Lot |
Catalog No. |
Descrip |
Opening |
325 |
1910 DOUBLE HEADS - USED ½d GREEN PERF. 13½, 14, 15 - UNIQUE CANCELS, PLATE WEAR, SHADES, ETC.: Page with diverse range of perf. 13½
(3), 14 (13) or 15 (9) ½d Double Heads inc. distinct shade differences & various stages of plate-wear (shading particularly affected), plus variety of local cancels inc. West Nicholson, Nyamandhlovu, rare fair "STEYNSTROOM/S.RHODESIA/ [?] APR. 11"
cds which was renamed to North Melsetter same year, etc. (25 used stamps) (Image) (Image2)
Starting at £ 65
Currently...USD 80.60
Closing..Apr-02, 05:00 AM |
326 |
1910 DOUBLE HEADS - USED 1d RED PERF. 13½, 14, 15 - FLAWS, SHADES, LOCAL CDS's, ETC.: 3 annotated pages with perf. 13½ (1), 14 (13)
or 15 (6) mostly fine used 1d Reds. Numerous varieties inc. a stark line beside Queen's mouth, dot in Queen's temple, etc.; most with cds's of local P.O.s. (19 used stamps) (Image) (Image2)
Starting at £ 65
Currently...USD 80.60
Closing..Apr-02, 05:00 AM |
327 |
1910 DOUBLE HEADS - USED 2d BLACK PERF. 14 & 15 - RETOUCHES, SHADES, ETC.: 2 annotated pages with perf. 14 (13) or 15 (3) mostly
fine used 2d issues. Inc. various stages of plate-wear particularly noticeable in the shading, a few features or guidelines from retouches, etc. (16 used stamps) (Image) (Image2)
Starting at £ 38
Currently...USD 47.12
Closing..Apr-02, 05:00 AM |
328 |
1910 DOUBLE HEADS - USED 2½d BLUE PERF. 13½, 14 & 15 - PLATE-WEAR, SHADES, ETC.: 2 annotated pages with perf. 13½ (2), 14 (11) or 15
(2) 2½d issues. Inc. shades, examples of plate-wear (one particularly advanced), visible retouches or guidelines, etc. Also, 19 Nov. 1910 env. (slit opened at top) with 2½d (8 days after issue) cancelled by "GADZEMA/RHODESIA" cds. (15 used stamps + 1
cover) (Image) (Image2)
Starting at £ 42
Currently...USD 52.08
Closing..Apr-02, 05:00 AM |
329 |
1910 DOUBLE HEADS - USED 3d YELLOW/OCHRE PERF. 14 & 15 - SHADES, RETOUCHES, ETC.: 2 annotated pages with perf. 14 (6) or 15 (4)
mostly fine used 3d issues. Inc. examples of plate-wear, a few starkly contrasting shades of yellow or ochre types, etc. (10 used stamps)
(Image) (Image2)
Starting at £ 48
Currently...USD 59.52
Closing..Apr-02, 05:00 AM |
330 |
1910 DOUBLE HEADS - USED 4d YELLOW/OCHRE PERF. 14 & 15 - SHADES, FLAWS, ETC.: 2 annotated pages with perf. 14 (3) or 15 (2) fine or
fair used 4d issues. Includes one with 'commas' by King's head plus shades inc. greenish-black (toned perfs) or brown-purple. (5 used stamps)
(Image) (Image2)
Starting at £ 65
Currently...USD 80.60
Closing..Apr-02, 05:00 AM |
331 |
1910 DOUBLE HEADS - USED 5d OLIVE(2)/YELLOW-GREEN PERF. 14 & 15 - SHADES: 2 annotated pages with perf. 14 (1) or 15 (2) mostly fine
used 5d issues. Inc. one with 'Commas' by King's head. (3 used stamps) (Image) (Image2)
Starting at £ 48
Currently...USD 59.52
Closing..Apr-02, 05:00 AM |
332 |
1910 DOUBLE HEADS - USED 6d MAUVE PERF. 14 & 15 - FLAWS, SHADES, LOCAL CDS's, ETC.: 2 annotated pages with perf. 14 (7) or 15 (4)
fine used 6d issues. Inc. scratched tiara flaw, "PETAUKE" squared circle ds (fair), etc. (11 used stamps) (Image) (Image2)
Starting at £ 55
Currently...USD 68.20
Closing..Apr-02, 05:00 AM |
333 |
1910 DOUBLE HEADS - USED 8d PURPLE PERF. 13½ & 14 - POSSIBLY RARER SHADES, ETC.: 2 annotated pages with perf. 13½ (1) or 14 (3) fine
used 8d issues. All in distinct shades inc. greenish-black and possible rare black & purple. One with inverted date in cds. (4 used stamps)
(Image) (Image2)
Starting at £ 130
Currently...USD 161.20
Closing..Apr-02, 05:00 AM |
334 |
1910 DOUBLE HEADS - USED 10d RED/PURPLE PERF. 14 - SHADES, FLAWS, ETC.: Annotated pages with perf. 14 fine used 10d issues. Some
shade variety, one with Queen's tiara partially wrong colour. (4 used stamps) (Image)
Starting at £ 48
Currently...USD 59.52
Closing..Apr-02, 05:00 AM |
335 |
1910 DOUBLE HEADS - USED 1/- BLUE-GREEN PERF. 14 & 15 - FLAWS (GASH IN EAR), SHADES, ETC.: 2 annotated pages with perf. 14 (8) or
15 (1) mostly fine used 1/- issues. Inc. Black & pale Blue-Green (fine) with listed 'Gash in Queen's Ear' flaw, some shade variety, etc. (9 used stamps) (Image) (Image2)
Starting at £ 100
Currently...USD 124.00
Closing..Apr-02, 05:00 AM |
336 |
1910 DOUBLE HEADS - USED 2/- BLUE PERF. 14 - FLAWS (GASH IN EAR), SHADES, ETC.: Annotated page with perf. 14 mostly fine used 2/-
issues. Inc. black & ultramarine (fine) with listed 'Gash in Queen's Ear' flaw and another with 'spur' at top of the right value tablet, etc. (5 used stamps) (Image)
Starting at £ 95
Currently...USD 117.80
Closing..Apr-02, 05:00 AM |
337 |
1910 DOUBLE HEADS - USED 2/6 RED PERF. 14 - SHADES: Annotated page with pair of distinctly shaded perf. 14 fine 2/6 values. One
(sepia & red) with "2/6" (usually uncoloured) in top right value tablet with red ink. (2 used stamps) (Image)
Starting at £ 160
Currently...USD 198.40
Closing..Apr-02, 05:00 AM |
338 |
1910 DOUBLE HEADS - USED 3/- VIOLET PERF. 14 - EXTRA CURL: Fine used single in green & violet with 'King's Extra Curl' plate
variety. (Image) (Image2)
Starting at £ 48
Currently...USD 59.52
Closing..Apr-02, 05:00 AM |
339 |
1910 DOUBLE HEADS - USED 5/- GREEN PERF. 14 - SHADES: V. fine vermilion & deep green or scarlet & pale yellow-green (centred high).
Attractive pair. (2 used stamps) (Image) (Image2)
Starting at £ 130
Currently...USD 161.20
Closing..Apr-02, 05:00 AM |
340 |
1910 DOUBLE HEADS - USED 7/6 BLUE PERF. 14: Pair of mostly fine/fine (somewhat blunted perf. teeth on one side of one) used red &
blue 7/6 high values (only very slight difference in shade if any). (2 used stamps) (Image) (Image2)
Starting at £ 200
Currently...USD 248.00
Closing..Apr-02, 05:00 AM |