19232 |
Brief (cover) Ganzsache (Complete) |
1930-1951 (about): 86 covers and Postal Stationeries of the Philippines (mainly US period) with a wide variety of frankings, including a lot of interesting commercial air mail to Zurich, Schweiz (1938-1946)
showing the following markings "PAR AVION SINGAPORE VIA AIR MAIL", Singapore censor labels and handstamps (various types), "PASSED FOR TRANSMISSION SINGAPORE /9" (various numbers) in a triangle, "VIA SUEZ", "VIA CLIPPER", "VIA AIR MAIL IN USA ONLY",
"AIR MAIL VIA CLIPPER". Hong Kong censor labels + handstamps "PAR AVION HONG KONG VIA AIR MAIL", "PASSED CENSOR HONG KONG 4", US censorship. 1941 cover to Zürich "VIA SIBERIA" + US censorship. But also several "PAQUEBOT" covers, Ship Mail
"U.S.T.P.SEAPOST S.S.PRES.COOLIDGE 1934", First Flight covers, rare "VICTORY" HANDSTAMP on 1945 O.B cover, U.S ARMY POSTAL SERVICE covers, "V...- MAIL" envelope from Leyte etc... (S) (Tax Method: Margin System) (Image) (image2)
(All Scans) |
SOLD for €850.00
Closing..Jun-18, 01:00 AM |