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Great Britain Stamps & Postal History - Dec. 2024 continued...

Lot Catalog No. Descrip Opening
1521   imageAIR MAIL LETTER CARDS: Album with a 1942-45 substantial, mainly used collection, arranged by types used to the UK. All bearing a single KGVI 3d, mostly from MEF (mainly Egypt) with a wide range of censor hs and FPO cds. A small number are reduced. (c 170)Cross Reference: AIR MAIL COVERS, MILITARY - CENSORED MAIL, EGYPT (Image)

Get Market Data for [Great Britain Collection] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census

Starting at £ 48

Currently...USD 60.00
Closing..Dec-05, 03:00 AM
1522   imageAIR MAIL LETTER SHEETS: 1943-47 collection of Air Letter sheets (53, inc. five unused), mostly from Egypt to UK with 3d adhesive and one from Uganda. A good range of shield shaped censor hs inc. nos. 3276, 5658, 8777, 44 & 248, plus circular crowned censor hs nos. 5776, 7293 & 4851. A fine lot. Cross Reference: AIR MAIL COVERS, MILITARY - CENSORED MAIL, EGYPT (Image)

Get Market Data for [Great Britain Collection] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census

Starting at £ 18

Currently...USD 22.50
Closing..Dec-05, 03:00 AM
Lot Catalog No. Descrip Opening
1523   imageUNIQUE(?) "NPB/2" ROLLER ON 1d REDS COVER, "D34" NUMERAL ON POSTED NEWSPAPER, P. DUE 1d LABEL 1914 FDC, ETC.: 6 Dec. 1871 large packet from Oakham to Liddington, Swindon with 1d Red vertical pair cancelled by the very rare "NPB/2" Roller (fair; unrecorded?), 21 Dec. 1869 issue of The Standard (some toning, tearing, etc.) to Rutland with 1d Red cancelled by rare London "D54" barred numeral plus couple of examples of failed printed-matter rates inc. 19 Oct. 1908 front from Ashford, Kent to Canterbury with ½d Green on the front along with framed "Liable to Letter Rate/84" & "1d" hs's (both v. fine) or 19 Apr. 1914 env. from Bournemouth to Buckingham (20 Apr. backstamp) with ½d Green machine cancelled above boxed "1d TO PAY./LIABLE/TO/LETTER/B.60 RATE" & 1d Red postage due (slight toning; uncancelled & used on first day of issue). (4 items)Cross Reference: POSTAGE DUES, POSTAGE DUE MARKS, NEWSPAPER MAIL (Image)

Starting at £ 85

Currently...USD 106.25
Closing..Dec-05, 03:00 AM
Lot Catalog No. Descrip Opening
1524   imagec.1895-1982 ACCUMULATION: A shoebox containing an assortment of commercially used registered mail with a wide range of rates, envelope sizes inc. large (cto?) and express labels etc. Some unused. (c.60) (Image) (Image2) (Image3)

image image

Get Market Data for [Great Britain Collection] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census

Starting at £ 48

Currently...USD 60.00
Closing..Dec-05, 03:00 AM
1525   image1853 RARE NOTICE OF OBJECTION: 24 Aug. 1853 printed Parliamentary Mail Notice of Objection to vote notice addressed to "The overseers of Saint John Hampstead in the County of Middlesex". On the front is a good red boxed "NOTICE 3d" hs. Fine and rare. (Image)

Starting at £ 200

Currently...USD 250.00
Closing..Dec-05, 03:00 AM
1526   image1859 RARE NOTICE OF OBJECTION: 24 Aug. 1859 printed Parliamentary mail Notice of Objection to vote notice a dressed to "The Overseers of the parish Saint John Hampstead the County of Middlesex" with a fine boxed red "NOTICE" and a matching "3" struck below. Rare. (Image)

Starting at £ 130

Currently...USD 162.50
Closing..Dec-05, 03:00 AM
1527   image1892 ENV. REGISTERED & SENT EXPRESS: 23 Sept. 1892 env. registered from Exeter to Brodick with Jubilee 4d ms "if another, please forward", bearing a large deep red ""POST OFFICE/EXPRESS" label & oval "POST OFFICE/EXPRESS/PAID" hs. Fine. (Image)

Starting at £ 65

Currently...USD 81.25
Closing..Dec-05, 03:00 AM
Lot Catalog No. Descrip Opening
1528   imageEDWARD D. BACON - NOTE TO CHARLES NISSEN & CO. LTD.: "BUCKINGHAM PALACE, S.W.1." headed note paper marked "Private" and dated "17th Mar. 1937" addressed to "Messrs. Chas. Nissen & Co. Ltd." signed across a pair of KEVIII 1d red stamps "Edward D. Bacon" regarding the 'secret' sale of duplicates from the Royal Collection and asking the firm "When offering these please not to mention that they have come from the Royal Collection" (presumably with Royal consent as he was the Curator of the Royal Philatelic Collection at this time!). A unique piece of philatelic history. (Image)

Get Market Data for [Great Britain Collection] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census

Starting at £ 100

Currently...USD 125.00
Closing..Dec-05, 03:00 AM
1529   imageENV. FROM WALLIS SIMPSON INITIALLED "HRH": A small env. to USA franked 1d + 2d KGVI Bahamas stamps tied by Nassau machine cancel dated "NOV. 11/3 PM/1949" addressed to "Mrs L. S. Chanler" (Mrs Lewis Stuyvesant Chanler, spiritual leader of the Reform Baha'i movement in New York) and initialled "HRH" in top right corner - a title she was expressly forbidden from using. A nice addition to a Royalty collection. [Ex David Horry].Cross Reference: BAHAMAS (Image)

Get Market Data for [Great Britain Collection] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census

Starting at £ 65

Currently...USD 81.25
Closing..Dec-05, 03:00 AM
Lot Catalog No. Descrip Opening
1530   imageLARGE ACCUMULATION OF MAINLY SLOGAN WITH SOME SPECIAL HANDSTAMP CANCELS: Three boxes containing a plethora of slogan cancels 1920s-2000s on commercially used mail with something of a Yorkshire flavour. Cancels range from early advertising for telephone (cable) services to the much maligned digitally-printed slogans of the 2000s and 2010s. One box contains slogans to the early 1970s with later marks mainly on pre-decimal Wilding postage stamps. A second box contains slogans 1970s to 2010s mainly on lower value Machin adhesives. The third box contains numerous variations on post-code-related slogans on pre- or post-decimal stamped covers with a few added to official mail. Also a few special cancellations of a commemorative nature. Strikes mainly good-fine and generally clear of the address. (many hundreds) (Image) (Image2) (Image3) (Image4) (Image5) (Image6) (Image7) (Image8) (Image9)

image image

Get Market Data for [Great Britain Collection] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census

Starting at £ 65

Currently...USD 87.50
Closing..Dec-05, 03:00 AM
Lot Catalog No. Descrip Opening
1531   imageEARLY TELEGRAPHS, EPHEMERA, ETC.: 1867-1989 group on leaves inc.unused pre paid Small Pox certificate (tone spots), early Electric and International Telegraph Co form (used/mounted), several other unused forms, used Post Office Telegraphs form 1871 ( first year usage), ship telegram 1959 from Royal Yacht Britannia, and greetings telegrams, etc. (12)Cross Reference: EPHEMERA, MANUSCRIPTS, ETC., ROYALTY (Image) (Image2)


Starting at £ 32

Currently...USD 42.50
Closing..Dec-05, 03:00 AM
Lot Catalog No. Descrip Opening
1532   imageSCARCE DUNDEE UNIFORM 4d POST PERIOD HAND STRUCK "4": 19 Dec. 1839 EL Dundee to Cairndow by Inverness via Glasgow with a v.fine example of the scarce hand struck "4" of Dundee. An attractive cover. Cross Reference: SCOTLAND (Image)

Starting at £ 100

Currently...USD 125.00
Closing..Dec-05, 03:00 AM
Lot Catalog No. Descrip Opening
1533   imageAMSTERDAM TO LONDON 'CORSINI' LETTER DATED 1600: Addressed to Bartolomeo Corsini part of the page is missing not affecting contents or address panel. There is also a small burn mark otherwise in fine condition for age. (Image)

Starting at £ 80

Currently...USD 106.25
Closing..Dec-05, 03:00 AM
Lot Catalog No. Descrip Opening
1534   imageINSPECTOR'S CROWNS INC. EARLY USE IN BLACK: c.1690-1838 with c.1690 EL (part trimmed off) Leicestershire to London rerated with fine, small, black Inspector's Crown hs and fine Bishop ds on reverse; 1739 EL Essex to London rerated with fine black Inspector's Crown; 1827 EL London to Kent with fine red Inspector's Crown hs; 1823 EL Watford to London with v.fine black Inspector's Crown, etc. (10 items) (Image)

Starting at £ 100

Currently...USD 125.00
Closing..Dec-05, 03:00 AM
1535   imageV. RARE LONDON DOTTED 'HEART' TIME MARK WITH V. EARLY "THETFORD": 1708 EL (minor faults, mostly fine) from "Hockwold [Hall]" near Thetford to Chelsea with superb "FE/20" Bishop's mark beside v. rare "F/AFT" dotted 'Heart' (mostly fine) on the reverse along with mostly fine "THETFORD"; ms "2" charge on front. Cross Reference: NORFOLK (Image)

Starting at £ 200

Currently...USD 250.00
Closing..Dec-05, 03:00 AM
1536   imageGOVERNMENT 'DOCKWRA' MARKS - "H" (HERMITAGE) OR "P" (ST. PAULS PAIR INC. 1736 TURNED COVER EX KENDAL): 29 Mar. 1715 E from Walthamstow to Chancery Lane with early & fine "P/TU" Dockwra, 5 May 1777 from Whitechapel to Foundling Hospital with mostly fine "H/MO" Dockwra slightly under v. fine circular "O'CLOCK/2/T" beside ms "St Cts./RB" (presumably received initials for St Clements Danes), 17 April 1736 EL from Kendal to St. Albans & then turned to London with v. fine "21/AP" Bishop's mark below faint boxed "KENDAL", possibly with fair-fine "P" type Dockwra. (3 Covers) (Image) (Image2) (Image3)

image image

Starting at £ 130

Currently...USD 162.50
Closing..Dec-05, 03:00 AM
1537   imageGOVT. 'DOCKWRA' MARKS - "G" (GENERAL) OFFICE "WE" (2)/"FR"/"SA" GROUP: Four 1745-87 London internal (one to Surrey) E/ELs with fair-v.fine "WE" (2, one front with part flaps)/"FR"/"SA" (struck across the join) Dockwras and also with "WE" & "FR" covers accompanied by L368 time stamps (mostly fine). (4 covers) (Image) (Image2) (Image3) (Image4)

image image

Starting at £ 100

Currently...USD 125.00
Closing..Dec-05, 03:00 AM
1538   imageGOVERNMENT PENNY POST: c.1755 cover (hole punch and repair), no contents, addressed to Messrs Hoares & Company, clear strike of Dockwra (type 4) Westminster Office PAID PENNY POST/W/WE ; circular time marking very faint. (Image)

Starting at £ 50

Currently...USD 62.50
Closing..Dec-05, 03:00 AM
1539   imageGOVT. 'DOCKWRA' MARKS - "G" (GENERAL) OFFICE "MO"/"WE"/"TH" TRIO OF UNUSUALLY FINE STRIKES: 1770-8 London internal EL trio with v. fine "MO"/"WE"/"TH" Dockwras ("MO" cover with closed tear well clear of mark) with the "WE" & "TH" covers accompanied by "G" type L366 (v. fine) or L368 (fair) time stamps. (3 covers) (Image) (Image2) (Image3)

image image

Starting at £ 130

Currently...USD 162.50
Closing..Dec-05, 03:00 AM
1540   imageEXPERIMENTAL 1787 DATESTAMPS INC. SCARCE "JANUARY", ETC.: The Bishop marks 1787 experimental replacement date stamps inc. pair EL to Aylesbury or from Glasgow to London with fine last recorded day of use, "26 JANUARY" hs code B or M; pair EL to London or Richmond with fine last recorded day of use "JANY / 31" hs code A or D; E (sellotape stain clear of hs) London local use with fine "FEBY / 23" hs code A; E London to Worcester with v.fine "MARCH / 23" hs code A and E London local with fine "APRIL / 7" hs code J. Fine and scarce group. (7 items) (Image) (Image2)


Starting at £ 200

Currently...USD 250.00
Closing..Dec-05, 03:00 AM

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