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Worldwide Stamps & Postal History - Dec. 2024 continued...

EGYPT continued...
Lot Catalog No. Descrip Opening
521   imagePRE-STAMP/STAMPLESS MAIL TO OR FROM ALEXANDRIA: Range of 1840s/50s ELs on album leaves displaying a variety of Forwarding Agents' marks and other marks relating to Mediterranean Paquebot service. (22 covers)Cross Reference: PAQUEBOTS (Image) (Image2)


Starting at £ 48

SOLD for £55.00
Closing..Dec-04, 03:00 AM
522   imageEGYPT - POSTA EUROPEA: Five c.1840/63 covers written-up on leaves each with a Posta Europea cachet (inc types 1, 111 & V), in black, green and blue (Samanud, fine strike).Cross Reference: EGYPT (Image) (Image2)


Starting at £ 65

SOLD for £70.00
Closing..Dec-04, 03:00 AM
523   imageEGYPT: items on leaves relating to Egypt, c1862 to c1875, differing destinations with a variety of ms endorsements, two letters to Livorno, and a letter to Lichtenstein with Swiss/ French TPOs. (5)Cross Reference: LIECHTENSTEIN, SWITZERLAND, INDIA (Image) (Image2)


Starting at £ 50

SOLD for £160.00
Closing..Dec-04, 03:00 AM
524   image1864-92 INTERPOSTAL SEALS COLLECTION MINT & USED: Partly identified on album leaves and unidentified on stocksheets, appears to be a work in progress with a wide variety of types and offices including some abroad, also inc. a few seals and revenues. Some mixed condition and the possibility of later types being reprints but interesting lot for specialist check. (425) (Image) (Image2)


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Starting at £ 280

SOLD for £380.00
Closing..Dec-04, 03:00 AM
525   image1866-1951 MINT & USED COLLECTION on album pages inc. 1866 set to 5pi used or unused no gum plus set of seven plate proofs on smooth unwatermarked paper (faults but fine appearance), 1886 2pi Postage Due in m/umm block of four showing double perf variety, small group of pyramid & sphinx issues used abroad with cancels of Beyrout, Jeddah (2) & Metelin, 1925 Geographical set mint & used, 1926 Agriculture & surcharges both sets used (ex 10m), range of Express Letter stamps inc. 1926 black & red grossly misperfed (only 700 produced for Royal collection), 1926 Birthday set mint & used, 1927-37 set mint (cat. £325), 1932 ovpts mint (cat. £200), 1933 Aviation mint & FDC (2), Air set mint, Railways mint & FDC, 1934 UPU set mint (cat. £450), 1946 Stamp Anniv. both mini sheets (cat. £130, tone spots), 1952 set mint plus other later commemorative issues mint Cat. well in excess of £2000. (100s) (Image) (Image2)


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Starting at £ 260

SOLD for £320.00
Closing..Dec-04, 03:00 AM
526   imageLATE 19th & EARLY 20th C. CARD & COVER COLLECTION: Binder with a c.1880-1930 accumulation of cards & covers inc. various Hotel cancels, Alexandria Seamens' Home items, Cook's Tourist Service, O.H.M.S. covers, etc. Range of frankings & cancels. Mostly fine throughout. (c.120 items) (Image)

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Starting at £ 80

SOLD for £90.00
Closing..Dec-04, 03:00 AM
527   image1926: Inauguration of Port Fuad 5m & 10m fine used, the latter is expertised on reverse together with similarly signed photograph of the stamp. SG 142/3. Cat. £280. (2) (Image)

Starting at £ 38

Closing..Dec-04, 03:00 AM
528   imageROYAL IMPERFORATE PRINTINGS on unwatermarked stout carton paper with 1927-37 King Fuad definitives ten vals between 2m & 100m all with 'cancelled' printed diagonally on reverse, plus 1944-52 King Farouk definitives 1m, 2m, 4m, 5m & 17m with the same underprint & 1m, 4m & 17m singles & 1m, 10m & 22m in horiz. pairs with underprint in Arabic. All written up on album page. Very fine. (24) (Image)

Starting at £ 50

SOLD for £65.00
Closing..Dec-04, 03:00 AM
529   image1930s-50s COMMERCIAL MAIL, AIR MAILS, PHILATELIC MAIL, ETC: Blue binder with a collection/accumulation of cards & covers with a range of frankings & cancels. Mostly fine. (74 items) (Image)

Get Market Data for [Egypt Collection] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census

Starting at £ 48

SOLD for £50.00
Closing..Dec-04, 03:00 AM
530   imageBRITISH FORCES IN EGYPT: Small group inc. 1Pi (3 - red, green or blue - the latter fine used with 1935 Silver Jubilee opt (SG A10 £180)); umm 1Pi red block of 10; British Forces used 1Pi Postal Seal block of 4; 1932 1Pi Postal Seal imperf. marginal pair (close margin at top) and block of 4 (SG A1); small sheets of 3mil Christmas seals (2); plus 9 covers with crested ds's. (26 stamps + 9 covers) Cross Reference: CHRISTMAS/RELIGIOUS FESTIVALS, EGYPT - BRITISH FORCES (Image) (Image2)


Starting at £ 180

SOLD for £220.00
Closing..Dec-04, 03:00 AM
531   imageBRITISH & ALLIED FORCES IN EGYPT, 1935-49: Binder holding a collection of cards & covers. Includes 1935 cover to London bearing 3m red Xmas Seal SG A6 on front of cover (contrary to regs.) with retta cancel and adjacent to "Egypt Postage Prepaid/20" circular cachet. Also 3 covers with 3m green Army Post frankings, one cancelled FDI (1 Dec. 1936) and a wide range of O.A.S. covers with a variety of Censor marks. Mostly fine. (45 cards/covers) Cross Reference: MILITARY - CENSORED MAIL (Image)

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Starting at £ 38

Closing..Dec-04, 03:00 AM
532   image1914-53 MINT COLLECTION; A stockbook containing a mint collection inc. 1914 Nile set, 1922 ovpt set, 1925 Congress, 1926 agriculture, 1927 King Fuad 1 & 1953 ovpt. High cat. value. (c.335) (Image) (Image2) (Image3)

image image

Get Market Data for [Egypt Collection] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census

Starting at £ 120

SOLD for £130.00
Closing..Dec-04, 03:00 AM
533   image1867-1960 MINT & USED COLLECTION: A carton containing a collection in two albums, a folder containing mint sheets, album pages & loose. Inc. 1934 UPU set used; later mint corner blocks, some with control letters inc. 1947 Conference on FDC with special pmk; 1949 Exhibition mini. sheet; British seals inc. 1935 Jubilee on piece with corner fault. Also postage dues, express labels, revenues, officials & a copy of the 1954 Palace Collections of Egypt. (Large qty) (Image) (Image2) (Image3)

image image

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Starting at £ 80

SOLD for £130.00
Closing..Dec-04, 03:00 AM
534   imageLATE 19th TO MID 20th CENTURY POSTAL STATIONERY COLLECTION: Box containing used envs. PCs, letter cards, etc. sorted into hotels, air mails, prepaid, FDCs, and commercial mail. Hotels inc. Shepheards (3 types), Savoy and Mena House; Airmails inc. First Flight covers for 4 routes; prepaid mostly unused inc. 'Specimen' (4) plus other opts; PCs inc. Naudi cachet & ship letter strike; etc. (c.400) Cross Reference: AIR MAIL COVERS, POSTAL STATIONERY, HOTELS, FIRST DAY COVERS (Image) (Image2)


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Starting at £ 500

SOLD for £550.00
Closing..Dec-04, 03:00 AM
535   imageA SELECTION OF PPCs WITH SOME EARLY TYPES - EX DEALER'S STOCK. Mainly mint range of cards in protective sleeves, inc. some undivided backs. Mainly topographical with some animated street scenes, canal views, local crafts, artisans, festivals etc. A few postally used. (300+) Cross Reference: PICTURE POSTCARDS (Image) (Image2) (Image3)

image image

Get Market Data for [Egypt Collection] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census

Starting at £ 38

SOLD for £70.00
Closing..Dec-04, 03:00 AM
Lot Catalog No. Descrip Opening
536   imageKGVI & QEII ACCUMULATION in a carton with a large amount of material on album pages and stock cards, predominantly mint inc. a strong section of Dependencies issues. Main Falklands issues we note many mint sets with all KGVI omnibus issues inc. 1948 Silver Wedding, 1952 definitives complete to £1, 1955-57 set, 1960 Birds set complete. 1970s Flowers definitives & later; Dependency issues inc. 1944-45 sets plus some complete sets on cover, 1946 Thick & Thin maps sets with shades/varieties, 1954 Ships complete (x2) and later mint sets. Varied and interesting lot with some duplication. (100s) (Image)

Get Market Data for [Falkland Islands Collection] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census

Starting at £ 150

SOLD for £160.00
Closing..Dec-04, 03:00 AM
537   imageFALKLAND IS., DEPENDENCIES, BRITISH ANTARCTIC TERRITORY COVERS, ETC. - EX DEALER'S STOCK: 1937-96 mainly FDCs with some commercial mail, booklets (2) & a miniature sheet, generally very fine condition. A few duplicates. Falkland Is. (62) - inc. 1937 Royal Wedding registered FDC to London with double ring Port Stanley cancel & crown "REGISTERED" hs. Same set FDC used in South Georgia; Falkland Is. Dep. FDCs (11); South Georgia FDCs inc. full set of 1987 birds on 3 covers (12); BAT (50) 1963-98 FDCs inc. 1966 Churchill set with "DECEPTION ISLAND/ 24 JA 66/ SOUTH SHETLANDS" cds. (total c.140) Cross Reference: FALKLAND ISLANDS DEPENDENCIES, BRITISH ANTARCTIC TERRITORY, SOUTH GEORGIA, SOUTH ORKNEYS/SOUTH SHETLANDS (Image) (Image2) (Image3)

image image

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Starting at £ 50

SOLD for £55.00
Closing..Dec-04, 03:00 AM
538   image1948 KGVI SILVER JUBILEE FDC: Very fine fresh regd. cover with both stamps lightly cancelled by circular "PORT STANLEY /1/NOV/1948 / FALKLAND ISLANDS" & "STANLEY/FALKLAND ISLANDS" registration label. (Image)

Starting at £ 38

Closing..Dec-04, 03:00 AM
539   image1904-1957 MINT COLLECTION: An album containing a predominantly mint collection with some duplication. Includes 1933 Administration to 1/-; 1938-50 pictorial set; 1948 Silver Wedding; 1952 KGVI set.Dependence incl. 1946 thin Map issue.There are some blocks & a few later covers. Cat £1,300+) (183 plus 6 covers) Cross Reference: FALKLAND ISLANDS DEPENDENCIES (Image) (Image2)


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Starting at £ 80

SOLD for £200.00
Closing..Dec-04, 03:00 AM
Lot Catalog No. Descrip Opening
540   imageTHE 'VR' ENGRAVED ISSUES, 1878-1903: Fine collection written up on display pages. Commencing with examples of the Cakobau Rex issues and Spiro forgeries plus examples of 1870s cancel types, display continues with various mint & issues of 1878-79 with several printings/perf. vars. of 1d to 6d values present. 1881-99 1/- (4) in different perfs. & 5/- , 1891-92 surcharges (5) mint, small study of the 1891-1903 2½d definitive, 1892-1903 Pirogue definitives (3 vals.) mint and various 1891-98 values inc. remaindered cancelled blocks. A fine display with much background information on watermarks, etc. [ex John Hawkes]. (c.113 stamps) (Image)

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Starting at £ 120

SOLD for £220.00
Closing..Dec-04, 03:00 AM

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