Denmark continued...
Lot |
Symbol |
Catalog No. |
Descrip |
Opening |
7850 |
Brief (cover) handschriftliche Entwertung (handwritten cancellation) |
1 II |
1854, 4 RBS. THIELE III, graubraun, Platte III, Feld 6, voll- bis breitrandiges Prachtstück auf Faltbrief mit dekorativer TINTENKREUZ-Entwertung nach Saeby. Sehr seltener
Beleg. Kat.-Wert 2150 Euro. Fotoatteste Møller BPP, Lasse Nielsen. (AFA 1 III c)
Condition: Cover/manusript obliterated
Catalog number(s): 1 II (284451) (Image) (image1)
(All Scans)
Get Market Data for [Denmark 1 II] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM |
7851 |
Brief (cover) Paar (few) |
1 II (2) |
1853, 4RBS. Thiele II, dunkel rotbraun, Feld 99 – 100, voll- bis breitrandiges Paar auf Faltbrief aus Hamburg nach Heiligenhafen, gestempelt mit dem sehr seltenen
ROSTRUNDSTEMPEL "19", Nebenstempel "KIELER BAHNHOF 20/4 1854", Briefe mit Rostrundstemmpel auf Paar sind extrem selten, Katalogwert 4800.- Euro, Fotoattest Nielsen
Condition: Cover/pair
Catalog number(s): 1 II (2) (212316) (Image) (image1)
(All Scans)

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Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM |
7852 |
Brief (cover) |
1, AFA 1i |
1854, 4 Rigsbankskilling dunkel-nussbraun auf Brief, sauber entwertet mit Ringstempel "44" und Nebenstempel "NESTVED 6.12.1854". Auf Brief sehr selten.
Catalog number(s): 1, AFA 1i (1046995) (Image) (image1)
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Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM |
7853 |
gestempelt (marked) |
2 II |
1852. 2 RBS. Thiele, Platte I , Type 10, Feld 96. Voll- bis breitrandige Marke mit sehr seltenem Kombinationsstempel "34 KOBENHAVN JB". Es gibt nur sehr wenige 2RBS mit
diesem Stempel. Fotoatteste Nielsen und C.A. Moller.
Condition: o (used)
Catalog number(s): 2 II (476665) (Image) (image1)
(All Scans)
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Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM |
7854 |
Brief (cover) |
2 II, AFA 2b, DAKA 4, FAC |
1852, 2 Rigsbanksilling blue, Thiele print, cancelled by three ring cancel "1" and tied by blue over "FP 18-10/54" (type VI) foodpost mark. Addressed for Frederiksberg, so
the letter was underfranked. Certificate Jorgensen AIEP. Underfranked letters from this period are extremely rare.
Condition: Cover
Catalog number(s): 2 II, AFA 2b, DAKA 4, FACIT 1-II (1047822) (Image) (image1)
(All Scans)
Get Market Data for [Denmark 2 II, AFA 2b, DAKA 4, FAC] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM |
7855 |
Brief (cover) |
2 II, AFA 2b |
1852 2 RBS blue, Thiele print from plate I, No.25, type 5, used on 1854 'Stettiner Waaren-Bericht' (Stettin Commodity Report/Markedsberetning fra Stettin), tied by
Copenhagen numeral "1", with two strikes of blue framed footpost datestamp "F: 18 19/10 54 P:", and with sender's oval h/s alongside, fine. Jensen certificate.
Condition: Cover
Catalog number(s): 2 II, AFA 2b (1035828) (Image) (image1)
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Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM |
7856 |
Brief (cover) |
3, AFA 3d. DAKa 5c, FACIT |
1854, 2 Sh dark blue tied by Kobenhavens Jernbane Posteksspeditions Duplex cancel to letter front, blue oval footpost (type IV) "31.7.59" on front, Certificate Jorgensen
Condition: Cover
Catalog number(s): 3, AFA 3d. DAKa 5c, FACIT 3c (1047818) (Image) (image1)
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Get Market Data for [Denmark 3, AFA 3d. DAKa 5c, FACIT] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM |
7857 |
Brief (cover) |
Mi./AFA 3+6+9 |
1863 Cover to Berlin franked by 1855 2s. blue, 1857 16s. grey-violet and 1863 4s. brown rouletted, all tied by duplex "34"-"SJ.JB.P.SP.B. 19/9", with boxed "Aus Dänemark"
h/s alongside, two Hamburg transit datestamps and Berlin distribution dater on the reverse. The addressee crossed out otherwise fine. A FRESH & SCARCE THREE-COLOUR FRANKING. L. Nielsen certificate.
Condition: Cover
Catalog number(s):
Mi./AFA 3+6+9 (1033954) (Image)
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Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM |
7858 |
Brief (cover) |
3,5,6,13 |
1863, 16s. lilac rouletted used along with 1855 2s. blue, 1858 8s. green and 1864 4s. carmine (1st printing, perf 13x12½) on cover from Copenhagen to Grantham in England,
all tied by ring numeral "1" (Copenhagen), the 2s. also by red London transit cds, with "KJOBENHAVN 7/7"despatch dater and red "P.D." alongside, and backstamped Luebeck transit cds as well as Grantham '11 July 64' arrival cds, VERY FINE. Certificates
Carl Aage Møller, Vagn Jensen and Lasse Nielsen. AN EXTRAORDINARY COVER AND FRANKING.
Condition: Cover
Catalog number(s): 3,5,6,13 (1035834) (Image) (image1)
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Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM |
7859 |
Brief (cover) |
4 V |
1854, 4 Sk, 5th printing, wide margins all around, tied by numeral "78" to small mourning cover, addressed for Kjobenhavn the "VORDINGBORG 24 5 1858" was placed on the
reverse. Parts of the flap missing, nevertheless a rare and decorative item.
Condition: Cover
Catalog number(s): 4 V (1036932)
(Image) (image1)
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Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM |
7860 |
Brief (cover) |
4 V |
1854, 4 Sk, 5th printing, large margins all aound, tied by large Antiqua Type III "MIDDLEFART 27.4.58" to local folded cover. Local usages of this stamp are very
Condition: Cover
Catalog number(s): 4 V (1036925) (Image) (image1)
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Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM |
7861 |
postfrisch (never hinged) ** 4er (Block) |
5 (4) |
1857, 8 Skilling green block of four, Wmk small Crown, mint never hinged, fresh and very fine. Little separated on the left. Lasse Nielsen certificate.
** (mint never hinged)/block of four
Catalog number(s): 5 (4) (1047053) (Image) (image1)
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Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM |
7862 |
gestempelt (marked) |
5 (3) |
1857, 8 Sk, 3 voll- bis breitrandige Prachtstücke gestempelt. Alle 3 mit Plattenfehlern, Platte I, Feld 83: "Posthorn links oben mit Bruch", Platte I, Feld 25: "Rechte Ecke
rechts unten retuschiert" und "Posthornfeld oben links an der linken Seite des Rahmens gebrochen" die eine ist mit kombiniertem Nr.-Stpl. "181" schön versehen. Vergrößerung der Plattenfehler beiliegend.
Condition: o (used)
number(s): 5 (3) (284469) (Image)
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Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM |
7863 |
Brief (cover) |
6, 8, 9 |
1863, 16 Skilling grauviolet, 8 Skilling grün und 4 Skilling braun, drei Farben-Frankatur von Kobenhagen "210" nach Dijon, Frankreich, Ak "DIJON 9 JUIL 63". Nach Karsten
Jensen nur 1 Brief bekannt. Attest Lasse Nielsen (2004) "echt und nicht repariert, 16 Sk und 4 Sk eng geschnitten aber gute Exemplare".
Condition: Cover
Catalog number(s): 6, 8, 9 (1047067) (Image) (image1)
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Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM |
7864 |
handschriftliche Entwertung (handwritten cancellation) Paar (few) |
7a (2) |
1858, 4Sk. - breitrandiges, senkrechtes Prachtpaar mit seltener Tintenentwertung "77" Viborg anstelle des NS, wohl einmalige Aushilfs-Entwertung weil dieser nicht zur
Verfügung stand!
Condition: manusript obliterated/pair
Catalog number(s): 7a (2) (212369) (Image)
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Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM |
7865 |
gestempelt (marked) |
Mi. 9 |
1863 3-ring numeral "183" of GLÜCKSBURG used as obliterator on 1863 4s. brown rouletted 11, fine, C.A. Møller certificate. A VERY RARE CANCELLATION. Only a few stamps are
known with this postmark.
Condition: o (used)
Catalog number(s): Mi. 9 (1033950) (Image) (image1)
(All Scans)

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Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM |
7866 |
Brief (cover) |
9 |
1863. 4 Sk. Pracht-Viererstreifen auf Briefhülle von Kopenhagen nach Stockholm, jede Marke mit klarem Nummernstempel "1" entwertet. Beigesetzt sehr seltener blauer
Antiqua-Kreisstempel "KJOBENHAVN O.P.E. 16.4.1864". Rückseitig Ankunftstempel "STOCKHOLM 19.4.1. TUR". Briefe aus Kopenhagen sind normalerweise mit einer 16 Sk Marke frankiert und nicht mit vier 4 Sk Marken. Attest Jensen.
Catalog number(s): 9 (476674) (Image) (image1)
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Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM |
7867 |
Brief (cover) |
9, 10 |
1863, 16 S lila red and 4 S brown tied by numeral killer "1", K1 "KJOBENHAVN 4.9." on front. one stamp missing, possible a 2 S, as this would form the correct 22 S postage
into the German Postal Union. On the reverse "LUBECK St.P.A. 2 9", a L2 BERLIN HAMBURG 2.9. from a TPO and a K1 "AUSG 3/0 No. 3" indicating the arrival in Naumburg/Saale. Certificate Carl Aage Möller.
Condition: Cover
number(s): 9, 10 (1036924) (Image)
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Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM |
7868 |
Brief (cover) |
11 A, 12A, 15A |
1864, 2 Skilling, 3 Skilling and 16 Skilling = 21 Skilling franking on envelope from Copenhagen to Riga, Latvia (Russia). Cancelled with numeral "1" and antique circle date
stamp "KIOBENHAVN KB 1.1" (1866). Arrival mark on the revers, correctly franked. A rare postal rate. The entire is in very fine condition; small imperfections in the envelope and in the 16 Skilling stamp, both of minor importance. Stamps and
postmarks are genuine and belonging to the envelope. Attest Carl Aage Møller
Condition: Cover
Catalog number(s): 11 A, 12A, 15A (1047045)
(Image) (image1)
(All Scans)

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Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM |
7869 |
postfrisch (never hinged) ** |
11 B, AFA 11 A |
1864, 2 Sk blue, 7th printing, line perf. 12½, mint never hinged, well centred Certificate C.A. Möller BPP.
Condition: ** (mint never hinged)
number(s): 11 B, AFA 11 A (1047826) (Image)
(All Scans)

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Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM |
7870 |
Brief (cover) |
12, 13, 15(3) |
1864 'Crown, scepter and sword' 16s. olive STRIP OF THREE used along with similar 4s. and 3s. on entire letter from Copenhagen to St. Croix, Danish West Indies 'Per Steamer
via Southampton' (endorsed in m/s), dated inside '12th June 1867', all tied by numeral "1", with Copenhagen despatch cds and red London '15 JU 67' transit cds alongside. Two stamps (3s. and one of the 16s.) with little punch hole, and lightly stained
perf tips - still good. A SCARCE FRANKING. S. Grønlund certificate.
Condition: Cover
Catalog number(s): 12, 13, 15(3) (1035839)
(Image) (image1)
(All Scans)

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Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM |
7871 |
postfrisch (never hinged) ** 4er (Block) |
13aU |
1864. 4Sk. 4er-Block, ungezähnt. Postfrisches Ausstellungsstück, Druck 10b, Feld 3/4 -13/14, mit vollem Rand oben. L.P. Fotoattest Jensen.
Condition: ** (mint never
hinged)/block of four
Catalog number(s): 13aU (170219) (Image) (image1)
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Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM |
7872 |
Brief (cover) |
13Aa (2) |
1869, 2 Stück 4 S rot Kroninsignien klar und zentral abgeschlagen "4" sowie beigesetzt K1 AALBORG auf PRÄGE-ZIERBRIEF nach Hannover, Zähnung der rechten Marke durch
Randklebung leicht beeinträchtigt, Umschlag geringe Gebrauchsspuren, ansonsten ein attraktiver und seltener Beleg!
Condition: Cover
Catalog number(s): 13Aa (2) (412711) (Image) (image1)
(All Scans)
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Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM |
7873 |
gestempelt (marked) |
14 B, AFA 14 A |
1870 'Crown & Scepter' 8s. yellow-brown, PERF 12½, used in Reykjavik and cancelled by numeral "236", certificate Lars Jörgensen AIEP (2023) "short perf in the perforation
on the left"
Condition: o (used)
Catalog number(s): 14 B, AFA 14 A (1047061) (Image) (image1)
(All Scans)

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Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM |
7874 |
Brief (cover) |
20 |
1873, 16 Skilling grün/grau, EF auf Reco-Brief nach Berlin, Umschlag mit Mängeln.
Condition: Cover
Catalog number(s): 20 (1047195) (Image) (image1)
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Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM |
7875 |
gestempelt (marked) |
21 (3) |
1870, 48 Sk, waagerechter 3-Streifen mit NS "1". Prachtstück. Sehr rares Exemplar. Kat.-1200,-.Euro. Fotoattest Gunner Lundegaard Nielsen.
Condition: o
Catalog number(s): 21 (3) (284488) (Image) (image1)
(All Scans)

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Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM |
7876 |
Ganzsache (Complete) |
1891, 5 Öre Streifband mit Zusatzfrankatur 10 Öre und 25 Öre nach "BUENOS-AIRES, Argentinien, Attest Jörgensen (2022)
Condition: postal stationery (1047250) (Image) (image1)
(All Scans)
Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM |
7877 |
Ganzsache (Complete) |
34, P 26 |
1891, Postkarte 10 Öre mit Zusatzfrankatur 5 Öre mit "VIBORG JB.P.E. 4.9." nach SINGAPUR, via Brindisi. Gute Destination.
Condition: postal stationery
Catalog number(s): 34, P 26 (1047205) (Image)
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Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM |
7878 |
Ansichtskarte (Picture postcard) |
34 (2) |
1904 Destination LAOS: Picture postcard from Copenhagen to Laos via Burma, franked by 1894 5 øre pair tied by '8.4.04' c.d.s., and with Moulmein '5 May 04' transit dater as
well as Lampane '24.5.04' arrival c.d.s. alongside.
Condition: Picture Post Card
Catalog number(s): 34 (2) (1047206) (Image) (image1)
(All Scans)
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Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM |
7879 |
Ansichtskarte (Picture postcard) |
34 |
1903, picture postcard with horizontal pair of 5 Øre coat of arms sent from KJØBENHAVN to Cape Town.
Condition: Picture Post Card
Catalog number(s): 34
(1047201) (Image) (image1)
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Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM |
7880 |
Ansichtskarte (Picture postcard) |
35 |
1903 Destination JAPAN: Picture postcard (Frederiksberg Have) from Copenhagen to Yokohama via Tokio, franked 'Lions & Crown' 10 øre red tied by '20.10.03' c.d.s., Tokio
transit dater and '28. NOV 03' arrival c.d.s. alongside.
Condition: Picture Post Card
Catalog number(s): 35 (1047197)
(Image) (image1)
(All Scans)
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Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM |
7881 |
Ansichtskarte (Picture postcard) |
35 |
1903 Destination TRANSVAAL, SOUTH AFRICA: Picture postcard (Amagertorv) from Copenhagen to "LUIPAARDSVLEI", franked 'Lions & Crown' 10 øre red tied by '28.12.03' c.d.s.,
'21. JAN 04' arrival c.d.s. alongside.
Condition: Picture Post Card
Catalog number(s): 35 (1047198) (Image) (image1)
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Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM |
7882 |
Brief (cover) |
35, 36 |
1896, 30 Öre Überseeporto auf Brief von "KOPENHAGEN 21.11.96" nach SYDNEY, Gebrauchsspuren
Condition: Cover
Catalog number(s): 35, 36 (1047202) (Image) (image1)
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Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM |
7884 |
Brief (cover) |
37, Dienst 4 (3) |
192?, envelope with 1 Øre coat of arms and 3 examples of 3 Øre official with L2 "Fra Grønland Frimækerne er gylding" to Kobenhavn, cancelled with machine postmarks.
Envelope on back with some opening faults.
Condition: Cover
Catalog number(s): 37, Dienst 4 (3) (1047258) (Image) (image1)
(All Scans)
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Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM |
7885 |
postfrisch (never hinged) ** 4er (Block) |
66, AFA 67 |
1912, 5 kr brownish red, first printing, watermark "Crown", perf 12¾, mint never hinged block of four, cert. C.A. Möller.
Condition: ** (mint never hinged)/block of
Catalog number(s): 66, AFA 67 (1047838) (Image) (image1)
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Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM |
7886 |
postfrisch (never hinged) ** |
66, AFA 67 |
1912, 5 kr brownish red, watermark "Crown", mnh, perf 12¾, cert Nielsen
Condition: ** (mint never hinged)
Catalog number(s): 66, AFA 67 (1047834) (Image) (image1)
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Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM |
7887 |
postfrisch (never hinged) ** |
Mi.66, Facit 120 |
1912, 5 Kroner Hauptpostgebäude, postfrisch, Attest Lars Jorgensen AIEP 2022 "postfrisch, echt und nicht repariert."
Condition: ** (mint never hinged)
Catalog number(s): Mi.66, Facit 120 (1047023) (Image) (image1)
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SOLD for €400.00
Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM |
7888 |
ungebraucht (hinged) * |
ex 67/176 |
1913-27 King Christian X definitives: Set of 39 different stamps up to 10kr., complete except 1913 20 øre and 1920 5kr., but with several colour shades, all mint hinged,
fresh and fine.
Condition: * (mint hinged)
Catalog number(s): ex 67/176 (1033977) (Image) (image1)
(All Scans)
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Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM |
7889 |
postfrisch (never hinged) ** |
81, AFA 81 |
1915, 5 kr brownish red, watermark IV (Crosses), mnh, perf 14:14½, certificate C.A. Möller.
Condition: ** (mint never hinged)
Catalog number(s): 81, AFA 81
(1047832) (Image) (image1)
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Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM |
7890 |
postfrisch (never hinged) ** 4er (Block) |
84 X / 86 X, 88 X |
1918, Verrechnungsmarken 27 auf 1 Øre, 27 auf 5 Øre, 27 auf 7 Øre und 27 und 10 Øre mit Wz. 1Z in neuer KRONE (1902) im 4er-Block in einwandfreier postfrischer Erhaltung.
Selten in dieser Qualität angeboten. Kat. 3.800,- €.
Condition: ** (mint never hinged)/block of four
Catalog number(s): 84 X / 86 X, 88 X (284567) (Image) (image1)
(All Scans)
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Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM |