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Stamps continued...

Barbados continued...
Lot Symbol Catalog No. Descrip Opening
7126 postfrisch (never hinged) ** 864 I (4) Imperf. image

1994/1999. IMPERFORATE block of 4 (type I without year) for the 70c value of the definitives set SHIPS showing "Cargo ship 'Inanda' (1928)". Mint, nh. In all 4 imperforate stamps.

Condition: ** (mint never hinged)

Catalog number(s): 864 I (4) Imperf.
This lot is "Gebotslos". The Minimum Bid is 20 €, it will be sold at the HIGHEST BID (not one bidding step above the second highest bid). (871921) (Image) (image1) (All Scans)


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Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM
7127 postfrisch (never hinged) ** 865 I (4) Imperf. image

1994/1999. IMPERFORATE block of 4 (type I without year) for the 80c value of the definitives set SHIPS showing "Battleship HMS 'Rodney' (1944)". Mint, nh. In all 4 imperforate stamps.

Condition: ** (mint never hinged)

Catalog number(s): 865 I (4) Imperf.
This lot is "Gebotslos". The Minimum Bid is 20 €, it will be sold at the HIGHEST BID (not one bidding step above the second highest bid). (871923) (Image) (image1) (All Scans)


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Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM
7128 postfrisch (never hinged) ** 867 I (4) Imperf. image

1994/1999. IMPERFORATE block of 4 (type I without year) for the $1.10 value of the definitives set SHIPS showing "Emigrant ship 'William and John' (1627)". Mint, nh. In all 4 imperforate stamps.

Condition: ** (mint never hinged)

Catalog number(s): 867 I (4) Imperf.
This lot is "Gebotslos". The Minimum Bid is 20 €, it will be sold at the HIGHEST BID (not one bidding step above the second highest bid). (871927) (Image) (image1) (All Scans)


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Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM
7129 postfrisch (never hinged) ** 869 I (4) Imperf. image

1994/1999. IMPERFORATE block of 4 (type I without year) for the $10 value of the definitives set SHIPS showing "Full-rigged ship 'Artist' (1877)". Mint, nh. In all 4 imperforate stamps.

Condition: ** (mint never hinged)

Catalog number(s): 869 I (4) Imperf.
This lot is "Gebotslos". The Minimum Bid is 20 €, it will be sold at the HIGHEST BID (not one bidding step above the second highest bid). (871929) (Image) (image1) (All Scans)


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SOLD for €30.00
Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM
Lot Symbol Catalog No. Descrip Opening
7130 schön (beautifully)postfrisch (never hinged) **ErsttagsblätterAnsichtskarte (Picture postcard) 1s-10s image

1933 Complete set of 10 perf "SPECIMEN", mint hinged, fresh and fine. (SG £350)

Condition: Specimen

Catalog number(s): SG 1s-10s
Value Add Taxes will be added to the hammer price and the buyers premium. (1046613) (Image) (image1) (All Scans)


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SOLD for €85.00
Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM
Belgian Congo
Lot Symbol Catalog No. Descrip Opening
7131 postfrisch (never hinged) ** 157/163 U image

1935, 50th Anniversary of Congo State, 0.50fr. to 5fr., complete set IMPERFORATE, mint never hinged. COB 185/91, 3.500,- €. Yvert 185/91, 4.500,- €.

Condition: ** (mint never hinged)

Catalog number(s): 157/163 U (1046247) (Image) (image1) (All Scans)


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SOLD for €200.00
Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM
7132 postfrisch (never hinged) ** 157/163 U image

1935, 50th Anniversary of Congo State, 0.50fr. to 5fr., complete set IMPERFORATE, mint never hinged. COB 185/91, 3.500,- €. Yvert 185/91, 4.500,- €.

Condition: ** (mint never hinged)

Catalog number(s): 157/163 U (1046250) (Image) (image1) (All Scans)


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SOLD for €200.00
Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM
7133 postfrisch (never hinged) ** 157/163 U (2) image

1935, 50th Anniversary of Congo State, 0.50fr. to 5fr., complete set in IMPERFORATE vertical gutter pairs, mint never hinged. COB 185/91, 7.000,- €. Yvert 185/91, 9.000,- € (this is the price for two imperforate sets, without premium for the gutters).

Condition: ** (mint never hinged)

Catalog number(s): 157/163 U (2) (1046258) (Image) (image1) (All Scans)


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SOLD for €570.00
Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM
7134 postfrisch (never hinged) ** 157/163 U (4) image

1935, 50th Anniversary of Congo State, 0.50fr. to 5fr., complete set in IMPERFORATE marginal blocks of four from the upper left corner of the sheet, mint never hinged. COB 185/91, 14.000,- €. Yvert 185/91, 18.000,- €.

Condition: ** (mint never hinged)

Catalog number(s): 157/163 U (4) (1046244) (Image) (image1) (image2) (image3) (image4) (image5) (image6) (image7) (All Scans)


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SOLD for €850.00
Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM
7135 postfrisch (never hinged) ** 157/163 U (4) image

1935, 50th Anniversary of Congo State, 0.50fr. to 5fr., complete set in IMPERFORATE right marginal blocks of four, mint never hinged. COB 185/91, 14.000,- €. Yvert 185/91, 18.000,- €.

Condition: ** (mint never hinged)

Catalog number(s): 157/163 U (4) (1046237) (Image) (image1) (image2) (image3) (image4) (image5) (image6) (image7) (All Scans)


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SOLD for €900.00
Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM
7136 postfrisch (never hinged) ** 157/163 U (4) image

1935, 50th Anniversary of Congo State, 0.50fr. to 5fr., complete set in IMPERFORATE marginal blocks of four from the lower right corner of the sheet, mint never hinged. COB 185/91, 14.000,- €. Yvert 185/91, 18.000,- €.

Condition: ** (mint never hinged)

Catalog number(s): 157/163 U (4) (1046241) (Image) (image1) (image2) (image3) (image4) (image5) (image6) (image7) (All Scans)


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SOLD for €900.00
Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM
7137 postfrisch (never hinged) ** 157/163 U (4) image

1935, 50th Anniversary of Congo State, 0.50fr. to 5fr., complete set in IMPERFORATE left marginal blocks of four, mint never hinged. COB 185/91, 14.000,- €. Yvert 185/91, 18.000,- €.

Condition: ** (mint never hinged)

Catalog number(s): 157/163 U (4) (1046239) (Image) (image1) (image2) (image3) (image4) (image5) (image6) (image7) (All Scans)


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SOLD for €850.00
Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM
Lot Symbol Catalog No. Descrip Opening
7138 postfrisch (never hinged) ** Yvert 956 Aw image

2000, 40 F "horse" surcharged "135 F", mnh. rare.

Condition: ** (mint never hinged)

Catalog number(s): Yvert 956 Aw (1035882) (Image) (image1) (All Scans)


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Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM
7139 postfrisch (never hinged) ** Ywert 956 Ay image

2000, 40 F "bird" surcharged "135 F", mnh. rare.

Condition: ** (mint never hinged)

Catalog number(s): Ywert 956 Ay (1035886) (Image) (image1) (All Scans)


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Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM
7140 postfrisch (never hinged) ** 1401 - 17 image

2007, Juni, Lokale Freimarkenausgabe - geänderte Wertaufdrucke auf älteren Marken von Benin - kompletter Satz von 17 Werten. Diese Ausgaben sind extrem selten, sie wurden niemals über Agenturen oder den Sammlerschalter von Cotonou verkauft, der allergrößte Teil wurde unerkannt im Postverkehr verbraucht. Viele schöne Motive u.a. Rotary, KW 400,-

Condition: ** (mint never hinged)

Catalog number(s): 1401 - 17 (1035851) (Image) (image1) (All Scans)


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Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM
Lot Symbol Catalog No. Descrip Opening
7141 Brief (cover) image
Brazil - Pre Adhesives / Stampless Covers

1835, Carta circulada do Curato de Sta Rita do Rio Abaixo para Ouro Preto com carimbo de saída "S. SOAO DEL REI" linear, cert. Fevereiro (2017) "... original em todos os seus aspectos, ... bom estado de conservacão"

Condition: Cover (1031947) (Image) (image1) (image2) (All Scans)


Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM
7142 Brief (cover) image
Brazil - Pre Adhesives / Stampless Covers

1835, Carta circulada de Minas Novas para Ouro Preto com carimbo de saída "MINAS NOVAS" linear, marca de isencão de porte "SP", cat. tipo P-MG-36, cert. Fevereiro (2018) "... original em todos os seus aspectos, ... bom estado de conservacão"

Condition: Cover (1031943) (Image) (image1) (image2) (All Scans)


Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM
7143 Brief (cover) image
Brazil - Pre Adhesives / Stampless Covers

1835, Sobrecarta completa de 22-07-1835 de Serra des San Antonio do Grão Mogol para a Vila des Minas Novas com a marca "SP" de serviço público e nelo carimbo "SERRA" com moldura. Cat. de Selos do Brasil RHM (59. ed.) P-MG-60, cert. P. Meyer (2018)

Condition: Cover (1031938) (Image) (image1) (image2) (All Scans)


Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM
7144 Brief (cover) image
Brazil - Pre Adhesives / Stampless Covers

1848, 26 AP: entire letter posted at the British Post Office at Rio de Janeiro addressed for Syra, Greece, m/s endorsed "per Firebrand" (a Royal Nave frigate) to Falmouth. From there via Marseillees to Syra by French packet. Various postal markings and rates, including "COLONIES /& c.Art 13, exchange instructional marking applied in London. See detailed article in Philotelia issue 699 (2016) and also page 373 of vol.1 of J. Daes book "The Hellenic Postal Rates 1828.1875".
Extremely rare, certainly the earliest recorded letter between Greece and South America, a key item in Greek preadhesive postal history.

Condition: Cover (1043037) (Image) (image1) (All Scans)


SOLD for €1,000.00
Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM
7144A ungebraucht ohne Gummi (unused without gum) (*) image

1894 "PRINCIPALITY OF TRINIDAD" local post: Four different DIE PROOFS 5 cents with inscription "Principality of Trinidad" in English instead of "Principauté de Trinidad" in French, all die proofs are different (paper, colour, one optd. "SPECIMEN"), with a few stains otherwise fine. They are EXTREMELY RARE, several UNIQUE and unrecorded in the book of Wolfgang Baldus.

Condition: (*) (mint without gum) (1039994) (Image) (image1) (image2) (image3) (image4) (image5) (image6) (image7) (All Scans)


Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM
Brit. East Africa+Uganda
Lot Symbol Catalog No. Descrip Opening
7145 Brief (cover) ex 17 - 25 image
British East Africa+Uganda

1908, King Edward ½ a - 8 a definitives tied by cds "MOMBASSA E.A.P 13.FE 08" to preprinted registered cover sent registered with R2 "R MOMBASA" on front and "ADEN REG FE 27 08" transit as well as "BERN 11. III.08" arrival on reverse.

Condition: Cover

Catalog number(s): ex 17 - 25
Value Add Taxes will be added to the hammer price and the buyers premium. (1043814) (Image) (image1) (All Scans)


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Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM
7146 postfrisch (never hinged) ** SB 3 (2), SB 4 (2) image
British East Africa+Uganda

1938/1952: 1938 KGVI 3s 40 c booklet, two different arrangements of the covers/stamps, mhn but slightly aged. together 1950/52 KGVI 1/- booklet, also in two different arrangements of the covers/stamps. In total 4 booklets.

Condition: ** (mint never hinged)

Catalog number(s): SB 3 (2), SB 4 (2) (1032816) (Image) (image1) (image2) (image3) (image4) (image5) (image6) (image7) (All Scans)


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SOLD for €240.00
Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM
Brit. Antarctic Terr.
Lot Symbol Catalog No. Descrip Opening
7147 postfrisch (never hinged) ** 357/64+367/68 var. (2) image
British Antarctica

2003, Research stations definitive issue ten different stamps (1p. to 50p., £3 and £5) in IMPERFORATE vertical gutter pairs, mint never hinged and very scarce!

Condition: ** (mint never hinged)

Catalog number(s): 357/64+367/68 var. (2) (703171) (Image)

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SOLD for €100.00
Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM
Brit. South Africa Comp.
Lot Symbol Catalog No. Descrip Opening
7147A ungebraucht ohne Gummi (unused without gum) (*) 12/13 image
British South Africa Company

1892, £5 sage-green and £10 brown, unused no gum.

Condition: (*) (mint without gum)

Catalog number(s): SG 12/13 (1049820) (Image) (image1) (image2) (image3) (All Scans)


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SOLD for €200.00
Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM
7147B ungebraucht ohne Gummi (unused without gum) (*) 92/93 (2) image
British South Africa Company

1901, £5 deep blue and £10 lilac each in horizontal pairs, unused no gum.

Condition: (*) (mint without gum)

Catalog number(s): SG 92/93 (2) (1049821) (Image) (image1) (image2) (image3) (All Scans)


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SOLD for €600.00
Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM
7148 gestempelt (marked) ex 119/122 image
British South Africa Company

1910-13 "Double Heads" - Variety "Double dot flaw" on three singles ½d. of different colour shades. (SG from £1125)

Condition: o (used)

Catalog number(s): SG ex 119/122 (1047794) (Image) (image1) (All Scans)


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SOLD for €300.00
Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM
7149 gestempelt (marked) ex 126/154 image
British South Africa Company

1910-13 "Double Heads" - Variety "Gash in Queen's ear" on 7 different used stamps, from 2d. to 2s., all perf 14, good to fine. (SG from about £750 to about €1250)

Condition: o (used)

Catalog number(s): ex SG 126/154 (1046319) (Image) (image1) (All Scans)


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SOLD for €200.00
Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM
7150 ungebraucht (hinged) * ex 126/153 + 185 image
British South Africa Company

1910-13 "Double Heads" - Variety "Gash in Queen's ear" on 9 different stamps, from 2d. to 2s., all perf 14 except 8d. (perf 13½), mint hinged, good to fine. (SG from about £2300 to about €3800)

Condition: * (mint hinged)

Catalog number(s): ex SG 126/153 + 185 (1046284) (Image) (image1) (All Scans)


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SOLD for €500.00
Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM
7151 ungebraucht (hinged) * ex 131/163 image
British South Africa Company

1910-13 "Double Heads": 7 stamps (2½d., 3d., 3s.(3), 5s. and 10s.) all rouletted, so-called "Clandestine Roulettes", mint, fine and scarce.

Condition: * (mint hinged)

Catalog number(s): ex SG 131/163 (1046087) (Image)

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SOLD for €500.00
Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM
7152 gestempelt (marked) 166 var. image
British South Africa Company

1910-13 Double Head £1 red & black, perf 14, variety "Gash in Queen's ear", used with part of "SALISB(URY) S.A(FRICA)/17. FEB ..." c.d.s., with a short perf at top otherwise fresh and fine. (SG from £1200 to £2000)

Condition: o (used)

Catalog number(s): SG 166 var. (1046562) (Image) (image1) (All Scans)


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SOLD for €400.00
Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM
7153 gestempelt (marked) 179 image
British South Africa Company

1910-13 Double Head £1 red & black, PERF 15, used with part of "SA(LISBURY) S.(AFRICA)/17. FEB ..." c.d.s., fresh and fine. (SG £3250)

Condition: o (used)

Catalog number(s): SG 179 (1046561) (Image) (image1) (All Scans)


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SOLD for €800.00
Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM
7154 image
British South Africa Company

1910-14 "RHODESIA The Bi-Coloured Double Heads" handbook by David C. Underwood, Jr., 111 pages with detailed information, from Essays to Plate Flaws, with a lot of detailed illustrations, fine. A must have for every specialist or aspiring specialist of the "Double Heads". (1046426) (Image)

SOLD for €80.00
Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM
Colony of Canada
Lot Symbol Catalog No. Descrip Opening
7155 gestempelt (marked) 9, 15, 17 image
Colony of Canada

1852/57 Three used stamps, i.e. 6d. grey and 10d. blue on handmade wove paper plus ½d. rose on machine-made paper, all with imperfections (6d. cut into at the right, 10d. with a little slot (over E of TEN) and a little corner defect at bottom right, the ½d. with a thin at lower right), quite good. (SG about £3850)

Condition: o (used)

Catalog number(s): SG 9, 15, 17
Value Add Taxes will be added to the hammer price and the buyers premium. (1046606) (Image) (image1) (All Scans)


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SOLD for €320.00
Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM
New Brunswick
Lot Symbol Catalog No. Descrip Opening
7156 Brief (cover) 17 image
New Brunswick

1866, Victoria 10c. red, single franking with pen-stroke obliteration used on cover from "ST.ANDREWS JY 12 1866" to St.John with faint arrival mark on reverse, envelope roughly opened on reverse, fine.

Condition: Cover

Catalog number(s): SG 17 (1048065) (Image) (image1) (All Scans)


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SOLD for €72.00
Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM
7157 Brief (cover) 18 image
New Brunswick

1863, Steamer 12½c. indigo, single franking on cover to Newark/England with obliteration by mute killer mark and Script straight line "New Brunswick Paid" alongside, on reverse two N.B. rimless circular "SACKVILLE MA 3 1863" and "DORCHESTER MA 3 1863" next to London 16.3. transit and next-day Newark arrival, adhesive and entire some slight imperfections, overall fine.

Condition: Cover

Catalog number(s): SG 18 (1048066) (Image) (image1) (All Scans)


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Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM
Lot Symbol Catalog No. Descrip Opening
7158 Brief (cover) 29 etc. image

1870 5 C. resp. 2 C.+ 3 C. each of 1876 covers from Hamilton to Galashiel Scottland. The 5 C. underpaid and charged accordingly. The 3 C. closed small tear. Both mounted on exhibition pages with description.

Condition: Cover

Catalog number(s): 29 etc.
Value Add Taxes will be added to the hammer price and the buyers premium. (1028334) (Image) (image1) (image2) (image3) (image4) (image5) (All Scans)


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SOLD for €50.00
Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM
7159 Ganzsache (Complete) H&G B6 image
Canada - postal stationery

1890, Stationery envelope 1c. blue uprated by Small Heads ½c. black pair, 1c. yellow, 2c. green (2) and 3c. red, used from "MONTREAL JU 30 1890" to Bombay/India with transit and arrival mark on reverse, opened at two sides, slight age wear, overall fine.

Condition: postal stationery

Catalog number(s): H&G B6 (1048025) (Image) (image1) (All Scans)


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SOLD for €95.00
Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM
Lot Symbol Catalog No. Descrip Opening
7160 Brief (cover) 80 (5), 82, 83 (2), 85 (2 image

1910, Centenary 2c. red/black (5), 5c. blue/black, 10c. brown/black (2) and 15c. slate/black, 65c. rate on heavy weight commercial cover from Santiago to Leipzig/Germany, usual postal wear/slight imperfections as to be expected.

Condition: Cover

Catalog number(s): 80 (5), 82, 83 (2), 85 (2) (1046700) (Image) (image1) (All Scans)


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Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM
7161 Ganzsache (Complete) image
Chile - postal stationery

1882, card 4 C. blue canc. "Valparaiso 14 Dic 82" to Tessaloniki/Turkey (Salonique) with arrival of austrian p.o. "Salonico 7 1 83" on reverse. Unusual destination.

Condition: postal stationery (1045319) (Image) (image1) (All Scans)


Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM
Costa Rica
Lot Symbol Catalog No. Descrip Opening
7162 Ganzsache (Complete) Lo11/Lo14 Proof image
Costa Rica - postal stationry

1947 Intern. Reply Coupon "London" Hybrider type 11 (front)/type 14 (back) as a proof, fine mint.

Condition: postal stationery

Catalog number(s): Lo11/Lo14 Proof (1027324) (Image) (image1) (All Scans)


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Closing..Feb-20, 01:00 AM

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