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POSTAL HISTORY R.O.C continued...
Lot Symbol Catalog No. Descrip Opening
581 c   image1946 Jun. 11 Airmail cover sent from Hwangchow to Sweden, franked with Postal Saving design $100 strip of 5 and a pair, Chunking Central print SYS $40 and $50 stamps for paying international airmail postage of $790, tied by Hwangkang bilingual cds. 1946 年6月11日湖北黄州寄瑞典航空封, 贴邮政储蓄图邮票100圆5连及双连,重庆中央版孙像40圆及50圆, 合计国际航空邮资790圆, 销黄冈中英文双语日戳,背有斯德哥尔摩到达戳. (Image) (image11) image

Currently...SEK 240
Closing..Feb-23, 03:30 AM
582 c   image1946 Jul. 31 Airmail cover sent from Kuling to Sweden, franked with Commemorative, Postal Saving and SYS stamps, paying international airmail postage of $490,tied by Kuling cds. 1946 年7月31日牯岭寄瑞典航空封, 贴总统纪念,邮政储蓄及孙像票, 合计国际航空邮资490圆, 销牯岭中文日戳. (Image) (image11) image

Currently...SEK 200
Closing..Feb-23, 03:30 AM
583 c   image1946 Nov. 14 cover sent from Shanghai to Sweden, franked with Victory Commemorative issues and surcharged Airmail $100 stamps, paying international standard letter rate,tied by Shanghai bilingual 14.11.48 cds. 1946 年11月14日上海寄瑞典平信封, 贴庆祝胜利纪念及航空改值票合计邮资300圆符资, 销上海中英文双语日戳. (Image) (image11) image

Currently...SEK 100
Closing..Feb-23, 03:30 AM
584 c   image1947 Dec. 29 Airmail cover sent from Hwangkang to Sweden, franked with Commemorative and SYS stamps, paying international airmail postage of $30000 ($100 over paid), tied by Hwangkang cds. 1947 年12月29日黄冈寄瑞典航空封, 贴行动邮局票伍仟圆4枚及孙像加盖票9枚(掉票1枚), 合计国际航空邮资170000圆, 销武昌中文日戳. (Image) (image11) image

Currently...SEK 200
Closing..Feb-23, 03:30 AM
585 c   image1947 Jun. 7 Airmail cover sent from Hwangkang to Sweden, franked with Return of Government to Nanking $250 two pairs, pair of 2c SYS optd with $1000 stamps, paying international airmail postage of $3000, tied by Hwangkang bilingual cds. 1947 年6月7日黄冈寄瑞典航空封, 贴还都纪念票250圆双连x2,及孙像2分加盖1000圆双连, 合计国际航空邮资3000圆, 销黄冈中英文日戳. (Image) (image11) image

Currently...SEK 200
Closing..Feb-23, 03:30 AM
586 c   image1948 Nov. 18 Airmail cover sent from Wuchang to Sweden, franked on front with Shanghai Dah Tung 3rd print SYS CNC $50000 and two pairs of $500000 , on back with block of 4 $500000 stamps paying international airmail postage of $4050000 CNC, tied by Wuchang bilingual cds. The CNC stamps valid to the end of November this year. This rate was applied only for 14 days from 1948.11.6. 1948 年11月18日武昌寄瑞典航空封, 封面贴上海大东三版梅花孙像国币伍万圆及伍拾万圆双连x2, 封背贴伍拾万圆四方连, 销武昌中英文戳 ,合计国际航空邮资4050000圆, 此资费自只1948年11月6日起使用了14天. (Image) (image11) image

Currently...SEK 200
Closing..Feb-23, 03:30 AM
587 c   image1948 Jun. 14 Airmail cover sent from Hwangkang to Sweden, franked with $5000 Mobile Postal Kiosk x 4 and 9 SYS stamps with opt, paying international airmail postage of $170000 (one $10000 stamp fall off), tied by Hwangkang cds. Re-addressed to Lidingö. 1948 年6月14日黄冈寄瑞典航空封, 贴行动邮局票伍仟圆4枚及孙像加盖票9枚(掉票1枚), 合计国际航空邮资170000圆, 销武昌中文日戳. (Image) (image11) image

Currently...SEK 100
Closing..Feb-23, 03:30 AM
588 c   image1948 Dec. 6 Airmail cover sent from Wuchang to Sweden, franked with Gold Yuan $1 surch. on 40c SYS strip of 3 and two pairs stamps, paying international airmail postage of $7, tied by Wuchang bilingual cds. This rate was applied for 3 weeks only from 1948.11.20 1948 年12月6日武昌寄瑞典航空封, 贴孙像40分加盖金圆壹圆三连及两个双连, 合计国际航空邮资7圆, 销武昌中英文日戳. 此资费只使用了21天 (Image) (image11) image

Currently...SEK 240
Closing..Feb-23, 03:30 AM
589 c   image1948 Sep. 14 Airmail cover sent from Hwangkang to Sweden, franked with Shanghai Dah Tung 2nd print SYS CNC $100000 and two $500000 stamps paying international airmail postage of $1100000 CNC, tied by Hwangkang cds. 1948 年9月14日黄冈寄瑞典航空封, 封面贴上海大东二版梅花孙像国币拾万圆及两枚伍拾万圆, 销黄冈中文戳 ,合计国际航空邮资1100000圆. (Image) (image11) image

Currently...SEK 400
Closing..Feb-23, 03:30 AM
590 c   image1948 May 4 Airmail cover sent from Foochow to Sweden, franked with Shanghai Dah Tung 2nd print SYS $50000 pair and London 4th print $5000 pair for paying international airmail postage of $110000 tied by Foochow bilingual 4.5.48 cds. This postage rate was applied from Apr. 11 for 38 days only. 1948 年5月4日福州寄瑞典航空封, 贴上海大东二版孙像伍万圆双连及伦敦四版孙像伍仟圆直双连, 合计国际航空邮资11万萬圆, 销福州中英文双语5月4日戳. 此资费为4月11日启用至5月19日调资共38天. (Image) (image11) image

Currently...SEK 240
Closing..Feb-23, 03:30 AM
591 c   image1948 July 30 cover sent from Shanghai to Sweden, franked with Chungking Chung Hwa print SYS $70 block of 6 and a single for total $490 paid, tied by Shanghai bilingual 30.7.48 cds. This is heavily underpaid, but for some reason the letter has nevertheless managed to be forwarded to Sweden without being handled for postage due. Interesting item. 1948 年7月30日上海寄瑞典航空封, 贴重庆中华版孙像70圆6方连及一单枚, 合计付邮资490圆, 销上海中英文双语7月30日戳. 所付邮资严重不符, 但由于某种原因,这封信还是被转发到了瑞典, 且未作欠资处理. (Image) (image11) image

Currently...SEK 300
Closing..Feb-23, 03:30 AM
592 c   image1948 Dec. 13 Airmail cover sent from Shanghai to USA, franked with surch. Gold Yuan $5 on 17c Martyr block of 4 and pair, $1 on 40c SYS x 2 (one with imperforation at left variety) paying international airmail letter rate of $32, tied by Shanghai bilingual 13.11.48 cds, 2nd day of the new tariff. 1948 年12月13日上海寄美国航空封, 贴金圆加盖伍圆于17分烈士票四方连及单枚,壹圆加盖孙像40分两枚(其中一枚左边无齿),合计邮资金圆32圆符资, 销上海中英文双语日戳. 为调资第二日使用封. (Image) (image11) image

Currently...SEK 400
Closing..Feb-23, 03:30 AM
593 c   image1948 Mar. 15 cover sent from Hwanggang to Sweden, franked with surch. CNC$2000 on Chungking Chung Hwa print SYS $3 x 3, Shanghai 2nd Dah Tung print SYS$3000 and $5000 for paying $14000 international letter rate, tied by Hubei Hwanggang cds. Last day before introduce of the new tariff. 1948 年3月15日黄冈寄瑞典封, 贴国币改值加盖2000圆于重庆中华版孙像3圆三枚及上海大东二版叁仟圆和伍仟圆各一枚, 合计邮资国币14000圆符资, 销湖北黄冈中文日戳. 为调资前尾日使用封. (Image) (image11) image

Currently...SEK 500
Closing..Feb-23, 03:30 AM
594 c   image1949 Feb. 1 Airmail cover sent from Wuchang to Sweden, franked on front with $10 Gold Yuan surch on $2 SYS x 2 and $5 on $2 x 2, on back $5 on $2 block of8 and a pair, paying international airmail postage of $80, tied by Wuchang bilingual cds. This rate was applied only for 3 weeks from 1949.1.16. 1949 年2月1日武昌寄瑞典航空封, 封面贴金圆拾圆加盖于重庆中华版孙像贰圆2枚及伍圆加盖于贰圆2枚,封背贴伍圆加盖于贰圆10枚, 合计国际航空邮资80圆, 销武昌中英文双语日戳,此资费只使用了3周. (Image) (image11) image

Currently...SEK 240
Closing..Feb-23, 03:30 AM
595 c   image1927 Sinkiang Mar. 13 Registrated with Return Receipt cover (AR) sent from Yecheng (Qaghiliq) to Hupeh Shekou, franked with 5c x 2 and 20c Junk stamps optd with "Limited for Sinkiang Province Use". With Soche Mar. 14 and Tientsin Apr. 20 transit cds, with Hubei Shekou arrival May ? cds and "Shekou Theological Seminary Letter Box" receiving Tombstone-chop, then redirected to Shanghai with May 21 arrival cds on reverse. With Sinkiang Soche censor label and red "Via Russia" chop. A very interesting route and scarce postal history item. 1927年3月13日新疆叶城寄湖北滠口挂号回执封, 贴帆船加盖"限新省贴用"5分两枚及20分, 销叶城日戳, 盖莎车3月14日及天津4月20日中转戳,湖北滠口5月?日中文到达戳,盖滠口神学院信箱碑型戳,由于收信人不在此信最后被转到上海投递,封背由上海5月21日到达戳。红色"由俄国转"指示及新疆莎车检查条. 非常精彩之新疆寄内地经俄罗斯西伯利亚铁路邮件。 (Image) (image11) (image21) image image

Currently...SEK 8,000
Closing..Feb-23, 03:30 AM
596 c   image1928 Sinkiang Oct. 19 cover sent from Shuleh to Sweden, franked with pair of 5c Junk 2nd Peking print optd with "Limited for Sinkiang Province Use", tied by Shuleh bilingual cds. 1928年10月19日新疆疏勒寄瑞典封, 贴北京二版帆船5分双连加盖限新省贴用, 销疏勒双语日戳. (Image) (image11) image

Currently...SEK 400
Closing..Feb-23, 03:30 AM
Lot Symbol Catalog No. Descrip Opening
597 c   image1950 Jul. 22 Airmail cover sent from Shanghai to USA, franked on reverse with C4 ($3000 x 4), regular R1 stamps $500 and $2000, total $14500 paying international airmail postage, with Canton 50.7.25 transit cds alongside. Scarce. 1950 年7月22日上海寄美国航空封,背贴纪4原版叁仟圆4枚,普一500圆及2000圆,共14500圆国际邮资符资,旁盖广州中转日戳,贴多枚同一面值纪4票自然实寄少见. (Image) (image11) image

Currently...SEK 6,000
Closing..Feb-23, 03:30 AM
598 c   image1950 April 21 "ON POSTAL SERVICE" cover sent as printed matter from Shanghai to Sweden, franked with SC1 surch. on Shanghai Da Dong print Unit stamps $200 vertical pair and $800 tied by Shanghai 50.4.21 cds, on reverse with oval violet "District Postoffice, Local Business Dept. / Philatelic Division Shanghai / 1950.4.20" dater. Include original letter (3rd price-list from Shanghai Postal Authority Philatelic department, printed on back of Shanghai Postal Authority Accounting Unit Circular 1942). Cover with some wrinkles but still interesting 1950 年4月21日邮政公事封上海寄瑞典,贴改一200圆双联及800圆,印刷品邮资,销1950.4.21上海日戳,封背盖紫色上海邮政管理局本地业务科1950.4.20日戳。封内含上海邮政管理局集邮股出售邮票一览表第三号(印于1942上海邮政管理局会计股通令背面). 所含信件有一定邮史价值. (Image) (image11) (image21) (image31) image image image

Currently...SEK 500
Closing..Feb-23, 03:30 AM
599 c   image1950 Aug. 11 Cover sent from Tientsin to Switzerland, franked with SC1 surch. on Shanghai Da Dong print Unit stamps $100 pair and $1000, R1$5000 and SC2 surch. $20000 on East China Production stamps. 1950 年8月11日天津寄瑞士封,贴改1壹百圆双联及1000圆,普1伍仟圆及改2贰万圆销天津A十四点线戳. (Image) (image11) image

Currently...SEK 1,500
Closing..Feb-23, 03:30 AM
600 FDC   image1951 Dec. 15 Registered airmail cover sent by the famous philatelist and dealer H.L. Chung from Shanghai to USA, franked with set of C12 and and 3 regular stamps incl. R5 $30000, with Canton 51.12.20 transit, with Altimore oval Customs marking and arrival cds. First Day usage of C12. Scarce R5 $30000 on cover. Opened out for display. 1951 年12月15日上海锺笑鑪自制首日封航空挂号寄美国, 贴全套纪12及3枚普票(含普5叁万圆), 由广州中转,盖美国海关及邮政到达戳 . 非常少见普5叁万圆贴于首日使用封上. 封剪开展示. (Image)

Currently...SEK 20,000
Closing..Feb-23, 03:30 AM

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