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Great Britain Stamps & Postal History - Mar. 2025 (640)   |  Worldwide Stamps & Postal History - Mar. 2025 (719)   | 


Worldwide Stamps & Postal History - Mar. 2025 continued...

Lot Catalog No. Descrip Opening
541   imageGENERAL ALL PERIOD ACCUMULATION INC. CONVENTION STATES in two stock books being an early to mid period lifetime accumulation with duplication that is heavy in places. Incs. both mint and used Feudatory States with sections of Alwar, Bijawar, Bhopal, Charkhari, Cochin, Jaipur, Indore, Faridkot (mainly forgeries), Orchha, Sirmoor Saurashastra & Soruth; then similar ranges of Convention States with all represented plus a few Scinde Dawk forgeries (5) and revenues. Untidy lot that requires specialist attention in looking for varieties, shades, printings, etc,. and needs generally arranging into what could be a useful collection. (1000s) (Image) (Image2)


Get Market Data for [India Collection] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census

Starting at £ 150

Currently...USD 187.50
Closing..Mar-05, 03:00 AM
542   imageCOCHIN: 1911-49 FINE USED COLLECTION/ACCUMULATION on album leaves neatly arranged in chronological order with loose duplicates throughout. Incs. many complete sets with 1911-13 set, 1933-38 set, 1938 set plus perf. 11 vals, 1939 surcharges, 1942-44 surcharges with recess set of 4 & Litho most vals inc. 9p on 1a (SG 82), 1943 most vals to 2½a plus surcharges, 1944-48 set complete, 1945-48 set of 8 plus most perf. 11 types and 2p perf. 11 x 13, 1948 -50 set to 3a with shades, 1949 set of 2, and surcharges complete followed by an extensive range of Officials inc. 1913 set, 1933-38 set (both ovpts) plus later sets/part sets to 1949. Very fine lot (although postmarks cannot be guaranteed). (few 100) (Image) (Image2)


Get Market Data for [India Collection] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census

Starting at £ 260

Currently...USD 325.00
Closing..Mar-05, 03:00 AM
543   image1931-49 FINE USED COLLECTION on album leaves with slightly duplicated ranges of selected states inc. Bhopal 1935-49 set inc. 1r with serif ovpt (11½mm); Bundi 1941-44 set to 1a & Officials to 2a, 1947 set to 4a (forged pmks); Hyderabad fairly complete 1937-49; Indore 1937 4a & 8a, 1940 surcharges, 1940-46 set to 4a; Jaipur useful range of Officials inc. 1946 2½a (SG O27) plus 1948 Silver Jubilee set; Trvancore & Travancore Cochin extensive ranges of ovpts & Officials 1937-49 period with many perf. varieties. Fine lot but pmks are not guaranteed. (few 100) (Image)

Get Market Data for [India Collection] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census

Starting at £ 160

Currently...USD 200.00
Closing..Mar-05, 03:00 AM
544   imageSAURASHASTRA 1948-49 COMPLETE FINE USED on album leaves from SG 58/61 & SG O14 /22 plus few earlier Soruth officials. Postmarks cannot be guaranteed. SG cat. £680. (17) (Image) (Image2)


Starting at £ 80

Currently...USD 100.00
Closing..Mar-05, 03:00 AM
Lot Catalog No. Descrip Opening
545   imageNAIRN OVERLAND MAIL SERVICE HAIFA-BAGHDAD: 1923-35 set of covers etc, mounted on pages, inc. Oct. 1923 env. ex Basra to France endorsed "Over Land mail via Haifa" sent by the 2nd dispatch from Baghdad; 1928 or 1929 envs. to USA or UK with red "OVERLAND MAIL [arabic script]" labels; upper left corner block of 30 red "[arabic script]/MOTOR MAIL" labels; two 1924 envs. (faults, franked on back) to UK endorsed "By overland mail"; plus 1930s photograph of the Nairn Transport bus. A fine lot of an interesting historical service. (6 covers) (Image)

Starting at £ 110

Currently...USD 137.50
Closing..Mar-05, 03:00 AM
Lot Catalog No. Descrip Opening
546   imageSARDINIA: 1855 Victor Emmanuel imperf. issues, one of each value used 5c to 3 lire. Mostly fine but the 3 lire is a poor example with faults. Also two examples of 1861 Newspaper stamp, both cut into. SG cat. £4,500+ (8) (Image)

Starting at £ 48

Currently...USD 60.00
Closing..Mar-05, 03:00 AM
Lot Catalog No. Descrip Opening
547   imageEARLY TO MIDDLE PERIOD COLLECTION INC. POs IN LEVANT, ETC.: Three old stock books & album with mainly used ex-dealers stock. Much duplication. (Few 1,000s) Cross Reference: ITALIAN STATES (Image) (Image2) (Image3)

image image

Get Market Data for [Italy Collection] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census

Starting at £ 65

Currently...USD 81.25
Closing..Mar-05, 03:00 AM
548   imageMISCELLANY: Group of 1876-1976 covers/cards used commercially to mainly overseas destinations. Inc. 1876 Mourning env. to GB ex Florence franked 30c cancelled by "174" barred numeral, with Florence cds alongside; 2 Nov. 1964 Air Mail env. to Vienna ex Milan flown aboard the first flight OS 802 Rome-Vienna, with Milan cds, Vienna receiving cds & special red "PRIMO VOLO/ROMA-MILANO-VIENNA" Austrian Airlines cachet on front; and 1924 Regd Express env. to GB ex Genova franked 2L+50c+30c + 30c Express adhesives all cancelled by Genova cds's, with Genova Registration label applied and boxed "EXPRESS FEE PAID 6D" hs on front; plus other similar examples inc. First Flight mail, Regd mail, Hotel cachets, etc. (82) Cross Reference: AIR MAIL COVERS, REGISTERED MAIL, HOTELS, CANCELLATIONS (Image)

Starting at £ 100

Currently...USD 125.00
Closing..Mar-05, 03:00 AM
Lot Catalog No. Descrip Opening
549   image1860-1952 MINT & USED COLLECTION/ACCUMULATION on stock cards with duplication throughout inc. a good lot of QV issues inc. 1860 set inc. shades used, 1870-83 set to 2/- inc. shades used, 1883-97 set complete used & six vals to 1/- mint, 1889-91 set of 3 mint & 2d (2) mint, 1890 2½d on 4d both mint & used, 1890-91 Officials set both mint & used, 1903-4 set used, 1905-11 most vals to 5/- used inc. 5d plus a few mint vals to 6d, 1911 2d mint,1912-20 set to 2/- used, 1916-20 War Stamps good mint & used range, 1919-29 mixed wmks to 10/- used & 5/- mint, 1923 Child Welfare mint, 1932 set mint & used, 1935 Silver Jubilee both mint & used, 1938-52 most vals to 5/- mint & complete set used plus all KGVI period commems both mint & used inc. 1948 RSW. Comprehensive lot in fine condition. (100s) (Image) (Image2)


Get Market Data for [Jamaica Collection] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census

Starting at £ 160

Currently...USD 200.00
Closing..Mar-05, 03:00 AM
Lot Catalog No. Descrip Opening
550   imageSMALL ALL PERIOD ACCUMULATION in a box file on leaves and stock cards with issues from 1876 (few earlier) from various sources, resulting in duplication, with emphasis on late 19th to early 20th C. issues. (small qty) (Image)

Get Market Data for [Japan Collection] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census

Starting at £ 18

Currently...USD 22.50
Closing..Mar-05, 03:00 AM
Lot Catalog No. Descrip Opening
551   imageKGVI 1938-54 MINT (MOSTLY) COLLECTION ON ALBUM LEAVES: Several ranges to £1 vals (2) displaying a variety of perf. types. Annotated throughout with Murray Payne catalogue nos. Includes scarcer 1941 p.14 types of 10c, 20c, 30c, 2/- 5/- & 10/-, etc. Lot also inc. imprint block of 8 x 1c showing retouched value tablet flaw. (c.82) (Image)

Get Market Data for [Kenya, Uganda and Tanganyika Collection] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census

Starting at £ 46

Currently...USD 57.50
Closing..Mar-05, 03:00 AM
Lot Catalog No. Descrip Opening
552   image1890-1951 MINT & USED COLLECTION/ACCUMULATION on stock cards with much of note inc. 1890 set mint (ex 6d) & complete used with 5/- having excellent colour, 1897 Diamond Jubilee set vfu (SG £1400) pmks not guaranteed, 1903 set of three surcharges used, 1902-7 KEVII mixed wmks most vals to 1/- mint & twenty vals to £1 (no 10/-) used, 1935 Silver Jubilee set mint & used, 1938-51 set fu & to 2/- mint & all KGVI period commems. both mint & used. Fine lot with duplication throughout. SG cat. in excess of £3000. (approx 220) (Image)

Get Market Data for [Leeward Islands Collection] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census

Starting at £ 320

Currently...USD 400.00
Closing..Mar-05, 03:00 AM
553   imageKGVI MINT COLLECTION ON ALBUM LEAVES: Includes examples from 1938-51 with various shades & perfs. inc. 4 x £1 values. (28) (Image) (Image2)


Get Market Data for [Leeward Islands Collection] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census

Starting at £ 38

Currently...USD 47.50
Closing..Mar-05, 03:00 AM
Lot Catalog No. Descrip Opening
554   imageBRITISH & FOREIGN POs IN LEVANT PLUS MOROCCO AGENCIES & FRENCH POs IN CRETE: "Simplex" album with a mint & used collection yielding fine, mostly used ranges of Morocco Agencies, inc. KEVII to 2/6d and 12p on 10/- ultramarine, KGV to 6f on 5/- and KGVI/QEII vals. to 10/- or local equivalent, etc; examples of French & German issues for use in Tangier & Morocco; selection of Austrian issues to 50sld & 20pi for use in Levant, inc. several postcards; range of GB issues for Levant inc. QV to 12pi, KEVII to 24pi & KGV to 180pi, etc. French issues for use in Crete, Port Said, Alexandria, Port Lagos, Dedeagh, etc. and other examples of issues for Italian, Russian and Romanian POs. (Many 100s plus c.13 postcards) (Image) (Image2) (Image3)

image image

Starting at £ 120

Currently...USD 150.00
Closing..Mar-05, 03:00 AM
Lot Catalog No. Descrip Opening
555   image1885-1921 FINE USED COLLECTION on album leaves inc. 1885-8 set, 1887-96 set, 1893 40pa on ½d with forged ovpt, 1902-5 set with extra 12pi on 2/6d on chalky paper, 1905-8 set, 1909 most vals to 5pi on 1/- (3); then duplicated ranges inc. 1910 set, 1911 various to 5pi on 1/-, 1913 four low vals., then British Currency 1905-12 set (ex 6d), 1911-13 vals, 1921 set & 1921 Turkish Currency set with extra 2/6d plus various issues on piece tied with Smyrna & Constantinople cds's. SG cat. excluding forgery is in excess of £1000. (135) (Image)

Get Market Data for [British Offices in Turkish Empire Collection] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census

Starting at £ 130

Currently...USD 162.50
Closing..Mar-05, 03:00 AM
Lot Catalog No. Descrip Opening
556   imageEARLY 20th C. CARD/COVER COLLECTION: Shoe box containing a collection of cards & covers dating from c.1912 through to early 1960s. Much interest in Italian Occupation period inc. c.17 military postcards from 1912-14 'conquest' period. (c.130 cards/covers)Cross Reference: ITALIAN COLONIES & P.O.s ABROAD (Image) (Image2) (Image3)

image image

Get Market Data for [Libya Collection] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census

Starting at £ 65

Currently...USD 81.25
Closing..Mar-05, 03:00 AM
Lot Catalog No. Descrip Opening
557   imagePOSTAL STATIONERY - OFFICIALLY DEFACED ITEMS ETC.: 1891-92 with 1891 3c unsent PC with large "MONROVIA/LIBERIA" cds; another to Germany with a similar cds and the head of president Hilary Johnson officially removed; 1892 3c PC used to Germany; 1891-92 3c envs. (3) with two unused, one with the head of Johnson officially removed and one used to Havana; also Hungary 1866 10k env. unused, and an example of the scarce Fournier forgery (a small piece has been removed). [Ex Gavin Fryer] (8 items) (Image)

Starting at £ 48

Currently...USD 60.00
Closing..Mar-05, 03:00 AM
Lot Catalog No. Descrip Opening
558   imageMODERN MINI SHEET ACCUMULATION: Binder holding a much duplicated stock (c.33 different) of 1998-1999 mint mini sheets. (Few 100s) (Image)

Get Market Data for [Macau Collection] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census

Starting at £ 48

Currently...USD 60.00
Closing..Mar-05, 03:00 AM
Lot Catalog No. Descrip Opening
559   imageMINT DIEGO SUAREZ OCTROI ENTIRE SHEET OF EIGHT: 1885 large format duty stamps (66 x 69mm each, thin buff paper, no gum, sheet with small edge tears affecting bottom left stamp) with 8 imperf. stamps in the format of 4 x 5c + 2 x 50c + 2 x 1F depicting the heads of European and African women, inscribed "Litho by F. Terrentry, Diégo Suarez" and embossed "1885" bottom right corner. These labels were used to pay the fee for customs duty on goods leaving the town of Diégo Suarez. [Ex Gavin Fryer]Cross Reference: REVENUES (Image)

Starting at £ 85

Currently...USD 106.25
Closing..Mar-05, 03:00 AM
Lot Catalog No. Descrip Opening
560   imageLATE 19th, EARLY 20th C. MINT & USED COLLECTION on stock sheets with some duplication in places with Pahang, Perak, Selangor & Negri Sembilan (Sungei Ujong) early ovpt. types on Straits settlements 2c rose with a variety of unchecked types plus a few other vals some with surcharges; then various 'Tiger' types again with surcharges. (approx 150). (Image)

Get Market Data for [Malaysia Collection] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census

Starting at £ 50

Currently...USD 62.50
Closing..Mar-05, 03:00 AM

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