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Asia (434)   | 


Asia continued...

German Colonial


China continued...
Lot Catalog No. Descrip Opening
424 imageFrench Colonial. China French Post Office 1901 double figures 1 centime OVP red "CANTON" Scott CAN 1 MH China - Sino-French Post Office of Canton, Navigation and Commerce - CANTON overprint in red (1901), Michel FR-IC B1I, Stamp Number FR-CAN 1, Yvert et Tellier FR-CAN 1, Stanley Gibbons FR-CAN 1, theme: sales, goods, mythology, issued 1901, size: 20 x 24 mm, colors: red, black, designers: Louis-Eugène Mouchon, printers: Imperial Printing Office (Imprimerie Nationale), Paris, format: stamp, issue: daily stamp, perforation: 14 x 13½, printing: typography, paper: light blue, denomination: 1 c - French centime.(Image 1) (Image 2)


Selling for...US$20.00
Closing..Apr-13, 12:00 PM
425 imageFrench Colonial. China French Post Office 1901 double figures 1 centime OVP red "CANTON" Scott CAN 1 MNH China - Sino-French Post Office of Canton, Navigation and Commerce - CANTON overprint in red (1901), Michel FR-IC B1I, Stamp Number FR-CAN 1, Yvert et Tellier FR-CAN 1, Stanley Gibbons FR-CAN 1, theme: sales, goods, mythology, issued 1901, size: 20 x 24 mm, colors: red, black, designers: Louis-Eugène Mouchon, printers: Imperial Printing Office (Imprimerie Nationale), Paris, format: stamp, issue: daily stamp, perforation: 14 x 13½, printing: typography, paper: light blue, denomination: 1 c - French centime.(Image 1) (Image 2)


Selling for...US$20.00
Closing..Apr-13, 12:00 PM
426 imageFrench Colonial. China French Post Office 1902 double figures 2⁄5 cent OVP black "CHINE" Scott CN 18a China - French Post Office (General Issues), Indochina stamps Overprinted "CHINE" (1902), Michel FR-IC A1I, Stamp Number FR-CH 18a, Yvert et Tellier FR-CH 35, Stanley Gibbons FR-CH IND 1, theme: sales, goods, mythology, issued 1902, size: 20 x 24 mm, colors: red, black, designers: Louis-Eugène Mouchon, printers: Imperial Printing Office (Imprimerie Nationale), Paris, format: stamp, issue: daily stamp, perforation: 14 x 13½, printing: typography, denomination: 2/5 Chinese cents, description: surcharge 12mm, SG changed the listings for all Indochina issues and lists them separately.(Image 1) (Image 2)


Selling for...US$20.00
Closing..Apr-13, 12:00 PM
427 imageFrench Colonial. China French Post Office 1901 double figures 2 centimes OVP red "HOI HAO" Scott HH 2 China - Sino-French Post Office of Hoi Hao, Navigation and Commerce - HOI HAO overprint in red (1901), Michel FR-IC B2II, Stamp Number FR-HH 2, Yvert et Tellier FR-HH 2, Stanley Gibbons FR-HH 2, theme: sales, goods, mythology, issued 1901, size: 20 x 24 mm, colors: reddish brown, blue, designers: Louis-Eugène Mouchon, printers: Imperial Printing Office (Imprimerie Nationale), Paris, format: stamp, issue: daily stamp, perforation: 14 x 13½, printing: typography, paper: chamois, denomination: 2 c - French centime.(Image 1) (Image 2)


Selling for...US$20.00
Closing..Apr-13, 12:00 PM
428 imageFrench Colonial. China 1903, French Post Office, OVP "TCHONG-KING," 4 centimes, Scott TCH 3 MH China - French Post Office in Tchongking, Overprint "TCHONG-KING" and Value in Chinese (1903), Michel FR-IC B19V, Stamp Number FR-TCH 3, Yvert et Tellier FR-TCH 34, Stanley Gibbons FR-TCH 3, theme: sales, goods, mythology, issued 1903, size: 20 x 24 mm, colors: violet brown, blue, designers: Louis-Eugène Mouchon, printers: Imperial Printing Office (Imprimerie Nationale), Paris, format: stamp, issue: daily stamp, perforation: 14 x 13½, printing: typography, paper: grey, denomination: 4 c - French centime.(Image 1) (Image 2)


Selling for...US$20.00
Closing..Apr-13, 12:00 PM
429 imageFrench Colonial. China 1903, French Post Office, OVP "TCHONG-KING," 5 centimes, Scott TCH 10 MNH China - French Post Office in Tchongking, Overprint "TCHONG-KING" and Value in Chinese (1903), Michel FR-IC B20V, Stamp Number FR-TCH 4, Yvert et Tellier FR-TCH 35, Stanley Gibbons FR-TCH 4, theme: sales, goods, mythology, issued 1903, size: 20 x 24 mm, colors: green, red, designers: Louis-Eugène Mouchon, printers: Imperial Printing Office (Imprimerie Nationale), Paris, format: stamp, issue: daily stamp, perforation: 14 x 13½, printing: typography, denomination: 5 c - French centime.(Image 1) (Image 2)


Selling for...US$20.00
Closing..Apr-13, 12:00 PM
430 imageFrench Colonial. China 1906, French Post Office 40 centimes, OVP "Tchong K'ing," Scott TCH 27 MNH China - Sino-French Post Office of Tchongking, Type Grasset Overprinted "Tchong K'ing" and Chinese (1906), Michel FR-IC B45VI, Stamp Number FR-TCH 27, Yvert et Tellier FR-TCH 58, Stanley Gibbons FR-TCH 27, theme: goods, mythology, issued 1906, size: 20 x 24 mm, colors: black, designers: Eugène Grasset, printers: Imperial Printing Office (Imprimerie Nationale), Paris, format: stamp, issue: daily stamp, perforation: 14 x 13½, printing: typography, paper: grey, denomination: 40 c - French centime.(Image 1) (Image 2)


Selling for...US$20.00
Closing..Apr-13, 12:00 PM
431 imageFrench Colonial. China French Post Office 1903 double figures 30 centimes OVP black "YUNNANSEN" Scott YUN 9 MH China - Sino-French Post Office of Yunnanfou, Navigation and Commerce - YUNNANSEN overprint (1903), Michel FR-IC B26VI, Stamp Number FR-YUN 9, Yvert et Tellier FR-YUN 9, Stanley Gibbons FR-YUN 9, theme: sales, goods, mythology, issued 1903, size: 20 x 24 mm, colors: blue, brown, designers: Louis-Eugène Mouchon, printers: Imperial Printing Office (Imprimerie Nationale), Paris, format: stamp, issue: daily stamp, perforation: 14 x 13½, printing: typography, paper: light grey, denomination: 30 c - French centime.(Image 1) (Image 2)


Selling for...US$20.00
Closing..Apr-13, 12:00 PM
432 imageFrench Colonial. China French Post Office 1894 Peace and Commerce (Type Sage) 25 centimes OVP red "CHINE" Scott CH 6 MH China - French Post Office (General Issues), French stamps Overprinted "CHINE" (1894), Michel FR-CH 5a, Stamp Number FR-CH 6, Yvert et Tellier FR-CH 8, Stanley Gibbons FR-CH 9, theme: sales, goods, mythology, issued 1894, size: 20 x 24 mm, colors: black, designers: Jules Auguste Sage, Louis-Eugène Mouchon (E), format: stamp, issue: daily stamp, perforation: comb 14 x 13½, printing: typography, paper: pinkish tinted paper, denomination: 25 c - French centime.(Image 1) (Image 2)


Selling for...US$20.00
Closing..Apr-13, 12:00 PM
434 imageFrench Colonial. China French Post Office 1904 Type Grasset 2 cent OVP black "CHINE" Scott CH 48 MH China - French Post Office (General Issues), Indochina stamps (Type Grasset) - Overprinted "CHINE" (1904), Michel FR-IC A20, Stamp Number FR-CH 48, Yvert et Tellier FR-CH 65, Stanley Gibbons FR-CH IND 32, theme: estates, mythology, issued 1904, colors: green, designers: Eugène Grasset, format: stamp, issue: daily stamp, perforation: 14 x 13½, printing: typography, denomination: 2 Chinese cents.(Image 1) (Image 2)


Selling for...US$20.00
Closing..Apr-13, 12:00 PM
52 imageGerman Colonial. China German post office 1905 block 1-4 cent oversize scott Ger 35-37 MNH Country: China - German Post Office (general issues) Series: German International Post Offices in China Catalog number: Michel DR-CHI 28-30 Stamp Number DR-CHI 37-39 Yvert et Tellier DR-CHI 29-31 Stanley Gibbons DR-CHI 36-38AFA number DR-CHI 28-30Theme: Crowns and Diadems | Women Released: 10/1/1905Expiration date: 1917-03-16Size: 22 x 26 mm Colors: Ocher brown Watermark: Without watermark Designers: Paul Eduard WaldraffFormat: Stamp Edition: Daily brand Teething: comb 14 x 14. 5Pressure: Typography Denomination: 1-4 Chinese cents(Image 1) (Image 2)


Selling for...US$300.00
Closing..Apr-13, 12:00 PM
82 imageGerman Colonial. China, 1897, Overprint, 1st printing, 10 c on 9 c dull green. VF MH Scott 62 Chan 62 Country: China - German Post Office (general issues) Series: German International Post Offices in China Catalog number: Michel DR-CHI 28-27 Stamp Number DR-CHI 37-36 Yvert et Tellier DR-CHI 29-28 Stanley Gibbons DR-CHI 36-45AFA number DR-CHI 28-37Theme: Crowns and Diadems | Women Released: 10/1/1905Expiration date: 1917-03-16Size: 22 x 26 mm Colors: Ocher brown Watermark: Without watermark Designers: Paul Eduard WaldraffFormat: Stamp Edition: Daily brand Teething: comb 14 x 14. 5Pressure: Typography Denomination: 1 cent - 2. 5 Chinese dollars(Image 1) (Image 2)


Selling for...US$600.00
Closing..Apr-13, 12:00 PM
94 imageGerman Colonial. Germany Post Office in China 25/Mar/1913 Postcard tied 2c send from Tsingtau Ger The German colonies standard stamp issue was a view of the Kaiser's yacht. The hope was he would come for them in times of trouble. In 1914 Kaiser Wilhelm announced he would rather turn Berlin over to the Russians than Kiautschou over to the Japanese. Inspired by the Kaiser's words the colonists mounted a defense of the colony, despite being outnumbered 10-1 and no help coming from Germany, certainly not the Kaiser's yacht. The Kaiser ended up turning over Kiautschou to Japan. So slip on your smoking jacket, fill your pipe, take your first sip of your adult beverage and sit back in your most comfortable chair. Welcome to todays offering from The Philatelist. There was a lot of second thoughts about maintaining far off colonies as was being promoted by German merchants. One proponent was Kaiser Wilhelm. Perhaps given this his yacht instead of his portrait or a battleship should have given colonists pause. Most of the colonies fell at the beginning of World War I without a fight. Todays stamp is issue A3 a three cent stamp issued by the German naval colony at Kiautschou in 1905. There is an earlier version of the issue denominated in pfennig and marks. This was a ten stamp issue in various denominations. According to the Scott catalog, the stamp is worth $1. 75 used. In the 1890s, much mapmaking was being carried out by Germans hoping to find a German equivalent of Hong Kong. Germans had both the desire to create a model colony and the need for a coaling station for Germanys far eastern naval presence. No target was finalized when two German priests in Kiautschou were killed in their beds by 20 armed members of the Chinese Big Swords Society. The Big Swords Society were local units of peasant farmers who fought back against looters, bandits, tax collectors, and apparently missionaries. The group's members believed themselves immune to bullets based on the magic of their leaders. The far east German naval commander out of Shanghai wired Berlin and suggested taking advantage of the provocation and taking Kiautschou. He was told to sail the fleet immediately. Germany landed 700 rifle armed sailors and faced no opposition from the much more numerous Chinese defenders. The morning they landed and secured the place in two hours they received a further wire telling them not to land but wait for negotiations with China. They wired back saying they had already taken the city and made a public declaration. Berlin told them to then stay and negotiated from strength a Hong Kong style 99 year lease going till 1997.(Image 1) (Image 2) (Image 3)



Selling for...US$60.00
Closing..Apr-13, 12:00 PM
308 imageGerman Colonial. China 1905 German Post Office 2 cent overprint Cancel Peking Scott DR CHI38 Country: China - German Post Office (general issues) Series: German International Post Offices in China Catalog number: Michel DR-CHI 29 Stamp Number DR-CHI 38 Yvert et Tellier DR-CHI 30 Stanley Gibbons DR-CHI 37AFA number DR-CHI 29Variants: Click to see variants Overpressure: Click for overprint and additional postage Theme: Crowns and Diadems Women Released: 10/1/1905Expiration date: 1917-03-16Size: 22 x 26 mm Colors: Green Watermark: Without watermark Designers: Paul Eduard WaldraffPrinting houses: Reichsdruckerei, Berlin Format: Stamp Edition: Daily brand Teething: comb 14 x 14. 5Pressure: Typography Denomination: 2 Chinese cents(Image 1) (Image 2)


Selling for...US$30.00
Closing..Apr-13, 12:00 PM
345 imageGerman Colonial. China 1905 German Post Office Overprint 1, 4, 20, 40, 50 cent cancel Scott CHI 47- 53 Series: German international post offices in China Catalog number: Michel DR-CHI 38I - 45I Stamp number DR-CHI 47 - 53 Yvert and Tellier DR-CHI 39 - 45 Stanley Gibbons DR-CHI 46 - 52AFA number DR-CHI 38 - 44Variants: Click to see variantsOverpressure: Click for overprint and additional postageTheme: Crowns and Diadems | WomenReleased: 1906Expiration date: 1917-03-16Size: 22 x 26 mmColors: Dark brown ocherWatermark: Lozenges diamond-shaped [Up]Designers: Paul Eduard WaldraffFormat: Stamp Edition: Daily brand Tanding: comb 14 x 14. 5Pressure: TypographyBravery: 1 - 50 Chinese cent(Image 1) (Image 2)


Selling for...US$50.00
Closing..Apr-13, 12:00 PM
349 imageGerman Colonial. German Post China 1905 set German King Issue overprint China Complete set MH Scott Ger.5 35-44 Country: China - German Post Office (general issues) Series: German International Post Offices in China Catalog number: Michel DR-CHI 28-27 Stamp Number DR-CHI 37-36 Yvert et Tellier DR-CHI 29-28 Stanley Gibbons DR-CHI 36-45AFA number DR-CHI 28-37Theme: Crowns and Diadems | WomenReleased: 10/1/1905Expiration date: 1917-03-16Size: 22 x 26 mmColors: Ocher brownWatermark: Without watermarkDesigners: Paul Eduard WaldraffFormat: Stamp Edition: Daily brand Teething: comb 14 x 14. 5Pressure: TypographyDenomination: 1 cent - 2. 5 Chinese dollars(Image 1) (Image 2)


Selling for...US$300.00
Closing..Apr-13, 12:00 PM
401 imageGerman Colonial. German Post Offices in China 1898 OVP black "China" on "Crown/Eagle" 10 German Reichspfennig, Scott GER 3 MNH. China - German Post Office (general issues), German International Post Offices in China (1898-12 to 1902-03-31), Michel DR-CHI 3IIc, theme: heraldic animals, crowns and diadems, coats of arms, eagles, size: 21 x 24 mm, colors: dark rose red, no watermark, designers: Heinrich G. Schilling, format: stamp, issue: daily stamp, perforation: comb 13½ x 14¼, printing: typography, denomination: 10 German Reichspfennig, description: diagonal print 56° on 10 Pf (DR47ea).(Image 1) (Image 2)


Selling for...US$20.00
Closing..Apr-13, 12:00 PM
402 imageGerman Colonial. German Post Offices in China 1898 OVP black "China" on "Crown/Eagle" 5 German Reichspfennig, Scott GER 2 MNH. China - German Post Office (general issues), German International Post Offices in China (1898-03 to 1902-03-31), Michel DR-CHI 2I, Yvert et Tellier DR-CHI 2(B), Stanley Gibbons DR-CHI 2, AFA number DR-CHI 2x, theme: crowns and diadems, size: 21 x 24 mm, colors: opal green, no watermark, designers: Heinrich G. Schilling, format: stamp, issue: daily stamp, perforation: comb 13½ x 14¼, printing: typography, denomination: 5 German Reichspfennig.(Image 1) (Image 2)


Selling for...US$20.00
Closing..Apr-13, 12:00 PM
433 imageGerman Colonial. German Post Offices in China 1905 Germania OVP black 2½ dollars Scott CHI 46 MNH China - German Post Office (general issues), German International Post Offices in China (1905-10-01 to 1917-06-16), Michel DR-CHI 37A, Stamp Number DR-CHI 46, Yvert et Tellier DR-CHI 38, Stanley Gibbons DR-CHI 45, AFA number DR-CHI 37, theme: palace, size: 37 x 27 mm, colors: green black, dark carmine, no watermark, designers: Reichsdruckerei Berlin, format: stamp, issue: daily stamp, perforation: comb 14¾ x 14¼, printing: gravure print, denomination: 2½ Chinese dollars, description: print on DR81Aa.(Image 1) (Image 2)


Selling for...US$20.00
Closing..Apr-13, 12:00 PM
23 imageJapan. Japan 1871, Blue Heraldic Dragons 100 Mon Dark Steel blue, Blue Scott JP2 Country: Japanese Series: Dragon Mon Catalog number: Michel JP 2 Stamp Number JP 2 Yvert et Tellier JP 2Sakura JP 2Theme: Dragons | Heraldic animals Released: 1871-04-20 Colors: blue Format: Stamp Edition: Daily brand Teething: Toothless Pressure: Gravure printing Denomination: 100 Japanese mon(Image 1) (Image 2)


Selling for...US$100.00
Closing..Apr-13, 12:00 PM

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