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British Empire & Commonwealth - Apr. 2025 (430)   | 


British Empire & Commonwealth - Apr. 2025 continued...

MALAYA - KELANTAN continued...
Lot Catalog No. Descrip Opening
181   image1937-40 USED SET with all values present. SG 40 to 54 £1,300. (15) (Image)

Starting at £ 180

Currently...USD 223.20
Closing..Apr-02, 05:00 AM
Lot Catalog No. Descrip Opening
182   image1948-57 COMPLETE MINT COLLECTION on leaves with 1948 RSW, 1949 UPU,1949-52 set, 1954-57 set & 1957 set. Fine lot. Cat. value £320. (54) (Image) (Image2)


Get Market Data for [Malaya (Malacca) Collection] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census

Starting at £ 38

Currently...USD 47.12
Closing..Apr-02, 05:00 AM
Lot Catalog No. Descrip Opening
183   image1891-1955 COMPLETE MINT COLLECTION on leaves (ex 1898 4c on 8c black ovpt., SG 20). Inc. 1891 2c, 1891-94 & 1895-99 both sets of 3, 1898-1900 surcharges, 1935-41 set & 1948 RSW, 1949-55 set. Fine lot. SG 1/67 (ex SG 20) cat. value in excess of £900. (66) (Image) (Image2)


Get Market Data for [Malaysia Collection] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census

Starting at £ 120

Currently...USD 148.80
Closing..Apr-02, 05:00 AM
Lot Catalog No. Descrip Opening
184   image1889-1956 COMPREHENSIVE MINT COLLECTION on leaves inc. 1889 10c (SG 3) & 2c (SG 4), 1891 2c on 24c (SG7), 1891-95 & 1895-99 both sets of 3, 1898 ovpts. on stamps of Perak complete set (cat. £3000) with $1 having expertising mark on reverse, the $1 & $5 have hinge thins and couple of others have gum issues, 1899 4c on 8c & 4c on 5c, 1935-41 set, 1948 RSW & 1950-56 set. (63) (Image) (Image2)


Get Market Data for [Malaya (Pahang) Collection] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census

Starting at £ 260

Currently...USD 322.40
Closing..Apr-02, 05:00 AM
185   image1897 KUALA LIPIS: Provisional '2'c manuscript surcharge and initials 'JFO' in red on lower half of diagonally bisected 1891-95 5c blue, SG 18, unused, with part original gum with part marginal selvedge at right with BPA cert. (2018) stating 'genuine but a little rubbed'. Cat. value £1600. (Image)

Starting at £ 260

Currently...USD 322.40
Closing..Apr-02, 05:00 AM
186   image1898 $5 GREEN & ULTRAMARINE: With central lightly struck cds. Slightly faded but very scarce. SG 24 £3,500. (Image)

Starting at £ 200

Currently...USD 248.00
Closing..Apr-02, 05:00 AM
187   image1948-57 COMPLETE MINT COLLECTION on leaves starting with 1948 RSW, 1949-52 set 1949 UPU, 1954-57 set & 1957 set. SG 1/54, £330. (54) (Image) (Image2)


Get Market Data for [Malaya (Pahang) Collection] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census

Starting at £ 38

Currently...USD 47.12
Closing..Apr-02, 05:00 AM
Lot Catalog No. Descrip Opening
188   imageRARE OVAL VIOLET "TANJONG RAMBUTAN" DS: 1911 (July) PPC to Germany bearing tiger 1c vertical strip of three on view side tied by a v. fine strike of this rare ds. On back Taiping & Penang cds's and purple boxed "STAMPS/ON/VIEW SIDE" & MARKE-N/AUF/BILDSEITE." hs's. (Image)

Starting at £ 130

Currently...USD 161.20
Closing..Apr-02, 05:00 AM
Lot Catalog No. Descrip Opening
189   image1882-1956 MINT COLLECTION on leaves with a range of overprints & surcharge types from 1882 inc. SG 10, 16 (no gum), 19a, 26, 28, 29, 43, 48 & 59; 1889 Officials 8 values to 24c with top vals (no gum & 24c with surface rubbing), a few with expertising marks; 1894 & 1897 Officials, 1900 surcharges set, 1935-37 & 1938-41 sets, 1948 RSW & 1950-56 set. Good lot. Cat. value in excess of £2700 as fine. (93) (Image) (Image2) (Image3)

image image

Get Market Data for [Malaya (Perak) Collection] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census

Starting at £ 280

Currently...USD 347.20
Closing..Apr-02, 05:00 AM
190   image1895-99 COMPLETE SET OF 14 to $25 hinged mint & mounted on part album leaf. The $1 value has some paper adhesion, $3 has light tones, & $25 has a 'Specimen' overprint. Fresh looking set (SG66/79 & SG80s, £3350). (Image)

Starting at £ 500

Currently...USD 620.00
Closing..Apr-02, 05:00 AM
191   image1896 $5 GREEN & ULTRAMARINE: A fine used example. SG 79 £750. (Image)

Starting at £ 110

Currently...USD 136.40
Closing..Apr-02, 05:00 AM
192   image1896-98 HIGH VALUES: 1896 $2 green & carmine with almost complete "IPOH/POST OFFICE" squared circle cancellation; and 1898 $3 green & ochre with part revenue cancellation. SG 77 & 78. (2) (Image)

Starting at £ 65

Currently...USD 80.60
Closing..Apr-02, 05:00 AM
193   image1896 $1 GREEN & PALE GREEN: A fine neatly cancelled example. SG 76 £275. (Image)

Starting at £ 36

Currently...USD 44.64
Closing..Apr-02, 05:00 AM
194   imageSCARCE 1900 IPOH PROVISIONAL: Env. posted locally with v. fine "Postal/Receipt for/3 Cent." centrally cancelled by "IPOH/P/27 OC/1900/POST OFFICE" squared-circle ds (vert. crease in env. does not affect receipt) with "PAID" hs, ms "3ct", and postmaster's initials (partially covered by receipt) adjacent. RPSL Cert. (1976). (Image)

Starting at £ 180

Currently...USD 223.20
Closing..Apr-02, 05:00 AM
Lot Catalog No. Descrip Opening
195   image1948-55 COMPLETE MINT COLLECTION on album leaf with 1948 RSW, 1949 UPU, 1951-55 set & 1953 Coronation. Cat. value £220. (28) (Image)

Get Market Data for [Malaya (Perlis) Collection] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census

Starting at £ 26

Currently...USD 32.24
Closing..Apr-02, 05:00 AM
Lot Catalog No. Descrip Opening
196   image1881-1955 MINT COLLECTION on album leaves with 1881 2c (SG 3), 1885-91 2c (SG 31) & 2c (SG41), 1891 2c on 24c (SG 44), 1891-95 set, 1894 3c on 5c, 1900 set of 3 surcharges, 1935-41 set, 1941 $1 & $2, 1948 RSW, 1949 UPU & 1949-55 set. Fine lot with a cat. value of £840. (57) (Image) (Image2) (Image3)

image image

Get Market Data for [Malaya (Selangor) Collection] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census

Starting at £ 110

Currently...USD 136.40
Closing..Apr-02, 05:00 AM
197   image1895-99 COMPLETE SET OF 13 to $25 hinged mint with hinge remnants, with $1 having slight tones & $10 having diagonal crease (not visible from front); also 50c black & green, $3, $10 & $25 all with 'Specimen' ovpts. Fresh looking set. (13) (Image)

Starting at £ 260

Currently...USD 322.40
Closing..Apr-02, 05:00 AM
198   image1895-97 HIGH VALUES: $5 green and blue and £25 green and orange. Used examples, some faults but very scarce. SG 65 & 66 £6,500. (Image)

Starting at £ 200

Currently...USD 248.00
Closing..Apr-02, 05:00 AM
Lot Catalog No. Descrip Opening
199   image1882-95 MINT COLLECTION: Small range on leaves with overprint/surcharge types inc SG 13, 22 with possible expertising mark, 24 (no gum), 26, 30, 35, 43 & 49 plus 1891-94 set, 1894 & 1895 vals. Few gum issues, high cat. value, although ovpts. cannot be guaranteed. (14) (Image)

Get Market Data for [Malaya (Sungei-Ujong) Collection] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census

Starting at £ 220

Currently...USD 272.80
Closing..Apr-02, 05:00 AM
Lot Catalog No. Descrip Opening
200   image1910-55 COMPREHENSIVE MINT COLLECTION on leaves inc. 1910-19 set complete to $5 plus $25 ovpt 'Specimen', 1917-18 Red Cross set, 1921-24 set complete with $3 being SG24, 1922 Malaya - Borneo Exhibition set, 1941 Surcharge pair, 1948 RSW, 1949 UPU & 1949-55 set complete. Fine collection with a cat. value in excess of £2600. (Image) (Image2) (Image3)

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Get Market Data for [Malaya (Trengganu) Collection] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census

Starting at £ 340

Currently...USD 421.60
Closing..Apr-02, 05:00 AM

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