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Great Britain Stamps & Postal History - Dec. 2024 continued...

Lot Catalog No. Descrip Opening
1621   imageGUERNSEY & JERSEY SCROLL TYPE HS, ETC.: 1809-`899 group with 1809 E to Guernsey with fine straight line JERSEY hs; 1813 large part E to London with fine GUERNSEY scroll hs; 1827 EL to London with fine JERSEY scroll hs; 1839 EL Jersey to London redirected to Coldstream; 1848 E to London with fine red JERSEY cds, etc. (6 items) Cross Reference: GUERNSEY POSTAL HISTORY, JERSEY POSTAL HISTORY (Image)

Starting at £ 130

SOLD for £180.00
Closing..Dec-05, 03:00 AM
Lot Catalog No. Descrip Opening
1622   imageJERSEY SCROLL WITH & WITHOUT FULL STOP: 1819-29 trio with 1819 EL to Stirling with fine Jersey scroll without full stop; 1829 pair EL to London or Chard with fine light strikes of the Jersey scroll with dot. (3 items) (Image)

Starting at £ 100

SOLD for £110.00
Closing..Dec-05, 03:00 AM
Lot Catalog No. Descrip Opening
1623   imageISLE OF MAN: A mixed lot of mainly PPCs but inc. a few covers and stamps inc. P.Due and instructional marks on cover/PPC; PPCs mixed condition but mostly fine, inc. used (162) displaying a range of relevant pmks mostly pre-1930s inc. Ballaugh 1904 and a few Douglas machine cancels, unused (27), and a 16-sheet display of PPCs showing Peel, Peel Castle, Port Erin, Port Soderick, Port St Mary, Ramsey and Rushden Abbey, some with squared circle, thimble or duplex pmks; 1970s & 1980s mostly mint stamps inc. mini. sheets (4), 1d black anniversary sheetlets (3) & sealed 175th Anniversary 1d black/2d blue/Mulready souvenir pack; similar date range FDCs/commemorative covers (54) one showing inverted year on a Balham pmk; 1858 stampless ELs (4) content relating to shares in Foxdale Mining Co.; 1980s parcel pmks on piece (13); used I.O.M. rlwy tickets (6) etc.Cross Reference: ISLE OF MAN POSTAL HISTORY, PICTURE POSTCARDS (Image)

Starting at £ 26

SOLD for £28.00
Closing..Dec-05, 03:00 AM
1624   imageEARLY MAILS, ETC.: 1819-1900 group inc. 1819 EL to Liverpool rated 2/2d with fine straight line ISLE OF MAN hs; 1836 E to Alnwick with v.fine ISLE OF MAN UDC; 1842 part E to London (stamp removed) with fine boxed Peeltown / Isle of Man hs on reverse, etc. (6 items) Cross Reference: LANCASHIRE - LIVERPOOL (Image)

Starting at £ 100

SOLD for £110.00
Closing..Dec-05, 03:00 AM
Lot Catalog No. Descrip Opening
1625   imageEDINBURGH INC. BISHOP HS, ETC.: c.1700-1851 selection with c.1700 large piece (faults/repairs) Edinburgh to London with black Bishop ds and fine London Bishop ds; 1723 pair E to London with red Edinburgh Bishop ds etc; 1788 EL to London with fine red Edinburgh Bishop ds, O'CLOCK W with J, etc; 1804 EL Edinburgh to Ayr with fine red OC/1804/7 ds; 1847 E to York with fine PAID at EDIN cds, etc. (20 items) Cross Reference: EDINBURGH (Image)

Get Market Data for [Great Britain (Scotland) Collection] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census

Starting at £ 100

SOLD for £170.00
Closing..Dec-05, 03:00 AM
1626   imageEARLY & UNUSUAL TOWN HS: 1743-1807 group inc. 1743 EL to Edinburgh with v.fine DUNKELD hs; 1802 EL to Edinburgh with fine DUNBLANE in circle hs; 1807 EL to Campbeltown with fine red AIR hs; 1804 E to Edinburgh with v.fine FORT.WILLIAM in circle hs; 1789 EL to Newcastle with fine BERWICK / 337 hs; 1802 EL to Edinburgh with scarce PRESS hs; 1790 EL to London with fine and scarce LANERK hs; 1793 E to Edinburgh with v.fine COUPAR / ANGUS hs etc. Good variety. (13 items) (Image)

Starting at £ 130

SOLD for £140.00
Closing..Dec-05, 03:00 AM
1627   imageCOLLECTION INC. MILEAGE HS, PENNY POSTS, ETC.: 1777-1851 selection, chiefly prestamp, with 1831 EL to Edinburgh with straight line OBAN hs & v.fine OBAN / PENNY POST hs; 1832 EL to Edinburgh with v.fine GREENOCK / PENNY POST hs and on reverse a fine boxed No. 2 RH hs; 1836 E to Edinburgh with v.fine LOCHGILPHEAD / PENNY POST hs; 1845 EL to Hutton by Lockerby with v.fine blue GRETNA / PENNY POST hs; 1828 EL to Edinburgh with fine EASDALE / PENNY POST hs; 1837 E to Edinburgh with fine blue IRVINE / PENNY POST hs, also noted Dunfermline, Haddington 1d Post hs; 1836 E to Cupar with v.fine TOO LATE hs of Perth; 1835 E to Glasgow with good DUNBAR hs and fine To Pay / ONE PENNY hs of Glasgow, etc.; 1786 EL (faults) to Edinburgh with v.fine ABERDEEN hs on reverse, etc. Good variety of marks. (120+ items) (Image)

Get Market Data for [Great Britain (Scotland) Collection] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census

Starting at £ 200

SOLD for £240.00
Closing..Dec-05, 03:00 AM
1628   imageEDINBURGH - INSTRUCTIONAL, INSPECTORS MARKS, ETC.: 1796-1838 selection with 1796 E to Kirkcaldy with v.fine red TOO / LATE in circle hs; 1802 E to Haddington with fine red POST / PAID in circle hs; 1816 E to Blair Adam with v.fine red boxed POSTAGE TO / EDINBURGH / NOT PAID hs; 1838 E Kingussie to Edinburgh with original rate overstruck by v.fine red G[crown]R hs; 1822 E Rachanmill to Fushie Bridge with fine red boxed PAID In the / COUNTRY / [date] hs; 1834 EL (faults) Bromley to Edinburgh redirected to Glasgow with fine POSTAGE / TO / EDINBURGH / NOT PAID hs; 1816 EL Maybole to Glasgow redirected to Edinburgh with v.fine red G[crown]R hs; 1817 EL Glasgow to Hamilton redirected to Edinburgh with fine red [crown]/GR hs; 1818 EL Liverpool to Edinburgh with v.fine red double circle PAID In the COUNTRY / 1818 ds, etc. Good variety. (28 items) Cross Reference: EDINBURGH (Image)

Get Market Data for [Great Britain (Scotland) Collection] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census

Starting at £ 130

SOLD for £140.00
Closing..Dec-05, 03:00 AM
1629   imageEDINBURGH - PENNY POST TIME MARKS: 1796-c.1810 inc. 1807 local used with v.fine red "6 / EVENING" in circle hs; 1807 EL local use with fine red "8 / NIGHT" hs; 1800 E local use with fine red ONE O'CLOCK / AFTERNOON / P.P. hs; 1796 E local use with fine red ONE O'CLOCK / AFTERNOON / EDINBURGH / P.P. hs; 1802 EL local use with v.fine red double oval 5.O.CLOCK / NIGHT /P.P. hs, etc. Good variety. (23 items)Cross Reference: EDINBURGH (Image)

Starting at £ 130

Closing..Dec-05, 03:00 AM
1630   imageEDINBURGH - DISTRICT & CITY PENNY POST HS: 1803-39 inc. 1801 EL Musselburgh to Edinburgh with v.fine red double circle MUSSELBURGH / PENNY POST UN/ PAID hs; 1807 EL to Edinburgh with good red boxed TRANENT PENNY / POST UNPAID hs; 1835 EL to Edinburgh with fine FORD / PENNY POST hs on the reverse; 1820 EL Musselburgh to Blair Adam with fine MUSSELBURGH / P.P.O / 396 E hs; 1831 EL to Edinburgh with on the reverse a v.fine MUSSELBURGH / PENNY POST hs; 1834 EL to Edinburgh with v.fine blue "2" hs of Leith; 1827 E to Edinburgh with v.fine double oval MUSSELBURGH / PAID / P.P.O. hs, etc. (40 items)Cross Reference: EDINBURGH (Image)

Starting at £ 130

Closing..Dec-05, 03:00 AM
1631   imageADDITIONAL ½ MAIL TAX ACCUMULATION (1): A small box containing mainly good to superb unclassified examples on ELs (some Es) posted from London, Glasgow & Edinburgh but some ex Dundee, Falkirk, Hawick, Liverpool, & Kelso noted. Some with mileage marks or Penny Post hs's. (53) (Image)

Get Market Data for [Great Britain (Scotland) Collection] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census

Starting at £ 120

SOLD for £130.00
Closing..Dec-05, 03:00 AM
1632   imageADDITIONAL ½ MAIL TAX ACCUMULATION (2): A small box containing mainly good to superb unclassified examples on ELs (some Es, one front) posted from London, Glasgow & Edinburgh but some ex Ayr, Greenock, Dumfries, Paisley, and Aberdeen noted. Some with mileage marks or Penny Post hs's. (50 items) (Image)

Get Market Data for [Great Britain (Scotland) Collection] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census

Starting at £ 110

SOLD for £120.00
Closing..Dec-05, 03:00 AM
1633   imageADDITIONAL ½ MAIL TAX ACCUMULATION (3): A box file containing mainly good to superb unclassified examples on ELs (some Es) posted from London, Glasgow & Edinburgh but some ex Ayr, Greenock, Paisley, Manchester, Hawick, Dundee, Swansea, Aberdeen, Inverness, and other locations noted. Some with mileage marks or Penny Post hs's. (50 items) (Image)

Get Market Data for [Great Britain (Scotland) Collection] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census

Starting at £ 110

SOLD for £120.00
Closing..Dec-05, 03:00 AM
1634   imageADDITIONAL ½ MAIL TAX ACCUMULATION (4): A box file containing mainly good to superb classified examples on ELs & Es for London, Glasgow & Edinburgh but Berwick, Carlisle, Dumfries, Dundee, Greenock, Leith, Liverpool, Perth noted, inc. 1838 E with a very fine blue boxed Kirkcaldy applied on front on arrival, and a long 1824 EL (partly cross written) ex Kilmarnock to London addressed to "James Finnie Esqr. of Lisbon" [of Messrs Finnie Brothers & Co of Rio de Janeiro]. Some with mileage marks or Penny Post hs's. (50 items) (Image)

Get Market Data for [Great Britain (Scotland) Collection] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census

Starting at £ 110

SOLD for £180.00
Closing..Dec-05, 03:00 AM
1635   imageADDITIONAL ½d MAIL TAX MARKS: 1815-38 collection of the ½d tax mark hs inc. 1815 EL London to Edinburgh with large boxed Addl / ½ hs; 1826 EL Leith to Hawick with fine blue Add / ½ hs; 1831 EL Birmingham to Edinburgh with red Addl /½ hs; 1833 EL Aberdeen to Bervie with v.fine large ½ hs; 1833 EL Leamington to Edinburgh with fine red Addl / ½ hs. Good selection of London ½s. (57 items) (Image)

Get Market Data for [Great Britain (Scotland) Collection] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census

Starting at £ 200

SOLD for £220.00
Closing..Dec-05, 03:00 AM
1636   imageSCOTTISH STAMPLESS MARITIME MAIL: 1828-93 group with 1840 EL Jamaica(?) to Port Glasgow redirected to Rothesay with v.fine boxed GREENOCK / [date] / SHIP LETTER (Tab. S14); 1828 pair EL (interesting social content) Inverness to Detroit via New York, red SHIP hs, etc; 1882-93 pair env. Pennsylvania or Mass. to Scotland with fine oval PACKET LETTER / GLASGOW ds; 1822 EL Inverness to France with red boxed PAID In the / COUNTRY / [date], etc.; 1860 EL Edinburgh to Hamburg with fine PAID AT EDINBURGH cds, etc. (9 items) (Image)

Starting at £ 130

Closing..Dec-05, 03:00 AM
1637   imageGLASGOW - THE V[crown]R INSPECTOR'S HS IN RED & BLACK: Nov. 1839 E Liverpool to Glasgow initially rated 11d with additional "½" alongside struck over by a red V[crown] hs and rerated 1/10d plus Nov. 1842 E Glasgow to Edinburgh with fine V[crown]R hs in black. A scarce pair. (Image)

Starting at £ 100

Closing..Dec-05, 03:00 AM
1638   imageSCOTTISH U.P.P. HAND STRUCK "1" COLLECTION ABERDEEN TO THORNHILL: 1840-50 EL/E all different examples of the Scottish UPP "1" hs inc. 1840 EL to Largo with fine red Kircaldy ds and below a v.fine red "1" of Kirkcaldy; 1840 EL to Aberdeen with v.fine red boxed PAID AT BANFF hs with red "1" hs below; 1840 EL Edinburgh local with fine red BATHGATE hs with large red "1" hs above; 1840 E to Glasgow with fine red boxed CAMPBELTON ds & fine red "1" alongside; 1845 EL Cumnock to Ayr with v.fine red "1"; 1844 E Forfar to Blairgowrie with boxed PAID hs and below a fine black "1" hs; 1845 E Kirkwall to Edinburgh with fine black "1" hs; others noted, Hamilton, Langholme, Thornhill, Dunbar, Dumbarton, Galashiels etc. An outstanding collection. (37 items) (Image)

Get Market Data for [Great Britain (Scotland) Collection] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census

Starting at £ 260

Closing..Dec-05, 03:00 AM
1639   imageSCOTTISH U.P.P. HANDSTRUCK "2" MARKS IN BLACK: 1840-78 selection inc. first week of use, pair 14 Jan. 1840 EL Hobkirk or Kelso to Hawick with fine "2" hs; 1849 EL Banff to Aberdeen with Banff distinctive bold "2" hs; 1849 1d pink p.stat. env. Linlithgow to Melrose with fine "2" hs; 1840 EL to Edinburgh with straight line BIGGAR hs and v.fine "2" hs; 1840 EL Irvine to Edinburgh with v.fine "2" hs; 1878 env. (opened to display) Greenock to Edinburgh with large, bold "2" hs, etc. Good variety of towns majority 1840s. (20 items) Cross Reference: UNIFORM 1d POSTAGE PERIOD (Image)

Get Market Data for [Great Britain (Scotland) Collection] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census

Starting at £ 200

Closing..Dec-05, 03:00 AM
1640   imageSCOTTISH POST OFFICE QV MAILS INC. 1d RED & LATER: c.1840-1900 selection of covers and cards with 1841/4 pair EL Edinburgh to Glasgow or Melrose with 1d red tied fine MX with boxed red PAID /1d Extra hs; 1848 EL to Oxford franked tied 1d red with fine red Registered / EDINBURGH hs alongside; 1841 E (side flaps removed) Bathgate to Linlithgow with fine boxed MISSENT / TO / GLASGOW hs; 1856 E Glasgow to Edinburgh franked tied 2d blue with small neat circular GLASGOW hs; 1867 env. + content local use Portree, with letter headed "Wishes of a rejected Lover" with 16 line poem following;1878 env. Greenock to Glasgow franked tied 1d red with fine red INSUFFICIENT ADDRESS hs, etc. Good variety. (c.100 items) Cross Reference: LATE FEE/TOO LATE MAIL, MISSENT MAIL (Image)

Get Market Data for [Great Britain (Scotland) Collection] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census

Starting at £ 130

Closing..Dec-05, 03:00 AM

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