SURFACE PRINTED continued...
Lot |
Symbol |
Descrip |
Opening |
1451 |
1867-83 Maltese Cross 10s greenish grey FB, VFU with centrally struck 'Glasgow' c.d.s, a lovely example, SG.128, Cat.£3200.
Estimate £ 450-550
Starting Bid £ 450
Closing..Mar-25, 12:00 PM |
1452 |
1867-83 £5 orange on blued paper, ovptd SPECIMEN Type 9, couple of short perfs at base o/w fine M, SG.133s. (1) Cat. £3000.
Estimate £ 500-600
Starting Bid £ 500
Closing..Mar-25, 12:00 PM |
1453 |
1873-80 Wmk Spray 3d rose Pl.17, fine M, SG.143. (1) Cat. £525. (Image)
Estimate £ 50-60
Starting Bid £ 50
Closing..Mar-25, 12:00 PM |
1454 |
1877 4d sage green Pl.16, good U example, wmk inverted, SG.153wi. (1) Cat. £650 (Image)
Estimate £ 60-90
Starting Bid £ 60
Closing..Mar-25, 12:00 PM |
1455 |
1880-83 3d on 3d lilac, fine M (bright even colour), SG.159. (1) Cat. £650 (Image)
Estimate £ 70-80
Starting Bid £ 70
Closing..Mar-25, 12:00 PM |
1456 |
1882 4d grey brown Pl.18, very fine o.g, Imperf Imprimatur lett EI, very scarce, one of only 25 possible examples, many of which are in institutional collections, SG.160var. (1) Cat. £2500 (Image)
Estimate £ 500-650
Starting Bid £ 500
Closing..Mar-25, 12:00 PM |
1457 |
1883 6d on 6d lilac Pl.18, lett KK, superb UM, SG.162. (1) Cat. £675. (Image)
Estimate £ 150-200
Starting Bid £ 150
Closing..Mar-25, 12:00 PM |
1458 |
1880 ½d Plate Proof, very fine Imperf example printed in black on thick white wove paper, SG.164var. (1) Cat. £700 (Image)
Estimate £ 100-150
Starting Bid £ 100
Closing..Mar-25, 12:00 PM |
1459 |
1880 1d Venetian red (SG.166) complete reconstructed sheet of 240 examples neatly displayed on exhibition leaves (mixed condition), also a single example showing the 're-cut tail to R' variety, good U centred to right (Cat.
£275), also M block of twelve & two pairs. Overall Cat. £4575. (Image)
Estimate £ 150-250
Starting Bid £ 150
Closing..Mar-25, 12:00 PM |
1460 |
1881 1d lilac Die II, fine UM showing 'PEARS SOAP' advert on back in blue outline letters. SG.K8l. Cat. £650 (Image)
Estimate £ 200-250
Starting Bid £ 200
Closing..Mar-25, 12:00 PM |
1461 |
1883-84 2/6d lilac & 5s crimson, both fresh M examples, SG.178 & 181. (2) Cat. £1575. (Image)
Estimate £ 175-225
Starting Bid £ 175
Closing..Mar-25, 12:00 PM |
1462 |
1883-84 2/6d lilac, fine M, SG.178. (1) Cat. £600 (Image)
Estimate £ 60-80
Starting Bid £ 60
Closing..Mar-25, 12:00 PM |
1463 |
1883-84 2/6d, 5s & 10s each VFU, SG.178/183, 1887 Jubilee good to FU range incl. 3d (7), 4½d (5), 5d (4), 9d (2) etc. (58)
Estimate £ 80-120
Starting Bid £ 80
Closing..Mar-25, 12:00 PM |
1464 |
1884 Crowns £1 brown-lilac CD (SG.185), used with London octagonal d/stamp, with faults. Good space filler. (1) (Image)
Estimate £ 80-100
Starting Bid £ 80
Closing..Mar-25, 12:00 PM |
1465 |
1883 lilac & green set optd SPECIMEN, o.g, odd very minor tone, SG.187s/196s, Cat. £1790. (Image)
Estimate £ 300-350
Starting Bid £ 300
Closing..Mar-25, 12:00 PM |
1466 |
1884 2½d Colour Trial, very fine Imperf example printed on white gummed Crown watermarked paper in bright mauve lettered DT, SG.190var. Scarce. (1) (Image)
Estimate £ 500-600
Starting Bid £ 500
Closing..Mar-25, 12:00 PM |
1467 |
1887 Jubilee ½d vermilion, fine marginal UM showing 'PEARS SOAP' advert on back in orange outline letters. SG.K27(2)m. (1) Cat. £625
Estimate £ 200-250
Starting Bid £ 200
Closing..Mar-25, 12:00 PM |
1468 |
1886 9d Head Plate Die Proof, very fine example printed in black on white glazed card, endorsed 'BEFORE HARDENING' and dated '10 JUN 86,' SG.209var. Very scarce. (1) Cat. £1800 (Image)
Estimate £ 400-500
Starting Bid £ 400
Closing..Mar-25, 12:00 PM |
1469 |
1887 10d dull purple & scarlet, fine UM marginal block of four, SG.210b. (Image)
Estimate £ 150-200
Starting Bid £ 150
Closing..Mar-25, 12:00 PM |
1470 |
1887-92 £1 green, U 1890 c.d.s, good even colour, fine. SG.212, Cat. £800. (Image)
Estimate £ 130-150
Starting Bid £ 130
Closing..Mar-25, 12:00 PM |