8, Ya:PSW9-11

Currently...SEK 140
Closing..Feb-22, 03:30 AM
Lot Symbol Catalog No. Descrip Opening
175 ★★ Mi:27D, SG:1424a image1950 Surcharged with new value $500 perf 14. 1950 中华邮政单位票改值500圆齿孔14度. (Image)

Get Market Data for [China Mi:27D, SG:1424a] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census

Mi:27D, SG:1424a

Currently...SEK 200
Closing..Feb-22, 03:30 AM
176 ★★ Mi:60,66, SG:1459,1463 image1950 Gate of Heavenly Peace 3rd issue $100 and $2000 in blocks of 4. 1950 普3天安门壹百圆及贰仟元四方连新. (Image)

Get Market Data for [China Mi:60,66, SG:1459,1463] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census

Mi:60,66, SG:1459,1463

Currently...SEK 200
Closing..Feb-22, 03:30 AM
177 ★★ Mi:67-76, SG:1481a-87 image1950 Gate of Heavenly Peace 4th issue set. VF 1950 普4天安门第四版10枚全新. (Image)

Get Market Data for [China Mi:67-76, SG:1481a-87] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census

Mi:67-76, SG:1481a-87

Currently...SEK 1,500
Closing..Feb-22, 03:30 AM
178 CTO/⊙ Mi:100-105, SG:1493-98 image1951 Gate of Heavenly Peace 5th issue set x 4 ($200000 in two pairs from original block of 4) mixed cto and postal used. 1951 天安门普通邮票第五版6枚全4套,其中二十万元为两个直双连源自壹四方连,盖销信销混. (Image)

Get Market Data for [China Mi:100-105, SG:1493-98] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census

Mi:100-105, SG:1493-98

Currently...SEK 10,000
Closing..Feb-22, 03:30 AM
179 ★★ Mi:100-103, SG:1493-96 image1951 Gate of Heavenly Peace 5th issue $10000 to $50000. 1951 天安门普通邮票第五版10000圆 - 50000圆. (Image)

Get Market Data for [China Mi:100-103, SG:1493-96] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census

Mi:100-103, SG:1493-96

Currently...SEK 700
Closing..Feb-22, 03:30 AM
180 ★★ Mi:100-103, SG:1493-96 image1951 Gate of Heavenly Peace 5th issue $10000 to $50000. 1951 天安门普通邮票第五版10000圆 - 50000圆. (Image)

Get Market Data for [China Mi:100-103, SG:1493-96] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census

Mi:100-103, SG:1493-96

Currently...SEK 1,200
Closing..Feb-22, 03:30 AM

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