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Stamps continued...

United Nations
Lot Symbol Catalog No. Descrip Opening
11080 postfrisch (never hinged) ** image
United Nations - Geneve

1969/2000. Amazing collection of 110 IMPERFORATE stamps in pairs and six gutter pairs. Great variety of topics like Sport, Politics, Arts, Animals, etc. In all 232 mint never hinged stamps. "Mr. Andrew Toh, in an open letter dated February 4, 2003 on behalf of the United Nations and related to the archives' initial public offering, stated: ... 'The items are genuine UNPA property ...'. Typically in the past, archival material has come from printing companies and very rarely from the government body. This official United Nations release certainly marks a milestone in the history of United Nations philately, and will greatly benefit future collectors with an incredible range of fresh material for philatelists around the world." (from introduction 2004 Brookman specialized catalogue). The Michel "UNO-Spezial 2020" catalogue value is 52.000 €.

Condition: ** (mint never hinged) (905276) (Image)

Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM
11081 postfrisch (never hinged) ** Maximumkarten (Maximum) image
United Nations - Viena

1978/1999, postfrische Sammlung auf selbstgestalteten Blättern in VIERERBLÖCKEN sowie Kleinbogen und immer wieder durch Maximumkarten und FDC ergänzt. Augenscheinlich komplett.

Condition: ** (mint never hinged)/Mk
This lot is "Gebotslos". The Minimum Bid is 20 €, it will be sold at the HIGHEST BID (not one bidding step above the second highest bid). (1028466) (Image)

Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM
11082 postfrisch (never hinged) ** image
United Nations - Viena

1980/1996. Amazing collection of 70 IMPERFORATE stamps in pairs and five gutter pairs. Great variety of topics like Sport, Politics, Arts, Animals, etc. In all 150 mint never hinged stamps. "Mr. Andrew Toh, in an open letter dated February 4, 2003 on behalf of the United Nations and related to the archives' initial public offering, stated: ... 'The items are genuine UNPA property ...'. Typically in the past, archival material has come from printing companies and very rarely from the government body. This official United Nations release certainly marks a milestone in the history of United Nations philately, and will greatly benefit future collectors with an incredible range of fresh material for philatelists around the world." (from introduction 2004 Brookman specialized catalogue). The Michel "UNO-Spezial 2020" catalogue value is 30.900 €.

A complete scan of this lot is available at stamp-auctions.de.de.

Condition: ** (mint never hinged) (905277) (Image)

Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM
Lot Symbol Catalog No. Descrip Opening
11083 ungebraucht (hinged) * postfrisch (never hinged) ** gestempelt (marked) image

1880-1974: Mint and used collection on printed Schaubek pages, from first issues, with several better stamps and sets 1880-1920's, and a mint collection from 1960. (Ex "European Family" coll.)

Condition: * (mint hinged)/** (mint never hinged)/o (used)
Value Add Taxes will be added to the hammer price and the buyers premium. (1033593) (Image) (image1) (image2) (image3) (All Scans)


SOLD for €100.00
Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM
Lot Symbol Catalog No. Descrip Opening
11084 gestempelt (marked) ungebraucht (hinged) * ungebraucht ohne Gummi (unused without gum) (*) Briefstück (on piece) image

1850/1884, approval book comprising 38 stamps, e.g. Austria, Hungary, Bulgaria, Portugal, Italian states. High a cat.value, Requires personal inspection.

Condition: o (used)/* (mint hinged)/(*) (mint without gum)/on piece (869266) (Image) (image1) (image2) (All Scans)


Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM
11085 Brief (cover) Ganzsache (Complete) image

1830/1970 (ca.), balance of apprx. 380 covers/cards/stationeries, comprising e.g. Italy, Romania, Portugal, Scandinavia/Balticum, Switzerland, Liechtenstein, and others.

Condition: Cover/postal stationery (1043223) (Image) (image1) (image2) (image3) (image4) (image5) (image6) (image7) (image8) (image9) (image10) (image11) (image12) (image13) (image14) (image15) (All Scans)


Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM
11086 Brief (cover) image

1880/1910 (ca.), Einladungskarten, Sammlung von über 80 Vordruck-Einladungskarten Deutschland/Europa, meist Adel/Diplomatie.

Condition: Cover (1040488) (Image) (image1) (image2) (image3) (image4) (image5) (image6) (image7) (image8) (image9) (image10) (image11) (image12) (All Scans)


SOLD for €500.00
Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM
11087 ungebraucht (hinged) * gestempelt (marked) Brief (cover) image

1840/1944, Teilsammlung einiger Länder auf alten Schaubek-Vordruckseiten im Binder, dabei Bulgarien, Dänemark, Estland, Finnland, Griechenland, Großbrittaninen dabei Nr.1 und 7),Kroatien (dabei viele Zensurbriefe) und Ungarn, insgesamt enormer Katalogwert, trotz teils unterschiedlicher Erhaltung günstig ausgerufen, ansehen.

Condition: * (mint hinged)/o (used)/Cover (1044960) (Image)

SOLD for €440.00
Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM
11088 Brief (cover) image

1840/1960 (ca.), MINIATURE COVERS/CARDS, sophisticated collection of apprx. 138 small-sized covers/cards, comprising e.g. Italy, Spain, Netherlands, Bulgaria, Romania, Denmark, etc. Nicely presented on album pages, an extraordinary and unusual offer!

Condition: Cover (1042609) (Image) (image1) (image2) (image3) (image4) (All Scans)


SOLD for €270.00
Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM
11089 Brief (cover) Ganzsache (Complete) image

1840/1980 (ca.), assortment of apprx. 450 covers/cards/stationeries, comprising e.g. Austria from pre-philately, GB, Belgium, Italy, Scandinavia, Soviet Union and others, incl. perfins, uprated stationeries, registered and censored mail, etc.

Condition: Cover/postal stationery (1043150) (Image) (image1) (image2) (image3) (image4) (image5) (image6) (image7) (image8) (image9) (image10) (image11) (All Scans)


Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM
11090 gestempelt (marked) ungebraucht (hinged) * ungebraucht ohne Gummi (unused without gum) (*) image

1860/1980 (ca.), used and mint collection/balance in a thick stockbook, mixed condition, comprising Italian states/Italy, Austria/area, Czechoslovakia, Hungary.

Condition: o (used)/* (mint hinged)/(*) (mint without gum)
Value Add Taxes will be added to the hammer price and the buyers premium. (1048577) (Image)

SOLD for €300.00
Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM
11091 gestempelt (marked) ungebraucht (hinged) * image

1849/1930 (ca.) small assortment of classic/semi-classic stamps of different countries, mostly on little cards with many better issues. Covers Belgium, Portugal (16 stamps), Hungary, Luxembourg (officials), nice part Austria from no.1 onwards and others. Please inspect carefully!

Condition: o (used)/* (mint hinged)
Value Add Taxes will be added to the hammer price and the buyers premium. (1046535) (Image) (image1) (image2) (image3) (image4) (image5) (image6) (image7) (image8) (image9) (image10) (image11) (image12) (image13) (image14) (All Scans)


SOLD for €200.00
Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM
11092 Brief (cover) image

1850-1930 (ca), Partie von knapp 100 Belegen, dabei Frankreich, Österreich, Schweiz etc., auch klassische Ausgaben, unterschiedlich erhalten

Condition: Cover (1044549) (Image)

SOLD for €250.00
Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM
11093 gestempelt (marked) ungebraucht (hinged) * ungebraucht ohne Gummi (unused without gum) (*) image

1860/1980 (ca.), used and mint collection/balance in a stockbook, comprising Poland, Russia/Soviet Union/area, Finland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark/West Indies, Iceland.

Condition: o (used)/* (mint hinged)/(*) (mint without gum)
Value Add Taxes will be added to the hammer price and the buyers premium. (1048574) (Image) (image1) (image2) (image3) (image4) (image5) (image6) (image7) (All Scans)


SOLD for €240.00
Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM
11094 Ganzsache (Complete) image

1870/1990, Sammlung mit schätzungsweise über 1500 Ganzsachen Schwerpunkt Deutschland bis 1950, aber auch mit gutem Anteil Bulgarien, Italien, Griechenland und GB, teils ungebraucht teils gebraucht, ohne Spitzen, dabei auch Umschläge, Kartenbriefe, Antwortkarten, Zensur usw., in 14 Kobra-Briefalben und 2 Abria-Alben

Condition: postal stationery (1023773) (Image)

Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM
11095 Brief (cover) image

1914-1960 (ca), Zensurpost, Partie von ca 175 Belegen, mit einigen Besonderheiten

Condition: Cover (1044571) (Image)

Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM
11096 postfrisch (never hinged) ** FDC Ganzsache (Complete) Maximumkarten (Maximum) image

1978 - 1987 (ca.), 11 Ländersammlungen, sauber postfrisch in 8 KaBe-Alben, enthalten sind die Skandinavischen Länder (außer Schweden), BE/NE/LUX, FL und Griechenland, dabei hoher Anteil an MH und Klein- und Schalterbogen (teils mehrfach). Dabei sind auch Automatenmarken und Ganzsachen, sehr empfehlenswerte Sammlung!

Condition: ** (mint never hinged)/FDC/postal stationery/Mk (1023312) (Image)

Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM
11097 postfrisch (never hinged) ** image

JAHRBÜCHER/Jahreszusammenstellungen: 1974/2004, Karton voller diverser postfrischer Jahrbücher bzw. Jahreszusammenstellungen von Aland bis Schweden sowohl im A4- als auch im A5-Format, beiliegend auch ein Buch von Korea

Condition: ** (mint never hinged) (1038586) (Image) (image1) (image2) (image3) (All Scans)


SOLD for €140.00
Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM
11098 Brief (cover) Ansichtskarte (Picture postcard) image

EUROPA-NORD: gemischter Posten Briefe und Karten aus verschiedenen Ländern meist Nordeuropa mit über 140 Stück

Condition: Cover/Picture Post Card (1049327) (Image)

Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM
11099 gestempelt (marked) ungebraucht (hinged) * postfrisch (never hinged) ** image

Schuhkarton mit Tütenposten, dabei viel Bayern u. sonst. Deutschland, ca 1200 g brutto

Condition: o (used)/* (mint hinged)/** (mint never hinged)
Value Add Taxes will be added to the hammer price and the buyers premium. (1046252) (Image)

SOLD for €90.00
Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM
11100 Brief (cover) image

1815/1867, Lot von acht Transitbelegen Europa, dabei Auslagenbrief 1815 von Hof nach Nürnberg, zwei Briefe 1819/1823 von Marseille nach Österreich mit "L.F." in schwarz und in rot, usw.

Condition: Cover (1043970) (Image) (image1) (image2) (image3) (image4) (image5) (image6) (image7) (All Scans)


Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM
11101 postfrisch (never hinged) ** image

1938/42: Kleines Lot Blocks mit Polens Block 6 (Stratosphärenflug), 20 Jahre Unabhängigkeit und 2x 25 Jahre Polnische Legion, Niederlande: Block 1 + Block 2 (Legionen), Lettland: Block 1,1A, 2 und Estland: Block 2, 4

Condition: ** (mint never hinged)
Value Add Taxes will be added to the hammer price and the buyers premium. (1037806) (Image)

Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM
11102 Ganzsache (Complete) Brief (cover) Ansichtskarte (Picture postcard) image

1911/71, countries P-V including Portugal, Spain, CSR, Hungary, Turkey inc. stationery registered mail, airmail, censorship, ship correspondence etc., 50 items.

Condition: postal stationery/Cover/Picture Post Card
This lot is "Gebotslos". The Minimum Bid is 20 €, it will be sold at the HIGHEST BID (not one bidding step above the second highest bid). (1028733) (Image) (image1) (image2) (image3) (image4) (All Scans)


SOLD for €75.00
Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM
11103 Ganzsache (Complete) Brief (cover) Ansichtskarte (Picture postcard) image
Europe - East

ROMANIA; BULGARIA; HUNGARY; Lot with over 100 letters, cards and postal stationery, used and unused in varying condition

Condition: postal stationery/Cover/Picture Post Card (1049498) (Image)

Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM
11104 Brief (cover) Ganzsache (Complete) Ansichtskarte (Picture postcard) image
Europe - East

1890/1940 (ca.), assortment of 52 covers/cards, comprising Russia/Soviet Union, Montenegro (stationery card uncut block of four used!), Serbia, Czechoslovakia, Poland, Bulgaria, Latvia, Lithuania, Hungary, Yugoslavia, incl. ppc, (uprated) stationeries, registered mail, etc. A good source of postal history!

Condition: Cover/postal stationery/Picture Post Card (1029322) (Image) (image1) (image2) (image3) (image4) (image5) (All Scans)


SOLD for €180.00
Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM
11105 postfrisch (never hinged) ** ungebraucht (hinged) * gestempelt (marked) image
Europe - East

1937/1984, Dublettenposten mit ca. 160 Blocks,, dabei auch ungezähnte, von CSSR, UDSSR, Rumänien, Albanien und Bulgarien, meist postfrisch, hoher Kat.wert

Condition: ** (mint never hinged)/* (mint hinged)/o (used) (1047766) (Image)

Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM
11106 gestempelt (marked) postfrisch (never hinged) ** image
Europe - East

1881/1970 (ca.), collection on pages - almost exclusively used - with Bulgaria, Poland, very nice part Russia and Soviet Union, Czechoslovakia, Romania and Hungary old to new. Please view.

Condition: o (used)/** (mint never hinged)
This lot is "Gebotslos". The Minimum Bid is 20 €, it will be sold at the HIGHEST BID (not one bidding step above the second highest bid). (1028471) (Image) (image1) (image2) (image3) (image4) (image5) (image6) (image7) (image8) (image9) (image10) (All Scans)


SOLD for €40.00
Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM
11107 ungebraucht ohne Gummi (unused without gum) (*) postfrisch (never hinged) ** Ganzsache (Complete) Brief (cover) Ansichtskarte (Picture postcard) FDC image
Europe - East

1895 - 1956, lot of 20 covers, picture postcard and postal stationery, with ALBANIA, SERBIA, MONTENEGRO and EX-YUGOSLAVIA with parcel cards, FDC, special cancellations, booklet to JUFIZ III Zagreb 1956 etc. ÷ 1895 - 1956, Posten von 20 Briefe, Ansichtskarte und Ganzsachen, dabei ALBANIEN, SERBIEN, MONTENEGRO und EX-JUGOSLAWIEN mit Paketkarten, FDC, Sonderstempel, Booklet zur JUFIZ III Zagreb 1956 usw.

Condition: (*) (mint without gum)/** (mint never hinged)/postal stationery/Cover/Picture Post Card/FDC
This lot is "Gebotslos". The Minimum Bid is 20 €, it will be sold at the HIGHEST BID (not one bidding step above the second highest bid). (1029306) (Image)

SOLD for €90.00
Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM
11108 gestempelt (marked) ungebraucht (hinged) * postfrisch (never hinged) ** image
Europe - West

1850/2011 (approx.), collection of mostly western and southwestern European countries in thick stockbook including sets and values of Belgium, the Netherlands (and colonies such as the Dutch East Indies), Luxembourg, Spain (and colonies such as Antilles, Cuba and the Philippines), and Portugal (including colonies), mostly used, some also MH and MNH.

Condition: o (used)/* (mint hinged)/** (mint never hinged)
Value Add Taxes will be added to the hammer price and the buyers premium. (1047163) (Image) (image1) (image2) (image3) (image4) (image5) (image6) (image7) (image8) (All Scans)


SOLD for €400.00
Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM
11109 Brief (cover) Ansichtskarte (Picture postcard) image
Europe - West

1814/1990, Briefe und Belegeposten Europa-West ab Vorphila ohne Deutschland, meist England, Frankreich, Spanien und mehr. Über 170 Belege

Condition: Cover/Picture Post Card (1049304) (Image) (image1) (image2) (All Scans)


Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM
11110 image
Europe - West

Teilsammlungen Frankreich, Belgien, Luxemburg, Cept, Vatikan, Niederlande auf Vordruckblättern, teils in Alben, meist Leuchtturm.
Value Add Taxes will be added to the hammer price and the buyers premium. (1039311) (Image) (image1) (image2) (All Scans)


SOLD for €150.00
Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM
11111 Brief (cover) Ganzsache (Complete) postfrisch (never hinged) ** gestempelt (marked) image
Europe - West

1859-modern: 27 covers and postcards plus some stamps from Austria, France, Germany, Monaco and Switzerland.

Condition: Cover/postal stationery/** (mint never hinged)/o (used) (1034205) (Image) (image1) (image2) (image3) (All Scans)


Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM
11112 postfrisch (never hinged) ** gestempelt (marked) image
Europe - West

1955/2004, kleine Schachtel mit hunderten, überwiegend postfrischen Markenheftchen, dabei einige H-Blätter, der Hauptanteil sind deutsche MH, dabei auch DDR Nr. 1 gesehen

Condition: ** (mint never hinged)/o (used)
Value Add Taxes will be added to the hammer price and the buyers premium. (1046437) (Image)

Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM
11113 gestempelt (marked) FDC image
Europe - West

1958/83 (ca.), kleiner Posten mit gestempelter Sammlung Belgien 1964 bis 1983, sauber untergebracht im Schaubeck-Vordruckalbum, dazu FDC von 1980 bis 84 im Briefealbum sowie Österreich FDC-Sammlung aus den Jahren 1958 bis 65(teils mehrfach) in zwei großen Leuchtturm-Alben und Schweiz Ersttagsblätter aus den Jahren 1965 bis 73.

Condition: o (used)/FDC (1050082) (Image)

Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM
Lot Symbol Catalog No. Descrip Opening
11114 postfrisch (never hinged) ** image
Europe - CEPT

1956-2008, Highly attractive collection of CEPT stamps in 10 LINDNER album volumes, all MNH, also comprising a range of sheets such as much wanted "Liechtenstein 1960" issue in full sheet. This lot could be your set-off to continue this nice topical collection

Condition: ** (mint never hinged) (1041724) (Image)

SOLD for €540.00
Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM
11115 postfrisch (never hinged) ** image
Europe - CEPT

1956/2001, in den Hauptnummern augenscheinlich komplette postfrische Sammlung der Gemeinschaftsausgaben in sieben Leuchtturm-Falzlos-Vordruckalben, zusätzlich auch Mitläufer gesammelt.

Condition: ** (mint never hinged) (1048541) (Image)

SOLD for €225.00
Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM
11116 postfrisch (never hinged) ** BF 18a (Mi. Bl. 16 U) image
Europe - CEPT

1980, Monaco - Europa Cept, imperforate souvenir sheet, ten pieces MNH. Yvert BF 18a (10), 5.400,- €.

Condition: ** (mint never hinged)

Catalog number(s): BF 18a (Mi. Bl. 16 U) (1050177) (Image)

Get Market Data for [Worldwide BF 18a (Mi. Bl. 16 U)] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census

SOLD for €160.00
Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM
11117 postfrisch (never hinged) ** gestempelt (marked) Brief (cover) FDC image
Europe - CEPT

1956/1990 (ca.), extensive estate with collections/accumulations in 10 form-text-albums as well as 10 stockbooks and folders offering MNH and used stamps from the forerunners and better early issues to KSZE, sympathy issues etc. Then a good part covers, F.D.C. and other entires. Huge retail value.

Condition: ** (mint never hinged)/o (used)/Cover/FDC (1037129) (Image)

Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM
11118 postfrisch (never hinged) ** BF 41a (Mi. Bl. 39 U) image
Europe - CEPT

1988, Monaco - Europa Cept, imperforate souvenir sheet, ten pieces MNH. Yvert BF 41a (10), 4.650,- €.

Condition: ** (mint never hinged)

Catalog number(s): BF 41a (Mi. Bl. 39 U) (1050187) (Image)

Get Market Data for [Worldwide BF 41a (Mi. Bl. 39 U)] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census

SOLD for €120.00
Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM
11119 postfrisch (never hinged) ** BF 57a (Mi. Bl. 55 U) image
Europe - CEPT

1992, Monaco - Europa Cept, imperforate souvenir sheet, ten pieces MNH. Yvert BF 57a (10), 3.500,- €.

Condition: ** (mint never hinged)

Catalog number(s): BF 57a (Mi. Bl. 55 U) (1050233) (Image)

Get Market Data for [Worldwide BF 57a (Mi. Bl. 55 U)] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census

SOLD for €135.00
Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM

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