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Great Britain Stamps & Postal History - Mar. 2025 (640)   |  Worldwide Stamps & Postal History - Mar. 2025 (719)   | 


Worldwide Stamps & Postal History - Mar. 2025 continued...

Lot Catalog No. Descrip Opening
221   imageRAILWAY DISASTER MAIL - GREECE/FRANCE - SALONICA RAILWAY STATION BOMBING: 2 charred envs. ex France to soldiers in the Levant damaged in an aerial bombardment of a train each with different types of the s/l purple "INCENDE WAGON POSTE" cachet on back.Cross Reference: CRASH/WRECK MAIL, RAILWAY MAIL, GREECE, FRANCE (Image) (Image2)


Starting at £ 48

Currently...USD 60.00
Closing..Mar-05, 03:00 AM
222   imageRAILWAY DISASTER MAIL - FIRE ON A PARIS TO BRUSSELS TRAIN; Scarce 20 Dec. 1918 PPC to Belgium struck with purple "CORRESPONDENCE RETARDEE/PAR SUITE D'UN INCENDIE". Few of these covers known.Cross Reference: CRASH/WRECK MAIL, RAILWAY MAIL, FRANCE (Image)

Starting at £ 48

Currently...USD 60.00
Closing..Mar-05, 03:00 AM
223   imageSHIP WRECK MAIL - FRANCE - SINKING OF THE SS LIBAN: Trio of 1903 envs. from the SS Liban which was run into by Company sister ship the SS Insulaire. 5 Jun. Gaillac to Ajaccio with two strikes of the distinct blue "NAUFRAGE du LIBAN" hs; 6 June Paris to Bastia (stamp floated off) with v. fine blue "NAUFRAGE du LIBAN" hs and further example to Bastia. (3 items) Cross Reference: FRANCE, MARITIME MAIL, CRASH/WRECK MAIL (Image)

Starting at £ 48

Currently...USD 60.00
Closing..Mar-05, 03:00 AM
224   imageGERMAN P.O.W. MAIL FROM THE TORPEDOING OF THE S.S. HESPERIAN BY GERMAN U-BOAT: 1915 (30 Aug.) env. (missing side flaps) A.P.O. S13 (Le Treport, France) to Prince Edward Island, Canada endorsed "On Active Service" & posted free with mainly fine "RECOVERED FROM S.S. HESPERIAN." hs. The Hesperian was torpedoed by U-20 and the attempt to tow her to a harbour failed and she sank. How the mails were recovered is unknown. Very few recorded and scarce thus. (Image)

Starting at £ 130

Currently...USD 162.50
Closing..Mar-05, 03:00 AM
225   imageDAMAGED BY FIRE FIGHTING WATER ON BOARD S.S. ROTTERDAM: 1915 (2 Sep.) ex New York to The Hague (stamp floated off) with fine purple "Beschadigd door brand a.b SS, ROTTERDAM"" cachet. The S.S. Rotterdam caught fire at Rotterdam and the mails were damaged by water during the fire fighting. Cross Reference: NETHERLANDS, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (Image)

Starting at £ 80

Currently...USD 100.00
Closing..Mar-05, 03:00 AM
226   imageCACHETS FROM THE DAMAGED MAILS AFTER FIRE ON THE S.S. NEWTON: 1916 (14 Feb.) two envs. ex UK to Sweden (one with censor label - torn & missing flap, one singed by fire along right edge - torn side) with v. fine purple boxed Swedish "Skadad vid eids-/vada ombord a angaren/'Newton' i Sunderland/den 14 februari 1916." cachets on front or on back. Fine pair. Cross Reference: GREAT BRITAIN, SWEDEN (Image) (Image2)


Starting at £ 120

Currently...USD 150.00
Closing..Mar-05, 03:00 AM
227   imageWRECK OF THE S.S. NORWEGIAN - MATCHED PAIR OF "DAMAGED BY SEA WATER" COVERS EX U.S.A. TO G.B.: 1917 (13 Mar.) pair of envs. (one with with stamp washed off) ex New York or Los Angeles each with v. fine strikes of the black "DAMAGED BY SEA WATER" cachets (both with missing letters, see Hopkins p.80). Hopkins had attributed this mark to the loss of S.S. Laconia, but it is now thought to relate to the sinking of the S.S. Norwegian by a German submarine off Ireland. Good pair. (2 covers) Cross Reference: UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, GREAT BRITAIN (Image)

Starting at £ 80

Currently...USD 100.00
Closing..Mar-05, 03:00 AM
228   imageSHIP WRECK MAIL - SS LOUIS V EX SALONICA AND SS KENILWORTH CASTLE EX S. AFRICA: Trio inc. 1917 long OHMS env. to London ex mail from Salonica carried by French SS Louis V. This probably an "ambulance" env. but struck with three red boxed purple "DAMAGED BY IMMERSION / IN SEA WATER IS" hs; much travelled 1917 env. originally posted Kenegha Drift to Le Havre; returned to S. Africa, readdressed and put onboard SS Kenilworth Castle to England when the ship collided with a destroyer escort setting off 2 depth charges which damaged Kenilworth's hull. The ship made it to Plymouth where the mails were landed and the env. was struck with a boxed "DAMAGED BY IMMERSION / IN SEA WATER" hs plus French 1917 Postes, Telegraphes et Telephones env. endorsed "accident de mer" used as "ambulance" for mails originating in Yokohama. (3 items) Cross Reference: MARITIME MAIL, CRASH/WRECK MAIL, SOUTH AFRICA, GREECE (Image) (Image2)


Starting at £ 48

Currently...USD 60.00
Closing..Mar-05, 03:00 AM
229   imageWRECK OF THE S.S. KINGSTONIAN: Mar. 1918 covers (stampless or missing stamps) all ex Egypt from this twice torpedoed ship inc. civil env. ex Alexandria to Italy with v. fine "NAUFRAGIO" hs; censored env. ex Army P.O. Cairo to Edinburgh endorsed "On Active Service" with contents (letter written on PPC) with fine purple "Salved letter" hs; env. ex F.P.O. 156 Palestine to Edinburgh endorsed "OAS." with mostly fine "SALVED LETTER" hs on front and resealed with "G[crown]R/OFFICIALLY SEALED IN THE/POST OFFICE/R.L.B.-No. 54." label on back; env. ex Cairo to Ireland postmarked 25 Mar. endorsed "Torpedoed in Great War"; and badly damaged env. ex Base Army P.O. Salonica to France resealed with "R.E. Postal Section/LONDON, N.W.1./Damaged by immersion/in sea water,/through enemy action" label. A good diverse mix. (5 covers) Cross Reference: EGYPT, FRANCE, IRELAND, EDINBURGH (Image) (Image2) (Image3) (Image4) (Image5)

image image

Starting at £ 150

Currently...USD 187.50
Closing..Mar-05, 03:00 AM
230   imagePARCEL LOST AT SEA FROM TORPEDOED S.S. SHIRALA: 1918 (2 July) Unusual green Despatch Note completed in London and sent to Egypt with red triangular "C.O.D." label and below a mainly fine "PARCEL LOST AT SEA" cachet. The Shirala was torpedoed by U-57 in the Channel and some mail was salvaged. Scarce. Cross Reference: GREAT BRITAIN, EGYPT (Image)

Starting at £ 80

Currently...USD 100.00
Closing..Mar-05, 03:00 AM
231   imageSALVED FROM SEA MARKING ON G.B. COVER TO SUDAN; 16 Jan. 1941 env. addressed to "Army Post Office Y. 25" franked KGVI 2½d tied by Prescot/Lancs. machine cancel & v. fine "FPO/No 87/13 JLY 41" cds on back for the Indian Field Post Office at Gebeit, having a very fine "SALVED FROM SEA" mark on the front, which is associated with mail of this date recovered from the wreck of the SS Athena that ran aground on the Northern Irish coast on 28 Jan. 1941 when bound from Liverpool to Haifa (see Hoggarth & Gwynn, pp.253-4). An Amazing destination for a World War II wreck cover. Cross Reference: SUDAN (Image) (Image2)


Starting at £ 130

Currently...USD 162.50
Closing..Mar-05, 03:00 AM
232   imageDAMAGED BY ENEMY ACTION: c.1941 env. (damaged bottom left corner) from HM SHIP to Lympstone, Devon with fine one line purple DAMAGED BY ENEMY ACTION plus 1943 part env. from Wireless Officer, HMS Frisky to Uddingston, Glasgow with HM SHIP tablet hs and on the reverse a two line DAMAGED AS RESULT / OF ENEMY ACTION hs. [Ex Gavin Fryer] (2 items) Cross Reference: DEVON, SCOTLAND (Image)

Starting at £ 85

Currently...USD 106.25
Closing..Mar-05, 03:00 AM
Lot Catalog No. Descrip Opening
233   imageARMY PIGEON SERVICE MESSAGE FORMS: Two unused forms ex "Army Book 418.". In pristine condition. [Ex Gavin Fryer] (Image)

Starting at £ 65

Currently...USD 81.25
Closing..Mar-05, 03:00 AM
234   imageWORLDWIDE CHIEFLY FIRST FLIGHTS 1920s TO MODERN: Covers & cards with useful noted inc. 1930s Newfoundland (4), GB 1937 to Argentina bearing 2/6d 'Seahorse' & 1/- & 6d KGV defins. tied with special 'Europa-Sudamerica' cds in red, 1937 Straits Settlements Singapore to Penang inaugural flight cover bearing full set of Coronation issue, group of 1920s/30s Colombia 'SCADTA' covers in mixed condition and much more. (95) (Image)

Starting at £ 65

Currently...USD 81.25
Closing..Mar-05, 03:00 AM
235   imageGB TO SOUTH AMERICA INC. ZEPPELINS: 1933-38, some with minor folds, 2 Zeppelin flown; 1933 30 MR, 4s rate Dundee to Chile with Paris & Toulouse, Santiago marks; 1936 MR 26 3s-6d rate Dundee to Brazil with Paris Avion transit mark; 1938 13 SP 4s rate Leyland, Lancs. to Argentine with good to weak DEUTSCHE LUFTPOST EUROPA SUDAMERIKA red cachet & 18/9 arrival mark; Also 1938 29 175 XI, rate 175pf Vienna to Argentina with similar red DLES cachet (4) Cross Reference: ZEPPELIN MAIL, AUSTRIA, CHILE, BRAZIL (Image) (Image2)


Starting at £ 50

Currently...USD 62.50
Closing..Mar-05, 03:00 AM
236   image1935-94 ACCUMULATION OF COVERS, PPCs & DOCUMENTS: A box file containing predominantly Australia & New Zealand airmail covers inc. first flight covers such as 1940 env. Canton Island to Honolulu franked 10c USA air mail stamp tied by fine "CANTON ISLAND/JUL./22/A.M./1940/CANTON ISLAND" ds with large red "U.S. [plane] AIR MAIL/[globe]/F.A.M.19/FIRST FLIGHT/SOUTH PACIFIC SERVICE/CANTON ISLAND" cachet on front and blue "PASSED BY CENSOR N.Z./1" cachet & Honolulu cds on back; 1934 "REDUCE THE AIR MAIL RATES" authored by Rear-Admiral Sir Murray Fraser Sueter & "SPECIAL NOTICE: Reduction of Air Postage Rates to Empire Destinations" leaflets. Also, modern colour PPCs of planes & aviation posters. (82 covers, 4 documents, 27 PPCs) Cross Reference: AUSTRALIA, NEW ZEALAND (Image) (Image2) (Image3) (Image4) (Image5)

image image

Get Market Data for [Great Britain Collection] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census

Starting at £ 85

Currently...USD 106.25
Closing..Mar-05, 03:00 AM
237   imageMAINLY 1939 SET OF WORLDWIDE COVERS: 1939-43 (but mostly 1939) covers from a variety of countries just pre- or post- WWII inc. registered mail ex Argentina to Germany (July) or Switzerland (Aug.); also covers ex Australia to Bahrain Islands, Chile to Switzerland, French Equatorial Africa to UK, Germany to Brazil/USA/Sweden, Afghanistan to USA, Iraq to UK/Italy. Also inc. 23 Aug. 1939 last catapult flight of Condor L-480 from Argentina to Switzerland franked 2p70c; 5 Jan. 1942 env. ex Argentina to Switzerland franked with 1p70c Buenos Aires meter cancel with fine purple "VIA PACIFICO/VIA NEW YORK" cachet (over the Andes - the LATI 'back door' route to avoid censorship) however it was caught at Jamaica where censored and tape applied. Some with faults but mainly attractive with good postmarks. (25) Cross Reference: ARGENTINA (Image) (Image2)


Starting at £ 200

Currently...USD 250.00
Closing..Mar-05, 03:00 AM
238   imageFLOWN COVERS, SOME SIGNED, EX DEALER'S STOCK: 1941-2003 wide selection of special or first flight covers in plastic wallets, c.40% are signed, with a small amount of duplication. RAF Museum, Jersey and GB are well represented inc. better items. Worldwide material includes inc. 1941 Lisbon to Puerto Rico PanAm flight; 1976 Canadian Snowbirds signed by the 9 members of the team; glider; balloon; helicopter; hang-glider; a few space; etc. (400+) Cross Reference: AIR MAIL COVERS, SPACE, AVIATION (Image)

Get Market Data for [Great Britain Collection] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census

Starting at £ 50

Currently...USD 62.50
Closing..Mar-05, 03:00 AM
239   imageRARE 1943 PARIS AIRMAIL EXPOSITION COVER TO ARGENTINA HELD AT SAN JUAN: 15 Oct. 1943 registered env. from Paris to Argentina franked 15f + 10f + 3f all tied by fine large purple "EXPON PHILQUE PARIS/[plane]/15 OCT. 43/LA POSTE AERIENNE" ds's, resealed with "EXAMINED BY/64174" cellophane, with v. fine red (over stamped) "THIS ARTICLE HAS BEEN HELD/BY THE OFFICE OF CENSORSHIP" cachet applied at bottom front. Returned to sender Sept. 1945 arriving back in Paris Jan. 1946 with corresponding Buenos Aires and Paris cds's on back. A group of 12 of these covers are thought to have been posted to Argentina as a 'fishing' exercise to assess allied censorship routines (see page 146 of "Pan American Airways Wartime Transatlantic Airmail" by Wilson & Walton.) Fine and rare exhibition item. Cross Reference: FRANCE, ARGENTINA (Image)

Starting at £ 200

Currently...USD 250.00
Closing..Mar-05, 03:00 AM
240   image1943 GERMANY TO CHILE VIA TRINIDAD: 18 May 1943 env. ex Germany to Chile franked 1m15pf (surface letter rate 25pf + air to Chile 90pf) tied by Laupheim cds's, with German censor tape over stamped by red Berlin censor cachets on back, then also resealed with "OPENED BY/EXAMINER 8092" tape recorded used in Trinidad. 15 June Santiago & 16 June Osorno cds's on back. Fine and scarce exhibition item.Cross Reference: FRANCE, ARGENTINA (Image)

Starting at £ 65

Currently...USD 81.25
Closing..Mar-05, 03:00 AM

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