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Stamps continued...

Venezuela continued...
Lot Symbol Catalog No. Descrip Opening
7324 Brief (cover) Sc. 1a+2, Mi. 1 I b+2 I image

1859, Fine Impression ½r. orange and 1r. blue, both fresh colours and mainly good margins, paying triple weight letter rate (from ¾ to 1 oz) for a distance not exceeding 25 miles on lettersheet (reinforced) from Caracas 21 May 1859 to Boulton, La Guaira, clearly oblit. by oval CARACAS with loops, file fold through ½r. adhesive. Unique combination on cover, since normally this rate is paid by three ½r. values, also the earliest recorded usage of the oval CARACAS postmark. Certificate Dr.Heister BPP. Ex Harmers 1979, lot 1580, ex Dr.Heister, lot 1183.

Condition: Cover

Catalog number(s): Sc. 1a+2, Mi. 1 I b+2 I (1046984) (Image) (image1) (image2) (All Scans)


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SOLD for €1,400.00
Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM
7325 ungebraucht (hinged) * postfrisch (never hinged) ** Sc. 2, Mi. 2 I image

1859, Fine Impression 1r. blue, block of four, bright colour and full to huge margins all around with parts of both adjoining stamps at right, mint original gum, upper pair previously hinged, lower pair never hinged. A magnificent multiple, extremely fresh and pristine quality. Certificate Dr.Heister BPP.

Condition: * (mint hinged)/** (mint never hinged)

Catalog number(s): Sc. 2, Mi. 2 I (1046732) (Image) (image1) (image2) (All Scans)


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SOLD for €1,080.00
Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM
7326 Briefstück (on piece) Sc. 2, Mi. 2 I image

1859, Fine Impression 1r. blue, horizontal pair, deep colour, slightly cut into to wide margins, used on piece with two clear centric strikes of numeral "0" and blue La Guaira c.d.s. alongside. Delightful and most attractive appearance.

Condition: on piece

Catalog number(s): Sc. 2, Mi. 2 I (1046892) (Image) (image1) (All Scans)


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Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM
7327 Brief (cover) Sc. 2, Mi. 2 I image

1859, Fine Impression 1r. blue, deep intense colour, close to good margins, single franking on undated lettersheet from Calabozo to Caracas, bearing full centric strike of six-pointed star handstamp of Calabozo, signed Jose Roura.

Condition: Cover

Catalog number(s): Sc. 2, Mi. 2 I (1046955) (Image) (image1) (All Scans)


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Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM
7328 Brief (cover) Sc. 2, Mi. 2 I image

1859, Fine Impression 1r. blue, fresh colour and good even margins all around, single franking on lettersheet from 21 Feb 1859 to Maracaibo, clearly oblit. by pencross, signed Jose Roura. Interesting early usage, exceptionally fresh and fine.

Condition: Cover

Catalog number(s): Sc. 2, Mi. 2 I (1046874) (Image) (image1) (All Scans)


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SOLD for €225.00
Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM
7329 Brief (cover) Sc. 2a, Mi. 2 I image

1859, Fine Impression 1r. blue diagonally bisected, single franking on lettersheet from La Guaira 12 Sept 1861 to Caracas, clearly oblit. by blue c.d.s., file fold through adhesive, entire showing various age wear/reinforced. Signed and certificate Holcombe. Ex Wise-Sanabria, ex Bustamante, lot 31010.

Condition: Cover

Catalog number(s): Sc. 2a, Mi. 2 I (1046861) (Image) (image1) (image2) (All Scans)


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SOLD for €1,080.00
Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM
7330 postfrisch (never hinged) ** Sc. 3, Mi. 3 I a image

1859, Fine Impression 2r. red, bright colour, marginal horizontal pair from the upper left corner of the sheet, mint never hinged with typical sparsely applied gum (hinge in upper margin only), signed W.Zeunert Hamburg. Exceptional.

Condition: ** (mint never hinged)

Catalog number(s): Sc. 3, Mi. 3 I a (1046904) (Image) (image1) (All Scans)


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SOLD for €225.00
Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM
7331 ungebraucht (hinged) * Sc. 3, Mi. 3 I a image

1859, Fine Impression 2r. red, block of eight, fresh colour, slightly cut into at lower right, otherwise close to good margins, mint original gum previously hinged, slight creasing/natural gum toning spots, generally fresh and fine.

Condition: * (mint hinged)

Catalog number(s): Sc. 3, Mi. 3 I a (1046967) (Image) (image1) (All Scans)


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Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM
7332 gestempelt (marked) Sc. 3, Mi. 3 I a image

1859, Fine Impression 2r. red, fresh colour, good margins all around, clearly oblit. by centric strike of six-pointed star handstamp of Calabozo.

Condition: o (used)

Catalog number(s): Sc. 3, Mi. 3 I a (1046960) (Image) (image1) (All Scans)


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Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM
7333 Brief (cover) Sc. 3, Mi. 3 I a image

1859, Fine Impression 2r. red, bright colour, slightly touched to huge margins, single franking on lettersheet from La Guaira 22 March 1859 to Bordeaux/France, unobliterated upon despatch and being struck by boxed accountancy marking "GB / 1 F 60 C", "CALAIS 15 AVRIL 59" receiver and "8" due marking alongside, on reverse four further transits and arrival. The 2r. postage covered the way from Venezuela to St.Thomas. A most unusual and very attractive entire. Signed and certificate Holcombe. Ex Dr.Heister, lot 1196.

Condition: Cover

Catalog number(s): Sc. 3, Mi. 3 I a (1046809) (Image) (image1) (All Scans)


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SOLD for €750.00
Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM
7334 Brief (cover) Sc. 3, Mi. 3 I a image

1859, Fine Impression 2r. red, fresh colour and full to large margins all around, single franking on lettersheet with full message from La Guaira 12 May 1860 to San Sebastian/Spain, clearly oblit. by blue c.d.s., and part of Spanish due marking "4 R" alongside, on reverse transit "LONDON JU 12 60" and arrival "SAN SEBASTIAN 14 JUN 60". A Lovely and very fresh entire, to a rare destination. Ex Dr.Heister, lot 1200.

Condition: Cover

Catalog number(s): Sc. 3, Mi. 3 I a (1046810) (Image) (image1) (All Scans)


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SOLD for €560.00
Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM
7335 Brief (cover) Sc. 3, Mi. 3 I a image

1859, 2r. red diagonally bisected used on lettersheet from Escuque 13 Dec 1860 to Maracaibo, clearly oblit. by "Escuque" in manuscript. Ex Hubbard, lot 2342.

Condition: Cover

Catalog number(s): Sc. 3, Mi. 3 I a (1046924) (Image) (image1) (All Scans)


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SOLD for €450.00
Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM
7336 Brief (cover) Sc. 3b, Mi. 3 I a H image

1859, Fine Impression 2r. red vertically bisected with clear strike of numeral mark "0" used on lettersheet dated Merida 14 June 1861 to Maracaibo, signed and certificate "Club Filatelico de Caracas".

Condition: Cover

Catalog number(s): Sc. 3b, Mi. 3 I a H (1046811) (Image) (image1) (image2) (All Scans)


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Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM
7337 Brief (cover) Sc. 3b, Mi. 3 I a H image

1859, Fine Impression 2r. red diagonally bisected used on lettersheet from Valera 5 Oct 1861 to Maracaibo, clearly oblit. by "Valera" in manuscript, one of two known from Valera. Ex Hubbard, lot 2341.

Condition: Cover

Catalog number(s): Sc. 3b, Mi. 3 I a H (1046812) (Image) (image1) (All Scans)


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SOLD for €720.00
Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM
7338 Brief (cover) Sc. 3b, Mi. 3 I a H image

1859, Fine Impression 2r. red horizontally bisected used on lettersheet from Valencia 27 July 1862 to Maracaibo, clearly oblit. in manuscript. Horizontal bisects are scarcer than diagonal bisects. Signed and certificate Holcombe. Ex Bustamante, lot 31023.

Condition: Cover

Catalog number(s): Sc. 3b, Mi. 3 I a H (1046816) (Image) (image1) (image2) (All Scans)


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SOLD for €720.00
Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM
7339 ungebraucht (hinged) * Sc. 3c, Mi. 3 I a image

1859, Fine Impression, 2r. red on greenish (bluish) paper, fresh colour, left marginal copy, close to good margins all around, mint original gum with hinge remnant, signed Thier. A decent copy of this rare paper, probably proof status. Certificate Dr.Heister BPP. Ex Hubbard, lot 2323.

Condition: * (mint hinged)

Catalog number(s): Sc. 3c, Mi. 3 I a (1046918) (Image) (image1) (image2) (All Scans)


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SOLD for €360.00
Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM
7340 postfrisch (never hinged) ** ungebraucht (hinged) * Sc. 4, Mi. 1 II image

1859/1862, Coarse Impression ½r. orange, complete sheet of 100, fresh colour, mint original gum, hinged in margins only resp. affecting only two stamps (=98 stamps are never hinged). The sheet shows the "White Spot flaw" on pos. 11 which occurs on intermediate and late printings, horizontal and vertical crease. Comprehensive certificate Holcombe. Ex Bustamante, lot 31035.

Condition: ** (mint never hinged)/* (mint hinged)

Catalog number(s): Sc. 4, Mi. 1 II (1047126) (Image) (image1) (image2) (All Scans)


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Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM
7341 ungebraucht (hinged) * Sc. 4, Mi. 1 II d image

1859/1862, Coarse Impression ½r. orange, bright colour, marginal copy from the upper right corner of the sheet, mint original gum with hinge remnant. Exceptional.

Condition: * (mint hinged)

Catalog number(s): Sc. 4, Mi. 1 II d (1046972) (Image) (image1) (All Scans)


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Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM
7342 gestempelt (marked) Sc. 4, Mi. 1 II image

1859/1862, Coarse Impression ½r. orange, horizontal pair, fresh colour, close to good margins, each stamp clearly oblit. by centric strike of six-pointed star handstamp of Calabozo.

Condition: o (used)

Catalog number(s): Sc. 4, Mi. 1 II (1047052) (Image) (image1) (All Scans)


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Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM
7343 Brief (cover) Sc. 4, Mi. 1 II image

1859/1862, Coarse Impression ½r. orange, horizontal strip of three, cut into to huge margins (file fold through one stamp/pre-separation scissor's cut) on lettersheet from Caracas 23 Oct 1861 to Boulton, La Guayra, clearly oblit. by two blue c.d.s.

Condition: Cover

Catalog number(s): Sc. 4, Mi. 1 II (1046944) (Image)

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SOLD for €540.00
Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM
7344 Brief (cover) Sc. 4, Mi. 1 II image

1859/1862, Coarse Impression ½r. yellow-orange, horizontal strip of three, cut into to huge margins (some creasing/file fold through one stamp/pre-separation scissor's cut) on lettersheet from Caracas 10 Dec 1861 to Boulton, La Guayra, clearly oblit. by two blue c.d.s.

Condition: Cover

Catalog number(s): Sc. 4, Mi. 1 II (1046950) (Image) (image1) (All Scans)


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SOLD for €540.00
Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM
7345 Brief (cover) Sc. 4, Mi. 1 II image

1859/1862, Coarse Impression ½r. orange, horizontal pair, close to good margins, each stamp clearly oblit. by centric strike of six-pointed star handstamp of Calabozo, used on large fragment of lettersheet.

Condition: Cover

Catalog number(s): Sc. 4, Mi. 1 II (1047048) (Image) (image1) (All Scans)


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Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM
7346 Brief (cover) Sc. 4, Mi. 1 II d image

1859/1862, Coarse Impression ½r. orange, fresh colour, full to wide margins, single franking on lettersheet from La Guaira 13 May 1861 to Caracas, clearly oblit. by red c.d.s. "MAY 13", signed and opinion Holcombe. Earliest reported date for the red postmark is the 11 May. Ex Bustamante, lot 31044.

Condition: Cover

Catalog number(s): Sc. 4, Mi. 1 II d (1046927) (Image) (image1) (image2) (All Scans)


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Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM
7347 Brief (cover) Sc. 4, Mi. 1 II d image

1859/1862, Coarse Impression, ½r. orange, three copies of fresh colour (different shades), slightly cut into to good margins, paying triple weight lettersheet from La Guaira 26 July 1861 to Caracas, oblit. by two strikes of green c.d.s. Ex Hubbard, ex Dr.Heister, lot 1255.

Condition: Cover

Catalog number(s): Sc. 4, Mi. 1 II d (1047071) (Image) (image1) (All Scans)


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SOLD for €450.00
Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM
7348 Brief (cover) Sc. 4, Mi. 1 II image

1859/1862, Coarse Impression ½r. orange, single franking on lettersheet from Caracas 9 Febr 1860 to La Guayra, clearly oblit. by red oval CARACAS with loops, file fold through adhesive. Earliest recorded date of that postmark in red. Ex Dr.Heister, lot 1209.

Condition: Cover

Catalog number(s): Sc. 4, Mi. 1 II (1047016) (Image) (image1) (All Scans)


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Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM
7349 Brief (cover) Sc. 4, Mi. 1 II image

1859/1862, Coarse Impression ½r. orange, fresh colour, slightly cut into to good margins, single franking on lettersheet (reinforced) from Caracas to La Cagua, clearly oblit. by black oval CARACAS with loops, signed Jose Roura. Ex Dr.Heister, lot 1209.

Condition: Cover

Catalog number(s): Sc. 4, Mi. 1 II (1047042) (Image) (image1) (All Scans)


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Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM
7350 Brief (cover) Sc. 4, Mi. 1 II image

1859, Coarse Impression ½r. yellow, bright colour, close to full margins, top marginal copy used on lettersheet from La Guaira 29 Nov 1860 to Caracas, oblit. by perfect strike of blue c.d.s. "LA GUAIRA NOV 29". Ex Hubbard, lot 2351.

Condition: Cover

Catalog number(s): Sc. 4, Mi. 1 II (1047264) (Image) (image1) (All Scans)


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SOLD for €108.00
Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM
7351 Brief (cover) Sc. 4, Mi. 1 II image

1859, Coarse Impression ½r. yellow, bright colour, close to full margins, bottom marginal copy used on lettersheet from Maracaibo 15 May 1860 to Caracas, oblit. by perfect strike of blue c.d.s. "LA GUAIRA MAY 24". Ex Hubbard, lot 2349.

Condition: Cover

Catalog number(s): Sc. 4, Mi. 1 II (1047266) (Image) (image1) (All Scans)


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SOLD for €108.00
Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM
7352 Brief (cover) Sc. 4, Mi. 1 II image

1859, Coarse Impression ½r. yellow, bright colour, cut into at upper right and wrinkling at lower left, marginal copy from the upper left corner of the sheet, used on lettersheet oblit. by perfect strike of blue c.d.s. "LA GUAIRA NOV 19" to Caracas.

Condition: Cover

Catalog number(s): Sc. 4, Mi. 1 II (1047268) (Image) (image1) (All Scans)


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SOLD for €90.00
Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM
7353 ungebraucht ohne Gummi (unused without gum) (*) Sc. 4a, Mi. 1 II b image

1859/1862, Coarse Impression ½r. yellow, fresh colour, full margins all around, dividing line slightly touched at lower left, others fully visible, unused without gum. An extremely fresh, pristine and faultless example of the rarest basic stamps of Venezuela of which eight unused stamps in total are recorded. Certificate Dr.Heister BPP.

Condition: (*) (mint without gum)

Catalog number(s): Sc. 4a, Mi. 1 II b (1046752) (Image) (image1) (image2) (All Scans)


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SOLD for €4,400.00
Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM
7354 Brief (cover) Sc. 4a, Mi. 1 II b image

1859/1862, Coarse Impression ½r. yellow, horizontal strip of five, partly cut into to large margins, vertical file fold, paying 2½r. rate on lettersheet dated 12 July 1861 from "CARACAS JUL 21" to Boulton, La Guayra. Only five entires bearing a strip of five are recorded. Certificate Heister BPP. Ex Hubbard , lot 2358.

Condition: Cover

Catalog number(s): Sc. 4a, Mi. 1 II b (1046762) (Image) (image1) (image2) (All Scans)


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SOLD for €900.00
Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM
7355 Brief (cover) Sc. 4b, Mi. 1 II c image

1859/1862, Coarse Impression ½r. olive yellow, fresh colour, right marginal copy, slightly touched at lower right, single franking on lettersheet from "LA GUAIRA AGO 21" to Caracas, signed Holcombe. Exceptional.

Condition: Cover

Catalog number(s): Sc. 4b, Mi. 1 II c (1047085) (Image) (image1) (All Scans)


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SOLD for €225.00
Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM
7356 ungebraucht (hinged) * Sc. 4c, Mi. 1 II d var. image

1859/1862, Coarse Impression, ½r. orange on greenish (bluish) paper, fresh colour, good margins all around, mint original gum with hinge remnant, slight thin spot at top. A decent copy of this rare paper, probably proof status. Certificate Dr.Heister BPP. Ex Hubbard, lot 2359.

Condition: * (mint hinged)

Catalog number(s): Sc. 4c, Mi. 1 II d var. (1046912) (Image) (image1) (image2) (All Scans)


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Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM
7357 ungebraucht (hinged) * Sc. 4c, Mi. 1 II d var. image

1859/1862, Coarse Impression, ½r. orange on greenish (bluish) paper, fresh colour, good margins all around, mint original gum with hinge remnant, signed Holcombe. A decent copy of this rare paper, probably proof status. Certificate Dr.Heister BPP.

Condition: * (mint hinged)

Catalog number(s): Sc. 4c, Mi. 1 II d var. (1046979) (Image) (image1) (image2) (All Scans)


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Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM
7358 postfrisch (never hinged) ** ungebraucht (hinged) * Sc. 5, Mi. 2 II image

1859/1862, Coarse Impression 1r. blue, complete sheet of 100, fresh colour, mint original gum, hinged in margins only resp. affecting only one stamp (=99 stamps are never hinged). The sheet shows a rich deep shade with clear impressions of design which is characteristic for the early printings. Thus, it not shows the "White Spot flaw" on pos. 11 which occurs on intermediate and late printings. Four stamps (pos. 66+67+76+77) with centric thin spot, two horizontal and one vertical creases. Only three complete sheets are known. Comprehensive certificate Dr.Heister BPP.

Condition: ** (mint never hinged)/* (mint hinged)

Catalog number(s): Sc. 5, Mi. 2 II (1047104) (Image) (image1) (image2) (All Scans)


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Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM
7359 gestempelt (marked) Sc. 5, Mi. 2 II image

1859/1862, Coarse Impression 1r. blue, deep colour and good even margins all around, clearly oblit. by two strikes of red CARACAS c.d.s. Exceptional. Ex Hubbard, lot 2378.

Condition: o (used)

Catalog number(s): Sc. 5, Mi. 2 II (1046895) (Image) (image1) (All Scans)


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Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM
7360 Briefstück (on piece) Sc. 5c, Mi. 2 II H image

1859/1862, Coarse Impression 1r. blue horizontally bisected (slight toning, vertical crease) used on piece with undated double ring CARACAS postmark. Signed and opinion Holcombe. Ex Bustamante, lot 31059.

Condition: on piece

Catalog number(s): Sc. 5c, Mi. 2 II H (1046855) (Image) (image1) (image2) (All Scans)


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Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM
7361 Brief (cover) Sc. 5, Mi. 2 II image

1859/1862, Coarse Impression 1r. blue, bright colour, close to wide margins, single franking on lettersheet from Valencia 22 March 1863 to Caracas, clearly oblit. by numeral "2¼". Unique obliteration on an adhesive. Ex Dr.Heister, lot 1223.

Condition: Cover

Catalog number(s): Sc. 5, Mi. 2 II (1046867) (Image) (image1) (All Scans)


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Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM
7362 Brief (cover) Sc. 5, Mi. 2 II image

1859/1862, Coarse Impression 1r. blue, intense colour, good margins all around, single franking on lettersheet from Valencia 20 Oct 1863 to Caracas, clearly oblit. by numeral "0", horizontal file fold through adhesive, entire with reinforcements.

Condition: Cover

Catalog number(s): Sc. 5, Mi. 2 II (1046870) (Image) (image1) (All Scans)


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SOLD for €360.00
Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM
7363 postfrisch (never hinged) ** Sc. 6, Mi. 3 II a image

1859/1862, Coarse Impression 2r. red, bottom marginal horizontal pair, fresh colour and full margins all around, mint never hinged, without signature. Exceptional.

Condition: ** (mint never hinged)

Catalog number(s): Sc. 6, Mi. 3 II a (1046822) (Image) (image1) (All Scans)


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Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM

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