Lot |
Catalog No. |
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143 |
KEVII 1903-07 MINT RANGE TO 10R: Mixed wmk group, anna values mostly MCA wmk, rupee values are Crown CA except for 4r which is SG 29
MCA. Fine throughout. Cat. value c.£1,450. (23 stamps) (Image)
Starting at £ 200
Currently...USD 248.00
Closing..Apr-02, 05:00 AM |
144 |
KEVII 1903 HIGH VALUE "SPECIMEN" OPTS: 20r grey & stone (SG 15s £200) & 50r grey & red-brown (SG 16s £450). Both fine mounted mint.
(2 stamps) (Image)
Starting at £ 120
Currently...USD 148.80
Closing..Apr-02, 05:00 AM |
145 |
KEVII & KGV REGISTERED, AIRMAIL, P. DUE, ETC.: 1906-37 display collection inc. 1906 2a size H Registered Letter env. to London
uprated strip of 3 1a stamps all cancelled/tied by Lamu cds's; 1933 large "AIR MAIL" env. to UK franked 1922 issue 15c + 20c + 50c + 5s (SG 82, 83, 85 & 92); 1935 printed env. sent air mail to Dar-es-salaam franked 30c (SG 84) tied with v. fine large
Mombasa cds surcharged ms "10 cents" with purple circular "T/Cents............[ms]10", hexagonal "T/10 CENTS" hs's & 10c p.due stamp tied by Dar-es-salaam cds adjacent; 1936 Air Mail env. to UK franked 20c + 50c (SG 114 & 116) tied by Dar-es-salaam
double ring cds's endorsed ms "FEEDER SERVICE" with purple boxed "FEEDER SERVICE" hs; 1937 50c size H2 Registered Letter env. uprated 10c + 20c + 30c (SG 112, 114 & 115) on front and 2 x 5c + 15c (SG 111 & 113) on back all tied by poor Kigombe cds's;
also others ex Kisumu, Kampala, Ruiru, Killindi (front only), Nakuru, Molo, etc. (16 items) Cross Reference: REGISTERED MAIL, AIR MAIL COVERS, POSTAGE DUE STAMPS & COVERS (Image) (Image2)
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Starting at £ 65
Currently...USD 80.60
Closing..Apr-02, 05:00 AM |
146 |
1903-04 KEVII HIGH VALUES FISCALLY CANCELLED: 20r grey & stone plus 50r grey & red-brown, wmk Crown CC, each with violet fiscal
cancels. SG 15 & 16. (Image)
Starting at £ 65
Currently...USD 80.60
Closing..Apr-02, 05:00 AM |
147 |
1910 REGISTERED KIJABE TO USA: Attractive registered 1910 illustrated env. (of lion head & leaves, partly obscured by etiquette) of
Konrad Schauer, Mombasa (safari business) to USA franked 12c + 15c KEVII stamps tied by "KIJABE/20 MR/10" cds with Mombasa, London, St. Louis & Kansas City transit/receiving ds's on back. (Image)
Starting at £ 50
Currently...USD 62.00
Closing..Apr-02, 05:00 AM |
148 |
KGV 1912-21 MINT RANGE: Set of 15 values from 1c black to 10r red & green/green. SG 44/58 & SG 64 £425. (16 stamps) (Image)
Starting at £ 65
Currently...USD 80.60
Closing..Apr-02, 05:00 AM |
149 |
KGV 1912-21 50r ROSE-RED & DULL GREYISH GREEN OPTD. "SPECIMEN": Mounted mint example. SG 61s £300. (Image)
Starting at £ 48
Currently...USD 59.52
Closing..Apr-02, 05:00 AM |
150 |
KGV 1912 20r BLACK & PURPLE/RED OPTD. "SPECIMEN": Fine mounted mint example. SG 59s. (Image)
Starting at £ 65
Currently...USD 80.60
Closing..Apr-02, 05:00 AM |
151 |
KGV 1918 20r PURPLE & BLUE/BLUE MINT: Fine mint example. SG 60 £600. (Image)
Starting at £ 120
Currently...USD 148.80
Closing..Apr-02, 05:00 AM |
152 |
KGV 1922-27 DEFINITIVES: Mint set of 20 values to £1 black & orange. Minor toning on top two values. SG 76/95 £500. (20) (Image)
Starting at £ 100
Currently...USD 124.00
Closing..Apr-02, 05:00 AM |
153 |
KGV 1925 £2 GREEN & PURPLE: Fine mint example with Brandon Cert. (1999). SG 96 £1,200. (Image)
Starting at £ 240
Currently...USD 297.60
Closing..Apr-02, 05:00 AM |
154 |
KGV 1926 £3 PURPLE & YELLOW OPTD. "SPECIMEN": Mint example, horizontally optd. "SPECIMEN". SG 97s £475. (Image)
Starting at £ 80
Currently...USD 99.20
Closing..Apr-02, 05:00 AM |
155 |
KGV 1925 £4 BLACK & MAGENTA OPTD. "SPECIMEN": Mint example horizontally optd. "SPECIMEN". SG 98s £700. (Image)
Starting at £ 100
Currently...USD 124.00
Closing..Apr-02, 05:00 AM |
156 |
KGV 1925 £5 BLACK & BLUE OPTD. "SPECIMEN": Fine mint example vertically optd. "SPECIMEN". SG 99s £850. (Image)
Starting at £ 130
Currently...USD 161.20
Closing..Apr-02, 05:00 AM |
157 |
1935-37 5c BLACK & GREEN USED: Perf. 13 x 12 types I & II, used with a few blunted perfs., otherwise fine. SG 111b/111ba £950 & £250
respectively. (2 stamps) (Image)
Starting at £ 130
Currently...USD 161.20
Closing..Apr-02, 05:00 AM |
158 |
KGV 1935-37 MINT DEFINITIVE SET: Mounted mint set of 14 values to £1 black & red (SG 110/125) plus 1935 SJ set (SG 124/127). Cat.
value £510. (19 stamps) (Image)
Starting at £ 80
Currently...USD 99.20
Closing..Apr-02, 05:00 AM |
159 |
KGVI & QEII REGISTERED, AIRMAIL, P. DUE, ETC.: 1937-61 display collection inc. 1937 registered env. to local address franked with
1937 Coronation set tied by "MOMBASA/26 AU/1937/EXHIBITION" skeleton cds's with purple "POSTED OUT OF/COURSE" hs, 20c p.due stamp tied by "MOMBASA/REGISTERED" cds, and Mombasa registration etiquette added; attractive 1938 large piece registered to UK
franked top left marginal block of 10 x 1c + 50c (SG 131 & 144a 'rope note joined to sail' var.) stamps all cancelled/tied by double ring "TONGA/REGISTERED" cds's; two 1944 long envs. to USA franked 30c (SG 141) tied by oval "WASHINGTON/D.C." hs's
addressed "Per Favour of The American Consular Mail Bag." with purple "This article originally mailed/in country indicated by postage.", "U.K.C.C. (East Africa) LTD./[signature]/Chief Representative" & boxed "AM-M/from/F C" hs's (one endorsed "Second
Mail Copies." scarce items; 1954 PPC of Ava Gardner sent air mail to UK promoting the film "Mogambo" franked KGVI 15c + 50c; 1953 FDC special Coronation Air Letter Sheet to South Africa franked QEII strip of 3 x 20c (SG 165) tied by Nairobi skeleton
cds's; and others ex Dar-es-salaam, Kisumu, Tanga, Lira, Dodoma, Nzega, Nakuru, Tabora, etc. Mostly v. fine, many registered. (25 items) Cross Reference: REGISTERED MAIL, AIR MAIL COVERS, POSTAGE DUE STAMPS & COVERS (Image) (Image2)
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Starting at £ 110
Currently...USD 136.40
Closing..Apr-02, 05:00 AM |
160 |
KGVI TO EARLY QEII MINT COLLECTION ON ALBUM PAGES: Includes 1938-54 defins. to £1 (the commoner perf. types), 1948 RSW and QEII
Postage & Official sets to 1963. (c.107 stamps) (Image) (Image2)
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Starting at £ 100
Currently...USD 124.00
Closing..Apr-02, 05:00 AM |