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Stamps continued...

Lot Symbol Catalog No. Descrip Opening
9162 postfrisch (never hinged) ** Imperf. image

2000/2014. Collection containing 939 IMPERFORATE stamps and 34 IMPERFORATE souvenir sheets concerning various interesting topics like Fish (incl. s/s 796, 8 times!), Japanese art and other paintings, Indian chiefs, Birds, Olympics, Space, and some more. All stamps mint, never hinged. Listing enclosed. RARE. (Michel ex #4050/6869, ex s/s #700/796)

Condition: ** (mint never hinged)

Catalog number(s): Imperf. (1011156) (Image) (image1) (image2) (image3) (image4) (image5) (image6) (All Scans)


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Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM
9163 postfrisch (never hinged) ** Imperf. image

2000/2016. Collection containing 186 IMPERFORATE stamps (inclusive many s/s, m/s) concerning the interesting topics American Indian Chiefs, Railway, Space, Christmas, and many more. All stamps mint, never hinged. (Michel ex #4181/7339)

More picture are available at (Image) (image1) (image2) (image3) (image4) (image5) (image6) (image7) (image8) (image9) (image10) (image11) (image12) (image13) (image14) (image15) (image16) (image17) (image18) (image19) (image20) (image21) (image22) (image23) (image24) (image25) (image26) (image27) (image28) (image29) (image30) (image31) (image32) (image33) (image34) (image35) (image36) (image37) (image38) (image39) (image40) (image41) (image42) (image43) (image44) (image45) (image46) (image47) (image48) (image49) (image50) (image51) (image52) (image53) (All Scans)


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Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM
9164 postfrisch (never hinged) ** Imperf. image

2000/2009, CARRIACOU. Collection containing 71 IMPERFORATE stamps (inclusive some s/s and m/s) concerning the interesting topics Music, Olympics, Painting, and some more. All stamps mint, never hinged. (Michel ex #3172/4511)

Condition: ** (mint never hinged)

Catalog number(s): Imperf. (1012177) (Image) (image1) (image2) (image3) (image4) (image5) (image6) (image7) (image8) (image9) (image10) (image11) (image12) (image13) (image14) (image15) (image16) (image17) (image18) (image19) (image20) (image21) (image22) (image23) (image24) (image25) (image26) (image27) (image28) (image29) (image30) (image31) (image32) (image33) (image34) (image35) (image36) (image37) (image38) (image39) (image40) (image41) (image42) (All Scans)


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Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM
9165 postfrisch (never hinged) ** Imperf. image

2000/2009. Collection containing 680 IMPERFORATE stamps and 31 IMPERFORATE souvenir sheets concerning various interesting topics like Butterflies, Mushrooms, Space, Elvis Presley, Paintings (Japanese art et al), Rice cultivation, Sports, and some more. All stamps mint, never hinged. Listing enclosed. RARE. (Michel ex #3176/4511, ex s/s #469/630)

Condition: ** (mint never hinged)

Catalog number(s): Imperf. (1011096) (Image) (image1) (image2) (image3) (image4) (image5) (image6) (image7) (image8) (image9) (image10) (image11) (All Scans)


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Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM
Lot Symbol Catalog No. Descrip Opening
9166 Ganzsache (Complete) image
Guatemala - postal stationery

1892/1901, lot of twelve (mainly commercially) used stationeries with eight postal cards, two double cards and two uprated envelopes.

Condition: postal stationery (1040013) (Image) (image1) (image2) (image3) (image4) (image5) (image6) (image7) (image8) (image9) (image10) (image11) (All Scans)


Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM
Lot Symbol Catalog No. Descrip Opening
9167 postfrisch (never hinged) ** 37/41 image

1960, National Health Service, 20fr.-100fr., 1.250 complete set of six stamps, in sheets, mint never hinged. Michel no. 37/41 (1250), 13.750,- €.

Condition: ** (mint never hinged)

Catalog number(s): 37/41 (1039506) (Image)

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SOLD for €150.00
Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM
9168 postfrisch (never hinged) ** 947/953 image

1983, Centenary of Discovery of Tuberculosis Bacterium (Robert Koch), 6s.-25s., 480 complete set of six stamps, in sheets, mint never hinged. Michel no. 947/953 (480), 11.520,- €.

Condition: ** (mint never hinged)

Catalog number(s): 947/953 (1039508) (Image)

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SOLD for €100.00
Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM
Lot Symbol Catalog No. Descrip Opening
9169 postfrisch (never hinged) ** Imperf. image

2000/2001. Collection in album containing 215 IMPERFORATE stamps (inclusive s/s and m/s). Many nice motifs. All stamps mint, never hinged. (Michel ex #6805/9802)

Condition: ** (mint never hinged)

Catalog number(s): Imperf. (1012974) (Image)

Get Market Data for [Guyana Imperf.] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census

Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM
9170 postfrisch (never hinged) ** Imperf. image

2000/2003. Collection containing 39 IMPERFORATE stamps (inclusive s/s, m/s, gutter pairs) concerning the interesting topics Theatre, Painting, Einstein, Railway, and some more. All stamps mint, never hinged. (Michel ex #6972/7620)

Condition: ** (mint never hinged)

Catalog number(s): Imperf. (1012207) (Image) (image1) (image2) (image3) (image4) (image5) (image6) (image7) (image8) (image9) (image10) (image11) (image12) (image13) (image14) (image15) (image16) (image17) (image18) (image19) (image20) (image21) (image22) (image23) (image24) (image25) (All Scans)


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Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM
9171 postfrisch (never hinged) ** Imperf. image

2000/2010. Collection containing 1091 IMPERFORATE stamps and 8 IMPERFORATE souvenir sheets concerning various interesting topics like Butterflies, Christmas, Japanese art, Paintings, Flowers, and some more. All stamps mint, never hinged. Listing enclosed. RARE. (Michel ex #6972/8064, s/s ex #772/773)

Condition: ** (mint never hinged)

Catalog number(s): Imperf. (1011229) (Image) (image1) (image2) (image3) (image4) (image5) (image6) (image7) (All Scans)


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Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM
9172 postfrisch (never hinged) ** Imperf. image

2001/2004. Collection containing 89 IMPERFORATE stamps (inclusive m/s) concerning the interesting topics Mountains, and Painting (Japanese arts). All stamps mint, never hinged. (Michel ex #7199/7684)

Condition: ** (mint never hinged)

Catalog number(s): Imperf. (1011771) (Image) (image1) (image2) (All Scans)


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Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM
9173 postfrisch (never hinged) ** 7643/8064 image

2004/2009, MNH IMPERFORATE COLLECTION, collection of 126 stamps and 17 souvenir sheets, incl. attractive thematic issues.

Condition: ** (mint never hinged)

Catalog number(s): 7643/8064 (701872) (Image) (image1) (image2) (image3) (All Scans)


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Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM
Lot Symbol Catalog No. Descrip Opening
9174 Brief (cover) Ganzsache (Complete) Ansichtskarte (Picture postcard) image

1854/1943, lot of eleven covers/cards, e.g. 1854 missionary letter to Oahu (according to enclosed description written at Ponape by Halsey&Louisa and sent via San Francisco), stationery card UX1 sent from Kaunakakai to Honolulu, 1902 uprated US stationery envelope from Waialua to Java, Sc. #35 on cover from Kawaihae to Lahaina, Maui, Sc. #77 pair on registered cover to Funchal/Madeira, two incoming mail (GB and French Oceania), also two ppc written at Pago Pago Samoa (one sent from there, other posted at Honolulu). A lovely lot of postal history!

Condition: Cover/postal stationery/Picture Post Card (1047523) (Image) (image1) (image2) (image3) (image4) (image5) (image6) (image7) (image8) (image9) (image10) (All Scans)


SOLD for €750.00
Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM
9175 Brief (cover) Ganzsache (Complete) Ansichtskarte (Picture postcard) image

1910/1950 (ca.), assortment of apprx. 69 covers/cards incl. a nice selection of ppc, registered, censored and airmail, cachets, etc.

Condition: Cover/postal stationery/Picture Post Card (1007780) (Image) (image1) (image2) (image3) (image4) (image5) (image6) (image7) (image8) (image9) (image10) (image11) (image12) (All Scans)


SOLD for €150.00
Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM
Lot Symbol Catalog No. Descrip Opening
9176 Ansichtskarte (Picture postcard) image

1899/1945 ca., PICTURE POSTCARDS of JAMAICA, remarkably varied collection of ca.150 mostly used picture postcards, comprising a vast array of different topographic views ranging from rather common material to rare and possibly unique realphoto postcards, further various ethnic & typical motifs, historic incidents, i.a. earthquake 1907 and other useful material. Also included are 10 postcards with stamps applied on the picture side. Additional philatelic values (stamps, varieties, postmarks) are unchecked but should be considered!

Condition: Picture Post Card (1045572) (Image) (image1) (image2) (image3) (image4) (image5) (image6) (image7) (image8) (image9) (image10) (image11) (All Scans)


SOLD for €240.00
Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM
9177 Brief (cover) image

1913/1974 ca., MACHINE and SLOGAN CANCELLATIONS, collection with ca.80 covers/cards, comprising early machine cancellations, 1930s 'PAQUEBOT' pmk, propaganda slogans WWII, various topics including tobacco (cigars), environment protection, tourism, royalty, exhibitions and other useful material.

Condition: Cover (1045574) (Image) (image1) (image2) (image3) (image4) (image5) (All Scans)


Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM
9178 Brief (cover) image

1923 from, REGISTRATION LABELS of JAMAICA, very comprehensive and almost complete collection with more than 1000 different registration labels and ca.100 registered covers housed in a ring-binder. The labels are sorted by alphabet from ADELPHI to YORK PEN and furthermore subdivided into different types according to the appropriate philatelic literature. Included are labels with various perforations, printed or manuscript inscriptions.
Very rarely offered in such detail and quantities. Highly recommended and substantial postal history source for advanced collectors!

Condition: Cover (1045573) (Image) (image1) (image2) (image3) (image4) (image5) (All Scans)


SOLD for €135.00
Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM
9179 Brief (cover) image

1945/1965 ca., DOUBLE CIRCLE - BIRMINGHAM TYPE - POSTMARKS of JAMAICA, comprehensive collection with ca.250 covers housed in two Scott albums, comprising an attractive array of different postmarks - sorted by alphabet from ALBERT TOWN to WINDWARD. Included are (due to the late introduction) many postmarks from smaller places and newly opened post offices.
Also included are numerous registered covers with appropriate registration labels.
Highly recommended and rarely presented section of KGVI/QEII era Jamaican postal history.

Condition: Cover (1045571) (Image) (image1) (image2) (image3) (image4) (image5) (All Scans)


Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM
9180 Brief (cover) image

1955/1975 ca., SINGLE CIRCLE - QEII ERA - POSTMARKS of JAMAICA, interesting collection with ca.130 covers together with hundreds of stamps on fragments housed in a large Scott album. The collection is sorted by alphabet from ABERDEEN to YALLAHS, focused on presenting the reintroduction of single circle postmarks in the QEII era. Included are (due to the late introduction) many postmarks from smaller places and newly opened post offices. Rarely presented section of QEII era Jamaican postal history.

Condition: Cover (1045575) (Image) (image1) (All Scans)


Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM
9181 postfrisch (never hinged) ** Imperf. image

1995/2008. Collection containing 1811 IMPERFORATE stamps (inclusive some s/s, gutter pairs and cross gutter pairs) concerning interesting topics like Flowers, Maritime History of Jamaica, Mary Seacole, Olympic Games, Airplanes, Wild Birds, and some more. All stamps mint, never hinged. (Michel ex #902/1153, s/s #42, 45, 56)

Condition: ** (mint never hinged)

Catalog number(s): Imperf. (1011854) (Image) (image1) (image2) (image3) (image4) (image5) (image6) (image7) (image8) (image9) (image10) (image11) (image12) (image13) (All Scans)


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Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM
9182 postfrisch (never hinged) ** Imperf. image

1995/2016. Collection containing 10131 IMPERFORATE stamps and 109 IMPERFORATE souvenir sheets concerning various interesting topics like Olympia, Birds, Lighthouses, Christmas, UPU, Airplanes, and some more. All stamps mint, never hinged. Listing enclosed. RARE. (Michel ex #852/1196, s/s ex #42/64)

Condition: ** (mint never hinged)

Catalog number(s): Imperf. (1011299) (Image) (image1) (image2) (image3) (image4) (image5) (image6) (image7) (image8) (image9) (image10) (All Scans)


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Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM
9183 Ganzsache (Complete) image

1877/1970 ca., POSTAL STATIONERY CARDS of JAMAICA, comprehensive and largely complete collection with 125 postcards (82 unused, 43 used), comprising an attractive and valuable array of interesting items. The collection is starting with a remarkable assembly of 28 'JAMAICA PAID' circles in different types & denominations, i.a. one example of the very scarce H&G2 used from Manchioneal to Kinston (one corner reattached), H&G4 used in Kingston with 'UNCLAIMED' and 'RETURNED LETTER' pmk, furthermore 1d blue QV psc uprated for commercial registered usage from Kingston to Austria, surcharged provisional postcards H&G16 & H&G22 used each and plenty of other useful material from era KEVII to QEII. Also enclosed are 3 postcards with ovp 'SPECIMEN'. Recommended collection & treasure trove - untouched for decades

Condition: postal stationery (1045570) (Image) (image1) (image2) (image3) (image4) (image5) (All Scans)


Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM
9184 Ganzsache (Complete) image

1891/1950, collection of 15 (mainly commercially) used stationeries (13 postal cards and two wrappers), comprising e.g. double card PC13, three message/reply halfs incl. 1½d. grey to Cologne and redirected to Luxembourg (rare destination), etc.

Condition: postal stationery (1039993) (Image) (image1) (image2) (image3) (All Scans)


Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM
Virgin Islands
Lot Symbol Catalog No. Descrip Opening
9185 postfrisch (never hinged) ** 1055/1203 Imperf. image
Virgin Islands

2002/2009, MNH IMPERFORATE COLLECTION, collection of 78 stamps and five souvenir sheets, incl. attractive thematic issues.

Condition: ** (mint never hinged)

Catalog number(s): 1055/1203 Imperf. (897117) (Image)

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Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM
9186 postfrisch (never hinged) ** image
Virgin Islands

2003/2009, MNH IMPERFORATE COLLECTION, collection of 60 stamps and four souvenir sheets, incl. attractive thematic issues.

Condition: ** (mint never hinged) (701936) (Image)

Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM
Cayman Islands
Lot Symbol Catalog No. Descrip Opening
9187 postfrisch (never hinged) ** ex 115 - 175 image
Cayman Islands

1938/1962 1938 ¼d - 10 S (14 values), 1950 ¼d - 10 S (13 values) and 1952 ¼d - 1 £ (15 values, 2 sets), all mnh.

Condition: ** (mint never hinged)

Catalog number(s): ex SG 115 - 175 (1032823) (Image)

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Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM
9188 postfrisch (never hinged) ** 953/64 Imperf. image
Cayman Islands

2003. Lot with 44 IMPERFORATE sets '500th anniversary of the discovery of the Cayman Islands' (12 values each) showing some scenes concerning 'Flora and Fauna', 'Trade and Development', 'Art and Culture', and 'History and Politics'. Various units. MNH. In all 528 imperforate stamps.

Condition: ** (mint never hinged)

Catalog number(s): 953/64 Imperf. (984354) (Image) (image1) (All Scans)


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Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM
Brit Eastafrica
Lot Symbol Catalog No. Descrip Opening
9189 Brief (cover) Briefstück (on piece) gestempelt (marked) ungebraucht ohne Gummi (unused without gum) (*) image
Kenia (British East Africa)

1960/1969, Postmarks of Kenya-KUT, collection of loose stamps an covers on 33 album pages, nice range incl. smaller towns.

Condition: Cover/on piece/o (used)/(*) (mint without gum) (1044114) (Image) (image1) (image2) (image3) (image4) (image5) (All Scans)


Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM
Lot Symbol Catalog No. Descrip Opening
9190 postfrisch (never hinged) ** 880/1147 Imperf. image

2002/2009, MNH IMPERFORATE COLLECTION, collection of 68 stamps and five souvenir sheets, incl. attractive thematic issues.

Condition: ** (mint never hinged)

Catalog number(s): 880/1147 Imperf. (896955) (Image)

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Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM
Lot Symbol Catalog No. Descrip Opening
9191 gestempelt (marked) ungebraucht (hinged) * postfrisch (never hinged) ** Brief (cover) image

1860's-1960's (c.): Mint and used stamps and souvenir sheets plus some covers in six stockbooks/album, with many multiples, varieties etc., and some Department stamps from Antioquia to Tolima.

Condition: o (used)/* (mint hinged)/** (mint never hinged)/Cover (1045373) (Image) (image1) (image2) (All Scans)


SOLD for €190.00
Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM
9192 Ganzsache (Complete) image
Columbia - Postal Stationary

1948/2018, collection of 14 International Reply Coupons. Inventory see www.

Condition: postal stationery (1049625) (Image)

Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM
Leeward Islands
Lot Symbol Catalog No. Descrip Opening
9193 Ganzsache (Complete) image
Leeward Islands - postal stationery

1893/1901, lot of eight commercially used stationeries with seven postal cards with message and one wrapper, nice range of postmarks incl. Antigua, St.Kitts, Montserrat.

Condition: postal stationery (1039992) (Image) (image1) (image2) (image3) (image4) (image5) (image6) (image7) (All Scans)


Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM
Lot Symbol Catalog No. Descrip Opening
9194 postfrisch (never hinged) ** ungebraucht (hinged) * gestempelt (marked) FDC image

1933/2000 (ca), Basutoland & Lesotho: Comprehensive stock of mint as well as used stamps and souvenir sheets in 7 stockbooks and two cover albums, with various perforations and types, multiples, marginals, se-tenants, a special section overprints (1980's) incl. varieties etc. including good issues like Basutoland sets mint and used, and others, plus some FDCs. A scarce offer, especially of the Basutoland issues and Lesotho from 1990 onwards.

Condition: ** (mint never hinged)/* (mint hinged)/o (used)/FDC
Value Add Taxes will be added to the hammer price and the buyers premium. (1041715) (Image) (image1) (image2) (image3) (All Scans)


SOLD for €700.00
Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM
Lot Symbol Catalog No. Descrip Opening
9195 postfrisch (never hinged) ** Imperf. image

2001/2010. Collection containing 573 IMPERFORATE stamps and 64 IMPERFORATE souvenir sheets concerning various interesting topics like Olympic Games, Paintings (Picasso et al), Christmas, Politics (Obama, Biden), Clowns, and some more. All stamps mint, never hinged. Listing enclosed. RARE. (Michel ex #4458/5642, s/s ex #287/579)

Condition: ** (mint never hinged)

Catalog number(s): Imperf. (1010828) (Image) (image1) (All Scans)


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Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM
9196 postfrisch (never hinged) ** Imperf. image

2003/2009. Collection containing 44 IMPERFORATE stamps (inclusive s/s, gutter pairs) concerning the interesting topics Poets, Painting, Music, Theatre, and some more. All stamps mint, never hinged. (Michel ex #4809/5346)

Condition: ** (mint never hinged)

Catalog number(s): Imperf. (1012458) (Image) (image1) (image2) (image3) (image4) (image5) (image6) (image7) (image8) (image9) (image10) (image11) (image12) (image13) (image14) (image15) (image16) (image17) (image18) (image19) (image20) (image21) (image22) (image23) (image24) (image25) (image26) (image27) (All Scans)


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Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM
9197 postfrisch (never hinged) ** Imperf. image

From 2003 on. Collection in album containing 198 IMPERFORATE stamps (inclusive s/s and m/s). Many nice motifs. All stamps mint, never hinged. (Michel ex #4458/5682)

Condition: ** (mint never hinged)

Catalog number(s): Imperf. (1012963) (Image)

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Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM
9198 postfrisch (never hinged) ** Imperf. image

From 2003 on. Collection in album containing 292 IMPERFORATE stamps (inclusive s/s and m/s). Many nice motifs. All stamps mint, never hinged. (Michel ex #4458/6650)

Condition: ** (mint never hinged)

Catalog number(s): Imperf. (1012975) (Image)

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Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM
9199 postfrisch (never hinged) ** Imperf. image

2007/2009. Collection containing 40 IMPERFORATE stamps (inclusive some collective gutter pairs) concerning the very interesting topics Medicine, Birds, Orchids, Butterflies. All stamps mint, never hinged.

Condition: ** (mint never hinged)

Catalog number(s): Imperf. (1012048) (Image) (image1) (image2) (image3) (image4) (image5) (image6) (image7) (All Scans)


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Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM
Lot Symbol Catalog No. Descrip Opening
9200 postfrisch (never hinged) ** ungebraucht (hinged) * gestempelt (marked) Brief (cover) image

1951. provisional, Cyrenaica surcharged "LIBIA" and new value, study on the varieties of this issue with multiple, shifted overprints, setting errors, ...

Condition: ** (mint never hinged)/* (mint hinged)/o (used)/Cover (1037236) (Image) (image1) (image2) (image3) (image4) (image5) (image6) (All Scans)


Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM
9201 Brief (cover) image

1962/1973, assortment of apprx. 150 commercial covers (bank correspondence to Germany resp. window envelopes), many commemoratives.

Condition: Cover (1045652) (Image) (image1) (image2) (image3) (image4) (image5) (image6) (image7) (image8) (image9) (All Scans)


Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM

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