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British Empire & Commonwealth - Apr. 2025 (430)   | 


British Empire & Commonwealth - Apr. 2025 continued...

NEW ZEALAND continued...
Lot Catalog No. Descrip Opening
261   image1931-50 POSTAL FISCAL ARMS TYPES MOUNTED MINT COLLECTION: A 'one of each' value collection with mixed wmks. Mostly KGVI period types with multiple NZ & Star wmk (SG F191/F211), notable exceptions being 7/- pale blue (SG F174 £300), 12/6d plum (SG F156 £250), 25/- greenish blue (SG F159 £700), 35/- orange-yellow (SG F161 £6.500, though this stamp with a small thin), £3/10- rose (SG F165 £2,250) and £4/10- deep olive-grey (SG F167 £2,250). Otherwise all fine and fresh. Highly catalogued assembly. (24 stamps) (Image)

Get Market Data for [New Zealand Collection] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census

Starting at £ 800

Currently...USD 992.00
Closing..Apr-02, 05:00 AM
262   image1939 SURCHARGE 35/- on 35/- ORANGE-YELLOW: Fine mint example with tiny natural inclusion above lower value tablet. SG F186 £950. (Image)

Starting at £ 120

Currently...USD 148.80
Closing..Apr-02, 05:00 AM
263   image1940-58 SURCHARGES MINT: Four values, 3/6d on 3/6d, 5/6d on 5/6d, 11/- on 11/- and 22/- on 22/- all mounted mint examples SG F212/F216 £730. (4 stamps) (Image)

Starting at £ 95

Currently...USD 117.80
Closing..Apr-02, 05:00 AM
264   imageFISCALS: 1935 £4 10/- deep olive-olive grey. A fine used example. Likely fiscal cancel and estimated accordingly. SG F167 £2500. (Image)

Starting at £ 80

Currently...USD 99.20
Closing..Apr-02, 05:00 AM
265   imageFISCALS: 1948 £3 10/- rose. Fine used. Likely fiscal cancel and estimated accordingly. SG F209 £2,250. (Image)

Starting at £ 80

Currently...USD 99.20
Closing..Apr-02, 05:00 AM
266   imageFISCALS: 1951 £2 10/- red. A fine used example. SG F207 £550. (Image)

Starting at £ 65

Currently...USD 80.60
Closing..Apr-02, 05:00 AM
Lot Catalog No. Descrip Opening
267   imageKGV-QEII MINT COLLECTION: 1914-61 mint collection on 4 album pages. Includes 1914-32 KGV heads (mixed wmks.) to 10/- & £1 (both Die II); 1935 SJ set, 1936 pictorial set to £1 black & orange (SG 34/45) then a solid range of KGVI issues ending with 1961 Independence set. (100) (Image) (Image2) (Image3) (Image4)

image image

Get Market Data for [Nigeria Collection] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census

Starting at £ 130

Currently...USD 161.20
Closing..Apr-02, 05:00 AM
268   image1914-32 MIXED ISSUE GROUP: Most values to £1 inc. 1915 10/- and 1917 £1 purple & black on red. Fine. (17) (Image)

Starting at £ 65

Currently...USD 80.60
Closing..Apr-02, 05:00 AM
269   image1935-61 USED COLLECTION inc. 1936 ½d to £1, 1938-51 ½d to £1948 RSW 1d & 5/- and 1953-58 ½d to £1. A fine lot. (83) (Image) (Image2)


Get Market Data for [Nigeria Collection] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census

Starting at £ 65

Currently...USD 80.60
Closing..Apr-02, 05:00 AM
Lot Catalog No. Descrip Opening
270   imageOIL RIVERS & NIGER COAT PROTECTORATES: Mint collection on album page. Includes 1892-94 Oil Rivers set of six (SG 1/6 £170); also a range of 7 surcharges (none with guarantees or certificates and offered as seen) inc. SG 7, 19, 29, 37, 59, 62 and 65; lot also inc. 1894-98 Niger Coast Protectorate values to 10/- violet SG between 45-50 and 66-74. (28 stamps) (Image)

Get Market Data for [Nigeria Collection] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census

Starting at £ 200

Currently...USD 248.00
Closing..Apr-02, 05:00 AM
271   image1893 1/- ON 2d IN VIOLET: A fine used example. SG 37 £500. (Image)

Starting at £ 75

Currently...USD 93.00
Closing..Apr-02, 05:00 AM
272   image1893 TYPE 7 SURCHARGES: "Half" on 2d and "Half" in vermilion on 2½d. Fine used. SG 20 & 21 £475. (2) (Image)

Starting at £ 50

Currently...USD 62.00
Closing..Apr-02, 05:00 AM
273   image1894 ½d ON 2½d BLUE: A fine used example. SG 65 £250. (Image)

Starting at £ 36

Currently...USD 44.64
Closing..Apr-02, 05:00 AM
Lot Catalog No. Descrip Opening
274   imageQV USED RANGE, 1876-86: A mix of CC & CA wmk perf. 14 types inc. 2/6d olive-black (SG 27 £300) and 5/- blue (SG 26 £600), the latter with a heavy cancel. SG between 10-28. (12 stamps) (Image)

Starting at £ 65

Currently...USD 80.60
Closing..Apr-02, 05:00 AM
275   imageQV-KEVII MINT COLLECTION: Album page with mixed wmks. range of QV issues inc. 1884-1886 types to 2/6d olive-black (SG 27 £375), 5/- blue with Brandon Cert. (2006) stating 'regummed' (SG 28 £750) and 10/- purple brown optd. "SPECIMEN" (SG 29s); also 1887-1902 set of 12 vals to 10/- green & brown (SG 30/41 £225) and KEVII 1904-06 mixed wmk Crown CA/MCA set of 10 values to 10/- green & brown (SG 63), etc. (37 stamps) (Image)

Get Market Data for [Nigeria Collection] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census

Starting at £ 180

Currently...USD 223.20
Closing..Apr-02, 05:00 AM
276   image1886 10/- PURPLE-BROWN: Good used example with clear profile. SG 29 £1,200. (Image)

Starting at £ 130

Currently...USD 161.20
Closing..Apr-02, 05:00 AM
Lot Catalog No. Descrip Opening
277   imageQV 1900 DEFINITIVE SET: Complete, fine used set of 9 values to 10/- green & brown. SG 1/9 £1,900. (Image)

Starting at £ 200

Currently...USD 248.00
Closing..Apr-02, 05:00 AM
278   imageQV 1900 MINT SET: Complete set of 9 values to 10/- green & brown. SG 1/9 £600. (Image)

Starting at £ 100

Currently...USD 124.00
Closing..Apr-02, 05:00 AM
279   imageKEVII & KGV MINT RANGE: Includes 1902 set of 9 to 10/- green & brown (SG 10/19), 1910-11 values to 10/- green & red/green (SG 28/39) and 1912 set of 13 to £1 purple & black/red (SG 40/52). Cat. £540. (33 stamps) (Image)

Starting at £ 95

Currently...USD 117.80
Closing..Apr-02, 05:00 AM
Lot Catalog No. Descrip Opening
280   image1901-12 COMPREHENSIVE MINT COLLECTION on album leaf with 1901-02 QV set of 9, 1903-09 KEVII complete set of 12 vals but mixed wmks, 1907-11 colour changes set of 12 & 1912 KGV set of 12. Impressive looking lot. Cat. value approx. £1450. (45) (Image)

Get Market Data for [Southern Nigeria Collection] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census

Starting at £ 200

Currently...USD 248.00
Closing..Apr-02, 05:00 AM

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