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Worldwide Stamps & Postal History - Dec. 2024 continued...

Lot Catalog No. Descrip Opening
341   imageWWI - BRITISH FPOs + NAVAL MAIL (INC. DUMB CANCELS + CENSORS), REGD, POW (INC. EX HMS INDIA IN NORWAY), ETC.: Group of mainly FPOs & PPCs but also inc. naval censors (16), 5 Oct. 1916 env. + contents from Norway to New Milton from a survivor of the HMS India (torpedoed) who reached Norway & was placed in internment (GB censor label), undated PPC with 2-ring circular "*PASSED*/SHIP CENSOR" (purple, mostly fine) & 1d Red cancelled by "X" dumb cancel, 3 Jan. 1915 env. to Brighton with 2-ring circular "*CONVALESCENT HORSE*/DEPOT" (purple, v. fine) on the front along with boxed censor mark & "ARMY POST OFFICE" cds, etc. [Ex. John Lea] (c.96 covers/ppcs + 2 pictures on a card) Cross Reference: MILITARY - CENSORED MAIL, NAVAL (Image)

Starting at £ 110

SOLD for £150.00
Closing..Dec-03, 03:00 AM
342   imageWWI/WWII CENSORED & RETURNED MAIL: Small group of envs./cards all sent to/from/via France. Inc. 1940s env. to New York ex Lyon opened and resealed by censor with censor tape "OPENED BY/EXAMINER 1353" with "RELEASED" hs on tape, and purple "HELD BY BRITISH CENS[OR]/RELEASED' JAN 1946" on front; 14 Sept. 1940 env. to Brest, Finistere ex New York, with purple "RETURN TO SENDER/SERVICE SUSPENDED" hs and blue "RETOUR A L'ENVOYEUR/RELATIONS POSTALES/INTERROMPUES" hs's (2) over address; and 31 Aug. 1940 PC to Issy-les-Moulineaux with purple "RETOUR A L'ENVOYEUR/FAUTE D'ACHEMINEMENT" hs over address; plus other related examples. [Ex Vandervelde] (8)Cross Reference: MILITARY - CENSORED MAIL, RETURNED MAIL, MILITARY - WWI, MILITARY - WWII (Image) (Image2)


Starting at £ 48

Closing..Dec-03, 03:00 AM
343   imageARMÉE D’ORIENT: A range of covers & cards inc British X and Z coded date-stamps (14) inc. troopship PPC with FPO F2 skeleton (1917) and ‘SZ7’ of Malta (1916); French T&P items to 1919 (26) and later to 1938 (17) with interesting material noted. Mixed condition. (55) Cross Reference: FRANCE, GREAT BRITAIN (Image) (Image2)


Starting at £ 65

SOLD for £70.00
Closing..Dec-03, 03:00 AM
344   imageBALKANS, BALTIC AREA, ETC.: Group of items c.1918-20 inc. PCs to French missions at Helsinki, Prague, Petrograd & Romania, occupation of Hungary & Romania, PC ex ship off Latvia etc. Unusual mixture of interesting material. (17) Cross Reference: FRANCE (Image) (Image2) (Image3)

image image

Starting at £ 65

SOLD for £80.00
Closing..Dec-03, 03:00 AM
345   imageWWII G.B. AIRGRAPH COLLECTION: 1941-44 accumulation of airgraph photographs and some original forms with many scarce pictorials and with greetings. Inc. 20 Sept. 1941 Airgraph (Stephens type ME/1, address at bottom) to Nottingham, written only 5 months after the service began. Also inc. Airgraph envs. (6 original forms, 36 Airgraphs, 7 envs.)Cross Reference: AVIATION (Image)

Get Market Data for [Worldwide Collection] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census

Starting at £ 200

Closing..Dec-03, 03:00 AM
346   imageWWII INDIAN FORCES FPO 53 CORRESPONDENCE: Collection of c.50 O.A.S. letters of Major D.W.Reid (Mahratta Light Infantry) most dated 1944/45. Indian Forces in Italy.Cross Reference: INDIA (Image)

Get Market Data for [Worldwide Collection] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census

Starting at £ 48

Closing..Dec-03, 03:00 AM
347   imagePOST-WWII MAINLY MILITARY MAIL INC. FPOs, RATES, CHRISTMAS ISLAND, SUEZ, ETC.: Box file containing 1945-1980s military mail mainly from the UK & USA, Germany, Middle East (mainly Iran), Sweden, etc. Inc. qty of KGVI Commonwealth airmails from Africa, New Zealand, Australia, Malaya, etc.; part sheet of RAF museum cinderellas; plus a variety of worldwide FPOs, OAS marks, etc. [Ex John Lea] (c.250 covers) (Image)

Starting at £ 160

Closing..Dec-03, 03:00 AM
Lot Catalog No. Descrip Opening
348   imagePORTUGAL - T.P.O. ACCUMULATION, ETC.: 1881-1968 research accumulation inc. 1881 EL with "R.A.D.E. VALENCA-PORTO/15 SET. 81/*CC*" cds on back flap; 1883 registered env. (stained) ex Ponta Delgada (Azores) to Brazil franked 7 x 20r +10r on back with boxed "A.R." hs on front; 1903 PPC cancelled with "AMBULANCIA/25 AGO. 03/DOURO II" cds; plus similar for different routes. (65 cards/covers) Cross Reference: PORTUGAL (Image) (Image2) (Image3) (Image4)

image image

Starting at £ 130

Closing..Dec-03, 03:00 AM
349   imageARMEE MARKS PRIOR TO THE INVASION - D'HANOVRE (1804), Bau. Gal. (1807), & D.ALLEMAGNE (No.22; Mar. 1812), ETC.; 21 Jan. 1804 (Infantry imprint inside; small reinforced flap tears) with mainly v. fine small red "No2/ARM.D'HANOVRE", [21 Jan. 1807] E (pencil date and note of origin) from Warsaw with fine red "Bau. Gal./GRANDE ARMEE", fine 27 Feb. 1812 EL ex Haarbourg with v. fine "P.128.P" 2-line advising that "I barely have time to tell you that the headquarters of the Grande Armée has just received the order to leave immediately for Rostock" [Roumet 2017 cert.], and 11 Mar. 1812 EL ex Magdebourg with fine black "No.22/ARM. D'ALLEMAGNE" inc. "The Army Corps which was already in Magdeburg left for Berlin and marched as a body...". Cross Reference: FRANCE, GERMAN STATES, MILITARY - NAPOLEONIC WAR (Image) (Image2)


Starting at £ 200

SOLD for £260.00
Closing..Dec-03, 03:00 AM
350   imageNo.13/GRANDE ARMEE COVERS SENT FROM MARCH ACROSS GERMANY INTO POLAND - EX MARIENWERDER & THORN; 13 April + 27 April 1812 pair of fine ELs from French soldiers of the 1st Corps (under Marshal Davout) on the march across the German States and into Poland, each with mainly fine black "No.13/GRANDE ARMEE" mark on the front sent to Strasbourg/Montelimar (the first with v. fine small h.s. "3" on the flap). The writer in Marienwerder says "for three or four months we have always been on the road... I bought a horse to relieve me of the fatigue of the road", and the writer in Thorn (Torun, Poland) includes "here I am on the banks of the Vistula & in the center of Poland"; both would benefit from full translation. (2 covers)Cross Reference: GERMAN STATES, POLAND (Image)

Starting at £ 130

SOLD for £220.00
Closing..Dec-03, 03:00 AM
351   imageEN ROUTE IN POLAND - EX GERMAN OFFICER OF WESTPHALIAN GUARDS IN WARTA VIA "KALISCH FELDPOST"; Fine April 1812 EL (buff paper; fully typed transcript & translation into English) from "Warta" (Poland) to Zellerfeld (Saxony) endorsed "Zu Kallisch zur Feldpost" and "Lettre militaire" on the front and having a fair handstruck "Preusse p.m." nearby (Prusse par Magdeburg), with sundry ms rates. The writer, "Ferdinand [von den Brincken]" had been the page to the King of Westphalia, Jerome Bonaparte, but was at this time a Lieutenant of the Westphalian Cavalry Guard. He managed to return from Russia in 1813 with only a frostbitten right hand an a slight wound. He writes to his father that he is billetted in a cobbler's shop and says that "The Emperor [Napoleon Bonaparte] is expected here...". Rare and significant letter. Cross Reference: GERMAN STATES, POLAND (Image)

Starting at £ 200

Closing..Dec-03, 03:00 AM
352   imageON THE POLISH BORDER - GERMAN OFFICER'S LETTER EX SCHWEDT AN DER ODER WITH RED "No.10/GRANDE ARMEE"; Fine 1 May 1812 EL from "Schwedt" (on the Polish border near Stettin) to "Crevelt" (Krefeld near Dusseldorf) charged "5" with a mainly very fine red "No.10/GR[AN]DE ARMEE" mark on the front, written in German from a "1st Lieutenant of the 6th Regt. of Horse Artillery in the 3rd Division of Cuirassiers of the 2nd Corps of the Grande Armee". The French forces were gathering in Poland preparing for the crossing into Russia in June. Cross Reference: POLAND, GERMAN STATES (Image)

Starting at £ 130

Closing..Dec-03, 03:00 AM
353   imageEN ROUTE IN POLAND - PAIR EX POZNAN ("No.2/GRANDE-ARMEE") + EX ILAWA ("No.8/GRANDE-ARMEE"); Fine 13 May 1812 EL (large part transcription with mention of "General Lariboisiere") from a French soldier in "Posen" (Poznan, Poland) to Auch (south of France) charged "11" with a mainly fine "No.2/GRANDE-ARMEE" on the front; plus 21 May 1812 EL (some tone spotting) from a French soldier of the "Armee D'allemagne, 1 Division de Cuirassiers, Division de St. Germain" in "Teuth[?] Eylau" (Ilawa, Poland) to Paris (11 June cds on flap) charged "8" with a very fine (slightly oily) "No.8/GRANDE-ARMEE" on the front. Rare pair sent from the French Army crossing Poland and approaching the Russian border. (2 covers)Cross Reference: POLAND (Image)

Starting at £ 200

SOLD for £220.00
Closing..Dec-03, 03:00 AM
354   imageARM. D'ITALIE COVER EX HREBENNE (ON POLISH/UKRAINIAN BORDER) PRIOR TO CROSSING INTO RUSSIAN TERRITORY; Fine 10+14 May 1812 EL to "Piacenza, Empire Francais" from a French Lieutenant of the small Army of Italy force as it was marching to join the "Grane Armee" to invade Russia. The letter (in French) was started in "Loebelvitz" (which seems to be a French rendition of Ropczyce, roughly half way between Krakow - on the road from Italy - and the Russian border), but it was completed 4 days later in "Krueben" (Hrebenne in Poland on the border with Ukraine, i.e. Russia as it was then). It has a fine "ARM. D'ITALIE" on the front and was charged "4" on delivery (with mainly fine red "Piacenza/.. Giugno" on the flap). The writer gives his return address; "2nd Ligne Italien, Division Pino, quatrieme Corps... Commande par le Duc D'Ablantis". Letters from this Army connected with the Russian Campaign are rare.Cross Reference: ITALIAN STATES, POLAND (Image)

Starting at £ 260

SOLD for £280.00
Closing..Dec-03, 03:00 AM
355   imageDUTCH SOLDIER'S LETTER FROM THE FRENCH ARMY IN POLAND WITH "No.8/GRANDE-ARMEE" MARK; Remarkable 27 May 1812 EL (some dusting and light toning; in Dutch - large part typed transcription & translation) sent by a Dutch soldier in the French Army at "Starghard" (Starogard Gdanski; near the coast in north central Poland) to his mother in "Monnick Kindam, Department Zuider Zee" (Holland) endorsed "Met de post den Arme[e]" with a mainly fine "No. 8/GRANDE-ARMEE" mark and "10" charge on the front. The clearly written contents include; "here in Poland, it is believed that people are in such great need that many people are dying of starvation and vermin, so you can understand my situation and that we all have to look forward to the battlefield... My address is H. Schoondveldt, voltigeur in the 123rd [Dutch] Regiment’s 1st Battalion's 1st Voltezeur Company of the common divisions of the 2nd Corps of the Armee... you must post the letter to the Grande Armee as that is an absolute Field Post". Only a very small number of Dutch soldiers went on this Russian campaign and few returned alive. Very Rare. Cross Reference: POLAND, NETHERLANDS (Image)

Starting at £ 200

SOLD for £360.00
Closing..Dec-03, 03:00 AM
356   imageRED "No.50/GRANDE-ARMEE" ON COVER FROM TORUN IN CENTRAL POLAND - EN ROUTE TO RUSSIA; Fine 24 May 1812 EL from a French soldier of the "3rd Corps d'Armee en Pologne" newly arrived in "Thorn" (Torun, Poland) to Cahors charged "11" with a mainly fine red "No.50/GRANDE-ARMEE" on the front. The very interesting contents (large part translation into English) include; "It is here that we will have our General Army Corps Depot during the Campaign... if it is to this point that we evacuate the wounded, they will be less harmed there than in other parts of Poland. The Emperor [Napoleon Bonaparte] is expected here, no doubt he will inspect us himself... we want to let the land approach to the harvest before definitely starting the war, because we fear that we will lack the means to live. We have left nothing in the countryside through which we have passed. I don't know how the unhappy peasants will manage to live...". Napoleon did duly arrive in Torun on 5 June. Cross Reference: POLAND (Image)

Starting at £ 100

Closing..Dec-03, 03:00 AM
357   imageEN ROUTE IN POLAND - GERMAN SOLDIER'S LETTER WITH "No.13/GRANDE-ARMEE" EX SZTUM (POLAND) TO SAXONY; 29 May 1812 EL (some light dusting; written in German) headed from "West Preussen" to Winsen an der Luhe (Saxony) but with manuscript "Pr. Ortlesburg" on the front along with a mainly very fine "No.13/GRANDE-ARMEE" mark and "16" delivery charge. Ortelsburg (now Szczytno) is a small town in NE Poland only about 60 miles from the Russian border. The contents, which would repay careful transcription and translation, mention several towns including "Lichfelde" (now Jasna; 16 miles NE of Sztum). Cross Reference: POLAND, FRANCE, GERMAN STATES (Image)

Starting at £ 100

SOLD for £300.00
Closing..Dec-03, 03:00 AM
358   imageGERMAN SOLDIER'S LETTER EX WARSAW WITH "[Q Trer G A L']ARMEE/WESTPHALIENNE" + "FRANCO" MARKS; 5 June 1812 EL (some creases & wrinkling) from a German Grenadier (Johann Luckert) - and with a second letter from his brother ("Monsieur Adolph") on the same sheet - in "Warschau" to his mother in "Westphalia or in Cassel", unusually prepaid (ms "30" on reverse) with a partial "[Q Trer G A L']ARMEE/WESTPHALIENNE" mark (partly assisted, perhaps at the time) and a matching fine large "FRANCO" mark (filing crease). The contents (full typed transcript & translation for the letter from the first son) include; "...we have a difficult situation ahead of us, as the battle will take place in a few days. We are still in Warsaw now - but we will be marching across the Vistula in a few days, because we have the first wing of the army and are the 1st Division, and we are the third line". Napoleon and his army duly crossed into Russia less than 3 weeks later, on 24 June 1812. The letter also originally enclosed cash; "So I am sending you here in this letter two Prussian Louidor, two Louidor in gold, which you will receive in Kassel". Remarkable and rare campaign letter from Poland. [See also the lot below with a 13 Oct. 1812 letter from Mozhaysk regarding Luckert's death there from exhaustion, with his 1847 death certificate.] Cross Reference: POLAND, GERMAN STATES (Image)

Starting at £ 200

SOLD for £320.00
Closing..Dec-03, 03:00 AM
359   imageTHE INVASION OF RUSSIA BEGINS - OFFICER'S LETTER DURING THE FIRST WEEK FROM VILNIUS; Very fine 29 June 1812 EL from "Vilna" [Wilna; now Vilnius in Lithuania] to Paris (redirected to Reuil with manuscript "3" charge, with long and interesting, but hastily written and quite hard to read, contents from Captain (later Maréchal) de Castellane (1788-1862) to his father, giving details of the capture of Vilna the previous day and the retreat of the Russian Army a couple of days prior to that. His news included; "...The brave Capte. Octave de Legion du Schupards was taken prisoner and received 2 lance wounds. The gallant Philippe de Segur sent a trumpet to the outposts; he got back on his horse and left... I believe he was the only injured army officer...". A very rare letter written by an Officer accompanying Napoleon as he started his campaign inside Russia. Cross Reference: RUSSIA, LITHUANIA, RUSSIA (Image)

Starting at £ 340

Closing..Dec-03, 03:00 AM
360   imageEN ROUTE IN POLAND - RED "No.14/GRANDE-ARMEE" MARK ON LETTER EX STETTIN TO PARIS; 2 July 1812 EL (overall light toning; full typed transcript & translations into English and German) from a French soldier ("G. Malavois") in "Stettin" (Poland) to his brother in Paris with a very fine red "No.14/GRANDE-ARMEE" mark nicely placed on the front, charged "8" with a fine red 3-ring Paris arrival cds (14 July) on the flap. The contents seek confirmation of the invasion, and the writer is clearly heading for the Russian border; "It has been a long time, my dear brother, since I had any news from home. I think that this delay is only caused by the slowness with which the Postal Service operates in Germany. We have been here for 19 days and there is talk of us leaving to make way for the 13th Division which is arriving from Berlin in 2 or 3 days... All our battalions have assembled in Stettin where we are continually reviewing and inspecting. Every day we carry out major manoeuvres and line developments. Our brigade already has 10,000 men, both line and light infantry... We have just seen the declaration of war and the proclamation of the Emperor Napoleon against the Russians, who have already begun to attack....". Cross Reference: FRANCE, POLAND (Image)

Starting at £ 200

Closing..Dec-03, 03:00 AM

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