The focus of this catalog is on classical philately from France with many
beautiful pieces starting with many Ceres from 1849 including 15c green
nine, the 1F Vervelle, 1F vermillons, an exceptional new pair of 10c
Presidency, then various new stamps, rare head-to-tail pairs, rare uses on
letters, a beautiful section of letters from the French to the Levant
Offices, etc. We are also distributing a nice collection of Mail History
specializing in Type Headquarters, having won many medals.
The War of 1870-1871 is still well represented in the catalogs of the house
David Feldman with several NEPTUNE (1st seat ball), folds entrusted by
Ballon Mounted, red or blue stamps of Aérosautes / Aéronautes, rare
destinations like Russia or Denmark, but also Ballons des Gravilliers,
exceptional Mills balls whose only known mixed franking France - England,
one with rare franking in English stamps, rare Boules repêchages from
Moulins, etc.
If you have any questions or would like to order a catalogue, please feel
free to contact us at
For more information please contact us at:
David Feldman SA
59 route de Chancy
Building D
1213 Petit-Lancy 1, Geneva
Phone: +41 22 727 07 77
Fax: +41 22 727 07 78
To request more information by email.
Visit our Home Page at
David Feldman SA
Terms and Conditions.
To download the entire catalog as a zipped DBF file.