France continued...
Lot |
Symbol |
Catalog No. |
Descrip |
Opening |
10160 |
gestempelt (marked) postfrisch (never hinged) ** |
1937/1951, two souvenir sheets: France 1937 Pexip sheet neatly postmarked (on stamps), full original gum (corner creases); and Switzerland 1951 Lunaba sheet mint never
Condition: o (used)/** (mint never hinged) (1038562) (Image) (image1)
(All Scans)
Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM |
10161 |
postfrisch (never hinged) ** |
1940/1959, a decent MNH collection in a Lindner album (plus some on stockpages), apparently complete, also some WWII issues incl. Polar Bear souvenir sheet.
Condition: ** (mint never hinged) (1045003) (Image) (image1)
(All Scans)
SOLD for €280.00
Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM |
10162 |
postfrisch (never hinged) ** |
1944/1964, saubere postfrische Teilsammlung mit vielen kompletten Ausgaben, teils mit Dubletten, in 2 E-Büchern, Mi. n.A.d.E. ca. 3400.-
Condition: ** (mint never
hinged) (1036606) (Image)
Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM |
10163 |
postfrisch (never hinged) ** |
1944/1970 KABE preprinted album, starting with the 1944 Arc de Triumpf definitives mnh, many gaps before 1957
Condition: ** (mint never hinged) Value Add Taxes
will be added to the hammer price and the buyers premium. (1037986) (Image) (image1)
(All Scans)
Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM |
10164 |
postfrisch (never hinged) ** |
1945-2001 Mint never hinged collection in four Safe binders, obviously more than complete with many good issues like 1962 'Gallic rooster' (signed Calves) and 1989
Philesfrance souvenir sheet both on fluorescent paper and others. An almost fine and clean collection with a Michel cat. value of about €5,000.
Condition: ** (mint never hinged) (1043894) (Image) (image1)
(All Scans)

SOLD for €450.00
Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM |
10165 |
postfrisch (never hinged) ** |
2000-2007 Personalized stamps: Comprehensive mint stock of those stamps from Mi.-Nr. 3505 up to 2007, including self-adhesives (also with some scarce 'Marianne' issues as
Mi. 4123 I (Mi. €1000), m/s of Mi. 4235 (€1000)), other miniature sheets etc. The catalogue value was calculated by the collector to Michel €13,784.
Condition: ** (mint never hinged) (1043891) (Image)
SOLD for €1,450.00
Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM |
10166 |
postfrisch (never hinged) ** |
2001 ff.: More than 190 special editions (Souvenir philatelique), mostly original closed by French post, with some duplication, with a good face value.
Condition: **
(mint never hinged) (1043817) (Image)
SOLD for €240.00
Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM |
10167 |
postfrisch (never hinged) ** |
2002-2010 Mint never hinged collection in 4 binders, with all souvenir sheets, personalized issues and booklets, with all the better issues, many issues are double, few in
larger quantities. The Michel catalogue value shall be near to €5,000.
Condition: ** (mint never hinged) (1043911) (Image)
SOLD for €750.00
Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM |
10168 |
postfrisch (never hinged) ** |
2005-2011: 47 complete sheets plius 2 part sheets of self-adhesive stamps ex Mi. 3911/5237 including the 'Valentine's Day' 2005 issue with 2 sheets without inscr. "La Poste"
and the similar 2007 issue. Face value shout be more than €1,800
Condition: ** (mint never hinged) (1043818) (Image)
SOLD for €680.00
Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM |
10169 |
postfrisch (never hinged) ** |
2011-2020 Mint never hinged collection in 5 binders, with all souvenir sheets, personalized issues and booklets, with the good issues 'Trésors de la Philatelie' and
'Patrimoine de France' incl. the "Marianne de l'Europe" (2012) and many others. The Michel catalogue value shall be near to €10,000.
Condition: ** (mint never hinged) (1043914) (Image)
SOLD for €1,550.00
Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM |
10170 |
postfrisch (never hinged) ** |
2012 Präsentationsbuch der Edition "Marianne & L'Europe" aus der Sammlung Étoiles d'Or mit 15 nummerierten Blättern, darunter jeweils 4 "Marianne" von Beaujard im
Tiefdruckverfahren, darunter eine Marianne in einem Sonderformat mit Vergoldung und Prägung.
Diese auf 6.000 Exemplare limitierte nummerierte Serie wurde nur im Salon Planète Timbres 2012 am Samstag, dem 9. Juni 2012, zwischen 10 und 17 Uhr
verkauft. Zu diesem Zeitpunkt wurde das Produkt definitiv als ausverkauft angekündigt!
Das Format der Blocks beträgt 146 x 210 mm auf gummiertem Papier, der Druck erfolgt im Tiefdruckverfahren. Jeder Block enthält 4 Marianne im Tiefdruck:
3 Marianne im klassischen Format (20 x 26 mm) und 1 völlig ungewöhnliche Marianne (bekannt als "Maxi Marianne"), deren Format dreimal größer ist als das Normalformat, also 60 x 78 mm! Beachten Sie, dass die gelben Sterne auf jedem Blatt geprägt
und heißvergoldet sind. Dazu noch die Ausgabe 'Segelschiffe' von 2008 in Buchform.
Condition: ** (mint never hinged) (1043824)
SOLD for €110.00
Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM |
10171 |
Brief (cover) Ganzsache (Complete) Briefstück (on piece) |
Kleiner Karton mit einigen hundert Briefen, Karten und Ganzsachen und wenigen Briefvorderseiten von Vorphila bis in die Moderne, dazu noch einige andere europäische
Condition: Cover/postal stationery/on piece (1044537) (Image) (image1)
(All Scans)
SOLD for €90.00
Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM |
10172 |
Brief (cover) |
appr. 950 covers apparently after 1945 (old starting price 100 Euro)
Condition: Cover (1037627) (Image) (image1)
(All Scans)
SOLD for €75.00
Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM |
10173 |
postfrisch (never hinged) ** |
 France - booklets
1926-modern: Collection of more than 170 booklets, from 1926 'Semeuse' 20c, with all the Red Cross booklets from 1952, up to modern with cover varieties and
types, plus some modern 'Marianne' issues incl. self-adhesives, plus some from French overseas. A fine collection with also a good face value.
Condition: ** (mint never hinged) (1043835) (Image) (image1)
(All Scans)
SOLD for €270.00
Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM |
10174 |
postfrisch (never hinged) ** gestempelt (marked) |
 France - booklets
1952/2003, comprehensive balance of MNH resp. c.t.o. booklets, mainly Red Cross incl. four copies of 1952 booklet.
Condition: ** (mint never hinged)/o
(used) (1045013) (Image)
SOLD for €400.00
Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM |
10175 |
postfrisch (never hinged) ** |
 France - ATM
1981, early designs, specialised assortment of 24 labels, various imprints, values/rates and machines, e.g. LSA06-94022 1.40fr. LETTRE, etc.
Condition: **
(mint never hinged) (1041590) (Image)
(All Scans)

Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM |
10176 |
postfrisch (never hinged) ** gestempelt (marked) |
 France - ATM
1981/2002, comprehensive and well sorted MNH and used collection of apprx. 1.570 machine labels, showing also a great range of 1980s issues incl. complete sets,
specialities like test labels, accounting labels, empty fields, etc.
Condition: ** (mint never hinged)/o (used) (1022102) (Image) (image1)
(All Scans)
Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM |
10177 |
postfrisch (never hinged) ** |
 France - ATM
1982/1992, Design "Dove", balance/collection of apprx. 185 labels showing a great range of imprints (various colours), values/rates, receipts, test labels, varieties,
Condition: ** (mint never hinged) (1041589) (Image) (image1)
(All Scans)
Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM |
10178 |
postfrisch (never hinged) ** Brief (cover) |
 France - ATM
1982/2013, extraordinary specialised collection of apprx. 1.166 MNH machine labels (plus 30 covers), well collected throughout with many interesting and better issues,
complete sets (like Michel nos. 3.1.2 ZS, 3.4.1 ZS) etc. Very rarely seen in that comprehensiveness, excellent opportunity!
Condition: ** (mint never hinged)/Cover (1041555) (Image) (image1)
(All Scans)
Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM |
10179 |
postfrisch (never hinged) ** |
 France - ATM
1988/1999, Design "Comet", balance/collection of 74 labels showing a nice range of imprints (various colours), values/rates, receipts, test labels, varieties,
Condition: ** (mint never hinged) (1041593) (Image) (image1)
(All Scans)
Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM |
10180 |
postfrisch (never hinged) ** gestempelt (marked) |
 France - ATM
1990, Design "Birds" deep blue, comprehensive balance/collection of apprx. 660 labels showing a great range of imprints (various colours), values/rates, receipts
(various languages), test labels, varieties/misprints, etc. Rarely seen in that volume and detail.
Condition: ** (mint never hinged)/o (used) (1041552) (Image) (image1)
(All Scans)
Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM |
10181 |
postfrisch (never hinged) ** |
 France - ATM
1995/1999, Design "Birds" light blue, comprehensive balance/collection of apprx. 1.700 labels showing a great range of imprints (various colours), values/rates,
receipts (various languages), test labels, varieties/misprints, etc. Rarely seen in that volume and detail.
Condition: ** (mint never hinged) (1041554) (Image) (image1)
(All Scans)
Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM |
10182 |
postfrisch (never hinged) ** |
 France - ATM
2000/2001, Design "Paper Plane", comprehensive balance/collection of apprx. 950 labels showing a great range of imprints (various colours), values/rates, receipts
(various languages), test labels, varieties, etc. Rarely seen in that volume and detail.
Condition: ** (mint never hinged) (1041553)
(Image) (image1)
(All Scans)
Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM |
10183 |
postfrisch (never hinged) ** |
 France - ATM
2000/2013, various designs, collection of apprx. 220 labels showing a nice range of imprints (various colours), values/rates, receipts (various languages),
Condition: ** (mint never hinged) (1041549) (Image) (image1)
(All Scans)
Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM |
10184 |
gestempelt (marked) ungebraucht (hinged) * |
 French Post in China
1894/1919, collection on six stock pages, starting from the early issues of the French PO in China, and also including Indochina issues opt. Canton, Hoihao,
Mongtseu, Pakhoi, Tchongking, Kouangtcheouwan, and Yunnanfou, mostly used, some also mint.
Condition: o (used)/* (mint hinged) (1044854)
(Image) (image1)
(All Scans)
SOLD for €360.00
Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM |
10185 |
Brief (cover) |
 French post offices in the Levant
1860/1926, French Levant/Mediterranean/Ship Mail, lot of nine entires, slightly varied condition/usual postal wear, comprising e.g. ship c.d.s.
"SINAI" and "SIMOIS", 1867 Salonique letter, 1868 letter bearing Empire dentele 40c. orange "5079" Alexandrette, Paquebot markings, etc. A good lot of postal history, overall/mainly fine.
Condition: Cover (1036197) (Image) (image1)
(All Scans)
SOLD for €300.00
Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM |
10186 |
Ganzsache (Complete) |
 France - Postal stationery
1882/1947, assortment of apprx. 94 used+unused stationeries, comprising cards, letter cards, envelopes and wrappers, good section pneumatic mail, uprated
cards, pictorial cards, etc.
Condition: postal stationery (1043073) (Image) (image1)
(All Scans)
Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM |
10187 |
Ganzsache (Complete) |
K1/K40 ex |
 France - Postal stationery
1886/1940, collection of 35 different unused letter cards, incl. several better items, e.g. K5b, K23, K24, K27, K38a, etc. Michel cat.value 1.300,-
Condition: postal stationery
Catalog number(s): K1/K40 ex (1029671) (Image) (image1)
(All Scans)
Get Market Data for [France K1/K40 ex] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM |
10188 |
Ganzsache (Complete) |
 France - Postal stationery
1907/2022, collection of 93 International Reply Coupons from no. 1 postmarked "1.10.1907" (FIRST DAY worldwide!!), also colonial and military mail
issues, specimen, etc. Detailed inventory see www.
Condition: postal stationery (1049690) (Image) (image1)
(All Scans)

Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM |
10189 |
Ganzsache (Complete) |
 France - Postal stationery
1909/1998, collection of 100 International Reply Coupons.
Condition: postal stationery (1049664) (Image) (image1)
(All Scans)
Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM |
10190 |
Ganzsache (Complete) |
 France - Postal stationery
1923/1929, lot of nine different unused stationery cards incl. P39, P40, P41, P42, P44. Michel cat.value 1.131,- €.
Condition: postal stationery
(1029667) (Image) (image1)
(All Scans)
Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM |
10191 |
Ganzsache (Complete) |
 France - Postal stationery
1927/1956, collection of 46 different unused stationeries (mainly postal cards, few envelopes), incl. several better items, e.g. P35II, P46I, P47I, P48,
P50II, P80, P95, P101, P105, P106, P115A, etc. Michel cat.value 2.550,- €.
Condition: postal stationery (1029668) (Image) (image1)
(All Scans)
Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM |
10192 |
Ganzsache (Complete) |
P59/P64 |
 France - Postal stationery
1936, Pictorial Card 90c. red "REPUBLIQUE FRANCAISE" and imprint, lot of 33 different cards, mainly unused, few used.
Condition: postal
Catalog number(s): P59/P64 (1029666) (Image) (image1)
(All Scans)

Get Market Data for [France P59/P64] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM |
10193 |
Ganzsache (Complete) |
P66/P76 ex |
 France - Postal stationery
1936/1939, Pictorial Cards, collection of 47 different cards: Michel nos. P66 (all ten pictures), P68a (all five pictures), P68b (all five pictures), P69
(all five pictures), P70 (all five pictures), P71 (all five pictures), P72 (all five pictures), P73 (all five pictures), P75/76. All unused resp. c.t.o. with special event machine mark. Nice opportunity!
Condition: postal stationery
Catalog number(s): P66/P76 ex (1029664) (Image) (image1)
(All Scans)

Get Market Data for [France P66/P76 ex] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
SOLD for €170.00
Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM |
10194 |
Ganzsache (Complete) |
 France - Postal stationery
1970's: Collection of 17 Intern. Reply Coupons for postal schools incl. three imitations, each but one overprinted "SPECIMEN SANS VALEUR" (Specimen no
value), various types, mostly mint except one with Limoges 1972 datestamp. (Detailed listing attached.)
Condition: postal stationery (1027354)
(Image) (image1)
(All Scans)

Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM |
10195 |
Brief (cover) Ganzsache (Complete) |
 France - post marks
1840/1990 (ca.), STRASBOURG, assortment of apprx. 95 entires showing a nice range of (French+German) postmarks, incl. numerals, c.d.s., special event, slogan
and railway marks, etc.
Condition: Cover/postal stationery (1030270) (Image) (image1)
(All Scans)
SOLD for €80.00
Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM |
10196 |
Brief (cover) |
 France - post marks
1847/1862, "Bureau Français à Bâle", specialised collection of 24 letters on written up album pages (thereof three bearing French adhesives, others stampless),
all bearing red. French c.d.s. of Bâle P.O., showing mail from Switzerland to France and vice versa, France to Italy, incoming from Italy/Austria (incl. one Levant-Salonich), nice range of entry/transit marks, routes and ratings, etc.
Condition: Cover (1036000) (Image)
(All Scans)
Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM |
10197 |
ungebraucht (hinged) * |
 France - specialities
1900 "Exposition Universelle PARIS": Collection of about 130 Exhibition vignettes in different colours, mounted on pages - unusual.
Condition: * (mint
hinged) Value Add Taxes will be added to the hammer price and the buyers premium. (1047866) (Image) (image1)
(All Scans)

SOLD for €80.00
Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM |