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British Empire & Commonwealth - Apr. 2025 (430)   | 


Cavendish Philatelic Auctions Ltd. Sale - 867

British Empire & Commonwealth - Apr. 2025

Lot Catalog No. Descrip Opening
1   imageKGVI MINT & USED SET & SINGLES: Group on stock cards inc. Northern Rhodesia 1938-52 fine used definitive complete set of 21 (SG 25/45), Bahrain 1948-49 10r on 10/- (Arms type) unmounted mint (SG 60a), Kuwait 1948-49 10r on 10/- (Arms type) unmounted mint (SG73a) and 1948 RSW 15r on £1 mint (SG 75). (24 stamps) Cross Reference: NORTHERN RHODESIA/ZAMBIA, KUWAIT, BAHRAIN (Image) (Image2)


Get Market Data for [British (undetermined) Collection] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census

Starting at £ 48

Currently...USD 59.52
Closing..Apr-02, 05:00 AM
Lot Catalog No. Descrip Opening
2   imageNO LOT. (Image)

Starting at £ 0

Currently...USD 0.00
Closing..Apr-02, 05:00 AM
Lot Catalog No. Descrip Opening
3   image1937-66 COMPLETE MINT COLLECTION on leaves as per SG catalogue inc. 1937 'Dhows' set. 1939 set, 1948 S. Wedding, 1951 new currency set, 1953 set inc. both shades of 10/- & 20/- plus complete States collections of Seiyun, Hadhramaut & South Arabia. Fine lot. Cat approx. £2200. (236) (Image) (Image2) (Image3)

image image

Get Market Data for [Aden Collection] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census

Starting at £ 260

Currently...USD 322.40
Closing..Apr-02, 05:00 AM
Lot Catalog No. Descrip Opening
4   image1882-1932 COMPREHENSIVE MINT COLLECTION on leaves with 1882 set (4d no gum), 1884-87 set, 1903 set, 1913 KGV 5/-, 1921-29 all vals to £1 (mixed wmks) & 1932 Tercentenary set. Cat approx. £1500. (51) (Image) (Image2)


Get Market Data for [Antigua Collection] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census

Starting at £ 200

Currently...USD 248.00
Closing..Apr-02, 05:00 AM
5   image1935-76 COMPLETE MINT COLLECTION on leaves starting with 1935 Silver Jubilee set, 1939 set, 1948 S. Wedding, 1953 set, 1966 set (ex perf. 13 set) plus all later definitive & commemorative sets. Fine lot. (few 100) (Image) (Image2)


Get Market Data for [Antigua Collection] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census

Starting at £ 48

Currently...USD 59.52
Closing..Apr-02, 05:00 AM
Lot Catalog No. Descrip Opening
6   imageANTARCTIC EXPEDITIONS: 1908 Shackleton Expedition 1d rose-carmine vertically opt. "King Edward VII Land" and signed on reverse (SG A1 £475); 1911-13 Scott Expedition ½d green (SG A2 £850) with RPSL Cert. (1985), and 1d carmine (SG A3 £60), both fine mint examples optd "VICTORIA LAND". Total cat. £985. (3 stamps) Cross Reference: NEW ZEALAND (Image)

Starting at £ 200

Currently...USD 248.00
Closing..Apr-02, 05:00 AM
Lot Catalog No. Descrip Opening
7   image1922-35 COMPLETE MINT COLLECTION on album leaves with 1922 set, 1924-33 set, 1934 set & 1935 Silver Jubilee set. Cat £850. (35) (Image) (Image2)


Get Market Data for [Ascension Collection] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census

Starting at £ 130

Currently...USD 161.20
Closing..Apr-02, 05:00 AM
8   image1937-76 COMPLETE MINT COLLECTION on album leaves with 1938-53 set, 1948 Silver Wedding, 1956 set, 1963 Birds set then all definitive & commemorative sets. (100+) (Image) (Image2) (Image3)

image image

Get Market Data for [Ascension Collection] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census

Starting at £ 65

Currently...USD 80.60
Closing..Apr-02, 05:00 AM
Lot Catalog No. Descrip Opening
9   imageQV 1854-97 MINT RANGES ON ALBUM LEAVES: Good selection of issues up to 1897 Charity pair. Earliest issues without certificates, so cannot be guaranteed. Many better singles throughout inc. 1875 5/- rose-lilac, 1885-86 optd. fiscal stamps values, 5/-, 10/- & £1 (reprint), 1888 20/- cobalt (SG 262 £750). Also inc. a useful range of Officials to 5/- (2) & 20/- inc. O18, O49a & O50s, etc. Careful inspection required with some earlier issues missing gum, but generally in good condition. Huge cat. value. (c.73 stamps) (Image) (Image2) (Image3)

image image

Get Market Data for [Australia (New South Wales) Collection] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census

Starting at £ 800

Currently...USD 992.00
Closing..Apr-02, 05:00 AM
Lot Catalog No. Descrip Opening
10   imageMINT/UNUSED COLLECTION ON ALBUM PAGES: A 'one of each type' collection with many sets containing different wmks. and perf. sizes. Includes 1d carmine-rose (SG 1 £6,500) with faults, 1880 Chalon types to 10/- bistre-brown & 20/- rose (SG 126/127), and later high values from 2/- bright blue (SG 152) to £1 dark green (SG 161); scarce 1880 ½d on 1d reddish brown (SG 151 £400); fine range of 1890 types to 2/- red-brown and 1897-1908 types to 2/- turquoise green. Also 1900 Boer War Patriotic Fund pair (SG 263/264 £500). A very useful lot with high cat. value. Mostly fine, a few without gum. (60 stamps) (Image) (Image2)


Get Market Data for [Australia (Queensland) Collection] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census

Starting at £ 400

Currently...USD 496.00
Closing..Apr-02, 05:00 AM
Lot Catalog No. Descrip Opening
11   image1913 £1 BROWN & ULTRAMARINE Die II, fresh hinged mint. SG15 cat £3000. (Image)

Starting at £ 480

Currently...USD 595.20
Closing..Apr-02, 05:00 AM
12   image1913-76 ALMOST COMPLETE MINT COLLECTION on leaves with 'Roos', one of each value/colour; unchecked for wmks with vals to 5/- (2/- brown has tone spot) plus 10/-, £1 grey & £2 overprinted 'Specimen' (SG 136s/138s) (no £1 brown & ultramarine), then 'KGV Heads' similarly all vals/colours to 1/4d and then virtually complete to 1976 except for wmk/perf. varieties inc. 1913- 14 set of 2, 1931 Kingsford Smith Airs inc. Officials, 1932-33 Officials to 1/- (ex 6d, SG O127), 1932 Lyre Bird & Sydney Harbour Bridge sets, all 1930s commemorative sets, 1937 set, 1948 set to £2 & 1963-65 set. Also inc. 1946-47 BCOF Japan set of 7 & a range of AAT. Fine lot where cat. value exceeds £3300. (100s) (Image) (Image2)


Get Market Data for [Australia Collection] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census

Starting at £ 440

Currently...USD 545.60
Closing..Apr-02, 05:00 AM
Lot Catalog No. Descrip Opening
13   image1860-1935 COMPREHENSIVE MINT COLLECTION on album leaves inc. 1860 1d dull lake fresh mint, 1863-77 1d red, 4d bright rose & 6d deep violet with BPA Cert. (1980), 1882 1/-, 1883 4d on 6d with weak top corner (ovpt not guaranteed), 1884-90 set complete to £1, 1901 'Queens Staircase' all vals to 3/- mixed wmks, 1902-11 & 1912-37 both complete to £1 with mixed wmks, all War Tax issues/sets, 1920 Peace set, 1930 Tercentenary set & later 1931 2/- & 3/-, 1935 Silver Jubilee & 8d 'Flamingoes'. Cat. value approx. £2,700. (71) (Image) (Image2) (Image3)

image image

Get Market Data for [Bahamas Collection] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census

Starting at £ 320

Currently...USD 396.80
Closing..Apr-02, 05:00 AM
14   image1937-81 COMPLETE MINT COLLECTION on album leaves inc. 1938 sets, 1942 Columbus set, 1948 Tercentenary & Silver Wedding sets, 1954-63 set, 1964 Self Govt. set, 1965 set, 1966 New Currency set & 1967 decimal Currency set. (100s) (Image) (Image2)


Get Market Data for [Bahamas Collection] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census

Starting at £ 80

Currently...USD 99.20
Closing..Apr-02, 05:00 AM
15   image1947 TERCENTENARY: Eleuthera Master Die proof of frame only in black on thin wove paper, affixed to card, hinge remnant on reverse, fine. (Image)

Starting at £ 65

Currently...USD 80.60
Closing..Apr-02, 05:00 AM
Lot Catalog No. Descrip Opening
16   image1933-57 VIRTUALLY COMPLETE MINT COLLECTION on album leaves with 1933-37 set, 1934-37 set (ex 2a die 2), 1938-41 set, 1942-45 set, 1948-49 set, 1948 Silver Wedding, 1950-55 set, 1952-4 set, 1955-60 set & 1957-59 set plus all commemorative issues. Cat approx. £1850. (109) (Image) (Image2)


Get Market Data for [Bahrain Collection] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census

Starting at £ 240

Currently...USD 297.60
Closing..Apr-02, 05:00 AM
17   image1934-64 COMPREHENSIVE MINT & USED COLLECTION on hingeless leaves with 1934 set complete, mix of mint & used (rupee vals. used), 1934-7 set used (ex 2a), 1938-41 set most vals. to 5r used plus 1r to 25r mint (slight toning), 1942-5 set mint, 1948-9 set complete mix of mint & used, 1948 Silver Wedding mint, 1950-55 set with low vals. mint & high vals. used, QEII range of mint sets, 1960 mint or used, 1964 set mint plus locals sets for 1953 & 1961 mint SG cat. in excess of £1400. (153) (Image) (Image2)


Get Market Data for [Bahrain Collection] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census

Starting at £ 110

Currently...USD 136.40
Closing..Apr-02, 05:00 AM
Lot Catalog No. Descrip Opening
18   imageQV-QEII USED COLLECTION: 1852-1966 collection on album pages. Range of 'Britannia' imperfs. to 1873 5/- dull rose (SG 64 £300), imperfs. (margins fair to average) to 1/- black (inc. SG 4a with RPSL Cert. 2005) plus perf. types to 1/- inc. 3d purple (SG 63 £140); 1882-86 set of 9 vals. to 5/- bistre (SG 89/103 £275), 1892-1903 set to 2/6d (both colours, SG 105/115 £425), 1897 Jubilee set of 9 to 2/6d (SG 116/124 £190), 1906 Nelson set, KGV 1912-16 set to 3/- green & violet (SG 170/180 £300), 1916-19 range to 3/- deep violet (SG 181/191 £300) plus 1918 3/- green & deep violet (SG 200 £110), 1920-21 Victory set of 11 (SG 202/211 £275), 1921-24 set of 12 to 3/- (SG 213/228 £325) and 1925-35 set to 3/- (SG 229/239), etc., plus various KGVI & QEII sets to 1966. High cat. value. (c.230 stamps) (Image) (Image2)


Get Market Data for [Barbados Collection] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census

Starting at £ 260

Currently...USD 322.40
Closing..Apr-02, 05:00 AM
19   image1852-81 'SEATED BRITANNIAS' MINT SELECTION comprising imperfs 1852 SG 4a & 5 both 4 margins, the former with Brandon Cert. (1998), 1855 SG 8 (poor margins, not inc. in final cat.), 10 superb marginal example hinged on selvedge, 11a & 12a all 4 margins, 1861-70 (SG 20, 24, 25, 29, 31 & 35), 1873-74 (SG 63 & 65), and 1875-81 (SG74, 75, 76, 79 & 81). Fresh looking lot with variable amounts and grades of original gum; a few with no gum. Cat. value approx. £3500. (19) (Image)

Get Market Data for [Barbados Collection] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census

Starting at £ 280

Currently...USD 347.20
Closing..Apr-02, 05:00 AM
20   image1878 1d ON HALF 5/- DULL ROSE surcharge type 3a unused with part o.g; with RPSL cert. (2004) stating genuine but 'the foot of the surcharge has just punched through the paper during printing and has a small ink spot on the reverse' (SG86, £5000), together with the 1873 original 5/- dull rose unused, part og. with some tones (cat. £950). (2) (Image)

Starting at £ 800

Currently...USD 992.00
Closing..Apr-02, 05:00 AM

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