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Worldwide Stamps & Postal History - Dec. 2024 continued...

CANADA continued...
Lot Catalog No. Descrip Opening
481   image1935-98 FIRST DAY COVER COLLECTION: A duplicated collection of mainly modern FDCs in five albums and a shoe box. A wide variety of issues including 1938 6c Airmail issue (Uni C6); 1970 EXPO (Uni 511b); 1972 Landscape combination cover and 1997 Grizzly Bear. (large qty) (Image)

Get Market Data for [Canada Collection] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census

Starting at £ 28

Closing..Dec-04, 03:00 AM
482   image1932-57 FIRST DAY COVER COLLECTION: An album containing a duplicated range of FDCs (a few with faults). Inc. Air issues (Uni C3,C5 & C6); 1932 'Medallion' set; 1933 'Royal William'; 1935 'Pictorial' set; 1942 'Corvette' & 'Munitions' values (Uni 260 & 261) and 1950 'Oil Wells'. A wide range of issues, with some corner blocks. (c.110) (Image) (Image2)


Get Market Data for [Canada Collection] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census

Starting at £ 65

SOLD for £70.00
Closing..Dec-04, 03:00 AM
Lot Catalog No. Descrip Opening
483   imageMILITARY-BOER WAR: small selection of 5 used adhesives (not guaranteed) inc. ''Mafeking Beseiged'' 1d opt on COGH ½d green, QV GB issues opt 'Bechuanaland Protectorate' with 3d on 1d, 6d on 2d, and 1/- on 4d, and ½d orange. (Image)

Get Market Data for [South Africa (Cape of Good Hope Mafeking) Collection] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census

Starting at £ 32

SOLD for £34.00
Closing..Dec-04, 03:00 AM
484   imageMAFEKING: 1900-23 1d on 2½d (both) to 1/- on 4d. Fine used. SG 1 to 5 £1190. (Image)

Starting at £ 160

SOLD for £280.00
Closing..Dec-04, 03:00 AM
Lot Catalog No. Descrip Opening
485   imageTHE VILLAGE POSTMARKS OF CEYLON A-B: An album containing a well written-up collection on 174 album pages of mainly KGVI (1930s-1950s, some KGV) stamps or stamps on piece arranged according to post office postmarks from Adampan to Buttala inc. rare & very rare types such as Agrapatna, Akaragama, Akkaraipattu, Akuramboda, Akuressa, Alawala, etc. All fine cds's. Classified according to "The Encyclopaedia of Ceylon Postmarks: KGVI" by Horry & Stanton. [Ex David Horry]. (100s) Cross Reference: CANCELLATIONS (Image)

Get Market Data for [Ceylon Collection] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census

Starting at £ 220

Closing..Dec-04, 03:00 AM
486   imageTHE VILLAGE POSTMARKS OF CEYLON C-F: An album containing a well written-up collection on 145 album pages of mainly KGVI (1930s-1950s, some KGV) stamps or stamps on piece arranged according to post office postmarks from Camp Post Office to Fort MacDonald inc. rare & very rare types such as Chilavatturai, Chilaw, Cinnamon Gardens, Colombogama, Dambagalla, F.A.O., etc. All fine cds's. Classified according to "The Encyclopaedia of Ceylon Postmarks: KGVI" by Horry & Stanton. [Ex David Horry]. (100s) Cross Reference: CANCELLATIONS (Image)

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Starting at £ 190

SOLD for £200.00
Closing..Dec-04, 03:00 AM
487   imageTHE VILLAGE POSTMARKS OF CEYLON G-H: An album containing a well written-up collection on 108 album pages of mainly KGVI (1930s-1950s, some KGV) stamps or stamps on piece arranged according to post office postmarks from Galagedara to Halkandawila inc. rare & very rare types such as Galaha, Galadiulwewa, Galahinna, Galle, Gomagoda, Gamaron-Kadawala, Mount Mary, etc. All fine cds's. Classified according to "The Encyclopaedia of Ceylon Postmarks: KGVI" by Horry & Stanton. [Ex David Horry]. (100s) Cross Reference: CANCELLATIONS (Image)

Get Market Data for [Ceylon Collection] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census

Starting at £ 150

SOLD for £160.00
Closing..Dec-04, 03:00 AM
488   imageEXTENSIVE POSTMARK/CANCELLATIONS COLLECTION: Very large carton containing seven stock books with a huge and varied accumulation of cancellations from approx 1870 to 1960, being predominantly town and village cds. cancels. Stock books are arranged chronologically into periods and then identified into an extensive range of towns and villages with most being represented. The KGVI section in three full stock books are of particular note and contain the widest range of offices, all being identified by named labels. QV. issues display an array of barred numeral duplex cancels with later issues being mainly cds. and are, in the main partial cancels although a few on piece items have full strikes and vary from poor to very fine with most on lower vals. although vals. to 2R are present. Extensive lot that is ripe for further study and would make an interesting new project. (very large qty)Cross Reference: CANCELLATIONS (Image)

Get Market Data for [Ceylon Collection] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census

Starting at £ 260

SOLD for £280.00
Closing..Dec-04, 03:00 AM
489   imageKGV & KGVI USED ACCUMULATION WITH SOME POSTMARK INTEREST in a carton in two stock books and much duplicated in smaller box loose in envelopes sorted by value/issue. Strength in Colombo postmarks inc, Airgraph, Paquebot, Parcels, Army, Forces, etc,. but also inc. smaller Offices and a range of perfins for the period. [Ex David Horry]. (1000s) Cross Reference: PERFINS, CANCELLATIONS (Image)

Get Market Data for [Ceylon Collection] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census

Starting at £ 50

Closing..Dec-04, 03:00 AM
Lot Catalog No. Descrip Opening
490   imageUNPAID COVER TO BORDEAUX VIA PANAMA & LONDON WITH BLUE "T/1-70" MARK: 15 April 1876 unpaid EL from Valparaiso to Bordeaux with uncommon blue "T/1-70" accountancy mark (mostly fine) on the front along with "23" decimes charge h.s. & sender's cachet. London & Valparaiso cds plus Calais-Pais amb. on reverse. (Salles 3079, 250 pts) [Ex Vandervelde] Cross Reference: FRANCE, TRANSATLANTIC MAIL (Image) (Image2)


Starting at £ 48

SOLD for £55.00
Closing..Dec-04, 03:00 AM
491   imageTPO COLLECTION: c.1894-1915 group of envs. or P.Stat., majority domestically used, with a variety of TPOs; single-rings inc. 1894 postcard with "AMB-3 SANTo i VALPo/X" or double-rings inc. 1902(?) 5c stationery with double-ring "AMBAENTRE TEMUCOiCARAHUE/CHILE" missing the date in the centre. Mostly fine throughout. (40 covers + small no. of used singles) Cross Reference: TRAVELLING POST OFFICES (Image) (Image2)


Get Market Data for [Chile Collection] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census

Starting at £ 480

SOLD for £550.00
Closing..Dec-04, 03:00 AM
492   imageCHILE TO INDIA REDIRECTED TO SCOTLAND: 1905 2c p.stat. PC (H&G 26) uprated 1c (optd on 20c) ex San Felipe to India then redirected to Scotland. Cancelled by indistinct Chile cds's with indistinct machine cancel on back, Bombay, Hydrabad & Portobello cds's on front with boxed "REEXPEDIE" hs adjacent. Contents regarding the wish to exchange postage stamps with the recipient. Interesting item, well travelled to unusual destinations. Cross Reference: REDIRECTED MAIL, INDIA, SCOTLAND (Image)

Starting at £ 65

Closing..Dec-04, 03:00 AM
Lot Catalog No. Descrip Opening
493   imageAMOY 1895 FIRST ISSUE: 2c blue type I in complete mint sheet of 40. Sheet affected by curling at edges. SG 3 Total cat. £12,000. (40 stamps) (Image)

Starting at £ 550

SOLD for £1,400.00
Closing..Dec-04, 03:00 AM
Lot Catalog No. Descrip Opening
494   imageCOLLECTION OF COVERS & STAMPS 1897-1958: A written-up collection mainly of covers inc. 1897 Shanghai local post; Wei-Hai-Wei Ferguson provisional 2c stamp; 1900 cover Chefoo to Liverpool routed through Shanghai French PO and franked accordingly; 1901 Taku Railway late fee charge; 1901 letters to/from naval ships; 1901 She Ying village to GB with Base Office cds; 1910 Macao to Hong Kong with bisected Portuguese 3a stamps (SG 174a); 1914 Registered cover from British Consulate in Darien to GB during Japanese occupation of Manchuria; 1937 cover posted by American Consulate in Canton to England on first flight of FAM 14 via Hong Kong; (25 covers & 2 stamps) (Image) (Image2) (Image3)

image image

Get Market Data for [China Collection] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census

Starting at £ 100

SOLD for £800.00
Closing..Dec-04, 03:00 AM
495   imageALL PERIOD MINT & USED COLLECTION/ACCUMULATION in a stock book haphazardly arranged with better items & sets throughout inc. 1878 'large dragon' 1ca green & 5ca yellow both used plus forgery of 1ca, 1885 'small dragons' 1ca (3) & 3ca used & 5ca mint, 1897 ovpts to 2c on 2ca green used, 1897 5c & 20c fine mint, 1913-33 'Junks' various printings with most vals to $10 mauve & green, 1921 Air set mint (heavy hinges/gum issues), good range of commemorative & other mid period sets and other modern issues inc. 1955 scientists miniature sheets set of 4 used & 1960 Chrysanthemums used with issues to 2004. Sorting and identifying could prove rewarding. (100s) (Image)

Get Market Data for [China Collection] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census

Starting at £ 130

SOLD for £850.00
Closing..Dec-04, 03:00 AM
496   image1897-1949 MINT& USED ACCUMULATION/COLLECTION in a stock book showing a fairly even spread of most issues laid out neatly in chronological order starting with a duplicate range of Shanghai local issues, good range of 'Junks' with various printings with vals to $5 (5), useful commemoratives and later issues; finally at the back a further range of 19th c. locals plus a few revenues. Heavy duplication in places but well worth specialist check that could prove rewarding. Viewing highly recommended. (qty) (Image)

Get Market Data for [China Collection] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census

Starting at £ 120

SOLD for £200.00
Closing..Dec-04, 03:00 AM
497   imageEARLY TO MODERN COLLECTION IN STOCK BOOK: Mixture of duplicated mint & used inc. Large (4) & Small (5) Dragons, a few Dowager Empress types to 9ca & unused plus a few surcharges, Chinese Imperial Post set to $5 used. (SG £350), much duplicated 'Junk & Reaper' types to $5, different printings; duplicated ranges Martyrs & Sun Yat Sen type lower values, WWII issues and duplicated 1950s/60s reprints. Also some Manchukuo. Mostly used throughout. (many 100s) (Image)

Get Market Data for [China Collection] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census

Starting at £ 100

SOLD for £1,500.00
Closing..Dec-04, 03:00 AM
498   imagec.1950-54 MAIL INC. MILITARY CANCELS: From a range of different postal routes with a variety of frankings. Includes some military cancels. (c.45 covers) (Image)

Starting at £ 800

Closing..Dec-04, 03:00 AM
499   image1970s-2000s MINT SETS & MINI SHEETS: Shoe box housing an accumulation of stock cards with mostly complete unmounted mint sets from the late 20th C. Minimal duplication. (Few 100s) (Image)

Get Market Data for [China Collection] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census

Starting at £ 55

SOLD for £80.00
Closing..Dec-04, 03:00 AM
500   imageCHINA & TAIWAN MODERN RAILWAY COVERS & AEROGRAMMES: Binder & album, the former holding a collection of 1980s Railway covers, almost all are philatelic (c.60), and the album with a collection of unused Taiwan aerogrammes c.1959-78. (c.34)Cross Reference: TAIWAN/FORMOSA (Image)

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Starting at £ 38

SOLD for £48.00
Closing..Dec-04, 03:00 AM

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