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Great Britain Stamps & Postal History - Mar. 2025 (640)   |  Worldwide Stamps & Postal History - Mar. 2025 (719)   | 


Great Britain Stamps & Postal History - Mar. 2025 continued...

Lot Catalog No. Descrip Opening
1001   imageOFFICIAL IMPRINTS, ETC. c.1798-1840. ARMY/MILITARY IMPRINTS & RELATED ACTS INC. R.M. COLLEGE, QUARTER-MASTER, ETC.: 1781-1839 group all but one imprinted with variants of "O. H. M. S." & "Commander in/Chief's Office" (2), "War-Office.", "Office of Ordnance" (3s), "R. M. College", Quarter-Master or Army Pay, etc. Also inc. 1781/1808 Acts of Parliament on franking privilege of C&C and certain Commissioners. (6 covers, 4 fronts + 2 Acts) Cross Reference: MILITARY (Image) (Image2) (Image3) (Image4)

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Starting at £ 130

Currently...USD 162.50
Closing..Mar-06, 03:00 AM
1002   imageOFFICIAL IMPRINTS, ETC. c.1798-1840. ARMY/MILITARY MANUSCRIPT TYPES INC. ORDNANCE OFFICE COVER TO FRANCE: 1798-1832 covers/fronts inc. rare 1834 "H.M. Service/Office of Ordnance" EL (some toning) to "St. Quentin, France"; 1798/9 pair ELs from Berwick/"WHITCHURCH S." to War Office/Secretary of War; 1806 EL endorsed "Comm. Chief's Off."; similar 1828 EL; 1832 "War Office" EL with "GLASGOW/PENNY POST" hs; and others to/from military departments/personnel. Also inc. 1761 Act of Parliament. Scarce lot. (9 covers, 10 fronts + Act)Cross Reference: SHROPSHIRE, SCOTLAND, OVERSEAS DESTINATIONS, FRANCE (Image) (Image2) (Image3) (Image4)

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Starting at £ 160

Currently...USD 200.00
Closing..Mar-06, 03:00 AM
1003   imageOFFICIAL IMPRINTS, ETC. c.1798-1840. CHARITIES/POOR LAW IMPRINTS INC. RARE "SCOTTISH HOSPITAL", "MANUFACTURER'S RELIEF", "FRIENDLY SOCIETIES", "NATIONAL SOCIETY", ETC.: 1811-44 covers/fronts inc. rare 1820 front with "Scottish Hospital./On the Business of the Kinloch Beques[t]" heading; rare 1827 front with ms "Manufacturer's Relief Committee/F. Freeling"; 1833/8 trio of fronts with "BARRISTER... RULES OF FRIENDLY SOCIETIES" imprints; rare 1836 EL with "ON THE BUSINESS OF THE NATIONAL SOCIETY./Free/W. L Maberly"; 1837 "Commissioners of Charities... Act of Parliament" imprint; plus 1811 pair of ELs prepaid ex "Patriotic Fund, Lloyds" (one with printed contents); and 1844 E/front with "Poor Law Commission" imprints. (5 covers + 8 fronts) Cross Reference: SCOTLAND (Image) (Image2) (Image3)

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Starting at £ 180

Currently...USD 225.00
Closing..Mar-06, 03:00 AM
1004   imageOFFICIAL IMPRINTS, ETC. c.1798-1840. CHELSEA & GREENWICH HOSPITALS - SCARCE IMPRINTS & INGOING MAIL WITH LATER OHMS COVER ILLUSTRATING PROSTHETIC LEGS: 1808-58 covers/fronts etc. inc. rare 1808 front with "Greenwich/Chest-Office" imprint & partly-printed "Pensioner of the Chest at Greenwich." address, endorsed "Dead"; 1834 E (toned) with "Greenwich Hospital" imprint & octagonal "TO PAY/2d/ONLY" hs, etc. Also inc. 1819/27 pensioner certificates (2), and extraordinary 1858 OHMS EL with "Chelsea Pensioner" imprint illustrating different leg amputations with c.1840 illustrated advert for "Artificial Legs and Hands". (6 covers, 1 front + 3 other items) (Image) (Image2) (Image3)

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Starting at £ 120

Currently...USD 150.00
Closing..Mar-06, 03:00 AM
1005   imageOFFICIAL IMPRINTS, ETC. c.1798-1840. CHELSEA & KILMAINHAM HOSPITALS - INGOING IRISH PENSIONER APPLICATIONS ETC. WITH DUBLIN "FREE" & "SUNDAY" DS'S, ETC.: 1821-35 E/ELs inc. 1824 ex Swords with v.fine red Dublin "SUNDAY" ds; large 1828 EL to Chelsea with cancelled charge and "BALLYMENA" mileage mark; 1828 "Pensioner's" EL to Dublin with "FREE" ds and red "N-T-ARDS" mileage mark; 1821 "Petition of a Kilmainham Pensioner" from Edinburgh to Dublin; 1833 EL to Chelsea with "BALLYMAHON" mileage mark; and 1821/8 front/EL ex Limerick/Armagh to Kilmainham Hospital. (6 covers + 1 front) Cross Reference: IRELAND PRE-1922 - POSTAL HISTORY (Image) (Image2) (Image3) (Image4)

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Starting at £ 100

Currently...USD 125.00
Closing..Mar-06, 03:00 AM
1006   imageOFFICIAL IMPRINTS, ETC. c.1798-1840. CHURCH - PARISH REGISTERS, ECCLESIASTICAL COMMISSION, "HOUSE OF COMMONS" HEADING, REGISTRAR GENERAL, ETC.: 1800-39 covers/fronts inc. rare 1812 pair of ELs (one reinforced inside) with "F. Freeling/Parish Registers" imprints; 1830 EL with rare "Ecclesiastical Commission/FREE/F. FREELING" imprint; 1821 front with rare "HOUSE OF COMMONS/FREE/F. FREELING" Church-Wardens imprint; 1800 EL with unusual "F. Freeling" imprint but no heading (printed circular ref. "Scarcity of Wheat"); 1816 front with rare "Relief of the Manufacturing and Labouring Poor" imprint; etc. Also inc. 1840/7 EL/front sent Official Paid. (9 covers + 5 fronts) (Image) (Image2) (Image3) (Image4) (Image5) (Image6) (Image7) (Image8)

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Starting at £ 200

Currently...USD 250.00
Closing..Mar-06, 03:00 AM
1007   imageOFFICIAL IMPRINTS, ETC. c.1798-1840. CHURCH - PROMOTING THE BUILDING OF CHURCHES IMPRINTS & A RARE INGOING COVER: 1828/39 covers & front inc. 1828/34 pair of ELs with "...promoting the building of additional "Churches/Chapels" imprints, one also with printed "FREE/F. FREELING"; 1834 front with similar imprint; and rare 1836/7 twice-posted EL from Scarborough to the Commissioners for promoting Church-building in London with cancelled charge (reposted 6 months later within London & charged 2d); etc. Also inc. 1818 related Act, 1894 newspaper ref. subscriptions & a related 1824 circular. (3 covers, 2 fronts + 3 other items) (Image) (Image2) (Image3) (Image4) (Image5)

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Starting at £ 100

Currently...USD 125.00
Closing..Mar-06, 03:00 AM
1008   imageOFFICIAL IMPRINTS, ETC. c.1798-1840. CORN ACT - PARLIAMENTARY IMPRINTS & "CORN DEPARTMENT/BOARD OF TRADE": 1804-27 E/ELs inc. 1804 EL with 'Apple' "FREE" hs & "On the Business of the CORN-ACT, 31 GEO.III" heading imprint; 1816/7 pair of ELs with similar "...31 GEO.III"; unusual EL with ms version of same heading; 1827 E (faults) with rare "OHMS/Corn Department/Board of Trade" imprint sent to a Customs Officer; etc. (6 covers) (Image) (Image2) (Image3) (Image4) (Image5) (Image6)

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Starting at £ 95

Currently...USD 118.75
Closing..Mar-06, 03:00 AM
1009   imageOFFICIAL IMPRINTS, ETC. c.1798-1840. NAVAL/ADMIRALTY - NAVAL IMPRINTS, GREENWICH HOSPITAL, ETC.: 1806-39 covers/fronts all with naval/admiralty headings or connections inc. 1806 EL with "Admiralty-Office/William Marsden" imprint & 'Apple' "FREE" hs, sent by "X Post" to Admiral Cornwallis; 1819/35 "NAVY PAY OFFICE" E/EL pair (one to "Papa Westray Isle...Orkney"); 1833/9 trio of Es to the Admiralty all endorsed "Physician General" (one with Edinburgh Late Fee Paid ds); 1831 E to the Victualling Office; 1820/36 group with "Admiralty Office" imprints; 1816/25 pair of fronts with "NAVY PAY-OFFICE" imprints; etc. Plus two related Acts & one print. (10 covers, 9 fronts + 4 other items) Cross Reference: SCOTLAND, LATE FEE/TOO LATE MAIL, ORKNEY ISLANDS (Image) (Image2) (Image3) (Image4) (Image5)

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Starting at £ 130

Currently...USD 162.50
Closing..Mar-06, 03:00 AM
1010   imageOFFICIAL IMPRINTS, ETC. c.1798-1840. PARLIAMENTARY PROCEEDINGS WRAPPERS - PRINTED OR MS HEADINGS INC. 4 WITH ORIGINAL CONTENTS: Box file containing 1804-36 open-ended wrappers/fronts inc. four 1805 wrappers complete with original contents, all bearing 'Apple' Free marks; similar empty 1826 "Public General Act" imprint wrapper; 1819/36 fronts (4) endorsed "Par. Pro." (3) or most unusually "Parliamentary Paper"; etc. Also inc. related 1797/1834 trio of Acts & rare 1851 front with printed "Par. Pro/To Be Posted at the House of Commons only/POST PAID" heading. (5 covers, 6 fronts + 4 items) Cross Reference: PARLIAMENTARY MAIL (Image)

Starting at £ 100

Currently...USD 125.00
Closing..Mar-06, 03:00 AM
1011   imageOFFICIAL IMPRINTS, ETC. c.1798-1840. POST OFFICE - FRANCIS FREELING COMPLAINT LETTERS INC. SOME COMPLETE WITH COVERS: 1797-1836 ELs (all to Freeling, 4 with postal marks + 9 letters without wrappers) from varied correspondents on a wide range of topics inc. postage refunds, Ship Letter charges from Newfoundland (1810), delegation of signatures, renewal of franking privilege, etc. Plus one 1821 front from Freeling. (4 covers + 9 letters + 1 front) Cross Reference: NEWFOUNDLAND (Image) (Image2) (Image3) (Image4)

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Starting at £ 130

Currently...USD 162.50
Closing..Mar-06, 03:00 AM
1012   imageOFFICIAL IMPRINTS, ETC. c.1798-1840. POST OFFICE - PRINTED FREELING TRANSIT POSTAGE DEMANDS INC. RARE "free/F. Freeling" HS: Fine pair of 1834 & 36 OHMS ELs from Freeling (one to Portugal) ref. postage due on transit mail ex. France & Portugal; 1834 with v. rare "free/F. Freeling" hs (unusually on a demand from the French P.O.); 1836 EL (15 July) with "Francis Freeling" imprint changed to his son's initials "G.H." (F. Freeling died 5 days before this). Extraordinary pair. (2 covers) (Image) (Image2) (Image3)

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Starting at £ 130

Currently...USD 162.50
Closing..Mar-06, 03:00 AM
1013   imageOFFICIAL IMPRINTS, ETC. c.1798-1840. POST OFFICE - "W.L. Maberly" HANDSTAMPS & P.O. OFFICIALs IMPRINTS/SIGNATURES: 1802-39 covers/fronts (some with internal sellotape) inc. rare 1839 E + EL with fine/v. fine rare "W.L. Maberly" marks, 1837 front with rare "Free/W.L. Maberly/Dead Letter Office" imprint, 1802 large part E with 'Apple' "FREE" & early "OHMS/G.P.O." endorsement, 1811/33 ELs trio with "General Post Office" imprints, etc. Plus 1858 OHMS "MONEY ORDER OFFICE" E. (7 covers + 2 fronts) (Image) (Image2) (Image3) (Image4)

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Starting at £ 160

Currently...USD 200.00
Closing..Mar-06, 03:00 AM
1014   imageOFFICIAL IMPRINTS, ETC. c.1798-1840. SECRETARY OF STATE & TREASURY DEPTS. - IMPRINTS & ENDORSED COVERS, ETC.: 1795-1842 covers/fronts with a wide range of printed/ms headings/endorsements with v. early 1795 E with ms "Treasury", 1834 E with rare "Municipal Corporation Commission", unusual 1836 E with"County Rate Commission" imprint, scarce 1837 Scottish pair of Es with "Secretary of State" imprint, 1838 E with "Turnpike Trusts" imprint, etc. Very good lot worthy of further research. (19 covers + 8 fronts + 1 Act) (Image) (Image2) (Image3) (Image4) (Image5) (Image6)

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Starting at £ 200

Currently...USD 250.00
Closing..Mar-06, 03:00 AM
1015   imageOFFICIAL IMPRINTS, ETC. c.1798-1840. TAX OFFICES MAIL - MAINLY WITH IMPRINTS, ONE WITH RARE 1834 HANDSTRUCK "free/F. Freeling", ETC.: 1807-53 E/ELs with varied imprints & endorsements inc. 1834 EL with "L.T.R." imprint & v. rare handstruck "free/F. Freeling", c.1830 unused "L.T.R." wrapper with complete printed address to Francis Freeling, 1807 EL with scarce 2-ring 'Apple' "FREE" signed "F. Freeling" on front, similar 1832 E plus signed pair of 1816 fronts with "Tax Office", several "L.T.R." imprinted, etc. Plus 1840/53 Official Paid covers from tax offices (6). (22 covers + 3 fronts) (Image) (Image2) (Image3) (Image4) (Image5) (Image6) (Image7)

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Starting at £ 200

Currently...USD 250.00
Closing..Mar-06, 03:00 AM
1016   imageOFFICIAL IMPRINTS, ETC. c.1798-1840. OTHER IMPRINTS - BANK OF ENGLAND, COUNCIL OFFICE, EXCHEQUER LOAN, REFORM ACT, TITHES, TURNPIKES, WOODS: 1815-39 covers/fronts mostly with scarcer imprints/addressees with unused 1824 EL Bank of England "FREE", large 1834 E with rare "Council Office" imprint, 1827 E pair with ms or printed "Exchequer Bill Loan Office" headings, 1833 EL with "TURNPIKE ROAD RETURNS/Free/F. FREELING" imprint, etc. Plus 1800/28 OHMS prepaid Es (4), 1856/8 Official Paid pair and two related Acts. (20 covers + 2 fronts + 2 items) (Image) (Image2) (Image3) (Image4) (Image5)

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Starting at £ 160

Currently...USD 200.00
Closing..Mar-06, 03:00 AM
1017   imageTHE SIGNATURES - V.I.P. & OTHER CATEGORIES, ETC. c.1792-1839. ROYAL FAMILY - FREE MAIL, AUTOGRAPHS, ETC. - KGIII, KWIV, QV, ETC.: c.1792 - 1850 covers/fronts inc. c.1835 front to Gloucester signed "The King.", 10 Jan. 1850 ("LONDON/W" d.s.) pair of mourning pages (reinforced within) signed by Queen Victoria at top, undated piece with ribbon seal signed by King William IV, circa 1809 pair of fronts signed "George 3". Plus four covers and ten fronts, three signed by various Royal Family inc. Duke of Cumberland, Duke of "Clarence" (Later KWIV), etc. as well as a trio of printed portraits. (4 covers + 16 fronts + one letter + 3 printed portraits) Cross Reference: ROYALTY, AUTOGRAPHS (Image) (Image2) (Image3)

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Starting at £ 130

Currently...USD 162.50
Closing..Mar-06, 03:00 AM
1018   imageTHE SIGNATURES - V.I.P. & OTHER CATEGORIES, ETC. c.1792-1839. PRIME MINISTERS AUTOGRAPH ON FREE FRONTS INC. SOME WHILE IN OFFICE AS P.M., 'APPLE' FDC, ETC.: 1800-37 group inc. 31 Dec. 1799 front Duke of Portland to Pershore with fair red 'Apple' "FREE" hs (first day of issue; used for 7 months); 1827 free front signed per "Geo. Canning" (P.M.. 1827, died same year); & 1837 free front ex. London signed "Melbourne" (P.M. 1835-41), both sent while in office. Also inc. covers/fronts signed Gladstone, Henry Addington, Henry John Temple (2), Earl Grey (2), Robert Peel (2), Spencer Perceval, etc. (2 covers + 15 fronts + 6 printed portraits + 1 extract from contemporary biography of Charles Earl Grey) Cross Reference: AUTOGRAPHS (Image) (Image2) (Image3) (Image4)

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Starting at £ 100

Currently...USD 125.00
Closing..Mar-06, 03:00 AM
1019   imageTHE SIGNATURES - V.I.P. & OTHER CATEGORIES, ETC. c.1792-1839. OTHER V.I.P. SIGNED FREE FRONTS - SHERIDAN, COBBETT, O'CONELL, WILBERFORCE, HUSKISSON, ETC.: 1801-39 mainly fronts inc. 1802 front to London ex. "Sheriden" with 'Apple' "FREE"; four 1830-9 fronts signed by Morgan, Daniel (2) or John O'Conell; 1801 endorsed "WfreeWilberforce" with 'Apple' "FREE", 1812 front ex. "PETWORTH/ST" signed "W.Huskisson" (first railway casualty, 1830); 1825 official E. from House of Lords clerk endorsed "/under 2.oz/" (highlighting that these clerks had Free Franking privilege for 2.oz instead of the usual 1.oz. Plus a diverse assortment inc. John Gulley (M.P. & prized fighter), various officials/clerks cabinet ministers, etc. (3 covers + c.64 fronts + 3 printed portraits) Cross Reference: AUTOGRAPHS (Image) (Image2) (Image3) (Image4)

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Starting at £ 130

Currently...USD 162.50
Closing..Mar-06, 03:00 AM
1020   imageTHE SIGNATURES - V.I.P. & OTHER CATEGORIES, ETC. c.1792-1839. MILITARY/NAVAL - V.I.P.s SIGNED FRONTS/COVERS INC. WELLINGTON, CORNWALLIS, RAGLAN, RODNEY, JERVIS, CONGREVE, ETC.: 1766-1838 group inc. 1828 London E. signed Duke "Wellington" of Waterloo plus four similar free fronts, 1766 front signed "Free/Cornwallis" with v. finely struck red circular "FREE" with large "F" (under filing endorsement), 1822/35 pair of fronts ex. "Fitzroy Somerset", 1788 front signed "free/Rodney" (Admiral) with brown circular "FREE/S", plus various other fronts from Admirals, Officers, Secretaries of War, etc. (2 covers + 48 fronts + 7 printed portraits + some modern PPCs + booklet on Captain Cumby) Cross Reference: AUTOGRAPHS, MILITARY (Image) (Image2) (Image3) (Image4)

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Starting at £ 130

Currently...USD 162.50
Closing..Mar-06, 03:00 AM

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