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Stamps continued...

Italy continued...
Lot Symbol Catalog No. Descrip Opening
8370 postfrisch (never hinged) ** 153/156, Sassone 123/126 image

1922, Philatelic congress in Trieste, complete set of four overprinted definitives, mint never hinged, certificate Dr. Avi.

Condition: ** (mint never hinged)

Catalog number(s): 153/156, Sassone 123/126
Value Add Taxes will be added to the hammer price and the buyers premium. (1047619) (Image) (image1) (image2) (All Scans)


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Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM
8371 gestempelt (marked) 161 - 164, Sassone 131/13 image

1923, " Propaganda Fide", complete set of four values, fine used.

Condition: o (used)

Catalog number(s): 161 - 164, Sassone 131/134 (1038909) (Image) (image1) (All Scans)


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Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM
8372 Brief (cover) 177-182, Sassone 141-146 image

1923, First anniversary of the March on Rome, 10 c - 5 L, complete set of six value tied by "ROMA 13 Mno GUERRA 27.10.23" (war ministry) to a card. Slight aging. Sassone 1000 €.

Condition: Cover

Catalog number(s): 177-182, Sassone 141-146 (1047022) (Image) (image1) (All Scans)


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Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM
8373 Briefstück (on piece) 183/185, Sassone 147/149 image

1923, National Militia, complete set of 3 values tied by cds "ROMA CENTRO 22.10.23" to piece (from a registered letter), signed Vignati.

Condition: on piece

Catalog number(s): 183/185, Sassone 147/149 (1037050) (Image) (image1) (All Scans)


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Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM
8374 Briefstück (on piece) Brief (cover) 183/185, Sassone 147/149 image

1923, "Black Shirts" / "Camicie Nere", complete set of three values tied to piece (signed Dr. Avi), in addition the 50 c value with additional franking on a printed matter envelope addressed for Chicago, USA.

Condition: on piece/Cover

Catalog number(s): 183/185, Sassone 147/149
Value Add Taxes will be added to the hammer price and the buyers premium. (1047622) (Image) (image1) (image2) (image3) (All Scans)


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Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM
8375 postfrisch (never hinged) ** 188/193 Sassone 151/156 image

1923, "Manzoni", complete mnh set of six values, certificate Dr. Avi

Condition: ** (mint never hinged)

Catalog number(s): 188/193 Sassone 151/156
Value Add Taxes will be added to the hammer price and the buyers premium. (1047626) (Image) (image1) (image2) (All Scans)


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Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM
8376 postfrisch (never hinged) ** 188/193 image

1923, Manzoni set, mint never hinged MNH, cert. Raybaudi (1989) for the 5 Lit. (Sassone 151/156)

Condition: ** (mint never hinged)

Catalog number(s): 188/193 (1020402) (Image) (image1) (image2) (All Scans)


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Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM
8377 ungebraucht (hinged) * postfrisch (never hinged) ** 188-93 image

1923 'Manzoni' complete set mint, lightly hinged incl. 10l. resp. never hinged.

Condition: * (mint hinged)/** (mint never hinged)

Catalog number(s): 188-93
Value Add Taxes will be added to the hammer price and the buyers premium. (1047506) (Image) (image1) (All Scans)


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Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM
8378 ungebraucht ohne Gummi (unused without gum) (*) 192U (4), Sassone 155d image

1923, 1 L Manzoni, mint without gum, IMPERFORATE block of four with sheet margins, decorative.

Condition: (*) (mint without gum)

Catalog number(s): 192U (4), Sassone 155d (1020635) (Image) (image1) (All Scans)


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Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM
8379 ungebraucht (hinged) * 193 image

1923, Manzoni 5lire lilac/black, fresh colours, slightly flat perfs at left otherwise well perforated, mint original gum previously hinged, without signature. Sass. 156.

Condition: * (mint hinged)

Catalog number(s): 193 (1039957) (Image) (image1) (All Scans)


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Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM
8380 ungebraucht (hinged) * 193 image

1923, Manzoni 5lire lilac/black, fresh colours and well perforated, mint original gum previously hinged, decentred, without signature. Sass. 156.

Condition: * (mint hinged)

Catalog number(s): 193 (1039960) (Image) (image1) (All Scans)


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Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM
8381 Brief (cover) 213, 83 (2) image

1925, Express stamp 2l. blue/red in combination with vertical pair Floreale 1l. brown/green on commercial express cover from "TORINO 11.6.25" to Berlin with transit and arrival marks 11.6.+13.6. (tube mail) on reverse, some postal wear as to be expected (Sass. E13, 77).

Condition: Cover

Catalog number(s): 213, 83 (2) (1021848) (Image) (image1) (All Scans)


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SOLD for €200.00
Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM
8382 Brief (cover) 213, 238 A (3) image

1925, Express stamp 2l. blue/red in combination with vertical strip of three St. Francis 1.25l. blue on commercial registered express cover (opened at three sides) from "GENOVA 6.9.26" to Aleppo/Syria with transit and arrival marks 6.9.+8.9.+10.9. on reverse, some postal wear as to be expected (Sass. E13, 199).

Condition: Cover

Catalog number(s): 213, 238 A (3) (1021850) (Image) (image1) (All Scans)


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Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM
8383 postfrisch (never hinged) ** 238 B, Sassone 196 image

1926, S. Francis, 1,25 L dark blue, perf 13½, mnh, cert. Dr. Avi.

Condition: ** (mint never hinged)

Catalog number(s): 238 B, Sassone 196
Value Add Taxes will be added to the hammer price and the buyers premium. (1047627) (Image) (image1) (image2) (All Scans)


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Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM
8384 Brief (cover) Sassone 226/27, 232, 236, image

1928/1932 "Filiberti" cover franked with four values of the 1928 Filiberti series addressed to Switzerland. In addition a letter, also addressed to Switzerland, with four values of the 1932 Garibaldi series including the better 1,75 L value.

Condition: Cover

Catalog number(s): Sassone 226/27, 232, 236, 322
Value Add Taxes will be added to the hammer price and the buyers premium. (1047630) (Image) (image1) (image2) (image3) (All Scans)


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Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM
8385 Brief (cover) 285, Sassone 230 image

1928, "Emanuelle Filiberti", 20 c brown and ultramarin with the RARE 13¾ perforation tied to a postal card.

Condition: Cover

Catalog number(s): 285, Sassone 230 (1047026) (Image) (image1) (All Scans)


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SOLD for €130.00
Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM
8386 ungebraucht (hinged) * 290 var, Sassone 235/I image

1928, "Emanuelle Filiberti", 1.25 L blue and black, with the RARE 13¾ line perforation, mint, signed Raybaudi.

Condition: * (mint hinged)

Catalog number(s): 290 var, Sassone 235/I (1047033) (Image) (image1) (All Scans)


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Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM
8387 postfrisch (never hinged) ** 439-444 image

1933, Graf Zeppelin, kpl., postfrisch, dazu Italienisch-Tripolitanien Nr. 190-195 postfrisch, Mi 255,-

Condition: ** (mint never hinged)

Catalog number(s): 439-444 (1048061) (Image) (image1) (image2) (image3) (All Scans)


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Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM
8388 Brief (cover) 439/444, Sassone PA 45/50 image

1933, Zeppelin 3 L - 20 L, six values on six cards/covers, mostly with additional frankings, flown with all relevant cachets/postal markings. Certificate Toselli.

Condition: Cover

Catalog number(s): 439/444, Sassone PA 45/50
Value Add Taxes will be added to the hammer price and the buyers premium. (1047649) (Image) (image1) (image2) (image3) (image4) (image5) (image6) (image7) (image8) (image9) (image10) (image11) (image12) (All Scans)


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Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM
8389 Brief (cover) 441, Sassone PA 47 image

1933, 10 L Zeppelin, two times with additional franking on cover with blue flight cachet on front and several transits/arrivals on reverse.

Condition: Cover

Catalog number(s): 441, Sassone PA 47
Value Add Taxes will be added to the hammer price and the buyers premium. (1047646) (Image) (image1) (All Scans)


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Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM
8390 postfrisch (never hinged) ** ungebraucht (hinged) * 445/446, Sassone PS 51/52 image

1933, eight different Balbo tripticon pairs, mnh or mint

Condition: ** (mint never hinged)/* (mint hinged)

Catalog number(s): 445/446, Sassone PS 51/52 (1047040) (Image) (image1) (image2) (image3) (All Scans)


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Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM
8391 gestempelt (marked) 445-446 image

1933, "Squadron Flight" 5.25L+19.75L ARAM and 5.25L+44.75L ARAM, both with part of "ROMA FERROVIA ..." datestamp. (Mi. €3500)

Condition: o (used)

Catalog number(s): 445-446 (1049402) (Image) (image1) (All Scans)


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SOLD for €270.00
Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM
8392 gestempelt (marked) 560 - 575, Sassone 406 - image

1937, "Summer colonies for Children", 10 c - 5 l commemoratives and 25 - 5 l air mails, complete set of 16 values, fine used, several signatures, Raybaudi certificates for three of the stamps.

Condition: o (used)

Catalog number(s): 560 - 575, Sassone 406 - 515., PA 100-105 (1037057) (Image) (image1) (image2) (image3) (image4) (All Scans)


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Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM
8393 postfrisch (never hinged) ** 633 var, Sassone 252 A fa image

1942, 1 L violet "Julius Cesar", mint with srongly shifted perforation in two directions, scarce, e.g. unknown in Sassone (this perforation shift is listed for other values of this series).

Condition: ** (mint never hinged)

Catalog number(s): 633 var, Sassone 252 A fa (1047035) (Image) (image1) (All Scans)


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SOLD for €120.00
Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM
8394 postfrisch (never hinged) ** 4er (Block) 646 var. image

1944, Rep.Sociale, Vitt.Emanuele 1.25l. blue, marginal block of four from the lower left corner of the sheet, showing albino impression of red fasces, mint never hinged, signed and certificate Raybaudi. CEI 64/A FI, 24.000,- €.

Condition: ** (mint never hinged)/block of four

Catalog number(s): 646 var. (1033333) (Image) (image1) (image2) (All Scans)


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Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM
8395 postfrisch (never hinged) ** 682/704, Sassone 543/65 image

1945/48, 10 c - 100 Lm 23 value "Demoratica", complete mnh set. Michel 100 E.

Condition: ** (mint never hinged)

Catalog number(s): 682/704, Sassone 543/65
Value Add Taxes will be added to the hammer price and the buyers premium. (1047677) (Image) (image1) (All Scans)


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Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM
8396 gestempelt (marked) Paar (few) 698 U, Sassone 559h image

1947, 10 L orange, used horizontal pair, IMPERFORATE. Certificate Dr. Avi.

Condition: o (used)/pair

Catalog number(s): 698 U, Sassone 559h
Value Add Taxes will be added to the hammer price and the buyers premium. (1047680) (Image) (image1) (image2) (All Scans)


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Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM
8397 postfrisch (never hinged) ** 748/760, Sassone 580/E32 image

1948, Risorgimento, 3 L - 100 L, 35 L, 13 values, mnh.

Condition: ** (mint never hinged)

Catalog number(s): 748/760, Sassone 580/E32
Value Add Taxes will be added to the hammer price and the buyers premium. (1047683) (Image) (image1) (All Scans)


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SOLD for €100.00
Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM
8398 postfrisch (never hinged) ** 834 var, Sassone 661 c image

1951, 5 L "International Gymastics Meeting at Florence", variety: the red lily strongly shifted to the left, mnh, signed E.Diena, Certificate Diena.

Condition: ** (mint never hinged)

Catalog number(s): 834 var, Sassone 661 c (1031841) (Image) (image1) (image2) (All Scans)


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Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM
8399 postfrisch (never hinged) ** 937 Probedruck image

1955, Italia turrita, Freimarkenausgabe 25 Lire violett als farbübersättigte Druckprobe auf Papier ohne Wasserzeichen, sauber gezähnt und tadellos postfrisch, laut Sassone vermutlich als Rollenend- bzw. Verbindungsstücke gedacht, Wert für die Katalognummer 769a dort 4.000 €.

Condition: ** (mint never hinged)

Catalog number(s): 937 Probedruck (963342) (Image) (image1) (All Scans)


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Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM
8400 postfrisch (never hinged) ** 955, Sassone 785 f image

1955, 100 L Siracusana, missing perforation at the right, certificate E. Diena.

Condition: ** (mint never hinged)

Catalog number(s): 955, Sassone 785 f (1034438) (Image) (image1) (image2) (All Scans)


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Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM
8401 postfrisch (never hinged) ** I (nach 1102), Sassone 92 image

1961, 205 L rose, the famous withdrawn "Gronchi rosa", mnh, signed A. Diena, certificate Dr. Avi.

Condition: ** (mint never hinged)

Catalog number(s): I (nach 1102), Sassone 921
Value Add Taxes will be added to the hammer price and the buyers premium. (1047686) (Image) (image1) (image2) (All Scans)


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Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM
8402 ungebraucht ohne Gummi (unused without gum) (*) Sassone 921 ristampe image

1961: "Gronchi rosa" official photolithographic reproduction on non-watermarked ungummed white paper, not perforated. 120 copies made by the ministerial philatelic office, which were gifted by Minister Giulio Orlando to the participants of a philatelistic meeting at EUR on November 28th, 1975. Signed Raybaudi and certificate Raybaudi (2020). ÷ 1961: "Gronchi rosa", riproduzione fotolithografica ufficiale su carta bianca non filigranata, non dentellate e non gommata. Si tratta di quattro dei 120 esemplari fatti eseguire a cura dell'ufficio filatelico ministreriale ed inclusi nei libretti nominative che vennero offerti in omaggio dal Ministro dell' epoca, Sen. Giulio Orlando, ai partecipanti alla riunione sulla filatelia svoltasi all' EUR il 28 novembre 1975. Firmato Raybaudi e certificati di Raybaudi (2020).

Condition: (*) (mint without gum)

Catalog number(s): Sassone 921 ristampe (900247) (Image) (image1) (image2) (All Scans)


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Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM
8403 postfrisch (never hinged) ** 1766, Sassone Spez1121 Ai image

1981, Castel from L'Aquila, printed in cobalt blue (instead of ultramarin) and with missing resp traces of yellow, uncatalogized varity, certificate Carraro. Regular stamp for comparison.

Condition: ** (mint never hinged)

Catalog number(s): 1766, Sassone Spez1121 Ai
Value Add Taxes will be added to the hammer price and the buyers premium. (1047693) (Image) (image1) (image2) (All Scans)


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Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM
8404 postfrisch (never hinged) ** 87 MH image

1906, postage stamp King Viktor Imanuel III. in booklet with 24 copies, typical booklet perforation, otherwise overall nice and good condition (Mi€10.000,-). ÷ 1906, Freimarke König Viktor Imanuel III. im Markenheftchen mit 24 Exemplaren, typische Heftchenzähnungg, sonst insgesamt schöne und guter Erhaltung (Mi€10.000,-).

Condition: ** (mint never hinged)

Catalog number(s): 87 MH (1038679) (Image) (image1) (All Scans)


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Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM
8405 postfrisch (never hinged) ** 9, Sassone 1a image
Italy - Service Stamps

1933, Balbo Tryptichon overprinted "Servizio di Stato" for the official use, mint never hinged, Certificate Dr. Avi.

Condition: ** (mint never hinged)

Catalog number(s): 9, Sassone 1a
Value Add Taxes will be added to the hammer price and the buyers premium. (1047655) (Image) (image1) (image2) (All Scans)


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SOLD for €800.00
Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM
8406 postfrisch (never hinged) ** 44-56, Sassone Segn. 47 - image

1944, Postage Dues overprinted "G.N.R.", 5 c - 20 L, 13 values, complete mint set, mnh, the 40 c with small color offsets from the overprint. Most of the values signed, the 10 and 20 L e.g. by Raybaudi, others by Diena, Scotto and many by H.E. Sieger.

Condition: ** (mint never hinged)

Catalog number(s): 44-56, Sassone Segn. 47 - 49 (1046281) (Image) (image1) (All Scans)


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SOLD for €150.00
Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM
8407 ungebraucht ohne Gummi (unused without gum) (*) Sassone 15 image
Italy - Military stamps - Atlantic coast

1943, five line overprint "Itala / Repubblicana / Fascista / Base / Atlantica" on 25 c green with propaganda field "Milizia" (also with the overprint), mint without gum, certificate Raybaudi.

Condition: (*) (mint without gum)

Catalog number(s): Sassone 15 (1047100) (Image) (image1) (image2) (All Scans)


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Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM
8408 Brief (cover) 58, Sassone image

1945 10 L parcel stamp from the 1929/1939 series overprinted with an ornament to conceal the fasces, tied by cds "MANFREDONIA 14.8.46" to the reverse of an reciept, most likely paying storage fees for the parcel. A rare usage of undivided parcel stamps.

Condition: Cover

Catalog number(s): 58, Sassone (1038917) (Image) (image1) (All Scans)


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Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM
8409 postfrisch (never hinged) ** 66-80, Sassone 66/80 image

1946/1952, parcel stamps, 25 c - 500 L, 15 vlaues, complete set mnh. Certificate Dr. Avi for the 100-500 L values.

Condition: ** (mint never hinged)

Catalog number(s): 66-80, Sassone 66/80
Value Add Taxes will be added to the hammer price and the buyers premium. (1047688) (Image) (image1) (image2) (image3) (image4) (All Scans)


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SOLD for €300.00
Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM

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