Iceland continued...
Lot |
Symbol |
Catalog No. |
Descrip |
Opening |
8170 |
ungebraucht ohne Gummi (unused without gum) (*) Paar (few) |
4 C, Facit 3 v² |
1873, 8 Sk brown, imperf. orizontal pair, mint without gum, certificate Nielsen.
Condition: (*) (mint without gum)/pair
Catalog number(s): 4 C, Facit 3 v²
(1047873) (Image) (image1)
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Get Market Data for [Iceland 4 C, Facit 3 v²] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM |
8171 |
postfrisch (never hinged) ** |
6 A, Facit 9 |
1878, 5 b blue, perf 14x13½, mint never hinged, signed Raybaudi, cert. Raybaudi und Nielsen.
Condition: ** (mint never hinged)
Catalog number(s): 6 A, Facit
9 (1047886) (Image) (image1)
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Get Market Data for [Iceland 6 A, Facit 9] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
SOLD for €600.00
Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM |
8172 |
gestempelt (marked) |
6A |
1876 5 A. blue, perf 14x13½, watermark Crown, used with part "... 18/3" datestamp, minor imperfections like a partially separated corner perf at top right but still goo.
(Mi. €700)
Condition: o (used)
Catalog number(s): 6A Value Add Taxes will be added to the hammer price and the buyers premium. (1046682) (Image) (image1)
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SOLD for €100.00
Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM |
8173 |
gestempelt (marked) |
6B, AFA 6B, Facit 23 |
1876 5 aur blue, perf 12½, cracked plate (white line from the left through top of the "5"), used with pen-cross and "DALASYLA 5/10" c.d.s., fresh colour, usual perforation
(not perfect), still good. R. Daebel BPP certificate.
Condition: o (used)
Catalog number(s): 6B, AFA 6B, Facit 23 (1035932)
(Image) (image1)
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Get Market Data for [Iceland 6B, AFA 6B, Facit 23] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
SOLD for €80.00
Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM |
8174 |
Brief (cover) |
8 B, Facit 26 |
1901 Picture postcard from Reykjavik sent to Wilhelmshaven in Germany via Lerwick, franked by 1896-98 10 aur red, perf 12¾, tied "REYKJAVIK 12-6-01", with Lerwick '20 JU
01' ship landing cds and '23.6.01' arrival dater alongside. With little/minor imperfections but still good. L. Nielsen certificate.
Condition: Cover
Catalog number(s): 8 B, Facit 26 (1035821) (Image) (image1)
(All Scans)

Get Market Data for [Iceland 8 B, Facit 26] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM |
8175 |
ungebraucht (hinged) * |
10 A a, Facit 14 a |
1876, 20 A pale violet, blurred printing, perf 14x13½, mint with original gum, certificate Beskow.
Condition: * (mint hinged)
Catalog number(s): 10 A a,
Facit 14 a (1047880) (Image)
(All Scans)

Get Market Data for [Iceland 10 A a, Facit 14 a] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM |
8176 |
gestempelt (marked) |
10 A, Facit 14 b |
1876, 20 A violett, perf 14/13½, used, certificate Grönlund.
Condition: o (used)
Catalog number(s): 10 A, Facit 14 b (1047877) (Image) (image1)
(All Scans)

Get Market Data for [Iceland 10 A, Facit 14 b] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM |
8177 |
ungebraucht (hinged) * |
14Aa, Facit 15 b |
1882, 20 A blue, perf 14:13½,mint, cert. C.A. Möller.
Condition: * (mint hinged)
Catalog number(s): 14Aa, Facit 15 b (1047883) (Image) (image1)
(All Scans)

Get Market Data for [Iceland 14Aa, Facit 15 b] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM |
8178 |
ungebraucht (hinged) * |
14Ab, Facit 15 a |
1882, 20 A ultramarine, first printing, perf 14:13½, mint with original gum, signed Grönlund, certificate C.A. Möller.
Condition: * (mint hinged)
number(s): 14Ab, Facit 15 a (1047882) (Image)
(All Scans)

Get Market Data for [Iceland 14Ab, Facit 15 a] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM |
8179 |
Brief (cover) |
14 A |
1896, 20 Øre oval as single franking on envelope from REYKJAVIK via Edinburgh to Berlin. Transit and arrival marks on back. In very used conditions.
Catalog number(s): 14 A (1047256) (Image) (image1)
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Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM |
8180 |
ungebraucht (hinged) * |
14 Bb, Facit 28 a |
1896, 20 A ultramarin, 1st print, perf 12¾, mint with original gum, lightly hinged, signed Dr. Debo BPP, certificate C.A. Möller BPP.
Condition: * (mint
Catalog number(s): 14 Bb, Facit 28 a (1047879) (Image) (image1)
(All Scans)

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SOLD for €300.00
Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM |
8181 |
gestempelt (marked) |
16 B |
1892, 50 a. pale blue/rose, perf. 12¾, bright colours, well perforated, neatly cancelled, copy of certificate Möller for a block of four.
Condition: o
Catalog number(s): 16 B (1047190) (Image) (image1)
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SOLD for €180.00
Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM |
8182 |
ungebraucht (hinged) * |
23A, Facit 38 b |
1902, "I GILDI / '02-'02" overprint on 3 A yellow, perf 14x13½. Cert. Nielsen
Condition: * (mint hinged)
Catalog number(s): 23A, Facit 38 b (1047887) (Image) (image1)
(All Scans)

Get Market Data for [Iceland 23A, Facit 38 b] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM |
8183 |
Brief (cover) |
40,56 |
1902/1907, 10 Aur King Christian together with 20 aur Two Kings on money letter. Larger parts of the reverse missing.
Condition: Cover
Catalog number(s):
40,56 (1048036) (Image) (image1)
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Get Market Data for [Iceland 40,56] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM |
8184 |
Ansichtskarte (Picture postcard) |
51 (2) |
1907, picture postcard "Stykkisholmur" franked with horizontal pair two Kings sent to Wetzlar, Germany. Better ship postmark QUEENSTOWN SHIPLETTER.
Picture Post Card
Catalog number(s): 51 (2) (1047246) (Image) (image1)
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Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM |
8185 |
Brief (cover) |
83,84 |
1920, 4x 1 Eyr green/red together with 3 aur brown, tied by "ABERDEEN 27 NO 28", boxed "Ship Letter" and violet "Prentad mal" alongside, to envelope addressed for
Condition: Cover
Catalog number(s): 83,84 (1048030) (Image) (image1)
(All Scans)
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SOLD for €140.00
Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM |
8186 |
Brief (cover) |
104, 106 |
1931, 20 aur on 25 aur, strip of three, together with 5 aur on 16 aur, tied to registered envelop addressed for Germany with Edenborough transit on reverse.
Condition: Cover
Catalog number(s): 104, 106 (1048035) (Image) (image1)
(All Scans)
Get Market Data for [Iceland 104, 106] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM |
8187 |
Brief (cover) 4er (Block) |
105 |
1921, 5 aur. on 16 aur brown, block of four, tied by faint violet "PAQUEBOT" and "BERGEN 26 X 37" machine cancel to envelope addressed to Kobenhavn. Flap of envelope
Condition: Cover/block of four
Catalog number(s): 105 (1047845) (Image) (image1)
(All Scans)
Get Market Data for [Iceland 105] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM |
8188 |
Brief (cover) |
105(2), 108(4) |
1922 Registered cover to Paris via Edinburgh and London, franked by 1921 provisionals 5a. on 16a. pair and 20a. on 25a. strip of four, all tied "REYKJAVIK/4.II.22", with
Reg. h/s and label "To submit to customs" alongside, and on the reverse with Edinburgh ship landing dater and London transit cds, fine.
Condition: Cover
Catalog number(s): 105(2), 108(4) (1034179) (Image) (image1)
(All Scans)
Get Market Data for [Iceland 105(2), 108(4)] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM |
8189 |
postfrisch (never hinged) ** |
111, Facit 123 |
1924 Provisional "Kr.10" on 1k. yellow, MINT NEVER HINGED, fresh and fine. L. Nielsen certificate.
Condition: ** (mint never hinged)
Catalog number(s): 111,
Facit 123 (1034183) (Image)
(All Scans)

Get Market Data for [Iceland 111, Facit 123] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM |
8190 |
ungebraucht (hinged) * |
111 |
1924 10kr. on 1kr. yellow, mint lightly hinged, fresh and very fine.
Condition: * (mint hinged)
Catalog number(s): 111 Value Add Taxes will be added to
the hammer price and the buyers premium. (1047520) (Image) (image1)
(All Scans)
Get Market Data for [Iceland 111] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM |
8191 |
postfrisch (never hinged) ** |
141 |
1930 10kr. on 5kr. blue & brown, mint never hinged, fresh and fine.
Condition: ** (mint never hinged)
Catalog number(s): 141 Value Add Taxes will be
added to the hammer price and the buyers premium. (1047923) (Image) (image1)
(All Scans)
Get Market Data for [Iceland 141] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM |
8192 |
postfrisch (never hinged) ** ungebraucht (hinged) * |
141+111 |
1930 Provisional 10kr. on 5kr. blue & brown with sheet margin on bottom, mint never hinged, plus 1924 10kr. on 1kr. yellow, mounted mint, both fresh and fine.
Condition: ** (mint never hinged)/* (mint hinged)
Catalog number(s): 141+111 (1036072) (Image) (image1)
(All Scans)
Get Market Data for [Iceland 141+111] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
SOLD for €140.00
Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM |
8193 |
postfrisch (never hinged) ** Brief (cover) |
147-149 |
1931, Zeppelin, kpl., postfrische linke Randstücke (Foto-Attest Sieger BPP (1998)) sowie kpl. auf Zeppelinbrief bzw. weitere Karte der Islandfahrt 1931 (Frankatur Deutsches
Reich Nr. 455)
Condition: ** (mint never hinged)/Cover
Catalog number(s): 147-149 (1048070) (Image) (image1)
(All Scans)
Get Market Data for [Iceland 147-149] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM |
8194 |
Brief (cover) |
147-149 |
1931, 30 Aur - 2 Kr., complete set ZEPPELIN 1931 commemoratives on registered Zeppelin cover from Reykjavik 30.VI.31 via Friedrichshafen 3.7.31 to Madgeburg.
Condition: Cover
Catalog number(s): 147-149 (1049405) (Image) (image1)
(All Scans)
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SOLD for €95.00
Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM |
8195 |
postfrisch (never hinged) ** ungebraucht (hinged) * |
172-174 |
1933 "Hópflug Ítala" complete set of three, mint never hinged except 10kr. (very lightly hinged), fresh and fine. Two L. Jørgensen certificates.
Condition: ** (mint
never hinged)/* (mint hinged)
Catalog number(s): 172-174 (1034187) (Image) (image1)
(All Scans)
Get Market Data for [Iceland 172-174] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM |
8196 |
ungebraucht (hinged) * |
172-74 |
1933 Hópflug, complete set of three, mint lightly hinged, fresh and very fine. L. Nielsen certificate. (Mi. €1800)
Condition: * (mint hinged)
number(s): 172-74 Value Add Taxes will be added to the hammer price and the buyers premium. (1046689) (Image) (image1)
(All Scans)

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SOLD for €460.00
Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM |
8197 |
gestempelt (marked) |
172-174 |
1933 "Hópflug Ítala" complete set of three, fine used with Reykjavik datestamps, signed by A. Brun, with Straphil (Strasbourg) certificate.
Condition: o
Catalog number(s): 172-174 (1034186) (Image) (image1)
(All Scans)

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Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM |
8198 |
Ganzsache (Complete) |
26 |
 Iceland - Service Stamps
1907, 5 Aur "PJONUSTU" orange/grey as additional franking on 5 aur green postal stationery card addressed for Berlin, with invalidated German post marks
"T" and "Marine Postbureau". An unusual item
Condition: postal stationery
Catalog number(s): 26 (1048026) (Image) (image1)
(All Scans)
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Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM |
8199 |
Ganzsache (Complete) |
27 |
 Iceland - Service Stamps
1907, 10 Aur "PJONUSTU" blue/grey for official use, tied by pen strokes to 10 Aur red card letter, the card letter cancelled by "REYKJAVIK 5.9.07"
addressed for Berlin, with "BERLIN C 13.9.07" arrivel, a cancelled L2"Marine Postbureau" as well as cancelled taxes, Kobenhavn machine cancel transit on reverse.
Condition: postal stationery
Catalog number(s): 27 (1047889) (Image) (image1)
(All Scans)
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Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM |
8200 |
ungebraucht (hinged) * |
44-59 |
 Iceland - Service Stamps
1930 Allthing complete set of 16, mint hinged, fresh and fine. (Mi. €700)
Condition: * (mint hinged)
Catalog number(s): 44-59 Value Add
Taxes will be added to the hammer price and the buyers premium. (1046686) (Image) (image1)
(All Scans)
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Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM |
8201 |
Ganzsache (Complete) |
AFA 12, Facit 8c |
 Iceland - postal stationery
1888 Postal stationery cards 5 aur with additional pair of 3 aur orange used from Akureyri to Berlin, Germany cancelled by two strikes of "AKUREYRI 5/8"
c.d.s., the 3 aur pair tied by blue pen-stroke, with boxed "SHIP LETTER" and Berlin '16.8.88' arrival cds alongside. L. Jørgensen certificate.
Condition: postal stationery
Catalog number(s): AFA 12, Facit 8c (1035795) (Image) (image1)
(All Scans)

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Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM |
8202 |
Ganzsache (Complete) |
P 3 |
 Iceland - postal stationery
1902 Postal stationery (Thomson advertising) card 10a. used from Reykjavik to Plauen, Germany via Scotland by S/S "Dido", canc. "REYKJAVIK 7.3.1902",
boxed "SHIP LETTER/TROON" and Troon landing cds as well as '15.8.02' arrival dater alongside, fine.
Condition: postal stationery
Catalog number(s): P 3 (1043624) (Image) (image1)
(All Scans)
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SOLD for €200.00
Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM |
8203 |
Ganzsache (Complete) |
P 43 |
 Iceland - postal stationery
1907 Postal stationery card 5 aur green from Blönduós to Reykjavik by ship, cancelled by boxed "Skipsbrjef" in black and dated 'Blönduós 13/8 '09',
Condition: postal stationery
Catalog number(s): P 43 (1035817) (Image) (image1)
(All Scans)
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Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM |
8204 |
Ganzsache (Complete) |
P 44 |
 Iceland - postal stationery
1907 Postal stationery card 'Two Kings' 8 aur brown-red uprated two similar 1 eyr and used from Reykjavik (14.3.09) to Vienna in Austria, with "WIEN
28.III.09" arrival cds alongside, fine. A scarce destination.
Condition: postal stationery
Catalog number(s): P 44 (1035815)
(Image) (image1)
(All Scans)
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Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM |
8205 |
Ganzsache (Complete) |
P 48 |
 Iceland - postal stationery
1907 Postal stationery double card 'Two Kings' 8+8 aur brown-red uprated two similar 1 eyr and used from Reykjavik (14.3.09) to Darmstadt in Germany,
with "LEITH/MR 25/09" ship landing cds on back, fine.
Condition: postal stationery
Catalog number(s): P 48 (1035813) (Image) (image1)
(All Scans)
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Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM |
8206 |
Ganzsache (Complete) |
P 48 |
 Iceland - postal stationery
1907 Postal stationery double card 'Two Kings' 8+8 aur brown-red used registered from Ísafjörđur to Copenhagen via Reykjavik in 1907, uprated similar 5
aur green and 10 aur red tied "ÍSAFJÖRĐUR 10/12", with Reykjavik (13.12.07) transit dater and backstamped Copenhagen and privat arrival datestamps. A few light stains but still good. L. Nielsen certificate.
Condition: postal
Catalog number(s): P 48 (1035816) (Image) (image1)
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Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM |
8207 |
Ganzsache (Complete) |
P 62, 113 u.a. |
 Iceland - postal stationery
1925, 15 Aur. eingeschriebene Ganzsachenkarte mit Zusatzfrankatur der Mi.Nr.: 83, 84, 86, 100, 101, 103, 93, 113 und 96 von REYKJAVIK nach
Condition: postal stationery
Catalog number(s): P 62, 113 u.a. (1047233) (Image) (image1)
(All Scans)
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Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM |